~♡~I Wish I Could Take The Pain Away~♡~ Eevee X Zane
Scenario~ When life as a ninja is all too much, Zane pushes away something, or rather someone, very dear to him. Eevee. Heartbroken, she refuses to leave her room. Zane realizes his mistakes, but is it too late?
AU?~ nope. It's the series!
Requested by~ KatTheLightBlueNinja
Relationship~ very, very, very, very close friends!
Eevee's POV
I sat in my room. On my bed. Staring at the ceiling. The same place I've been since he forgot about me. I think it's been a week. A week since I smiled, a week since I felt emotions, a week since... I was betrayed.
Zane, my teammate, comrade, amigo, and... My crush... Or ex crush I should say... I used to think he cared about me the same way I did him... Guess I was wrong...
A soft knock knocked on my door, "Eevee...?" A gentle voice said.
My heart shivered at his voice. Zane. He was the last person I wanted to talk to right now. I didn't respond. I stayed completely silent, my breathing the only sound that could be heard.
"Please, I'm so sorry for what I did. Can we talk, please?" Zane asked softly.
I growled softly and took my boot off, throwing it at the closed door. "Why? So you can get close to me only to hurt me in the end?!" I screeched in a hurt tone. Heartbroken tears of sadness mixed with a hint of anger were slipping down my face from my crystal blue eyes in a river-like cascade. I don't do well with being forgotten about, pushed away, or betrayed. My insecurities and trust issues were taking over now, by pushing me away he had only made my trust issues and insecurities grow along with making me not trust him anymore.
Zane flinched. "Eevee..."
"No. I do not wish to talk to strangers. You pushed me away and left me all alone, forgetting all about me. I consider you a stranger now because you have lost my trust, and I don't talk to strangers, thank you." I replied harshly glaring at the closed door.
Zane seemingly understood because he didn't say anything so I assumed he was letting me cool off.
I growled a bit and tightly hugged my stuffed plushie, Lavie. Suddenly I bursted into tears. I gripped tightly onto Lavie while letting my sadness emit from me, sobbing. Emotions were always something I attempted to hold in, so it was apparent I had been holding them in for too long for me to just suddenly burst into tears like that.
Zane's POV
I heard her start to cry, I felt just awful for what I did to her. I wish I could just take any negative emotion she was feeling away from her, but I knew life didn't work like that. I regret it all. I regret ignoring her, she probably hated me now. I don't blame her, I mean, when your as insecure and fragile as Eevee is, I'm surprised she hasn't hurt herself, wait... Has she?!
Eevee's POV
I continued to cry quietly, my head buried into my cat plushie. I lifted my head up to see a decently sharp knife sitting on her dresser, "M-maybe just one cut..." Eevee mumbled.
I heard footsteps step closer to my door upon me saying that.
I nodded at my own idea, "Y-yeah. Or maybe a few cuts..." I mumbled, getting up and setting Lavie down. I walked over to my dresser and picked the knife up, twirling it around in my fingers. I pulled up my sleeve to reveal many deep scars from my cuts. I delicately placed the tip of the knife on my wrist and dragged it upward on my arm, pushing down hard. Some blood spilled out from the deep wound, dripping onto the wooden flooring and I smiled, enjoying the pain. This wasn't JUST about Zane, I'll admit, he's one of the reasons. But lately, lately I've been feeling... Misplaced. I have ZERO memories of anything before the age of six. Makes you wonder, who you really are, right?
I heard Zane start to panic upon hearing me and began to knock on my door in a panicking state. "Eevee!"
I frowned at the fact he was still there. "Stranger. Danger." I replied in a semi-angry, semi-sad tone. I was even more upset now that he had interrupted my daily cutting.
"Please don't hurt yourself because of me!" Zane pleaded.
I growled. "Because of you? Because of you?! Everything is always about you! Have you ever maybe considered it's NOT just about you?! I bet not. It's always about you, it's always my fault, your always better than me. Have you ever considered this is just who I am?! Maybe I just like the pain of the knife against my skin. Maybe I like seeing the little beads I red blood dripping down my arm. Maybe I like being alone, in my room, where nobody can see me cry. Where nobody can see me at my worst. Where nobody can see my weakness. Where nobody can get close to me, only to hurt me. Where nobody can cause my heart to ache. Where nobody can see my emotions. Where nobody can see.... Me. Not the happy me. Not the smiling me. Not the laughing me. Not the me who had fun. But the me who is sad. The me who doesn't smile. The me who doesn't laugh. The me who doesn't know the meaning of 'Fun'." I shouted. "Maybe, if I wasn't so naive." I scoffed. "I would've seen your little game ahead of time. I should've known you just wanted to steal my heart only to abuse it and throw it away as if it didn't even matter. I shouldn't have been so stupid, to think someone even cared. That was so dumb of me. To think I found someone who cared about me, I was wrong. Your just like everybody else. I actually thought you were different, that you actually cared. I was wrong. Very, very wrong. You couldn't care less about me, if you did you would've stopped me from cutting a while ago. You are nothing but a stranger to me now. You have abused my trust, something someone doesn't gain that easily from me. And you have just ripped my trust apart like a peice of scrapbook paper. I guess I don't mean anything to you. While you... You meant everything to me. Key word: meant. Now you've lost my trust and are now a stranger. " I said coldly. I once again, ran the cold blade down my arm again, pressing harder than before.
