Untitled Part 1

Ok so this is my OC Lorelei Ethelinda Garmadon 

Name Meaning: Alluring(Lorelei), Noble Serpent(Ethelinda), Beloved Teacher(Garmadon)


Serpentine Race: Ophidian(Empress)

Race Description: Ophidian's are the Amazon clan of the serpentine race they are an all female clan whose saying is "Power is Beauty, the most powerful is the most beautiful". Ophidians are the only clan more feared than the Anacondrai due to them being the most dangerous due to them being powerful magic users, masters of a fighting technique that can kill other serpentines with a single attack, Shapeshifters that can transform into humans or other serpentine, Incredible blacksmiths that made the golden weapons the ninja use as well as the serpentine general staffs and the most powerful staff known as the Ophidian Empress Staff (which is above) as well as the most powerful golden weapon known as the Claymore of Creation(which is above also), healing techniques and potions which can save the lives of all the serpentine and ninjago, tamers of the most dangerous beasts the great devourer was tamed by the Empress, Ophidians have some if not all the powers of the other serpentine clans depending on each ophidian but The Empress is the most powerful of all and her venom is the only one that can not be reversed unless she wants it too, Ophidians are like the fangpyres being able to turn humans/beasts/things into ophidians only difference is even if a ophidian bites a man he'll turn into a female ophidian because there are no males also ophidian venom can turn male serpentines into either a female serpentine but not an ophidian or can turn them into a human temporary but the empresses venom can be permanent and only she can undo it if she desires it which frightens the male population of the serpentine but the complete opposite can be said about the female serpentine they adore and respect the ophidian clans while the males are scared of them, ophidians are the only serpentine race that can fly due to them having wings the empress is the only one who two pairs of wings, the Empress can also change her size from being super small to super gigantic, Ophidians can mate with male serpentines the female heirs become ophidians while the males take after their fathers race but also any female descendants from the sons of the ophidians become fullblooded ophidians the same thing can happen if an ophidian mates with a human it does matter how long after the first ophidian mates with the human any and all female descendants can and will become fullblooded ophidians there is the rare occurrence where it skips with a female descendant and her daughter gains the ophidian gene.

Family: Lord Garmadon(father), Enamora(mother, Empress of Witches, Deceased), Lloyd(younger annoying half-brother, who often took her for granted), Misako(step-mother, who lorelei never really liked and refuses accept as her mother due to her never really liking lorelei), Sensei Wu(uncle, who took her in and helped train her only for his other students to reject her and her talents because her father is their enemy)

Arch Enemies: Nya(her number 1 nemesis due to nya spreading lies which caused the ninja to reject her because of her jealousy), ninja(because of them rejecting her and believing the lies nya spread), Sensei Wu(due to him not helping her or defending her when the ninja turned against her due to nya's lies, but most of all for killing her mother and destroying her mothers empire), Lloyd(due to him stealing her plans of releasing the serpentine clans, trying to enslave the serpentine, and always trying to prank her and fails due to her being smarter and not trusts him as far as she can throw him and she can really throw him very far, there is also resentment due to her always having to act like his mother and cleaning up his messes even though she didn't make them), Lord Garmadon(due to him leaving her behind and not taking her with him, him making her always take care of Lloyd and his messes, there is also resentment for him marrying Misako and making her feel like he loves Lloyd more than her), Chen(for him causing the serpentine war when she warned him, for not saving her beloved Anacondrai clan from total ruin, for betraying her mother and the witches after he got what he wanted from them and selling them out to the ninja/Wu as well as spreading lies about her mother and the witches)

Looks: Long flowing pink hair, Milky white skin, Purple eyes that in her Ophidian form have yellow sclera with rings, Slim and Busty figure, fuchsia colored lips, In her Ophidian Form her lower serpent half is purple diamond shaped scales with a lilac underbelly she has light pinkish purple jewels growing between grey spikes with a gold ring where the spikes or growing from, the end of her tail is a spade like with multiple spikes adorned with gold, her wings dark purple with light purple lining and lilac inside the wings the top part of her wings have claw like hands and wine colored talons, Long purple fin like ears with lilac webbing and diamond shaped gold earrings, she also has a pair of grey horns on her head that extends out from behind her crown, her armor is gold colored with dark amethyst accents and a wine colored fuchsia cloth with her clans mark on it which so happens to be a birthmark on her upper back she also has a magical tattoo that holds all the powers of everyone who was a witch in her mothers empire below her navel.

Fun facts: Lorelei got the ophidian gene from her father because her father and uncle Wu are male descendants of the first human and ophidian mates it also means if Lloyd has a daughter she'll most likely take after his sister another fun fact Lorelei was given a magical artifact by her grandfather who loved her the most out of all his grandchildren the artifact was known as the phoenix gate the only artifact that allows the user to see the future/present/past as well as go back into time as many times as they desire which allowed Lorelei to go into the past create the Ophidian clan turn the first Ophidian which so happens to be her great-grandmother as well as create the serpentine general staffs, the golden weapons, her empress staff, the city of ouroboros, tame the great devourer, save the entire serpentine race quite a few times and become the strongest being in the entire world of ninjago as well as known as the most beautiful woman in ninjago the human populace actual doesn't know she's the first and only Ophidian empress.

Ps I made that picture myself with a paint app

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