Rooting for the enemy
Warning: swears, my headcanons, my humor, my (bad) grammar, mostly unedited
You have a bestie of your choice in this one, the catch? It's a she 🫠
You wouldn't call yourself a sports expert, the term fan also seem like a bit of an overstatement. But you did enjoy watching sporting events, just following the ball or whatever with your eyes, having something to physically occupy you while your mind wandered places.
It was easy, and on those events teams were only of people that were good at the game, so it was also pretty satisfying. You caught yourself rooting for one team or the other a few times when they were doing particularly well. Those weren't always your school's teams...
Again, not calling yourself a fan.
As long as it was not you playing, it really didn't matter who won to you. Yes, I know, crazy~
Of course, you never cheered for the other schools' teams out loud, other students would skin you alive. Hell, your own friends would skin you alive!
It was a little secret of sorts. One you weren't willing to share with anyone.
Today would be such occasion. There was another tournament, basketball finals, mixed teams, your school versus Ninjago High. It was already special, not once in all the years you've been attending this school have your team gotten this far, not once have you even seen Ninjago High's team since your cities were literally on opposing sides of the country. As it was BIG, your school decided to bring a lot of regular students to cheer your team on, a field trip of sorts.
You had decent enough grades, good attendance and were known to be overall chill, so you got the honour of joining the trip. It also helped you were besties with one of the team members.
You hoped either a celebration or 'better luck next time' ice cream were gonna get involved.
[Bestie] dragged you with her for moral support as both teams were called to gather at the gym's entrance. You chatted for a while, wishing them all good luck before the home team showed up.
You noticed them in the corner of your eye, everyone from your school's team turned to look at them alongside you.
You paused.
Holy shit...
There, between all the team members, you spotted the cutest blondie you've ever seen in your entire life. Him and one of the other boys on the team, a spiky haired guy, were laughing and smiling at each other, probably teasing or something.
You forced yourself to not stare like an idiot at a boy of all things and stepped aside as the 'enemy' team stopped to greet your friend's team. One of the girls from the other team actually came up to you and extended her hand with a kind smile, you felt so embarrassed as you raised both of your hands and explained you were there for moral support only while shaking your head.
She paused. "Oh... Well, that's nice" You blinked, stunned as the smile quickly returned to her face, the hand never ever falling down. "I'm Nya"
"Um, [name]" You slowly took her hand and hesitantly shook it. "Nice meeting you???"
Nya let out a short laugh. "It really is!" She leaned toward you, lowering her voice to a whisper, "By the way, I totally saw you ogling at my friend over there" She mentioned like it's nothing, the smile turning into a smirk.
Nevermind, she's evil! ABORT MISSION!!
I'm sure [bestie] doesn't even need support. She's so good, she'll be fine on her own. Yeah!
Nya titled her head, squinting her eyes at you as you grew pale. "Or was it my bro? In which case, I'm really fucking sorry for you. He's a mess..." She continued on, now frowning with pity.
"I-I... I don't know whatchu talking about...?" You offered, forcing a smile. Weak. Weakling. Your cover is already blown, stop making a fool of yourself!
"The porcupine smelling like a skunk is my brother – Kai" Nya pointed at the spiky haired brunet, swiftly avoiding eye contact with him as she moved her finger to point at the cute blondie (currently having a lil chit-chat with the other girl on the team), "And that's Lloyd, he's kinda like a brother" She mused, humming to herself.
You pursed your lips, eyes slowly turning to stare at her tensely, too aware of the porcupine guy now looking at you two with interest. Please, don't come over—
Aaaaand, he's coming over. Great...
"What's up, you two?"
Nya made a face, before quickly changing it to a bright smile as she straighten up and wrapped an arm around you while turning to her brother, "I've made a new friend!" What. "Kai, this is [name]" She pointed at you with an open hand, you smiled sheepishly and gave a small wave. Wtf is happening...? "I already told them about you" She addressed the boy at the very end, still too cheerily for the situation, in your humble opinion.
Kai stared at her with a blank expression, eyes jumping to your person for a moment before quickly jumping back to his sister. He offered you a small smile, "Okay, well, good to meet you" He looked at Nya again, the smile dropping, "Um, we're starting in, like, a minute"
Nya rolled her eyes. "'Kay, I'll be there. Just— One last thing. Shoo!" She gave him a light glare. Kai sighed, seemingly defeated, as he turned around and walked back to his team, immediately engaging in conversation with the blondie. Not that you were looking— "So," Oh right, Nya weren't done with you yet. "If you'd like to try your chances, meet us here after the tournament's over. Anyway, bye~!" She threw at you, skipping over to her team.
You noticed Kai and Lloyd looking over at you.
Oh shit! ABORT MISSION!!!!
You evacuated before you could get embarrassed further. Hopefully [bestie] won't get mad you just disappeared without saying goodbye...
You quickly found the other students from your school in the bleachers and took the first free seat you saw next to them. This would be the first time you secretly cheered against your friend. Normally, you only cheered for the other school's team when they were particularly good and you weren't close with any of your team's players, not once have you cheered against [bestie] before. Why would you? She was really good and she and you were close.
But Ninjago High's team was also really good. No surprise there, they were at the finals pretty often from what you heard. And not only were they good, they also had the cutest guy you've ever seen on their team!
Seriously, what the hell!?
What God decided this was okay? (Eris, I'm looking at you—)
Safe to say you felt... conflicted. Mostly bad though, how could you betray your best friend like that? You're a bad, bad friend. And for what? A guy of all things? You don't even know him! You didn't even talked!!
Throughout the game you noticed Nya looking at the bleachers whenever she got a moment, when she finally spotted you, she smiled and waved. So she was obviously looking for you. Fuck.
