Annie's Birthday

Just so you know, Dumbasswriter17 is Annie in this story ( The one holding the cat and dog)

In fact, every time there's an Annie, that's Dumbasswriter17.

So, Dumbasswriter17, whenever it's your birthday, read this.

.... Or you could read it now.

Either works.

" Pssssst. Ann. Pssssst. Wake up!" Someone whispered into her ear

Annie groaned. " Five more minutes, mum."

The figure giggles. " Ann, I'm Mia. Also, it's your birthday."

Annie's eyes snapped wide open. " What?!"

Mia giggled again. " I've got a whole day planned! Meet me in five."

Annie groaned and went under the covers again, but Mia pulled her out.

   Jake,     rose, Blackie , Mia, Nelson

Wow!" Annie breathed as she walked to the waterfall.

Mia, who was behind her, laughed and set the picnic basket down. " I purposefully left the raft at home, so we coul-"

" Make our own?!" Annie squealed. ' this is amazing!"

Mia laughed. " GO get some large branches. I'm vine duty."


Soon, both girls were inside the cave, hiking up the slope with their raft in hand. " This is... quite the.... wor...kout....." Annie huffed as she wiped some sweat off her face.

" But it'll be worth it. Look!" Mia pointed to the top, which was only a few steps away. They hustled up, and took a moment to catch their breath.

" Let's go!" Annie set the raft in the water, and they both climbed on and clung onto the raft's edge. 

As they reached the first set of rapids, they laughed. " Remember how there was a large drop in the last waterfall we went on?" Mia recalled.

Annie nodded. " What are the odds it happens again?"

Then, she looked ahead, and gulped. " Uh, Mia....?"

" It was so fun," Mia continued, unaware of Annie's squeak.

" Mia..."

" We were going do-"

" MIA!" Annie yelled, her voice echoing through the cave.

" Yes?"

" Look!" Annie pointed ahead. Mia peered over her shoulder, and gasped.

There was a waterfall, and not the one leading out.


The raft careened towards the edge, the roar of the waterfall growing louder with each passing second. Annie and Mia clung to the sides, their eyes wide with terror as they tried to brace themselves for the inevitable plunge.

"MIA, I SWEAR IF WE SURVIVE THIS, I'M GONNA—" Annie's threat was cut off by her own scream as the raft tipped over the edge.

“WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE THIS?!” Mia yelled, her voice barely audible over the thundering water. The raft plummeted down the waterfall, the girls gripping it with all their might, their screams blending with the rushing water.

Time seemed to slow as they fell, the world around them a blur of mist and crashing waves. The water sprayed up around them, drenching them to the bone as they descended what felt like an endless drop.

Finally, with a mighty splash, the raft hit the pool below. It bounced and bobbed wildly on the churning water before stabilizing. Mia and Annie were thrown off their feet but managed to hold on, coughing and sputtering as they tried to regain their bearings.

Annie’s heart pounded in her chest, adrenaline still coursing through her veins. “That… was… insane!” she gasped, trying to catch her breath.

Mia, drenched and wide-eyed, burst into laughter. “We survived! We actually survived!”

Annie looked at her, disbelief turning into laughter as well. “I can’t believe we made it!”

They both laughed, the sound echoing through the cave as they floated in the now calmer waters, the danger behind them. The raft drifted lazily, the two girls lying back and looking up at the ceiling of the cave, feeling an exhilarating mix of relief and triumph.

After a moment, Annie turned to Mia with a grin. “Next time, maybe we should stick to a regular picnic?”

Mia snickered. “Where’s the fun in that?”

They laughed again, the thrill of the adventure still tingling in their veins. The waterfall roared behind them, but now it was just a backdrop to their shared sense of accomplishment.

As they floated further away from the falls, the sound of the water grew softer, and the calm pool gave way to a gentle current that carried them towards the cave’s exit. The sunlight filtered in through the opening, casting a golden glow over the water.

Annie closed her eyes, letting the warmth of the sun wash over her. “You know, Mia, this might be the craziest birthday ever… but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Mia smiled, her heart full as she looked at her friend. “Happy birthday, Annie.”

And with that, they floated out of the cave and into the bright, sunlit world beyond, ready for whatever wild adventure came next.

Just as the sunlight started to fill the cave, promising the end of their wild ride, Mia noticed something strange. The water ahead seemed to drop off again, but this time it wasn't just a small dip—it was another massive waterfall.

Annie, who was starting to relax, opened one eye and immediately shot up. “Mia… is that… another fall?”

Mia squinted, her face paling as the raft began to pick up speed. “Uh… I think so…”

Before they could fully process what was happening, the raft surged forward, driven by the powerful current. The realization hit both of them at the same time: they were far from done.

