
Cole set the tent on the ground and stretched. " Well, this is nice."

Kai and Jay gave him a look.

" Buddy, do you even remember HOW we found out we were camping?" Kai asked, crossing his arms.

Cole laughed nervously. " Okay, maybe Mia squishing us into a tent while we're sleeping, to find us coodled up to each other isn't the BEST way. But, it woke us up!"

" Yeah, screaming bloody murder."  Jay replied, sarcasticly.

One peaceful night, Cole, Kai, and Jay were fast asleep, each in their own beds, enjoying the rare moment of tranquility. However, in the blink of an eye, they found themselves squeezed into a small, cramped tent, hugging each other tightly. They woke up simultaneously, their eyes wide with shock and confusion.

"Ew! Get off me!" Jay yelped, trying to disentangle himself from the pile.

"Why are we hugging?!" Cole exclaimed, pushing away.

Kai scrambled to his feet, his face a mix of annoyance and bewilderment. "What's going on?"

As they sat up and took in their surroundings, they realized they were in the middle of a camp-themed setup. The tent was filled with sleeping bags, lanterns, and the distinct smell of pine trees wafted through the air. It was then that they noticed a neatly folded letter lying in the middle of the tent.

Jay picked up the letter and groaned. "It's from Mia."

Cole and Kai sighed in unison as Jay unfolded the letter and began to read aloud:

"Dear Cole, Kai, and Jay,

Welcome to my latest creation: Camp Mia Escape Room! I hope you enjoyed your surprise wake-up call. This camp-themed adventure will test your survival skills, teamwork, and wits. Remember, you can only escape if you solve all the puzzles and challenges I've set up for you. Good luck, and have fun!

P.S. No complaining! ;)

Love, Mia"

Cole dropped his head into his hands. "Why does she keep doing this to us?"

Kai shook his head, chuckling despite himself. "She's relentless. But I have to admit, she keeps things interesting."

Jay folded the letter back up and sighed. "Let's just get this over with. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can get back to our beds."

Their first challenge was to put up a tent. They stared at the pile of poles, stakes, and fabric in front of them, feeling a wave of uncertainty wash over them.

"Great," Jay muttered, picking up a tent pole and examining it with confusion. "None of us have ever been camping before. How are we supposed to do this?"

Cole sighed, scratching his head. "I guess we just... follow the instructions?" He looked around but saw no instruction manual in sight.

Kai unfolded the tent fabric, which immediately got tangled with the poles. "This is already a disaster."

They spent the next few minutes fumbling with the tent pieces, trying to figure out which pole went where. It was clear that their ninja training hadn't prepared them for this particular challenge.

"Okay, let's try this," Jay suggested, holding up two poles that seemed to fit together. "Maybe if we connect these..."

Cole attempted to drive a stake into the ground, only to hit a rock and send it flying. "Oops."

Kai, holding up the tent fabric, tripped over another stake, causing the entire thing to collapse in a heap. "This is impossible!"

As they continued their struggle, Jay spotted a clue on the ground. It was a piece of paper with a diagram of the tent setup. "Hey, look! A diagram! This should help."

They gathered around the diagram, studying it carefully. It was still complicated, but at least now they had a guide.

"Okay, let's try this again," Jay said with renewed determination. "Cole, you hold the poles. Kai, you secure the stakes. I'll handle the fabric."

Slowly but surely, they began to make progress. With each step, their confidence grew. After what felt like hours of trial and error, they finally managed to get the tent standing.

"We did it!" Cole exclaimed, stepping back to admire their handiwork.

Kai wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I can't believe we actually managed to put up a tent."

Jay grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Good job, guys. One challenge down, who knows how many to go."

They high-fived each other, proud of their teamwork and perseverance. Despite the initial frustration, they had managed to overcome the first obstacle Mia had set for them.

As they moved on to the next challenge, they couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of their situation. Camping might not have been their forte, but they were determined to face whatever else Mia had in store for them.

The next challenge was to make a fire. They gathered around a small fire pit, looking at the empty space where the firewood should have been.

"Great," Cole said, frustration evident in his voice. "There’s nothing here to make a fire with."

Jay looked around, hoping to find something they could use. "Maybe there’s something hidden nearby?"

Kai stepped forward, ready to use his fire powers. "I’ll just use my powers to—" He stopped mid-sentence, realizing the walls around them were lined with Vengestone. "Oh, right. I can’t use my powers here."

They searched the area, but there was nothing in sight that could help them start a fire. No wood, no matches, nothing.

