~♡~ Shy Girl ~♡~ Eevee X Zane

Scenario~ high school setting. Eevee is a new girl at Ninjago High and she's extremely shy! After transferring from a different school everything is new to her. Luckily, her cousin, Lloyd happens to go to this school and he introduces her to his friends.

Requested by~ Me!

Relationship: good friends(by Lloyd)



Eevee's POV

I woke up rather early this morning then I remembered why! I'm starting a new school today. I get to be with Lloyd now! But that means I'm leaving my old friends Paris, Willow, and Connor that was gonna be difficult for me.

I've never been good at making friends, at all. I'm super shy and I get nervous easily, on top of that I can't really hold a conversation with someone I don't know.

I can be pretty talkative with my friends but... I don't do well with social interaction or people watching me! And that's exactly what happens at a new school! People stare at you, really preppy and energetic people instantly try to befriend you, people already are gossiping about you and expecting your arrival, they somehow know things about you you don't about yourself, those really popular kids approach you and then if your like me you kinda just run away after attempting to stutter out a hello and miserably failing.

I looked at my clock and said 5:45 fudge! I've got to get ready! I took my shower, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair into a side ponytail and threw on some clothes.(outfit above) I honestly didn't care about some dumb stuff like how I look or dress to be honest. I think it's dumb to be judged in looks, needless to say, I highly doubt the people at this new school think that way. I sigh and looked back at the clock 6:10 not bad...

I walked downstairs and said hello to my aunt, misako, whom I was staying with at the time. I figured Lloyd had already gone without me since his lime green book bag wasn't anywhere to be seen, neither was he. "Good morning, aunt Misako!" I greeted.

"Morning, dear" Misako smiled softly at me. She handed me some toast and my lavender book bag. I smiled and waved goodbye stuffing the toast in my mouth and throwing my book bag into my back I hurried out of the door.

The one thing you DON'T want to do is be late to your first day so I practically sprinting all the way there. Though, me being me I was worried for no reason considering that I was twenty minutes early! Whoops? I walked around the school ground for a little bit, trying to find my locker since Lloyd had gotten me, my schedule a few days ago.

While I was looking at the paper that had my locker number I walked right into something or should I say, someone "s-sorry..." I mumbled quietly looking up at the person I had just run into. It was a guy a little taller than Lloyd. The guy had platinum blonde hair and icy blue eyes that you could look at all day long. "That is quite alright. You're not hurt, are you?" He asked kindly extending his hand to help me up. I reluctantly took his hand and stood up onto my feet. "N-no... I'm f-fine" I muttered so softly to the point where it was just barely above a whisper. 

"Hey Zan-- Eevee!" A familiar pair of emerald green eyes came into contact with my crystal blue eyes. "L-lloyd!" I smiled and hugged him, temporarily forgetting about the guy I ran into. "Is this a friend of yours, Lloyd?" The guy asked.

We both turned our attention back to him, me hiding behind Lloyd. Like I said, I'm not good at socializing. "Yeah, Zane, meet Eevee, and Eevee, meet Zane!" Lloyd said introducing us. I shyly waved at him. Zane smiled at me.

~Timeskip to the lunch~

I was really, really, really, really, really, REALLY nervous! Lloyd gonna introduce me to his friends. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm weird? What if Lloyd stops hanging out with me because they hate me?!! So many negative thoughts rushed through my head, destroying any happy answer to the question.

I shuffled over to the table where Lloyd and his friends were. There was four guys and one girl.

The girl had short black hair and dark brown eyes, one guy had spikey brown hair and brown eyes, another guy had brownish-orange hair and electric blue eyes, one guy had shaggy black hair and deep brown eyes and the last guy was the Zane person I had met earlier.

I sheepishly sat down next to Lloyd and didn't say anything at all. "Hey guys, this is Eevee!" Lloyd introduced me. "You mean the new girl? No offense Lloyd, but why is she sitting with us?" The spikey haired one asked.

