*Prologue chapter 3: not so bad after all*

In this universe of ninjago I wanted Harumi and zixal to have a sort of sister/brother, mother/son kind of relationship, this chapter is where it started,
(Also I'm saying universe because I heard Rumi might be officially dead😭)

"Rumi! Could you keep an eye on zixal?me and Nya are going out!" Pixal shouted from the other room, "Kay!" I shouted back. I watched as the two flew away on Nya's water dragon, "wonder where they're off to in such a hurry, she sounded as if something was wrong, I heard that Nya wasn't feeling well...I hope she's ok."

I took three seconds to realize that I was now alone with nothing to do. I sighed and slumped over in the chair I was currently sitting in. Maybe there's something in the fridge?

I got up to get a snack, the fridge wasn't empty, wasn't full either. Not much....... but there was a pudding cup. I lifted it up and the word "JAY" was written on the lid "meh, Jay won't notice if I just take one right?.... or I could just blame Cole."

I trudged back to my lonely chair, but before I could eat my pudding, I heard a faint baby cry coming from a different room. "I guess zixal woke up early." Thought as a headed towards the crying sound.

I came into the Boys room and Went next to his crib, he was crying and flailing his arms. I lifted him up and our eyes met.
"Hey there lil' guy!" I Cooed. He froze, his eyes turned green. His eyes just stared at me, as if he were scanning me. He went back to normal, and cried even louder then before.

"He must have been used to one of his parents or one of the other ninjas waking him, not a person he's only meet once."I cradled him in my arms "shh, shh it's ok, don't be scared." I cooed, but he continued to cry.

I sighed there's gotta be something that would- Then a folded piece of paper next to his crib caught my eye.
I read it aloud:
Dear Harumi,
If Zixal wakes up while I'm gone he'll probably not be very happy when he finds out me and Zane aren't there, there's a bottle in the fridge that you can give him. And if that doesn't calm him down you could try giving him a toy or his pacifier.

I sighed with relief, I went to the kitchen and as said, there was a blue baby bottle on the shelf. I headed to my chair, a bottle in one hand and a crying robot baby in the other, and sat down. The young nindroid, still squirming in my arms had now noticed his bottle. "It's ok Zixy, I have your bottle" I cooed in a baby voice.

He stared at the bottle, then pushed it away and continued to cry. I huffed,

"wait" I thought to myself "I got an idea!"  I cleared my throat,
"*the spider's in the house*,

*Sleep deep*,

*The spider bite the mouse*,

*Sleep deep*

*Don't wake up or else you'll find a spider in your mouth.*"

He yawned and cuddled into my chest, finally calming down. "Singing always works" I sighed, he looked so.......peaceful. I gently cradled him in my arms. I've never experienced this, I was an only child(obviously) so this was nice.

He looked up at me and smiled. "hawumi!" He laughed, i guess now that he's not crying his eyes out he's actually glad to see me, I chuckled "hey lil guy, Sowwy to ruin your nap."

The boy looked around "mommy?"  "mommy and aunt Nya went out for a little while, but they will be back soon" he looked confused "daddy?" "Daddy and the others aren't back yet.." he sighed " I want mommy and daddy" his eyes began to water.

"Hey hey, don't cry. I promise they will be back soon." I wiped his tears. "Do you want to do something while we wait?" he nodded " zixal wanna play with Fuffy!" And if I remember correctly, that was the robo cat that I met earlier, "ok..........uh, where is she?"
He shrugged, then I got an idea "I know! Let's play a game, it's call where's Fluffly. First one to find Fluffly wins." The boy clapped his hands "yay!" He leaped out of my lap, "last one There is a wotten ninja!" He said and waddled away. "Dang! For a two year old this guy can run," I thought before I followed after him.

We finally made it back with better news then I thought we would have, the water dragon hovered over the bounty as I hoped off, and helped Nya down. "You feeling alright?" I asked her knowing how queasy she still was, " yeah," she nodded "also, before we go in.... I just wanna know.." I stopped.

"well, have you told zixal yet?" "What?" "You know, about how he's going to be a-" I cut her off "no I haven't, I- er- we were going to tell him when we tell the others" I smirked " but I think there's something about you that we need to tell the others before I tell my surprise.
She blushed heavily "pix!"

I laughed "sorry, but seriously you have to tell them that your pregnant."

She huffed "I will I will, but after they get back, then we can tell them, hopefully kai won't over react.." we both giggled as we came inside.

