Chapter 14: What goes up always goes down

Chapter written by: jdizzle
Lloyd was training in the training room, he had been there for a while now. His friends were probably very worried about him. Since he left all so suddenly but he  couldn't help it. Everything is so stressful! Mistaké saying he has to endure, His fa- Lord Garmadon ruling the city, making sure Nya doesn't pick fights or get into arguments with Harumi. He sighed, he wished his life was normal. He didn't want to be the green ninja in the first place. But at that point, he realized that he shouldn't be saying these things. He needs to trust his future despite it not being the best of the best right now. Shaking that thought away, he headed towards a button to activated a small course.

He took a blindfold that was on a little shelf and put it over his eyes. "Okay..." he breathed, "let's do this." he started the course. As he tried the course, he fell down to the ground. He groaned rubbing his head. It was then Lloyd started to get a weird feeling. "It's probably nothing." he said shrugging it off, he couldn't afford to get distracted, he needed to focus. As he continued to practice, he didn't know someone was watching him. He was about to continue, when he suddenly felt Skalidor whip his tail and wrapped it around the blonde's body, pinning his arms to his sides and the tip of his tail covered Lloyd's mouth to gag him.

"Skalidor?" He asked but he got no answer. So he didn't know if it was really him. "Remember what cole said. Think loose!" He told himself and slipped out. Lloyd smiled. Lloyd hurled towards them. Swinging a kick across who ever was there and aimed for his victim's head. Lloyd landed on the deck while the person clothed in red flew to the wall.

Lloyd had a feeling something was being shot at him, and used his swords to deflect them. The blonde charged , sending in a few punches in the chest, he jumped and kicked him across the face to make him be next to the others.  Lloyd grabbed the person with his left hand, turned his back on him in a headlock and drove his right elbow into his spine. The person screamed in pain at that.  Lloyd grabbed his right arm and felt his hidden strength course his body with anger and flipped him over his shoulder and made contact with the wall. "Ha! That's why you don't mess with me! SOG." lloyd guessed. Alright I'm gonna take off his blindfold he said to himself.

As he pulled it off he saw: The serpentine Generals: Stella, and  Scales Jr. "Oh FSM, I'm so sorry." The green ninja but his lip apologetically. "I thought you were the SOG trying to kidnap me again." he said that last sentence with a eye roll. "It's fine Lloyd, we really should've just waited until you were done." Pythor told him getting up. "Question? Why did skalidor wrap his tail around me?" Lloyd asked him. "He was trying to get your attention since you had a blindfold on." Atticus explained."Makes sense." the ninja replied. As he picked up his swords: "So why did you want to come here? I thought you wanted to stay out of it?" Lloyd asked him. "We know, It's just that we had to warn you." Scales slithered in. The blonde boy titled his head in bewilderment. "We heard Garmadon say something. We could barely make it out but we caught something: 'Execute The green ninja's friends in the prison that will weaken him enough for him to come out of hiding.' " At that sentence, Lloyd went silent.
"Mister lloyd? Are you okay?"  The young Scales junior asked him. Without saying anything else,  lloyd bolted out of the room.  Running past the rest of their small resistance and into his room. "Was that Lloyd?" Dareth asked the group, worried about what was wrong. "I think so what happened?"  Harumi asked just as concerned. It was just then that the small group of serpentine came into view. Nya didn't even take the time to hear them out. She grabbed Scales, so he was now looking at her. "WHAT DID YOU TO HIM!?" Nya questioned him. Scales gulped and  explained what was going on. "WHAT?!  GARMADON IS GONNA DO WHAT?!"  Nya screamed. "He's planning to kill all of Lloyd's friends in prison." Pythor clarified. Nya's fury levels didn't decrease. "Oh no, isn't Lloyd's mother in jail as well?"  Harumi remembered. "She is indeed. I fear what is going to happen to her."  Mistaké responded to her concern. "Is that why Lloyd is so upset?" harumi asked again, her concern for Lloyd becoming more obvious. Scales nodded.