"This is impossible," Cole said, kicking at the dirt. "How are we supposed to make a fire with nothing?"

Jay noticed a small note hidden under a rock near the fire pit. He picked it up and read it aloud. "Think outside the box."

Kai groaned. "That’s not helpful, Mia!"

Cole scratched his head, trying to think of an alternative. "Maybe we need to find something unconventional to use."

Jay’s eyes lit up. "What about friction? Like rubbing sticks together? We just need to find some sticks."

They began searching for sticks, but the campsite was meticulously clean. It was as if Mia had anticipated every move they might make.

Kai suddenly had an idea. "What if we use our environment in a different way? We don’t have sticks, but we do have stones and some dried grass over there."

They gathered some dried grass and a couple of flat stones. Jay and Cole took turns trying to create sparks by striking the stones together while Kai arranged the grass in a small bundle.

"Come on, come on," Cole muttered, focusing on the stones.

After several minutes of trying, a small spark finally ignited the dried grass. They carefully blew on it, coaxing the tiny flame to grow.

"We did it!" Jay exclaimed as the fire began to crackle.

Kai grinned. "Great teamwork, guys. We just had to think creatively."

Cole nodded, feeling proud. "Okay, what’s next on Mia’s list of tortures?"

As they basked in the warm glow of the fire, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Despite the lack of resources, they had managed to overcome yet another challenge. Little did they know, Mia’s escape room had plenty more surprises in store for them.

The next challenge was to find water. As they scanned the campsite, their hopes dwindled. There was no sign of an oasis, water canteens, or anything that resembled a source of hydration.

"Are you kidding me?" Cole groaned. "How are we supposed to find water out here?"

Jay frowned, looking around. "Maybe there’s a hidden clue somewhere."

They searched the area thoroughly, checking behind rocks, under leaves, and even digging a bit in the ground, but found nothing.

Kai spotted something glinting in the sunlight. "Hey, look at this!"

He pulled out a small, framed picture from beneath a bush. It was a photo of Mia, smugly drinking a glass of water with a note beneath it that read, "Stay hydrated!"

Cole stared at the picture, his frustration boiling over. "I hate your sister, Jay."

Jay sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Yeah, she’s definitely outdone herself this time."

Kai, determined to figure out the puzzle, thought hard. "There has to be some way to get water. Maybe we’re missing something."

Cole slumped down on a rock. "What if there’s no water? What if she’s just messing with us?"

Jay knelt down, looking at the ground. "Maybe there’s a way to extract water from the environment. We just have to think creatively again."

Kai nodded. "Plants can hold water. Maybe we can extract it from the leaves or something."

They began gathering leaves and tried various methods to extract moisture. After several failed attempts, they realized it was futile.

"I’m about ready to give up," Cole muttered, throwing a handful of leaves down.

Kai’s eyes suddenly widened. "Wait, what if the challenge is to endure and find a natural source of water through patience?"

Jay looked skeptical. "You mean like, wait until it rains?"

Just then, a small sound caught their attention. It was a faint trickle, barely audible over their frustrated grumbling.

Kai followed the sound, moving some rocks aside. "Guys, over here!"

Behind a cleverly hidden rock formation, there was a tiny spring, barely enough to fill a canteen but it was water nonetheless.

"Finally!" Cole exclaimed, rushing to fill his hands with the water. "I don’t believe it!"

Jay and Kai joined him, relief washing over them as they drank from the small spring.

"Okay, maybe your sister’s not that bad," Cole admitted, wiping his mouth. "But she’s still twisted."

Jay laughed. "Yeah, she is. But at least we’ve made it this far."

Rehydrated and slightly more optimistic, they prepared themselves for whatever other challenges Mia had in store for them in this bizarre camp-themed escape room.

The next challenge was to find a bathroom. As they looked around the campsite, their frustration grew once more.

Kai crossed his arms. "I am not doing anything in the bushes. This is ridiculous."

Jay found another note from Mia stuck to a tree. It read, "If you want a bathroom, you need to be optimistic!"

Cole read the note aloud and groaned. "Great. How are we supposed to be optimistic about finding a bathroom?"

Kai rolled his eyes. "Maybe if we start thinking positive thoughts, a bathroom will magically appear."

Jay chuckled, joining in on the sarcasm. "Yeah, like, 'I believe in bathrooms. Bathrooms are wonderful and plentiful.'"

Cole smirked. "Sure, and maybe the toilet will come with a gold-plated seat."

