Edit: THE PIC ABOVE IS BROUGHT TO U BY MY WIFE (no idea where she got it from tho)
Warning: swears, my headcanons, my humor, my (bad) grammar, mostly unedited
TW: a wild Rumi appears! she's fine tho dw xd
Again, this one is a bit different than the others, bc it was written A YEAR AGO (its basically how this whole one shot ordeal started)
SO strap in and strap on, this one is the longest yet, Happy Valentine's everyone!! <3
You need keys 4 this one 😳:
Y/N – your name ofc
T/N – teacher's name (w Mx. Before it for all the possibilities)
Y/P – your pick (aka use your right brain and make sth the shit up)
Truth be told, you didn't even realize it was Valentine's Day when you woke up. It only clicked when you check the time after finishing your morning routine.
"Oh, shit!" You quickly leaped to one of your desk's drawers to get the card you worked so hard on. It wasn't that special but you really put your heart into it.
Thank fuck you realized in time, because if you didn't, you'd have to give it all by yourself. It wasn't supposed to be a big secret or whatever, you already told him you'd get him a card, but it would still be a little embarrassing as you may or may not have a teeny-tiny crush on him.
You quickly, but carefully, put it into your bag and headed for breakfast.
Arriving at school you quickly turned on your sneak mode, not wanting to get caught by any of your friends, or your crush's bully, on your way to The Box. Pandora's box if you will, this little thing could mess up your (anyone's really!) life in an impressively short time. You've already been a witness to its destructiveness.
It. Was. Glorious.
But you wouldn't want this to happen to you. That's why you told Lloyd beforehand you were getting him a valentine card, to avoid firsthand embarrassment. Now all you had to do is avoid secondhand embarrassment.
You walked down the hall, trying not to look around more than you usually do. You passed the opened room and stopped, glancing at your phone and pretending you were doing something. You waited as the person behind you went in and quickly left. Checking if there was anybody else (there was not), you copied your predecessor.
You really fucking hoped nobody noticed when you sprinted out of there faster than lightning. And I don't mean the Blue Ninja.
Thankfully, you quickly thought of a plan B once you saw your friends. "Rumes!!" You called out, catching the white haired girl's attention.
She grinned, mischievously. Oh shit, maybe you needed a plan C now... "Now look what the cat dragged in. And right on time too!"
You raised a brow, both confused and fearful. "Why's that?"
Harumi opened her mouth to answer but Lloyd cut her off, "Don't listen to her. She's being stupid again" He glared at the girl, she quickly returned the favour, though her glare was way more playful. You looked between the two, squinting your eyes.
Kai rolled his eyes. "Okay, that's enough. I suggest you leave before your social life falls apart, princess" Rumi's glare became genuine as she turned to the porcupine boy, she hissed at him. "Nevermind, you're doing a great job with that on your own"
"Imma tell Skylor you have a BDSM kink" And with that quick statement she went off, changing from fast walking to an actual run as the brunet started chasing after her, screaming and catching everybody's attention. No need for plan C then.
You watched them until they turned the corner. "...Are they even together?" You turned to Nya and she shrugged.
"I can only quote their social media for this one: 'It's complicated' "
"Maybe they will afterwards" Cole joked, laughing to himself. "That would be a twist" Nya elbowed him lightly, clearly suppressing a laugh.
"Not first thing in the morning..." Jay pleaded, hiding his face in his scarf for a moment.
You rolled your eyes with a smile. "Anyway, who here wants to go with me while I grab my books?"
"Even if you didn't ask I'd just follow you" Lloyd smiled at you.
"Clingy~" Cole and Jay teased, causing the blond to glare at them.
"Shuddup" You laughed. Maybe you were delusional but you thought his cheeks turned a little pink, which was kind of cute. If you in fact saw correctly.
Wanting to spare your crush from more embarrassment, you threw a quick 'Well, see ya later, guys!' and started walking away, the blond followed you as the trio waved you goodbye. "Sooo..." You started once you were out of earshot. One would like to say 'once you were alone' but it was impossible at the moment, not to mention some of the people there glancing at you two. "You managed to sneak the card in or...?"
He rolled his eyes. "Technically I wasn't even anywhere near the box. That is, unless we count me passing by the room. Angelo has it"
"It's still beyond me how you managed to befriend Green's brother"
Lloyd furrowed his brows and gave you a meaningful look. "They're not brothers"
"Whatever" Now you rolled your eyes. "Wait, so he was picked to be in the valentine mail again?"