"Harumi, killow, ultra Violet, Mr.E  I usually don't do this. But Lloyd seems to trust you four. So do you want to see if you can cheer him up?"  Nya proposed. The four were honestly touched that Nya of all people would want them to help her. They were pretty surprised as well. " trust us?" Harumi stuttered out, too stunned to form her words correctly. "I'll admit  I don't completely. But  I mean,  all the ninja are kinda against you after you sorta broke Lloyd's heart." Nya crosses her arms. "Figured.." Harumi sighed,looking down." But I'm willing to give you all a second chance. Master Wu once taught the ninja a lesson, and he asked them: 'What is the best way to defeat your enemy?'" She paused to let Harumi think of an answer herself then continued: "The ninja had to train until they found the answer. The day went on, they trained. Lloyd and Pythor caused trouble at darkly's. When we got there, The ninja cornered them on the roof, that's when Pythor betrayed Lloyd and stole the map of dens. After Lloyd was wrested onto the ship, Wu read him a story about not trusting snakes." Nya explained, later shooting a glare at Pythor.
"After the ninja asked why he wasn't being punished,  It was then Wu revealed to the ninja the answer to the riddle he asked them earlier. 'It was to make them your friend.' " Nya finished and Ultra was the first one to respond to that. "We can try." Ultra Violet said. Nya shined a friendly smile at the four. "Okay I just want to tell you that when you're in his room, the mostly likely place Lloyd will be is under his bed." She informed the former SOG members. "Why there?"  Killow questioned. "We honestly have no idea but for some reason that's his spot. He's very fond under there,Good luck." nya reassured them. The four opened the door and was surprised about how clean it was. They looked around and Harumi saw a photo that attracted her attention.  She picked up the photo and she smiled. It was of her and Lloyd before he knew who she really was. She then saw other photos: one of Lloyd when he was a baby with who she assumed was Misako and Garmadon. The second one was off Lloyd probably nine years old, wearing his green ninja outfit with his father behind him smiling. Then, a picture of little Lloyd and the ninja where they were all  smiling. After, a photo of Lloyd in his teenage years, probably fourteen in a group photo, all the ninja were there but Lloyd had a remarkably golden suit on.

Master Wu was there, Dareth, Misako, and maybe Garmadon who was alongside Misako. A bit farther away was a photo of what all the ninja looked like now. They all were smiling and making funny faces. She smiled herself. " Harumi?" Ultra Violet called. The white girl snapped out of it. "Huh?" she jumped at the sound of her voice. "Sorry! I know I shouldn't be snooping around but I was looking at some photos."  she explained herself. "Lloyd are you in here?"  harumi called out for the blonde. There was no response. It made the girl sigh but she tried again.

"Lloyd?" she called once again. This time, she heard a muffled retort. " Go away!" A snapped cry from someone told her. Since it was all muffled up and unclear, it wasn't really hard to know who it was and where they were. She already guessed who it was.  Harumi bent down and saw blonde hair. "Lloyd.."  she said softly. The boy looked up from the ground, tears swelled up in his eyes. "Go away.."  he repeated. "Lloyd, please come out.." Rumi begged him. "N-No..I-I ruined our chances of getting our city back. I only caused more  trouble for everyone. " Lloyd explained himself. Harumi sighed. "Lloyd no you didn't. I promise. Just please come out.." She placed a hand over his shoulder. "No.. because of me, my mother and our allies are gonna die." Lloyd clarified to her, whilst sobbing. Harumi froze for a second. What did he mean by: "his mother and their allies dying?" She pushed away her question, as another voice tried to call for him again. " Lloyd that's not your fault. You can't blame yourself with that." Ultra stepped in the conversation. "Yes I can." he replied sharply. "Green ninja.. Come on you can't. It isn't your fault. You gotta stay strong.
The big man encouraged him. "Lloyd this isn't your fault, none of this is your fault.  I'm the one who brought him back.."  Harumi sighed. She felt numb after that confession.
But Lloyd gave no response. "Lloyd come on. You're brave, compassionate, Loyal and a lot more. You're a great person Lloyd. I took advantage of that. I never knew someone who would give second chances. Now can you please come out?" Harumi tried once again. "But the Ultra dragon is probably dead because of me. " the boy cried out. "Oh, Lloyd I promise you. It wasn't your fault. Your heart is too pure. you're the greatest person I know. Can you please come out so we can help you through this?" Lloyd sniffled as he replied: "I would love to. but I'm sorta stuck. I have a big head."A small chuckle escaped his lips. Harumi let out a similar laugh. "Here, can you pull your arms out?" She asked him. Lloyd nodded shortly. As his arms were shown, The four friends attempted to hull him out of there. In the end, they managed to pull him out. Harumi helped him up. "Why do you hide under there?" She asked him. Lloyd shrugged. "I don't know. it's always just been a instinct." he briefly explained. "Alright if you need me, I'm gonna go train again." He informed her, waved and he walked out of the room. The four headed out of the room as well. "There he goes again." nya facepalmed.