Annie clutched the edge of the raft, her knuckles white. “Are we even out yet?!”

Mia barely had time to shout, “Hold on!” before the raft launched over the edge of the waterfall. The drop wasn’t just steep—it was like falling off the edge of the world. The girls screamed as the raft shot into the air, defying gravity for a heart-stopping moment.

Everything seemed to hang in suspension—time, gravity, their breath. They flew through the air, looking down at what seemed like thousands of feet below them.

“MIA, THIS IS IT!” Annie yelled, her voice cracking as they hung mid-air.

The raft flipped, and they felt that gut-wrenching lurch as they started to plummet. The wind whipped past them, the ground rushing up to meet them. They were falling—fast.

“WHYYYYY?!” Mia screeched, flailing her arms as they hurtled downward.

The water below looked like a tiny speck as they rocketed towards it, the sheer speed turning their screams into choked gasps. The world around them became a blur of motion—sky, water, sky again—until finally, with a tremendous crash, they hit the water below.

The impact was bone-rattling. The raft shattered beneath them, and they were thrown into the cold, swirling water. They tumbled and rolled, desperately trying to orient themselves, gasping for breath.

After what felt like an eternity, they surfaced, coughing and sputtering, clinging to pieces of the broken raft. The roar of the waterfall was now a distant thunder, the world finally stilling around them.

Annie wiped the water from her eyes and looked around, her heart racing. “Mia… are we… alive?”

Mia, soaked and shaken but still holding onto her piece of the raft, looked at Annie with wide eyes. “Barely. But yeah, I think so.”

They both floated in the calm water, trying to catch their breath and piece together what just happened.

Annie groaned, “Next time, I’m picking the activity. And it’s going to be something safe, like… knitting.”

Mia giggled weakly, pushing her wet hair out of her face. “Deal. But admit it… that was kind of amazing.”

Annie managed a tired smile. “Yeah… it kind of was.”

With the danger behind them, they finally let themselves drift towards the shore, ready to collapse in the safety of solid ground, where there would be no more surprises—at least for today.

But there were

Loads more.

And not the good type.

Just as the two began to relax, thinking they had finally escaped the chaos, the water around them started to swirl. At first, it was just a gentle tug, but then it became stronger, pulling them in.

Mia's eyes widened as she felt the current shift beneath her. "Uh, Annie… something’s not right."

Annie looked around, noticing the strange patterns forming in the water. "Mia… what’s happening now?"

Before Mia could respond, the water beneath them suddenly surged, flipping them upside down. They were whipped into a loopty loop, water spraying everywhere as they spiraled through the air, the world turning topsy-turvy in a dizzying blur.

Annie screamed as they were flung through the twists and turns. “MIA, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS PICK WATERFALLS?!”

Mia, struggling to keep her grip on what remained of the raft, could only shout back, “IT LOOKED FUN IN THE BROCHURE!”

The water whipped them through another loop, making their stomachs flip and their heads spin. They clung to their broken pieces of the raft, trying to stay afloat as they were tossed around like they were in a watery roller coaster.

Annie squeezed her eyes shut as they were thrown into yet another loop, feeling the G-forces pulling at her. “THIS IS NOT FUN!” she yelled, her voice echoing through the cavern.

Mia, who was doing her best to keep from losing her grip, yelled back, “I’LL REMEMBER THAT FOR NEXT TIME!”

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of spirals and flips, the water began to calm down. The current slowed, and they found themselves floating right side up once again, dazed and disoriented but miraculously still in one piece.

Annie, panting heavily, looked over at Mia with wide eyes. “No more waterfalls, okay? No more!”

Mia, her hair plastered to her face and her eyes wide with adrenaline, nodded vigorously. “No more. I promise.”

They both floated there, catching their breath, grateful to finally be out of the chaos—at least until the next adventure.

Just as Mia was about to declare their ordeal over, she started, "I think we're sa—"

Before she could even finish the word, the raft was suddenly propelled into the air, as if launched by some invisible force. They soared high above the rushing water, suspended for a moment in thin air.

Mia's eyes widened in sheer terror as they began to plummet downward. "Annie! Hold on!"

Annie, instinctively, grabbed onto Mia, her arms wrapped tightly around her waist. “Mia, do something!”

Mia, frantically trying to keep her hands on the raft, could feel the wind whipping past them as they fell. “I’m trying! Just don’t let go!”

The raft tilted, spinning as they fell. The force of the wind made it almost impossible for Mia to maintain her grip. She struggled, her fingers slipping on the wet wood. “Annie, hang on tight!”