It was silent "where is everyone?" All of the sudden we heard laughter echo through the bounty. We followed the sound to find Harumi crawling on her knees with a certain nindroid on her back. "Faster horsy faster!" He called "I'm going as fast as I can." Harumi panted then flopped onto the floor.

She looked up and blushed "O-oh hey guys, your back..." "MOMMY!" Zixal tumbled off Harumi and ran to me. "There's my big boy!" I lifted him into the air and gave him a hug. "So... I see you two had fun.." Zixal nodded " yeah! Me and hawumi p'way horsy!" I smiled "I should ask you to babysit more often." She blushed

"Of course, anytime" she stood up " oh yeah, I was wondering... where'd you two go in such a hurry, I mean it's none of my business just asking."
"I just took Nya to the doctor to find out why she was sick, and we found out some........ surprising news" she made a worried face. "Oh no! Is it bad!"

I glanced at Nya, "should we tell her?" She nodded. "Well we can tell you.... if you promise not to tell the others yet.."
She agreed. "Well...We just found out that Nya and jay are going to be parents"
She gasped "your pregnant! Congratulations!" She gave her a hug.

"Pregnant?" Zixal looked confused "yes, that means aunt Nya is going to have a baby." He gasped "baby!?" We laughed. "Yes! I'm having a baby... and that means your gonna have a little cousin!" Nya giggled.
The little robot squirmed out of my arms and ran to Nya, and hugged her leg. "Haha! Aun Nya have baby!" He giggled. Nya smirked "Well, at least we know he'll have good reaction once you tell him.." I blushed.

~a few days later~

"It's been only a few days after I found out about my baby, and I'm really dreading telling the others.......mainly kai. Jay and the others will most likely be happy for me, I'm still not sure how kai would feel about this."

Pixal was talking to zane through their shared mind, "mhh....ok......really!? Ok see you soon!*ends call* Nya their on their way back!" I sighed. "Hey, what was the " Mission" anyways?" She shrugged "I don't know, sensei said it was top secret, but I guess it wasn't that hard 'cause they're on their way back as we speak."

Pixal picked up zixal, who was currently playing with a toy sword. "You hear that zixe, daddy's coming home!" She carried him to the kitchen.

Harumi patted my shoulder "don't worry Nya, it's gonna be fine. I mean the worst that could happen is that kai would burn jay to ashes for what he did" I fake laughed at her joke, I never really realized how nice she could be. but I was seriously worried that kai would actually do that.

I pulled something out of my pocket, Rumi saw it "what's that" I smiled "a positive pregnancy test, you know to prove that I'm ACTUALLY pregnant."
"So, how you gonna tell them?"
I sighed "I'm not sure, I'll probably tell jay first, that way if he faints I won't have to worry about kai attacking him" we both giggled.

Then a dragon roar could be heard from out side, "they're back!" We ran to greet them. Harumi ran to Lloyd and pretty much tackled him to the ground.
"Ah, I ship them so much." (me too Nya)

zixal seemed pretty happy too. "DADDY!" He leaped into his fathers arms "hey there's my big boy! I missed you" pixal gave them a hug "come on, you were only gone for a few days." zane blushed "and I thought about you the entire time." I sighed "why are they so cute"

Jay ran over and squeezed the breath out of me "oh my gosh! I was so worried about you!" I struggled to get out of his grip "c-can't......b-breath!" He quickly let me go as I gasped for air. "sorry, I was just so worried! You seemed so ill before, but you seem to be ok now."

"Yeah, I told you all I need was some rest." I giggled. "Come on let's go inside I'm starving!" We all headed inside, "ok everyone, me and Zane will make dinner," she put her mouth to my ear "if your gonna tell him you should tell him now." I nodded.

I was quite nervous, how was I supposed to tell him? Everyone was just hanging around while they waited for dinner, it's been awhile since we where all together under the same roof. "hey! Who ate my pudding cup!?" Jay glared at cole "wasn't me, honest!" Harumi blushed "um....gotta go bye!" She stuttered and ran out of the room. Jay growned

"Um, Jay?" He glanced at me "yeah, what's wrong?" I blushed "I need to talk to you....in private." He looked confused. "Alright"
we went to my room and I locked the door. I felt to make sure the positive pregnancy test was still in my pocket.

i may or may not edit the ending  of ths chapter because it could be better... ive started chapter 4 but am having a bit of trouble thinking of how things should play out.. hopefully it will be out soon.

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