There was one thing about Lloyd: He never stops training. It has become a remark to the serpentine general as much to as the SOG members. "Why does he train so much?" Atticus asked the water ninja. She responded with the usual. As if knowing that this question was gonna be asked eventually. "Unfortunately, It's the ninja's fault. They pushed Lloyd so much when he was younger that all he did was train, train,and train he never did anything else. It was almost ridiculous how much they pushed him. I tried talking to Wu about it and he tried to talk to the ninja. But that only made them push him harder. There's nothing I can do to have him stop. Skylor even tried unplugging his alarm clock so he would sleep in but he woke up anyway." She told them. Dareth raised a brow. "What time does he get up?" Dareth inquired. "Five in the morning." she answered.

" That's insane! I'd be enjoying my beauty sleep." Pythor exclaimed. Nya sighed. "I know. I think the only times Lloyd got a break from training was when he gets captured. Mostly because when he got captured by his father, he didn't want him to be harmed or get hurt trying to escape so he locked him in a room." Nya continued. "Is that why? and Nya please don't kill me. But is that why when he was captured, I had to kick him in the head to get up?" Harumi trailed off her voice almost apologetically. Nya surprisingly only nodded. "He stays up late training and even trains in his room. He gets so tired from training so the SOG overpowered him and captured him. Don't be too keen of your victory though. Moving on, now let's do a few more preparations and we should be good to go." The resistance's co-leader instructed. They all started walking off. Not knowing that they were gonna have visitors.
The green ninja was in the training room once again. He was fighting with his sword when he could have sworn hearing the door open. "Alright Rumi, I'll stop training for the day. I know you're worried about me. "he called from his spot and put down his sword. He felt a hand touch his shoulder. The next thing he heard made his blood run cold. "I'm not Harumi, son." the cold dark voice spoke. Lloyd knew exactly who the man was. His blood froze entirely. "Garmadon!" Lloyd blurted out in a panic. He turned to face the oni lord, a hostile glare painted on his mortified frontage. The enemy smiled with his fangs showing. "Why are you here?" He asked his father. The man didn't answer and instead, he kicked his opponent. The blonde groaned as he hit a wall.

When he got up from the floor, Garmadon walked through the halls and they fought once again. It hasn't been a day for a grace period yet they were back at it. Everyone else was in the control room,observing the screen. "Did you see that?" Harumi gulped. A few figures were climbing up the bounty. It was obvious by their lousy tapping and groans. They were coming from the sides. "What's that?" Nya Inquired quietly. Killow gasped. "It's the SOG!" Scales junior exclaimed. "Everyone prepare to fight!" Mistaké alerted everyone. As most ran off to tackle the SOG members off their beloved ship, the screen had shown Lloyd being thrown onto the deck. Too bad the others weren't there. However, someone stayed around. "Lloyd!" Harumi exclaimed. The ones that fled returned to the control room, after hearing Harumi's comment. Nya pressed a few buttons and a laser thread was audible.

Next, the screen showed different angles of the room in general. She tried not to let the whole fight going down pierce her concentration. Finally, with enough observations, she concluded: "Seems to me he's in the training room!". The rest of the resistance ran into the training room, slammed the door open and saw Lloyd groaning and getting up from an unexpected attack. Pulling out his sword: "I'm fine." he reassured them with a status report. It couldn't be helped though. His teammates got into their battle stances. Alongside their green ninja, they all started to fight.Ofcourse the others knew that Lloyd was the best choice to take on his father.

