When he realizes your gone/ while your there
*Kai's POV*
Y/N texted me saying that she had detention and that she would be home late, but it's already 9:00 and she should be home by now! I'm getting really worried. I walk down stairs to the living room, with the guys
"Guys Y/N's not home yet.... Do you think she's ok" I ask nervously
"Dude, if she's anything like you -which she is- she's fine" Cole says
"Ya, don't worry about it, maybe she is staying the night at a friends and forgot to tell you" Lloyd says and shrugs
"Ok, but if she's not home by tomorrow, I'm going looking for her, and your all coming" I say, they nod and say 'fine'.
*back to you*
You stand in a cave, in a cell. You wait for who, or, whatever kidnapped you
"Hello!! Is anyone here!?!" You yell. You get no response and kick the ground. A pool of lava appears where you kicked the ground
"Whoa" you say. You get an idea. You hold on to the mettle bars. You close your eyes and when you open them; lava has burnt the bars. There is now a hole in the bars big enough for you to fit through.
You step through the bars and come face to face with five guys. To your surprise they look exactly like the guys, just paler and wearing sunglasses
"Why did you bring me here" you ask and get in a fighting position
"I believe you know the answer to that" Evil Kai says and motions to your cell
"This is all new to me too. So why did you bring me here" you ask again
"Dear, if that team gets any stronger, evil will never be able to take over" Evil Cole says
"So we're gonna have to keep you here" Evil Jay says
"No chance" you say. You try to use your powers on them, but nothing happens
"Heh heh, looks like you could use some training {evil laugh}" Evil Lloyd smirks
They all laugh and throw you in a new, stronger cell, you get a big cut on your arm from a rock on the ground.
*Zane's POV*
I have not seen Y/N all day, I've looked for her everywhere. I looked at the park, around the monastery, everywhere. I rush inside to my brothers
"What's up Zane" Kai asks
"Y/N is gone, I sense something bad has happened to her" I say and look to them
"Zane, I know your senses are rarely wrong, but I'm sure she's fine" Cole says
"Ya. If she's not back by tomorrow we'll help you look for her. ok?" Lloyd nods
"Don't worry" Jay says
"Affirmative brothers" I say and sit with them
*and now to you*
The Nindroids have you in a metal room. You have chains restraining you. You have one around your waist, around your ankles and both of your wrists.
Mindroid has come in a couple times to keep you company, and he's not that bad. You don't really understand what he says, but it's the thought that counts.
You feel a cold tear run down your cheek, it lands on the chain that's around your waist. You look to where t landed and see.... snow! Snow where the tear fell onto the chain!
You hold on to the chains that are around your wrists and they get covered in snow too, along with the one on your waist and the ones around your ankles!
The cold breaks the chains and you run to the metal door. Just as you do General Cryptor bursts in with a bunch of other Nindroids
"You are like the other one! You have powers too!" He shouts.
He charges at you. You narrowly avoid his attack, but his sword cuts your arm. The sword slices some of the wires in your arm. You fall to the ground, crying and holding your arm
"You have no chance of escaping, girl" General Cryptor says
"I will get out" you cry quietly. They pick you up and put you in a holding tank where they can keep an eye on you.
*Lloyd's POV*
Y/N told me she was going out to get the guys and I the new version of fist-to-face-4, and not to tell the others.... But she's been gone all day. I keep telling myself that maybe the lines were really long or she stopped at a friends house. But nothing will calm my nerves!
I run to the guys
"Guys, Y/N has been gone for a really long time. I'm getting worried, will you help me look for her?" I ask
"Whoa, Lloyd, calm down" Kai says
"Ya I'm sure she's fine" Cole adds
"If she's not back by tomorrow we'll help you look for her. I know I'd be freaking out if Nya was gone for two days without telling anybody" Jay swoons.
The others nod with Jay.
Well they said they would help me tomorrow, so I'll try to calm down.
*now your situation*
The Overlord took you to a futuristic... castle.... thing in a jungle. You are in a tube, and no matter how hard you try you can't break the glass. You've been trying for hours, you have big bruises all over your shoulders and arms and you haven't seen a sole since you got here.
