Alone ( with a few friends)

Mateo looked around the landing. " Where's the new table I ordered?!" He asked.

Mia looked at him in shock. " You can ORDER things?!"

Mateo nodded. " Izzy also ordered a new shelf to put all her new stuffed animals on."

" Because stuffed animals are the best!" Izzy exclaimed jumping on her bed.

" You should've ordered snacks." Logan snorted.

" Snacks and stuffed animals are both important. Snacks to eat and animals to dream craft on." Mia said, trying to defuse the tension.

Just then, Cooper came running. " Pizza is here!" He exclaimed

Mia sighed, looking at the page she had written. It was boring about writing about her dream ( more real than you think.)Being at home alone wasn't fun.

Especially since the ninja went on vacation without her.

Anyway, her thoughts were interrupted when her phone rang.

" Hello?" Mia said into the receiver. " This is Mia, wind ninja."

" Hello, Mia. It's me, Vania." Said the person on the other end.

" Oh, princess! Good evening! How many I assist you?"

" Well... I was wondering if I could come over for a few days. Just for sightseeing. No princess, only Vania. I mean, how much can a girl stay in one kingdom without having the urge to go somewhere else?"

" I don't see why that's a problem. But, just so you know, Cole's not here."

" Yes, I know. Cole called and told me. O asked if anyone was at the monestary, and he told me you're there. So I took the opportunity!"

" Well, you're welcome over anytime you want. When are you coming?"

" In five minutes."

Mia chocked on her spit. " Pardon?" She asked weakly, trying to catch her breath.

" Oh, sorry. Is it too soon?" Vania asked in concern.

" Nono, it's fine. I was just taken by surprise." Mia shook her head as she coughed lightly. " I'll get Cole's room ready. Or do you want to stay in the guest room?"

" Any one."

" Cole's room it is."

" Eh, makes good practice. See you soon!" Vania said brightly.

" Bye!" Mia exclaimed before throwing her phone onto the bed and running around the house, preparing Cole's room.

" Aye aye aye, where did he keep the blankets?" Mia muttered.

Thankfully, she was able to clean, dry, and vacuum Cole's room and bed before the bell rang.

" Coming!" Mia yelled, spinjitzuing into her good dress ( the purple one) and running to the door to greet Vania.

Vania was wearing a yellow dress with yellow bunnies and her white pants. She had only one suitcase and bag. But, by the looks of how fat it was, and the fact that Vania loved to explore,Mia knew she needed a third bag or suitcase.

" Hi, Mia! It's so good to see you again!" Vania said, hugging Mia.

" And hello, princess!" Mia replied, returning the hug.

" Oh, for the next few weeks, I'm just Vania. Not princess."

Mia nodded. Good. She was staying for a while.

First she could keep Mia company and second, Cole would be able to meet her again.

Maybe Mia should advise Cole and the others to look presentable.

And buy some suits and a dress.

And style their hair.

Anyway, Mia led Vania to Cole's room and asked, " so, what do you want to do?"

" Everything!" Vania replied.

Mia nodded, taking this into account. " This will be a fun few weeks for me."

" Oh, is that too much? Sorry, it's just-"

" Oh, no, not a burden at all. You see, I also love exploring. And going out." Mia smiled brightly at her.

" Okay. But if I'm ever being a burden-"

" I'll tell you." Mia assured her. "Now, settle down. Do you want to have some Ninjago Noodles?"

Vania nodded enthusiastically.

" Well, I know just the gal for that." Mia said, her phone flying to her hand.

" Wow, this is so good!" Vania exclaimed, stuffing some more puffy stickers into her mouth.

Mia nodded. " Yep. All thanks to Skyler."

Skylar looked up from her noodles. " Oh, it's no biggie."

Mia gave her a look that said, ' stop saying that.' Then, she said, "Anyway, Vania wants to go out sightseeing. Know any good places?"

Skylar nodded. " I know just the place. Though, I should warn you, it's gonna be pretty, so take a camera."
" Wow, Ninjago is so pretty!" Vania gushed, taking another photo.

" So is Shintato. In fact, Cole says he wants to go there to see his ' little explorer'." Mia said, teasing her gently.

Vania's cheeks flushed. " Oh, you're too kind."

Skylar handed Vania a small bottle ( the type you can find at dollar tree).

Vania looked at it, confused. " What's this for?"

" Taking a sample of the waterfall, that's all. Also, you like kayaking?" Skylar asked, smiling.

" This is awesome!" Vania yelled over the noice if rushing water.

Mia looked back at her. " You're soaking wet!"

" Yeah, well, it's all part of the fun-wheeeeeeee!" Vania replied as they went down another small fall.

Skylar high fived her. " I like this girl."

" I know you do." Then, Mia looked in front. " Uh, guys? We might want to steer away from here."

" Why?" The girls asked, looking at her confused.

" Because there's a BIG DROP!" Mia yelled, pointing to the fall.

Skylar and Vania looked out.

" Oh, great." Skylar sighed, taking her seat.

" What? Why?" Vania asked.

" Because this isn't any fall. It's a very daring fall which I've ALWAYS WANTED TO DO!" Skylar exclaimed.

" Same!" Vania agreed.

Mia rolled her eyes, but she felt her mouth curling into a smile. " I can't really blame you guys. It is really daring."

So she dropped the edge of the kayak. " Okay then. It's settled."

They drifted to the edge. They remained still for a second, and then....

Plunged into the waterfall!

" THIS IS AMAZING!"Vania yelled as the wind tossed her hair.

" I KNOW RIGHT?!" Skylar replied.

Mia, though, didn't reply. " Guys?! Do you see that light from behind the water?"