As they continued their sarcastic remarks, they wandered around the campsite, half-heartedly looking for any signs of a hidden bathroom.

"Perhaps if I click my heels three times and say, 'There’s no place like a bathroom,' it’ll show up," Kai added, making exaggerated clicking sounds with his heels.

Jay laughed. "Or maybe we should hold hands and sing a bathroom-themed song. 'We wish upon a star for a toilet near and far.'"

Cole snorted. "Yeah, because that’ll definitely work. Maybe we should also wish for some air conditioning and a five-star meal while we’re at it."

Just as they were about to give up and actually consider the bushes, they stumbled upon a small, cleverly disguised outhouse behind a dense thicket of trees. It had a sign on the door that read, "Optimism Reward."

Cole’s jaw dropped. "You’ve got to be kidding me."

Kai shook his head, a mix of disbelief and amusement on his face. "Well, I’ll be darned. I guess sarcasm is a form of optimism."

Jay laughed, pushing open the door to reveal a surprisingly clean and well-maintained bathroom inside. "Mia’s got a weird sense of humor, but at least she’s thorough."

As they took turns using the bathroom, they couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

Cole emerged from the outhouse, shaking his head with a grin. "Okay, I’ll admit, that was kind of clever. Annoying, but clever."

Kai nodded. "Yeah, she really put us through the wringer. But we survived. What’s next?"

Jay, feeling a bit more confident now, looked around. "Whatever it is, I’m sure we’ll figure it out. We’ve come this far, after all."

The next challenge required them to find electricity. As they searched the campsite, they quickly realized there was nothing resembling a power source.

Kai sighed. "Sheesh. Your sister is annoying."

Jay nodded but smiled. "Yeah, but she's sweet. And she loves us."

Cole scratched his head. "We need light, right? So we should use lanterns!"

They looked around but found no lanterns in sight.

Kai clapped his hands together. "Let's make some!"

They scavenged for materials and attempted to fashion makeshift lanterns. Kai tried to fashion a torch with a stick and some cloth, but it wouldn't light. Jay tried to create a lantern using a can and some fireflies, but the fireflies escaped almost immediately. Cole attempted to build a lantern from a jar and some glow-in-the-dark paint, but the paint wasn’t bright enough.

"Well, this isn’t going well," Cole muttered.

Jay looked at his failed lantern, then at the sky growing darker. "We need another plan."

Kai sighed. "I’ve got nothing. This whole no-electricity thing is tougher than I thought."

Cole looked around, trying to think. "Maybe we can use some kind of natural light? The moon’s out, at least."

Just then, they spotted another note from Mia, attached to a tree. It read, "Look up for your light."

Confused, they glanced upward and noticed tiny glowing crystals embedded in the branches of the trees above them.

Jay grinned. "Of course. Mia always has a trick up her sleeve."

Kai shook his head, smiling. "Alright, let’s gather those crystals and use them for light."

With careful teamwork, they managed to retrieve the glowing crystals and placed them around the campsite. The crystals emitted a soft, steady glow, providing enough light to see.

Cole chuckled. "Well, it’s not electricity, but it works."

Jay nodded. "Mia did it again. She always finds a way to make things interesting."

Kai smirked. "Next time, we’ll be better prepared. But for now, let’s make the most of it."

The next challenge was to find food. As they scoured the campsite, they quickly realized that the bushes were bare, and the only berry they found was small and dried up.

Cole groaned. "I want cake!"

Kai raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Really? I thought you said no more cake jokes."

Cole shrugged. "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

Jay sighed, looking around for any sign of food. "There has to be something we can eat."

As they continued searching, they stumbled upon another note from Mia, this time tucked under a rock. It read, "To find food, you need to think like a camper."

Cole read it aloud and groaned again. "Great. Another riddle."

Kai thought for a moment. "What do campers usually do for food? They forage, hunt, or maybe they fish."

Jay's eyes lit up. "Fishing! There's a small stream over there. Maybe we can catch something."

They made their way to the stream and fashioned some makeshift fishing rods from sticks and string they found around the campsite. After a few attempts, they managed to catch a few small fish.

Cole looked at their catch and grinned. "Looks like we’ve got dinner."

Kai nodded. "It’s not cake, but it'll do."

Jay set about cleaning and preparing the fish. They used the glowing crystals to provide light and managed to start a small fire using flint stones they found earlier. Soon, the smell of cooking fish filled the air.

As they sat around the fire, eating their hard-earned meal, Cole couldn’t resist making another joke. "You know, this isn’t half bad. But it’s still not cake."