Zane teared up. "I understand. I'll leave you be if that's what you want. What ever makes you happy."
Me, the emotional train wreck I was, broke down into tears, throwing the knife at the wall. Now I was mad at myself for making him upset. I knew deep down in my fragile heart, he still meant everything to me. I just wasn't willing or ready to accept that. Just like I wasn't ready for the heart ache in my heart when he had pushed me away. I was always a emotional tornado when upset, and often said things I didn't truly mean.
I heard footsteps trailing away from my door. I guess Zane left.
3rd person's POV
Zane went to his room, even though he was so very hurt and upset with himself. He just wanted to make her happy.
Eevee looked out her window again opening it a bit, letting the breeze blow through her hair. Half of her heart was screaming at her to go tell him she still cared about him while the other half was telling her to jump out the window and never even look back, now she was conflicted between the two options.
Zane sighs. "I'm such an idiot. Eevee hates me now, the person I love the most despises me, now."
Eevee stared out the open window, "Do I jump and leave everything behind...? Or do I stay and continue living as a ninja...?" Eevee questioned herself quietly.
Zane look out his window, heartbroken with himself.
Eevee hugged her plush, "sometimes... I wish you could talk, Lavie." Eevee mumbled.
Zane sighs. "Should I go back to talk to her..?" He asked himself.
Eevee sighed then looked at her door. "God. I'm such an idiot!" Eevee said and punched the wall closest to her. The wall shook a bit, causing the whole Bounty to shift slightly. "Ow...." Eevee winced in pain, a dent in the wall and her hand particularly injured.
Zane's POV
I heard a loud noise from Eevee's room and the Bounty shook a bit. I hurriedly scrambled up and to her door.
Eevee's POV
I held my bruised and slightly bleeding hand. "Ugh. T-that hurt..." I mumbled.
My door was closed, so I didn't realize that it was actually unlocked. I held my hand, wincing.
I heard footsteps approaching my door. "Darn it, Eevee! Why'd you punch the wall in the first place?!" I mumbled, talking to myself. It was my way of not feeling so alone.
Little did I know, Zane was listening in.
"I seem like a crazy person right now..." I mumbled to myself again. "Where are the bandages...?" I said, attempting to find some for my hand.
I heard swift footsteps rushing away from my door then coming back after a moment or two, a knock followed suit.
I sighed, I didn't even need to open the door. Which wasn't locked, might I add, to know who it was. "What do you want, Zane?" I asked, clearly not in the mood to deal with his stupid lies or excuses.
"May... May I come in?" Zane asked wearily, respecting my boundaries by not rushing into my room. Despite the fact I didn't even want to look at him, he still cared...
"Er- uh f-fine!" I said after mentally debating with myself for several minutes.
He instantly opened the door and walked in, handing me something. "Here."
I looked down at what he handed me, it was bandages. I looked back up at him before reluctantly taking them. "T-thanks... I guess..." I said and proceeded to wrap my injured hand, wincing a bit.
He smiled gently at me and nodded before turning to leave. "W-wait!! You... You don't have to go..." I mumbled. Half of my heart was screaming that I had made a huge mistake. While the other, was screaming at me to admit how I really felt about him and to stop lying to myself. Lying? Ahahaha, I'm not lying to myself! R-right?
No!- Eevee- stop doubting yourself!
Zane stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me. "But..." He said quietly, as if he was afraid to hurt me more than he already had.
I honestly had no clue why I did that. "Uhh...." I mumbled softly, twisting a strand of my hair between my fingers. Emotions were confusing.
Zane just looked at me, a glint of guilt, sadness, and pain lingering in his icy eyes. "Zane... I... I'm sorry..."
Zane's POV
What Eevee had just said confused me, she had no need to apologize to me, she had done nothing wrong. I was not the victim here, she was, so why was she apologizing to me? I inched closer to her, looking into her crystal blue eyes. They were filled with sadness and pain, not full of happiness and joy I remember. The sadness that was emitting simply from the glow of her eyes, it was unbearable. The fact that I did that to her... It stung horribly.. It really, really, really did. It was like taking a steaming hot iron and throwing the hot, metal part at someone's face, but ten times more painful.
"There is no reason for you to be sorry. It was all my fault, Eevee." I said. It was ALL my fault. The look in her eyes, her sadness, the dent in her wall, I was the cause of all of it. None of this was her fault and would never be. It would never even come close to being her fault, that I was certain of.
"No... I..." She sighed softly, hesitation lingering in her soft sigh. It was clear from the way she sighed she'd been holding this in for far too long. Whatever she was about to say, she'd been meaning to say to me far, far earlier.