Lloyd frowned and stopped himself from growling. "She's my cousin!" Lloyd said. "Oh, sorry" He said. I nodded my head slightly still not saying a word.

"Can she talk?" The one with the black hair asked. Lloyd nodded "Eevee's really shy." Lloyd explained. "Aww! That's adorable! There's no need to be shy!" The girl said. They all smiled warmly at me.

~Timeskip to the end of the day~

I learned everyone's names and I talked a little bit. The spikey haired one was Kai, the super nice girl was Nya, Cole was the one with the shaggy black hair, and the one with the brownish-orange hair was Jay.

They seemed really friendly and were all close with one another, must be nice. Having friends I mean, I wouldn't know I've only ever had three because Lloyd doesn't count. He's my cousin.

I walked home, alone, Lloyd volunteered to walk home with me since we live together but he was walking with his friends and I didn't want to get in the way.

I walked in the house and set my book bag down, greeted by aunt Misako, and walked up to my room to start on my homework.

~Timeskip to the end of the week~

I sighed getting up, today was Friday! My first week at a new school was done! I was so relieved! I did my normal morning routine which consisted of taking a shower, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, fixing my hair, and rushing downstairs to get my toast from Misako and follow Lloyd out the door. Today was slightly different since Lloyd was walking with his other friends. "H-hey Nya" I said rushing beside them.

Nya and I had become very close, being the only girls in our friend group. "Hey, girl!" Nya chuckled seeing me. I was walking in between Zane and Nya. Zane was actually really nice! Plus, he helps me with math which both me and Lloyd suck at!

We got to school and separated into our classes. Luckily, I had at least one class with each of them. Right now it was first period, which for me was ELA. Cole and Nya have it with me so I wasn't alone.

After ELA was over Nya and I hurried to our next class. Which was science, I had Jay and Nya with me in this class so once again, I wasn't alone.

My next class was home-econimics with Zane and Cole. I learned quickly that Cole was a horrible cook! I can't tell you how many times he almost burned the classroom down! Zane and I constantly had to check on him to make sure he didn't set anything on fire!

After that class was lunch. Which everyone was in. We jokes and chatted for a little bit, me still being the quietest one.

After lunch I had history with Lloyd and Kai. History was boring and I fell asleep half way through the lesson.

After history was music, in which I had Lloyd in the class. After music was art which I also had Lloyd in, I also had Nya in art. Music and art were the two elective classes I chose.

My last class of the day was the one I dreaded most. Math. My worst subject. Zane and I had this class. I took my seat next to Zane and smiled softly. The teacher walked in with a evil smirk on his face. "Today we're... Having a pop quiz!" The teacher announced. I was convinced this teacher was evil! My face paled at his words. A chorus of groans and sighs and whispering occurred.

After the quiz, which I'm so happy wasn't for a grade since I probably failed the quiz since I've been here a week! He gave us homework, homework on the weekend! This teacher was by far my least favorite.

The bell rang and I wasted no time on getting out of there. I quickly packed up my stuff as well as Zane and we walked out of the door. Zane promised to help me with my math homework since Lloyd was also rubbish at math.

Lloyd, Nya, and Kai had a project that they needed to work on for another class. I led Zane up to my room where we started working on my math.

After about an hour I groaned. "Zaneeeeeeeeee, I'm never gonna get this!" I said throwing my paper at wall and flipping down on my bed, handing upside down. Zane sighed and sat on the bed next to me. "That's the attitude of a quitter." He pointed out. I hate when he's right, especially with my competitiveness. "Are you saying that I can't do it?" I asked. "Eevee, that's not wh--" I interrupted him "Fine! I'll show you!" I said jumping up, running over picking my math homework up and immediately started doing it-- Without a calculator!

Zane chuckled and looked over at me. After the last question I jumped up triumphantly "See! I did it!" I said. "Heh. Your cute when your angry and competitive." He said and watched as my face heated up. I soon became to flustered to form proper sentences. "I-i... N-no... N-not... I-i... U-uh" I stuttered my face probably the brightest shade that exists.