Kai chuckled. "Well, we’re surviving. That’s what counts."

Jay smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Yeah, and we’re doing it together. That’s what matters most."

The next challenge was to find pillows. As they searched the campsite, they noticed something unusual: a faint glow in the distance. They approached cautiously and realized, to their horror, that the pillows were on fire.

Cole's jaw dropped. "Seriously? Pillows on fire?"

Kai sighed. "Your sister has a twisted sense of humor, Jay."

Jay just shook his head. "Yeah, but we’ve got to find a way to put the fire out and get those pillows."

They looked around for anything that could help extinguish the flames. Cole spotted a nearby bucket and a small stream.

"Quick! Let’s get some water!" Cole shouted.

They filled the bucket with water and hurried back to the burning pillows. They managed to douse the flames with a few trips back and forth to the stream, but the pillows were now wet and slightly charred.

Kai poked at one of the soggy pillows. "Well, it’s not exactly cozy, but it’s better than nothing."

Jay chuckled. "At least we’ve got something to rest our heads on."

Cole sighed, wringing out one of the pillows. "Mia really doesn’t make anything easy, does she?"

Jay shook his head, a small smile on his face. "No, she doesn’t. But she does make sure we’re always on our toes."

They placed the damp pillows in their tent, hoping they would dry out a bit before they had to sleep. Despite the challenges, they knew they were getting closer to the end of Mia’s escape room.

Cole flopped onto his slightly damp pillow and groaned. "I’m ready for a real bed after all this."

Kai nodded, lying back on his pillow. "You and me both."

Jay smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie. "We’re almost through it, guys. Let’s just keep going."

With that, they settled in for the night, determined to face whatever else Mia had in store for them with the same teamwork and perseverance that had gotten them this far.

Unfortunately, Mia had other plans than to let them sleep peacefully.

Five minutes later, they opened their eyes to find themselves in an even more compromising position. They were hugging each other again, but this time, they were duct-taped together.

Jay groaned. "Oh, great. Not this again."

Cole struggled to move but found the tape held firm. "Mia is really pushing it this time."

Kai tried to twist around to get a better look at their predicament. "How does she even come up with these ideas?"

Jay sighed. "She’s got a very creative mind, that’s for sure."

Cole rolled his eyes. "Creative? More like sadistic."

Jay chuckled. "You get used to it."

Kai looked around the tent for anything that might help them get free. "Alright, let’s figure out how to get out of this."

They wriggled and squirmed, trying to free themselves from the tape. After a lot of effort and teamwork, they managed to loosen it enough to break free.

Cole rubbed his wrists where the tape had been. "Okay, now I’m really ready for this to be over."

Jay nodded in agreement. "Same here. Let’s just get through the rest of this escape room and find Mia."

Kai sighed. "Agreed. But let’s be careful. Who knows what else she has in store for us."

They carefully exited the tent, staying alert for any more surprises. They looked around, and thankfully, it was okay. They were safe.

For now.

As they ventured further into the escape room, they found themselves facing another challenge: a series of high walls with tricky footholds.

"Great," Cole muttered. "More climbing."

Kai squinted at the walls. "I guess we have to climb up these to move forward. Let’s just get it over with."

Jay, ever the optimist, tried to find the best route. "Look for any handholds and take it slow. We can do this."

They began the climb, each of them finding their own path up the wall. The footholds were uneven, and some crumbled under their weight, making the ascent even more challenging.

Halfway up, Cole slipped but managed to catch himself. "Why does everything have to be so difficult?"

Kai, slightly ahead, chuckled. "Because Mia loves to challenge us. And apparently, she thinks we need the exercise."

Jay, bringing up the rear, called out, "You guys are doing great! Just a little further."

They finally reached the top, panting and sweating. As they pulled themselves over the edge, they saw a sign that read, "Rest Area: Take a Break!"

Cole collapsed onto the ground. "Finally, something nice."

Kai flopped down beside him. "Yeah, let's enjoy it while it lasts."

Jay sat down and looked around. The rest area had a few benches and a small fountain. It seemed too good to be true, but for the moment, they decided to take advantage of it.

After catching their breath, they noticed another letter from Mia on one of the benches. Jay picked it up and read aloud:

"Congratulations on making it this far! Take a breather, but don't get too comfortable. The next part will test your wits and your teamwork. Good luck! - Mia."

Cole groaned. "Great, more tests."

Kai smiled. "Well, at least we know we're getting closer to the end."