Eevee's POV
"All those things I said... I... I didn't mean them... They were what half of my heart wanted to believe. I was simply lying to myself. My heart was just afraid, I was just afraid. It was afraid of crying, afraid of being seen at my worst, afraid of weakness, afraid of getting close to someone only to be left all alone in the darkness, afraid of heart ache, afraid of heartbreak, afraid of showing emotions, afraid of... Myself, but most of all... It was afraid of love, and being loved, and everything involving love." I looked down, clenching my fist to prevent tears, harshly biting down on bottom lip, surprisingly it didn't bleed.
"My heart came up with every reason not to trust you, none of them true in the slightest way possible, I don't hate you. I could never hate you. You could never be a stranger to me, you're so much more different then everyone else. You stayed, even after everyone else gave up on me and just walked away and left, you stayed. After everyone was gone, you still remained." The tears that had built up in my eyes were slowly becoming to much as they started to drop down my rose colored cheeks.
"You cared about me enough to listen to me disrespect you and talk to you with a spiteful tone, you cared enough to respect my boundaries and not rush into my rush, despite your rightful worries and concerns, you... You cared enough to stay. You cared enough to remain my friend through it all.. You..." My face started heating up, tears staining them as new one dropped from my eyelashes.
"You still do mean everything to me, no matter how hard I tried to deny it, it didn't matter... I knew deep down, I could never forget you, I could never hate you, heh. I couldn't even dislike you if I tried because I-i... I..." I took a deep breath, reaching my arms up and wiping my eyes.
"Really, really, really, really, really, really l-l-like y-you. More than a friend, more than a teammate, more than a supper-dupper-forever best friend." By this point, my whole face had gone scarlet, I'm certain.
"You are my world. I don't know what I would do without you." The tears I had previously whipped away came fluttering down my face again, like a never ending river of sadness and despair.
"When you pushed me away... I thought I had lost the person I loved the most... I never meant any of those awful, terrible things I said to you... I-i... I l-l-lo-lov-love y-you..." I mumbled softly, stuttering terribly, horribly at the world love.
I wasn't used to being loved or loving others, the word 'love' was actually quite foreign to me. I didn't use the word often when speaking, since it wasn't a very well known thing to me. I honestly expected him to reject me in my entirety. It was honestly surprising and dumbfounding I had been able to manage a confession.
Zane's POV
Eevee just.... She just... I... I don't... How... How do I... What... I.. What do I say... Do... What I... Uhh...
I felt my heart skip a beat- wait, minus that. Multiple beats.
After several long minutes Eevee sniffled, collapsing to the ground in sobs. "I-I'm sorry- I don't know what I'm saying anymore. You have every right to hate me!" Eevee managed to whimper out. I instantly hugged her, my actions faster than my thoughts.
"Shhh... Shhh... I don't hate you. Not one bit. I love you, so so much. More than I could describe to you Eevee, more than the amount of Stars in the sky or the amount of water droplets in the ocean. Your far too kind to me, I don't deserve your forgiveness, I honestly don't. What I do deserve is for you to hate me, with every fiber in your body. But you don't... Instead you forgave me. Petals, I'm ever so sorry for abandoning you like that. You didn't deserve it. Being a ninja, it just doesn't excuse behaviour like that! Your far to important to me to lose." I confessed.
She looked completely stunned, her cheeks finding a way to become redder. My god she's adorable!-
Eevee snuggled herself into my chest, she emitting sniffles and whimpers as she loosely returned the embrace.
I soothingly rubbed her back, her sniffled and whimpers slowly faded as they eventually subsided altogether. She looked up at me with her big, blue eyes. For a second, a saw something in them.
A spark, a happy spark.
And the glisten they once had was there again, she was happy again! "Pro...promise me you won't ever leave me again?"
"I promise.."
"Your sure..?"
"Yes, Eevee, I'm positive. I won't leave you again. Ever"
With that satisfaction resting in her mind, she closed her eyes happily, smiling with the quiet and soft giggle that I found absolutely adorable. I moved her hair away from her face as I lightly pecked her forehead, causing her to squeak.
???'s POV
"Oof, hey!! Move your big head Porcupine, I can't see!"
"Well sorry!- ow!! Lloyd that was my foot!"
"Whoops.. Sorry Kai.."
"Shhhhhh! They'll hear us!"
"Yeah Rumi's right! The quieter we are, the more chance we get to see Evane! Squeeeeeee!"
"Owwwwwwww my hand ;-;"
"Ash! You okay?"
"I am, but my have isn't!"
"That... Makes no sense.. Like at all"
"Life makes no sense!"
"Eh, true, true..."
"Cole, Bri, Rumi, Lloyd, Rose, Freya, Kai, Ash? what are you doing?"
"Evane watching, Cyra, duh!"
"Okay, whatever you guys do you.. Ya weirdos..."
"Whatever Cy, it's an OTP! Like Ashlloyd, Colra, and Frai!"
Word count~ 3008
I'm just... Gonna go cry out my life now.... THIS WAS SO SAD, WHY?!
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