Zane chuckled at my already flustered expression and just HAD to make it worse by saying, and I quote. "Eh, who am I kidding? Your always adorable" with that stupid, charming, but stupid chuckle and smirk!!!

Now I was positive my face was more red than a toilet used when a girl's on her period(A/N: I'M ON MINE RIGHT NOW DON'T JUDGE!).

I felt like fainting right then and there but I kinda just stood there and squeaked. Yes. I squeaked okay?! Don't judge me and my weirdness! (A/N: sorry not sorry Eve!)

Zane got up and walked over to me, putting his hands on my shoulders and looked at me. "Are you alright? Eevee?" Zane said, tilting his head a little. I nodded with a small squeak, my face still blood red.

He sighed. I couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing so I tried to shuffle away, my clumsiness resulting in me falling into his arms. "Eevee I--"

The door opened to reveal Lloyd standing there with a tray -- which had frozen yogurt cups on it-- lets just say... He didn't look happy to see our rather... Awkward position.

"Ahem, I uhh I thought you were doing math." Lloyd said trying to stay calm though the anger was clear in his voice. "Lloyd it isn't wh--" He cut me off. "Eevee! This isn't about you! This is between me and Zane, could you go out in the hall Eve?" Lloyd asked. I sighed and untangled myself out of my room and awkwardly sat in the hallway.

Lloyd's POV

I swear-- I'm gonna kill somebody today and it won't be Eevee! I growled at Zane, setting the tray of frozen yogurt cups mom made down. "What was that about?!" I growled. "Lloyd! She only fell! I swear I did nothing to her!" Zane said panicking a little.

I growled. "Fine. Just go away, I don't want to talk to you right now." I said. I felt bad but, she's my cousin! How could I not be protective of her?!

Zane nodded got up and left.

~Timeskip to Monday~(A/N: Shhh who cares that there's so many timeskips?)

Eevee's POV

I did my usual morning routine and walked out the door to join Lloyd, Nya, Jay, Cole, Kai, and Zan-- hold up. Where's Zane?! Come to think of it I haven't seen him since friday. Maybe he got sick?

I shrugged it off and walked with the others. When I got to school I saw Zane sitting by the fountain, alone? That's not like him! He's always with us! I walked over to him and asked him if he was okay but he just got up and left without saying a word. I was confused to say the least.

I tried to follow him but he just walked away faster. Did he not want to be my friend?

Zane's POV

I felt horrid for leaving Eevee like that but, I did not want to anger Lloyd again. It's hard to contain my feeling for her but, I only wish for my friends to be happy even if it meant putting mine aside.

I looked back and saw her hurt expression and boy, that hurt my heart seeing her upset. I noticed Nya walk over to comfort Eevee so I kept walking.

~Timeskip to lunch~

I couldn't take it any longer! I'd been ignoring her all day even in home-econimics! I just needed to confess myself to her.

Eevee's POV

It was lunch and... I was eating... Alone... In the art room... I heard someone enter and I didn't look up until I heard the voice I've been dying to hear. "Eevee?" Zane said. I looked up with a weak smile.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. I shook my head. "W-why have you been ignoring me?..." I asked. "W-well, Eevee, the truth is, I like you. More than a friend. More than a best friend. I like-like you." He confessed. I was speechless and felt hot tears brimming in my eyes. "I-i l-l-li-li-lik-lik-like you t-too" I mumbled softly. He heard me because he instantly engulfed me in a hug. "I'm so happy. So I guess that leaves one question... Will you be my girlfriend?" Zane asked me. I couldn't speak and instead just nodded multiple times. He picked me up and spun me around happily then picked my forehead "I love you."


Whoo! Finally done!

Word count: 2400

This is just sooooo cute!!! P.s Lloyd X Reader OneShot is next!

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