Skylar squinted her eyes. " Now that you say, yes, I do."

" Well, I guess we're gonna find out what it is " Vania said, nervously.

" Why?" The duo turned to Vania.

" Because we're gonna have a CRASH LANDING!"

Mia and Skylar gulped.

" Uh, Skylar? What are we gonna do?" Mia asked, shrinking back.

" Not we. YOU. You're gonna use your wind powers to slow our fall."

" Can you help?"

" Sure." Skylar touched Mia, and white flowed through Skylar's arm.

" 3...2....1... Now!" Skylar exclaimed, and they both started to try and slow their fall.

Vania saw their effort and decided to help. She took a lasso from her bag and lassoed it to a sturdy tree. She pulled in the rope, to confirm, and swung off the boat.

Mia saw this. " Vania?! What are you doing?!" She exclaimed.

" Helping you guys." Vania lassoed some more trees together, and tied them sturdy.

Skylar got her drift. " She's making a type of trampoline!"

" To do what, jump again and again?!" Mia asked, panicked.

" No, silly. So the parachute can work."

" O- wait, we have parachutes?!"

Skylar shrugged. " Usually, yes."

" I hope you guys know what you're doing, because, TREES AHOY!"

The kayak, indeed, landed in the trees. But instead of bouncing back, it just.... Stayed.

" Okay, now we're safe." Mia breathed.

But then the trees gave up beneath them, and they were sent flying down.

" Okay, now we're-"

Again, the branches broke.

" Now we're -"


" Now we-"


" No-"

Finally, they reached the ground.

" Now we're safe?" Mia squeaked. Skylar helped her up.

" Wait, where's Vania?" Mia asked, scanning the tunnel.

They heard a muffled giggle.

" Vania?" Mia asked, running to the direction of the sound.

There, in front of Vania, was a bunch of small crystals.

" Oh my goodness!" Mia breathed. " These are super rare crystals!"

" Really? They don't look rare." Vania noted.

" Maybe not, but they are. Legend has it that these crystals were once used as jewelry." Skylar said, walking through the tunnel.

" Can I... Pick one?" Vania whispered, feeling the smooth texture.

" Why not? I have one at home." Skylar replied.

Vania and Mia both hesitantky extended their hands and picked a piece. It glowed faintly.

Vania noticed. " Why'd it just glow?"

Skylar smiled. " Because these crystals chose you to be their owner."

As Skylar said those words, the crystals morphed into bracelets and attached themselves to their owner's arms.

" Wow." Mia breathed.

" Legand also has it that using these crystals, you can make your pets talk." Skylar said.

Mia nodded. " So that's how Blackie learned how to talk."

On que, Blackie hopped out of Mia's bag.

" Darling, I knew how to talk. It was just for you humans to understand that I needed the crystal."

" Wait, so you're saying, on my fourth birthday you came HERE?! So you could learn how to talk?"

Blackie nodded.

Mia smiled and picked him up. " Aw, you little cutie."

Blackie purred.

" Can I take one for my dragon, Chompy?" Vania asked.

Skylar smiled and shook her head. " You don't have to. Because you got your crystal, all you have to do is let it make contact with your pet and boom, talking away."

" But what if this makes contact with any other animals?" Mia asked.

" It won't work, because they aren't your pet."

Blackie meowed and stretched. " Well, that's easy."

Skylar nodded. " It sure is."

Then she motioned for the duo to follow her. " Come. We have somewhere else to go."

" Woahhhh!" Vania sighed. " This is amazing!"

Skylar turned the wheel. " It really is."

" So, where are we going?"

" To a special island only elemental masters and their families know."

Mia nodded. " It's really beautiful."

Vania dug through her bag, and took out a plastic one.

" You gotta be prepared for anything." She said with a grin.

Just when Skylar was going to compliment her, Mia exclaimed, " look!"

Fishes were jumping out of the water, butterflies swarnes the area, and fruits were growing in trees.

They docked at the beach, and Vania didn't waste a second jumping out and collecting all the shells in sight.

Mia laughed. " Hey, save some for the others."

" The others aren't princesses in disguise." Vania called.

" Good point. But, are you ready for some fruit glory?" Skylar asked from the nearest shack.

Vania looked up and ran to it.

" I want to try a little of everything!" She exclaimed.

" Then you should have the island speciality- fruit based ice cream. What flavor?"

Vania looked at all of them. So many, so much to choose.

The merchant saw her hesitation.

" Why don't I give you a small serving of each?" He asked.

Vania nodded, and she was soon devowering a three tier ice cream ( size large) with fudge dripping from the side.

" This is amazing!" Vania said as she finished the last of it. " What should we do next?"

" How about relaxing in the pond?" Mia suggested, bringing their swimming clothes.

Skylar led them through a dense forest, and parted two large leaves.

Behind there was a prettiest oasis ever seen. A small waterfall, lush plants, even small animals.

Vania took a liking for the animals, and soon she was playing with them while Mia was snapping photos.

At last, they had to leave.

" Goodbye, my animal friends. I might see you again, soon." Vania muttered, stroking each one individually.

A few disappeared for a few seconds, and presented a gem to Vania.

" For you", they seemed to say.

Vania was very touched. " Thank you," she breathed. " I will treasure this forever."

Mia couldn't resist taking a group photo.

As they were sailing back, her phone rang.

" Hello?" She called.

" Hey, Mia. It's us." Cole said through the receiver. " How you holding up."

" Great!" Mia said nonchalantly. " Especially because me, Vania and Skylar had a whole day exploring."

" Oh, that's ni- wait, Vania's there?!"

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