You pound your self into the glass again but it still won't break.
"Why won't you break!!!!?" You yell. You decide to try something els. You put your hands up to the glass, get your feet planted on the ground and push.
A blinding light shines and the glass brakes. The Overlord zooms in and looks at you, on the ground, standing up
"What did you do, child!?" He yells
"I got out of your stupid test tube!" You yell and wipe sweat off of your forehead.
The Overlord uses his tentacles to pick up a large piece of glass. He throws it at you and it slices across your leg, leaving you with a big cut on your outer thy. You scream in pain and begin to cry
"{scream} I will get out!!!!" You scream at him
"Not today child" he says. You get thrown into a stronger test tube. You look at your bloody wound in horror.
*Coles POV*
Y/N isn't home from school yet. What if something happened to her. Ok, calm down Cole, maybe she stopped at the dance studio, or she got in trouble. I sit in my room, pep talking myself.
I sit until I can't take not knowing anymore. I rush to the guys and stand in front of them
"Guys, Y/N's gone missing, I need you to come look for her with me" I say and cross my arms
"Dude, calm down. She probably just got in trouble, I mean she is your girlfriend {smirk}" Lloyd snickers
"Ya this coming from you" Jay laughs
"Guys focus, I need your help" I plead
"We'll help, but can't it wait until tomorrow, it's late" Kai asks
"{sigh} fine" I say and sit with them
*and to you*
You sit in the Serpentine's home, under the city. You look at all the Serpentine around you. Your not scared of them
"Scales, why did you bring me here" you ask and look to him
"{sigh} My dear, you wouldn't believe me if I told you" he says
"Trust me, I'll believe you" you say
"Ok. Y/N, you've never known your parents, right" he asks
"No, why" you ask
"I am your father Y/N. Your mother was killed and I didn't think it was safe for you to stay with me, so I left you with your aunt" he says
Tears burn at your eyes. You've finally found your father
"Daddy? I {snif} I remember" you say and hug him. Tears spill from your eyes as he hugs you back. An explosion of black dust comes out of you and you pull back
"What was that?!" You ask
"Your powers, my daughter" he says. He takes you on a tour of they're home, you see a little Serpentine who looks a lot like your father and a pink Hypnobryde wearing a necklace, the little Serpentine runs up to you and the pink one walks to you
"Daddy, who is this" the little one asks
"This is your older sister; Y/N and Y/N this is your brother; Scales Jr. and my wife; Selma" Scales says
"Hi Y/N, you may not think of me as your mother but I think of you as a daughter" she says and hugs you
"Don't worry, I do think of you as a mother" you say and let her go. You kneel down to Scales Jr.
"Hey little brother" you laugh
"Yay! I have a sister" he says and hugs you. Your so happy! You have a family!
*Jays POV*
Oh my gosh!! In freaking out!! Y/N was looking for a piece for me a couple hours ago and now she's gone!!!
How am I gonna explain this to the guys.... I lost my girlfriend in my parents junkyard!!!
I run to the bounty and to the guys
"Hey Jay, where's Y/N" Lloyd asks
"That's what I wanna know!!" I panic
"Jay, calm down. Maybe she got lost in all of the junk at your parents junkyard {snicker}" Kai says
"Maybe she went to buy the part for you because she could not find it" Zane says
"Ok.... But if I can't find her by tomorrow your all coming with me to look!" I demand. All of the guys nod.
*on a floating pirate ship: you*
You sit in a cell, looking at the sky through the roof. They have steel bars blocking it but you can still see the sky. You haven't seen Captain Soto or any of the other pirates since they stuck you down here
"Hello!! Am I ever going to get out of here?!?" You scream. You throw your hands up to the sky and as soon as you do, it starts to rain.
Captain Soto rushes to your cell
"Girl! Are you aquatinted with the pyjamas men, your powers tell me you are" he asks and points his sword at you
"Ya, I'm dating one of them" you smirk, trying to annoy him
"I knew it!" He says. He shoves his sword through the metal bars, cutting your arm. You drop to the ground and crawl away from the skylight. You hold your arm, cry and think of Jay.
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