Jay nodded. "Let’s rest up and be ready for whatever comes next."

They spent a few more minutes relaxing, drinking from the fountain, and preparing themselves mentally for the next challenge. Once they felt ready, they stood up and headed towards the next part of the escape room.

As they approached the next door, they steeled themselves for whatever Mia had in store. They knew it wouldn’t be easy, but they also knew they could handle it as long as they stuck together.

The next challenge awaited them as they approached a roaring river. The water cascaded down with violent rapids and wild loops that twisted and turned, making it look like the most dangerous rollercoaster ever imagined. The only way forward was a rickety raft waiting at the edge of the river.

Jay eyed the raft nervously. "This looks... intense."

Kai glanced at the wild river. "Well, it's not like we have a choice. We have to get through this."

Cole was already looking queasy. "I don’t know about this. It looks like a recipe for disaster."

Ignoring Cole’s protests, they hopped into the raft. It was barely big enough for the three of them, and they all clung tightly to the sides as the raft began to move.

As soon as they set off, the raft picked up speed, racing down the river. The rapids crashed against them, splashing them with icy water. They shot up and down through the rolling waves, feeling their stomachs lurch with every dip.

“Hold on tight!” Jay shouted over the roar of the water.

The raft surged forward, taking them over a steep drop that felt like they were flying through the air. For a brief moment, they were airborne, suspended in the chaos of the river before crashing back down into the frothy water.

Cole, who was gripping the side with white-knuckled hands, groaned, “I’m getting sick!”

Kai, whose face was flushed and drenched, tried to look ahead, but the rapids were so wild that it was hard to see what was coming. “We’re in for a wild ride!”

They were flung around the raft as it twisted through the rapids, spinning and gyrating through every twist and turn. The roaring river seemed relentless, with the raft plunging down waterfalls and skidding over hidden rocks.

“Watch out for the loop!” Jay yelled as the raft approached a rapid that twisted in a dizzying loop. They went through it, barely managing to stay on the raft as they were swung around in every direction.

Cole, clutching the side and feeling sick to his stomach, could barely keep his eyes open. “I’m not sure how much more of this I can take!”

Just when they thought it couldn’t get any crazier, the raft shot up a ramp that launched them high into the air. For a split second, it felt like they were flying before they came crashing back down into the tumultuous waters.

The spray from the rapids drenched them completely. Their clothes were soaked through, and the cold water made them shiver. The raft bobbed and weaved through the chaotic currents, and they had to constantly shift their weight to avoid being thrown off.

“Look out!” Kai warned as a particularly fierce set of rapids approached. They braced themselves as the raft bucked and swayed, struggling to stay upright.

Eventually, the river’s wild pace began to slow, and the rapids became more manageable. The raft drifted toward a calm stretch of water where they could finally catch their breath.

Jay, still panting and drenched, looked around. “I think we made it through the worst of it.”

Cole slumped against the side of the raft, still looking pale and shaky. “I never want to do that again.”

Kai wiped his face, which was dripping with water, and nodded. “I think we’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

As they floated toward the end of the river, they saw another sign from Mia, who had clearly anticipated their reaction. It read: “Great job! You survived the river! Get ready for the final stretch!”

Jay looked at his friends and smiled weakly. “Well, we’re one step closer to the end. Let’s finish this.”

They found a door. With a mix of anticipation and wariness, they opened it, stepping into what looked like a serene campsite.

Mia stood in the center, grinning proudly. She had set up a perfect campsite complete with a pitched tent, a cozy fire, and even some camping gear neatly laid out. “Congratulations, you guys earned it!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands.

Jay, still catching his breath and adjusting his soggy clothes, looked at her with a mixture of relief and frustration. “Mia, please, no more surprises. And definitely no more making me hug Cole or Kai again.”

Mia's grin widened mischievously. “Maybe not, but at least I have the picture.”

Jay’s expression shifted from relief to shock. “O—” he started, then the realization hit him. “What?!”

Before he could finish his exclamation, Mia took off, sprinting around the campsite. “Catch me if you can!” she taunted, laughing.

Determined, Jay chased after her, darting around the tent and dodging the camping gear strewn about. “Mia, give me that picture!” he yelled, his voice filled with a mix of annoyance and amusement.

Kai and Cole, watching the scene unfold, couldn’t help but laugh. Kai shook his head, still rubbing his sore arms. “Well, at least we survived.”

Cole, chuckling despite his exhaustion, nodded. “Yeah, and it looks like Jay has his hands full now.”

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