"Damn, my man's cheating at life..."
"I mean, he's kinda hard not to like? And everything's way easier when everybody likes you..." The blond beside you huffed.
You squinted your eyes. "Isn't he super sus though...?"
Lloyd shook his head letting out a groan. "Please, not another theory about him being the Green Ninja"
"Hey, it was a good guess!" You pressed, but you knew Angelo wasn't the Green Ninja. How do you know? Well... Let's just say, as much as you have a small crush on your blond best friend, you also have a small crush on the Green Ninja.
Yes, it was dumb. Yes, it was so fucking overrated as every fifth person had a crush on them. But how could you possibly explain that to your damned brain? Point is, ever since you had that crush, you payed more attention to the ever smiling teen as per your theory. He and Green had two completely different vibes.
In short, Angelo didn't pass the vibe check to be the Green Ninja.
So, you settled for the second best theory, and that's how Green and Angelo became brothers in your and a few other theory-crazy people's eyes.
He laughed. "Okay, okay. I can see how you might have got confused" You gave him a nod in approval, smiling proudly at another won argument. "Back on the topic of Valentine's though... Are you free after school?"
You stopped surprised and slowly turned to look at him. You looked away as his smile made your cheeks warm. "Sure am. Why?"
"Well..." Oh heavens, was this just your imagination or did his cheeks turn pink? Again? "I was thinking that maybe we, uhh, could go to that cafe you wanted to visit so bad...?"
You blinked.
OMG, is this a date—!?
"O-oh, sure!" You stuttered out, mentally praying your face wasn't as red as it felt.
Truth be told, you already went to said cafe with Harumi a few weeks ago, but holy hell you couldn't pass this opportunity. And the food and drinks were pretty good, so you wouldn't mind getting something from there again.
And the hyper happy smile you got from him made it all the more worth it.
All day, you were on your toes. Time passed both painfully slow and terrifyingly fast. As you sat there listening to yet another one of your teachers, it felt like you were sitting there for ages. But as you thought back to every class before this one, it really seem like barely a couple of seconds between this morning and now.
Finally, there was a knock on the door and in came Angelo and one other guy you didn't know. "Could we interrupt for a moment?"
"Go ahead" Your math teacher said, turning to the blackboard and continuing writing down the problem.
"Thanks, Mx. T/N!" Angelo beamed at them before turning to the class. He and the red haired boy that accompanied him slowly started calling out your classmates one by one, some getting more cards or gifts than the others.
Your name being called was nothing new, you always had friends that you exchanged valentine cards with, that tradition only died down once you entered high school as 1) the only friend you were close to in freshman year wasn't too keen on that idea (*cough cough* Harumi *cough cough*), and 2) you kind of grew out of it. Unlike last year, where you still somehow managed to get yourself one card from some mysterious person, you got four cards - three from your friends and the mystery one.
First you looked at the blue one, checking inside you already knew it was from Nya as there was a picture from your last hang out on the beach. You had to suppress a laugh once you spotted Rumi in the background showing her middle finger to the camera while she sipped on her drink, black sunglasses covering her eyes. It took a lot of self-restraint to not take a picture of the picture and forward it to the older girl, but you decided you'll just show her once you're back home.
The yellow card was next in tow, both the outside and inside had absolutely nothing to do with valentine's. The message was just a few inside jokes you, Cole and Harumi had come up with while handing out. With that you quickly figured this card was from Cole. You did take a picture this time (the girl answered with a picture of a similar card but instead of any message there was just the Spongebob meme where he burns a piece of paper).
Next was the card from the mysterious person - just one of the cards the school offered, inside was a quote: 'Some people care too much. I think it's called love', written and signed by 'AGA', whoever they may be.
Last was the green card, the only one you knew the sender of before even opening it. You felt your cheeks warm up as you stared at it, hands shaking for absolutely no reason as you slowly picked it up to have a closer look. Fucking hell, why were you like this? It was just a stupid card, damnit!
You took a breath to calm down, as there was literally no reason to panic.
Scratch that, you weren't panicking. You were very, very excited. Like a dumb teen.
Oh wait—
You stopped yourself just as you were about to slap yourself, instead you put both hands on your cheeks and gave yourself a few light pats.
Okay, maybe instead of getting excited from staring at the front you should finally open it? Before anyone starts looking at you weirdly?
You spared one last look at the outside - just like every other card it had your name written on it with some hearts here and there - and checked inside.
'Thank you for being my friend.