Annie tightened her hold, squeezing her eyes shut as they continued to plummet. The world around them became a blur of rushing air and roaring water as they dropped further and further, the ground rushing up to meet them.

Mia gritted her teeth, desperately trying to keep the raft steady, but it was no use. They were going down fast, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. “Annie, we’re going to hit—”

Before she could finish, the raft slammed into the water below, sending a massive spray into the air as they hit the surface. The impact tore the raft apart, and they were thrown into the churning water, struggling to stay afloat in the aftermath.

Mia gasped for air, looking around wildly for Annie. “Annie! Where are you?”

Annie’s head popped up a few feet away, coughing and spluttering as she tried to swim over. “Mia! Over here!”

Mia swam toward her, the two of them clutching onto the remaining pieces of the raft as they floated down the calmer stretch of the river, exhausted but relieved to still be alive.

Annie, still clinging to Mia, shook her head with a tired grin. “Next time… we’re taking the raft with the brakes.”

Mia, panting and drenched, managed a weak laugh. “Agreed… no more surprises.”

After what felt like an eternity of tumbling through the water, Mia and Annie managed to right themselves and tried swimming toward the shore. But no matter how hard they paddled, they weren’t getting any closer.

“Why… aren’t we… moving?” Annie panted, struggling to keep her head above water.

Mia looked around in confusion, “I don’t know… This isn’t right…”

Suddenly, the current beneath them shifted violently. Before they could react, both girls were yanked backward by an unseen force.

“Mia!” Annie cried out as she felt herself being swept away. She tried to stop, to grab onto something, anything, but it was too late. The current was too strong.

Mia, too, was caught in the current, her attempts to fight it only making her more tired. “Annie! Hold on!”

But before they could do anything, the water propelled them upward with a force that made them feel weightless. They were shot high into the air, screaming as they went. The rush was terrifying, and as they ascended, they saw the wall of the cave rushing toward them.

With a bone-rattling thud, they slammed into the wall, the impact jarring them. The collision sent them both careening forward, only to plummet down into what seemed like an endless void below.

Annie’s eyes widened in pure horror as she looked down into the nothingness they were falling into. “THE RAFT WAS BETTER!” she screamed, her voice echoing off the cavern walls.

Mia, dazed from the impact, could only nod in agreement, her mind racing as they fell. There was no telling where they’d land—or if they’d land at all—but one thing was certain: they were in way over their heads. The two girls clung to each other as they continued to fall, hoping that somehow, some way, they’d survive this insane ride.

As they tumbled through the air, the girls braced themselves for impact. They hit the water hard, splashing down into another waterfall that sent them spiraling down its rapid descent. The roar of the water drowned out their screams as they plunged down the sheer drop.

"Mia, not another one!" Annie shouted, her voice strained from all the yelling. She barely had time to catch her breath before they were swept over the edge of yet another waterfall.

This time, the drop was shorter, but the landing was just as rough. The water tossed them around like ragdolls, and they could do little more than hold on for dear life.

“I’m starting to think we should have stayed in bed,” Mia gasped between breaths, trying to keep her head above the turbulent water.

Annie managed a breathless laugh despite the situation. “This is the worst birthday surprise ever!”

Before Mia could reply, they were hurled off another ledge, plummeting down into a third waterfall. The pattern was relentless—each time they thought they’d reached the bottom, another drop would appear, and they’d be sent hurtling downward again. The falls seemed endless, one after the other, each one more disorienting than the last.

“Mia, how many waterfalls are there?!” Annie cried, her voice cracking as they were flung off yet another precipice.

“Too many!” Mia shouted back, her voice almost lost in the crashing water. “I didn’t plan this, I swear!”

The water spun them around, tossing them through twists and turns before sending them over yet another edge. This time, they fell longer, the drop seemingly endless as they screamed in unison. The water’s roar echoed in the vast cavern, making it impossible to gauge how far they’d fallen.

“Annie, I don’t think we’re going to survive this!” Mia yelled, her panic rising as they hurtled toward what looked like another massive drop.

“We better!” Annie shouted back, gripping Mia’s arm tightly. “I still haven’t opened my presents!”

The girls hit the water again with a bone-jarring splash, only to be swept over another waterfall almost immediately. By now, they were both thoroughly soaked, their clothes clinging to them as the water battered them relentlessly. The cold seeped into their bones, and the adrenaline that had kept them going was beginning to wear off.

“Mia, I’m getting really tired of this!” Annie yelled as they were tossed over yet another waterfall, the fall feeling almost routine now.

“Tell me about it!” Mia replied, her voice hoarse from all the screaming. She winced as they were flung off yet another edge, the water pummeling them as they fell. “Next time, I’m planning something with fewer surprises!”