Worst of all, her constantly sending you smiles (for no fucking reason at all!!) eventually caught the attention of the other two members you knew by name and name only, prompting them to look in your general direction.
It might have just been the worst game you had to sit through. And your team lost on top of that. So yeah, pretty fucking shitty.
All too stressed, you made your way to the gym entrance to meet with your friend as soon as the tournament ended. Your school's team exited first, everyone looking beyond annoyed, and tired. "Good game, huh?" You asked sarcastically, drawing a defeated whine from [bestie].
"I don't know what we expected, to be honest..."
"I mean, yeah, getting into these finals was already a miracle—" An empty plastic bottle hit your head. You and [bestie] turned to glare daggers at whoever threw that, one of your team's members glared back at you.
"Pardon" You tensed up hearing Nya's voice. The both of you turned to look at the girl, who was yet again smiling cheerily. She extended her hand to your friend, "You were really good out there"
[Bestie] huffed, slamming her hand into Nya's, "Thanks, you were not so bad yourself" You couldn't help but raise a brow at that. Like hell she was, her team won—
Nya let out a chuckle. "Would you be interested in consolatory ice cream? You, your team and your friend?" She pointed at you. Truly an evil mastermind!
Your friend kind of stared at her, confused, yet to discover how much of an evil genius the other girl was. She glanced at the rest of her team. Some were skeptical, some curious. She looked back at Nya, "Uh, give us a second?"
Nya smiled brightly, "Of course!"
[Bestie] made a step towards the others, then paused and looked at you, "Would you be fine with that?"
"Uh—" You glanced at Nya, noticing the two guys behind here, looking at you curiously. You quickly looked back at your friend, forcing a small smile. "Yeah, no, I'm fly with ice cream" She gave a nod and went to her team, them creating a small circle as they discussed this in hushed voices.
Nya didn't even fucking wait, she spun around, stepping aside to make sure she wasn't covering you as she pointed you out to her brother and the cute guy, "Lloyd, this is [name]. My new friend~" Oh great! Just when you thought she couldn't get any worse!!
([Bestie] paused, barely getting to finish her sentence. She furrowed her brows, turning around ever so slightly.)
Clearly amused by the girl's antics, if the small snort was anything to go by, the blondie smiled warmly at you and gave a small wave, "Hi there"
"Um—" You quickly brought your hand up and waved back, your smile much more awkward. "Hi!!"
(Your friend raised a brow. This was pretty... out of character for you. As far as she's aware you weren't exactly a social butterfly, but you never seem this nervous around new people.)
Nya threw an arm around your shoulder. "They'll be getting ice cream with us!"
"Cool" Kai commented, Nya immediately threw him a glare.
"Nobody asked you, bro"
He furrowed his brows, "Wha—?" Lloyd chuckled, earning himself a betrayed look from the hedgehog guy. Oh GODS... even his laughter was cute!
You, admittedly, blushed a little.
([Bestie]'s mouth dropped open at the realization. One of the other members from the team tried getting her to continue with the counsel, but she waved them off with a huge grin on her face.)
"Great news, Nya!" Your friend exclaimed, another member of the team quietly announced their disagreement (they were ignored). "The ice cream party is a go!"
Nya grinned at your best friend. "Fantastic! See you in five?"
"Sure thing, girl!"
You drew your brows together. Why do you predict mischief?
You really pray your predictions would be wrong one day.
But today was not that day.
[Bestie] was a snake and joined forces with Nya, discussing in hushed voices which boy was more your type. Your friend obviously got it right, and then deducted she was right just by sparing you one look.
Fucking traitor!
As soon as Nya got that affirmation she retracted back to her teammates to 'check the waters', whatever that's supposed to mean! Meanwhile [bestie] stayed with you, only to tease and try and encourage you to make a move.
But— But a move for what? You didn't know the guy! And it would be pretty fucking awkward to befriend someone just because you think they're cute!
And it'd be absolutely stupid to be-boyfriend someone you didn't even fucking talked to!
Do you even wanna be-boyfriend him??
In your frustration you didn't noticed Nya come back, making you jump as she sat right next to you. "Hey, [name], do you mind doing me a favour?" You looked at her, then a bit up, seeing the cutest guy to ever exist standing right behind her, looking away awkwardly with pink dusting his cheeks. NYA, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?
"What do you want?" You couldn't help but growl a little.
"You see, Lloydie—"
"NO" The blond immediately interrupted her, glaring at the back of her head. She ignored him.
"—wants to go get boba, but he doesn't want to go alone, but everyone else is kinda busy with..." She paused for a moment. You gave her an unamused look. "ANYWAY, point is, he has nobody to go with him. You're free, right? Mind going with him?"
Nya was truly the devil in disguise. Devious. Utterly devious.
You glanced up at Lloyd, your eyes meeting for just a split second before the both of you turned away. "Uh, sure, I-I... I don't mind"
Nya beamed, "Awesome!! Well, good riddance!" You frowned at her.
Having already sealed your fate, you sighed and picked yourself up to awkwardly start making your way to the nearest boba place with the cutest guy in the entire Universe.
And the tense silence was unbearable, so you started to have an awkward conversation. Which quickly turned less and less awkward till you were totally chill with one another. Turns out you have a lot in common!
You just clicked.
After getting boba (surprisingly not a thing Nya pull outta her ass just to make the two of you spend some quality time together) and going back to the others, you continued talking, and by the end of the day you exchanged numbers!
Nya also gave you and [bestie] her number.
You might be going crazy, but this felt like a start of a great great relationship. Whatever type it may be.
This one is inspired by my class going to the other sql in town on PE to watch a tournament today, and my childhood bestie goes to that sql, so I was more focused on watching her play than my own sql's team (bc there's no one I'd consider a friend on it xd)
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