I honestly don't know what I would do without you.
You're the most amazing person I ever had the pleasure of meeting.
There's not enough words (or place on this paper) for me to explain just how happy I am to have you in my life.
I hope I'm at least half as important to you as you are to me, Y/N'
~ L
Oh fuck, now you were sure your face was red, just as the hearts on the cards.
Curse you, dumb teenage brain—!!
You had to physically force yourself to not read the card over and over again. And to not act out whenever you saw the blond in passing, getting even more flustered once you remembered you're going to hang out after school.
AHH, you're going to die of embarrassment!!
Dumb, teenage hormones!
It messed with you so much one of your teachers called you out for not paying attention. Well sorry, Mx. T/N, but there are more important things than ancient civilizations.
Finally, definitely too quick, you heard the last bell. For a moment you wished either you or Lloyd had one more class so you would have time to mentally prepare, or, well, prepare more than you already did. Mind you, you were mentally preparing all day.
Nope, nope, nope, you were never going to be ready.
No, seriously, why were you like this? It was just a normal hang out, like all the other times! You needed to get a hold of yourself.
You needed someone to grab you by the shirt and shake you.
You needed someone to slap you—
Me, now
Prince, now
Princess, now
[Princess shared a link]
Me, now
[Princess shared a link]<
[Not helping!]
Prince, now
[Prince shared a screenshot]
Me, now
[I hate y'all]
[I hope you die]
Prince, now
Princess, now
[Princess shared a gif]
You rolled your eyes. This was almost as good as a slap, knowing your besties were of no help whatsoever! That they'd rather let you drown in humiliation than give any advice, even shitty ones. ('Keep calm &' was not an advice!!)
"Hello, Y/N" You froze in place hearing a familiar voice right next to you.
"Oh, hi, Zane"
He gave you a smile before changing his expression to a more concerned one. "You look nervous. Is something wrong?"
"Do I now?" You let out a dry laugh. "I'll be fine. Thanks for caring though"
"Of course" He smiled again. "But you are nervous, right? May I ask what's the cause?"
"I-it's stupid..." You admitted, looking away as your cheeks warm up.
"Even if, I'd still like to help you calm down if possible. If you're nervous there's a chance it's of importance for you"
"It is" You finally looked back at him, sending a small smile. "Thanks"
"I didn't do anything yet"
"Yeah, no, but... talking about it helps. Even if only vaguely" Your legs finally decided to move, you didn't even realize they refused to earlier. "I have... Someone who I really, really, really like offered to go with me to the cafe. You know the one that opened at the start of this year?" Zane gave you a small nod. "Yeah, we're, uhh...going there after school, which is now. But... I got a valentine's card from them, and it was super sweet and now... I just can't– Can't stop thinking about it. It makes me...feel warm inside. So now I can't look this person in the eyes because—" You cringed then frowned, damn, thinking about it hurt, "Because what if... What if they don't feel the same way I do? I know they care, and I certainly care about them! But if they don't feel the same way... I-I just don't want to ruin our friendship! It would really suck to never hang out with them ever again just because of some stupid feelings..."
"But it also hurts not having a clear answer, am I right?" He finished for you and you gave him a somber nod. "Is there a possibility that I know the person you're talking about?"
Your face heat up again, gosh, did he figured it out!? "M-maybe..." Zane smiled at you, both knowingly and reassuringly.
Oh fuck, he does know—!!
"Well, either way, there's a few ways you can approach the situation. You can be like Jay, spending forever throwing obvious hits but never picking up the topic, letting the situation get resolved by your closest friends" You felt your heart sink, it was true, Jay's 'secret' was spilled by none other than his bestie, who is also your bestie - Cole - on Valentine's Day last year. Jay was in luck as Nya was also into him (and obviously so too, you had no idea why the boy didn't just ask her out right there and then). "You can be like Kai and dance around the topic like your life depends on it, and deny everything your friends say to them" That was also true, and it got the hedgehog hair teen absolutely nowhere, unless we could Skylor getting hurt and mad at him time and time again. "Or, you can be like me and just talk about it with them, to know where you stand and whether to try and move forward or to move on. There's obviously more options than this, but I assumed it would be easier for you to relate if I used examples of the people you know and are close to"
"Hmm, are you sure you didn't just want to brag?" You joked, tone serious.