Garmadon lunged forward, punching the ground. The blonde jumped back with a small yelp of deconcentration. The warlord concentrated, forming a power ball. The black-coloured creature sent several orbs at his son. But Lloyd skilfully dodged them all. He jumped behind his father. Garmadon ran to his son with only bloodthirst shown his eyes. The blonde dodged the incoming punch. Garmadon's fist collided with the ground. Lloyd's opponent sent two more balls of energy at him. It struck the green ninja bug time. The green ninja was again pushed back by another blast of intense negative purple energy. knocking the breath out of his lungs. The last blast sent him flying against a wall. Harumi turned around and saw Lloyd. "LLOYD!" She cried.

The white haired girl ran over to him. "Are you okay? " she shook his shoulders. She didn't have time to wait around for an answer. Thankfully, the boy nodded. "Yes, I'm fine." he spoke to her calmly. He got up, leaving Harumi behind again and ran towards his father, his fists sending out a pack of punches several times. But a purple air surrounded the warlord. It kept him from getting hurt. Sorta like a shield. Lloyd reached out and stopped Garmadon's arm. He pushed Garmadon back a step back. But the oni lord grabbed the ninja and sent him flying at the glass window of the control room. Lloyd, who tried to get up, only groaned in pain as he felt something wrong with his leg. The ninja tried to fold it though only he recited was a sharp pain making him wail out in agony. Garmadon kicked Lloyd against the wall. Seeing that he was weak from the fall. He grabbed the ninja's arm then formed a ball of purple energy in one of his four-palms.

Lloyd used his energy and fought against it. It sent him flying backwards through the hole he had made in the wall, landing onto deck. Being agile but tall in size, Garmadon quickly picked himself up, breathing hard as if his lungs were clawing for the air around him. Kicking and punching with all his might, He would not go down no matter what. Garmadon used the distraction to send a hit to the back of Lloyd's head. The four-armed man threw Lloyd back. Though, the lord was generous enough to catch the ninja before he fell. "Had enough yet boy?" He mockingly asked him. Lloyd clenched his teeth and said: "No I haven't.". Before Lloyd was hit, exactly four times, he was thrown once again. He wished he could use Spinjitzu or cyclone-do, real name: airjitzu, but he was unfortunately useless without his powers. It then hit him afterwards that his mom could do Spinjitzu as well. Only problem was that she didn't have elemental powers. The boy made links. If she didn't have any powers, then so can he, right? He panted for a small while before he dodged his father's incoming attacks. He remembered what he had to do. "Over the planks." Lloyd said as he dodged his father. "Dodge the sword." he repeated and did exactly that. he dodged a sword attack swinging towards him and finally: "Here comes the dummy!" Lloyd smiled and turned around. He saw his father coming towards him.
The boy jumped up. What happened next was something the team, Garmadon nor Lloyd himself could believe. He was surrounded by a light green tornado! It knocked down his father and Lloyd grabbed his helmet. The blonde landed to the ground, with his 'prize' in hand. He smiled. "Don't you need this to cover your hair?" he lifted a brow and chuckled. "He can do Spinjitzu! Everyone run away!" A coward-filled SOG member exclaimed in panic. The remaining guards meant to back-up their emperor all jumped off in a rush. "Like I said these four were the smartest SOG." Lloyd referenced Harumi and her former generals. Who warmly smiled in return. As for the prisoner, he growled as he finally managed to get his helmet back. He ran to the side.
"Mark my word! boy. I will stop you one day." he declared. But when he was about to jump off, the ultra dragon flew up to the bounty. That's when the oni lord's jaw dropped in fear. He jumped to dodge the Ultra dragon's shot-up flames. "Gahhhhh!"

Everyone cheered as Lloyd walked over. The white haired girl pulled him into a hug. "How's that for enduring? Mistaké? " Lloyd joked. The old woman chuckled at his remark. "You have done well young master Lloyd, you have regained your Spinjitzu as well as your faith. You have done very well today. For now, you should head to the medical center so you can get your leg fixed." Mistaké informed him, noticing the stance he was in. He didn't add too much pressure to his leg when standing. The blonde nodded, taking in her advice. "Harumi could you help me?" he requested. She nodded and helped him walk. Everyone but Mistaké followed them. Despite being not included, the woman smiled as she realized that they were slowly becoming one big family.
Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter I'm so sorry it took so long you have no idea how bad I feel about this. But what did you think of this chapter let us know. Make sure to like comment and share with your friends and we will see you later. Once again I'm very sorry for the delay alright guys bye! Jdizzle signing out peace!

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