As if to mock them, the water propelled them forward, sending them off another waterfall. This one was narrower, the walls of the cavern closing in around them as they descended. The tight space made the drop even more terrifying, the rocks whipping by at breakneck speed.

“Another one?!” Annie gasped as they were flung off yet another ledge. “Mia, this is ridiculous!”

“I know!” Mia cried, though she couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. “At least we’re still alive, right?”

The water continued to drag them through the cavern, and just when they thought they might be nearing the end, they were sent over yet another waterfall. By now, they had lost count of how many times they’d fallen, the experience becoming a blur of water, screams, and the relentless pull of gravity.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of falling, they were shot over one last edge. This time, instead of crashing into more water, they were flung into the air, landing with a thud on a rocky outcropping. The sudden stop left them both winded, gasping for breath as they lay sprawled on the cold, hard surface.

Annie groaned, barely able to move. “Mia… if you ever suggest waterfalls again… I’m saying no.”

Mia, equally exhausted, could only nod in agreement. “Deal… No more waterfalls… ever.”

They both lay there for a moment, catching their breath, the sound of the waterfalls echoing in the distance. It had been the most insane ride of their lives, and they were more than ready for it to be over.

Just as they began to catch their breath, the water beneath them surged, pulling them back in with a force that took them both by surprise. Before they could react, they were sucked back into the tumultuous current, and suddenly, they were swirling around in what could only be described as a water tornado.

The water spun them around in dizzying circles, faster and faster, as if they were caught in a giant whirlpool. The force was so strong that they couldn’t even control their own movements, their bodies being flung around like ragdolls.

Annie tried to get a grip on the situation, her head spinning along with the water. "Mia, this is like a toilet, except we’re the—"

“I KNOW, ANNIE!” Mia screamed, her voice barely audible over the roaring water. “I DON’T NEED THE VISUAL!”

The vortex tightened, spinning them even faster, and it became clear that there was no escape. They were caught in the whirlpool's grip, spiraling downwards like they were being flushed away. The world around them became a blur of water and motion, and the sheer force of the spin made it hard to tell which way was up.

"HOW DO WE GET OUT OF THIS?!" Annie shouted, her voice filled with panic.

"I DON'T KNOW! JUST HANG ON!" Mia yelled back, her grip tightening on Annie's arm as they were pulled deeper into the swirling water.

The tornado seemed endless, and just when it felt like they couldn’t take any more, the water shot them upwards, sending them flying through the air once again. They soared high above the swirling vortex before plunging back down into the water, still trapped in the relentless spiral.

Mia’s head was spinning, her thoughts jumbled as the water continued to toss them around. “THIS IS INSANE!”

“WHO EVEN DESIGNS A WATERFALL LIKE THIS?!” Annie yelled back, desperately trying to make sense of what was happening.

They were flung around in circles, the water twisting and turning in ways that defied logic. It was like they were stuck in a washing machine set to the highest speed, with no way to stop it.

"WE'RE NEVER GONNA GET OUT OF HERE!" Annie cried out, her voice laced with despair.

Mia gritted her teeth, trying to stay focused. "DON'T GIVE UP! WE'VE GOTTA FIND A WAY!"

But even as she said it, the whirlpool tightened its grip, pulling them down further, as if determined to keep them in its watery clutches forever.

Just as they were about to lose hope, a loud crack echoed through the whirlpool, and a large rock tumbled from above, crashing into the water with a massive splash. The impact disrupted the flow of the water, causing the whirlpool to suddenly slow down and eventually come to a complete stop. For a moment, everything was eerily silent.

Annie, still catching her breath, looked at the rock in disbelief. “This is like the toilet, and it’s jammed. Except we’re the—”

“NOT NOW, ANNIE!” Mia interrupted, her voice tinged with urgency. “We need to get out, NOW!”

Without wasting another second, they scrambled to swim toward the edge of the now still water. The current had lessened, but it was still a struggle as they fought against the remnants of the swirling water, pushing their way to the shore.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they pulled themselves out of the water and onto solid ground. Soaked, exhausted, and breathing heavily, they collapsed onto the rocky shore, grateful to be out of that nightmare.

Annie lay flat on her back, staring up at the sky. “Never again, Mia. Never again.”

Mia, still catching her breath, rolled onto her side to look at Annie. “Yeah… agreed.”

There was a brief moment of silence as they both tried to recover from the ordeal. Then, Mia’s face suddenly filled with concern as she sat up and looked around.

“Uh… Annie?”

Annie, still flat on the ground, turned her head slightly to look at Mia. “What?”

Mia bit her lip, her eyes scanning their surroundings. “Do you… uh, do you remember the way out?”

In other words, happy birthday Annie! 🎉🥳

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