Zane glanced at you, catching your goofy grin he let out a short laugh. "No, of course not. I never said my approach is the correct one, nor that it is the best one. Communication is the most important thing though. In any relationship, really. Also...the person we're talking about might had a similar problem and came to me for advice" You looked at him, forcing your legs to keep moving as they bend under you at the statement. Zane only sent you a kind smile and winked.
"You sly motherfucker..."
"In all fairness, me and Kai can never hear the end of this"
"Shut up"
"Just like Cole and Harumi—"
"Shut up!" You stopped him a second too late, your face was now back to being red as all the valentine's decorations. They all knew!! It wasn't just your dumb besties, everyone knew! Everyone knew both sides! Because if Kai knew, then Nya knew, and if she knew, then Jay also knew, and if he knew, he and Cole exchanged info, making it circle around all of them! Wait a damn minute— "Hold up... Lloyd asked you for advice!?" Okay, if you weren't sure your face was red before, you were now. Honestly, if this continues you may just pass out from all your blood being in your face.
"Please don't tell him I lowkey told you? This was supposed to stay between the two of us, but Kai eavesdropped and he and Cole decided it would be fun if I talked to you"
"How the hell did they managed to get you mixed into this mess!? You're supposed to be the voice of reason!!"
Zane shrugged, a goofy grin spreading across his lips. "You cannot reason with chaos"
"You're chaos!"
Betrayed on all possible fronts, you waved the embodiment of chaos goodbye as you finally reached the school gate. Waiting for your crush, you wondered what the hell you were gonna do, now that you knew he felt the same way about you.
Having, what you thought was, quite a long stop, you thought you'd be 'late'. But it was actually the opposite - Lloyd was the one running 'late'. Knowing well damn he would never just stood you up, you couldn't help but worry. But let's not panic for no reason, shall we?
You waited all break between your last class and the last class of the day, watching other students leave or circle around before going back to the building. Was now a good time to panic?
Apparently not as the blond finally arrived, looking a little annoyed. "I'm so, so sorry. Chen was being a dick again and framed me for something stupid and the teacher told me to stay after class and—"
"It's okay" You smiled warmly, cheeks for sure dusted pink. Having your mischievous side getting the best of you, you added, "I had a moment to talk with Zane"
Knowing the whole truth now, you observed him carefully. As you expected, he tensed up. "Oh? Glad you had company..." Man, it took a lot of will power to not snort at how he 'sneakily' trailed off. And it took even more as he continued as if nothing happened, "So, uh, should we go now?"
"On our date? Yeah, of course!" You beamed, and if your smile had turned evil, the blond didn't notice.
Lloyd's face immediately turned bright red. "D-date!? Why– Where did—"
"Huh? Of course it's a date, I mean, it's Valentine's Day, isn't it?" Ohhh, you were pure evil, acting oh-so innocent. But you couldn't help it, perhaps you spend too much time with Rumes, or maybe it was the cute expressions he was making.
"Maybe??? I mean, yes, it is— Wait! No, hold up—!" You couldn't help but giggle as he covered his face with his hands, hiding just how red he was way too late. "It is Valentine's Day, but I didn't thought—"
"So you don't want to go on a date with me?" You fake pouted; so, sooooo evil.
"I never said that!! Wait— Fuck" Lloyd hid his face again, desperately trying to escape this hellscape. "I'll kill them. Both of them. All of them"
"Every-fricking-one. But mostly Rumi, and Zane. They told you, didn't they? Or was this the others? I swear I'm gonna—"
"They told me what?"
"That I have a crush on you!" Ohhhh, fuck, now your face must have matched his, and also Kai's favourite hoodie. You definitely didn't feel butterflies in your stomach, nope, nope, not at all. "Wait... They did tell you, right? I-I didn't just— I– Did I just—!?"
Sorry Zane, and Rumi (the second one not really), but you couldn't just let him suffer this much, even though it was kinda entertaining. "No, no. I... I knew. Yes, they told me, but please, don't kill anybody"
He cringed. "Imma kill myself..."
"Don't say stuff like that!" You pushed him lightly. There was a moment where the two of you just stared at each other, not saying a word. You only snapped out of it once your phone vibrated, you glanced at it, groaning as you saw a picture of the two of you from Rumi. "Okay, we're already getting stalked. I think it's high time we go"
Lloyd gave a small nod, but neither of you moved. He glanced down, then looked away and back at you. You raised a brow, confused. It took another second for him to gather the courage to reach out for your hand, gently intertwining your fingers together.
Oooh, fuck this...
The walk from school to the cafe was... something else. All the people, strangers, were giving you strange looks as you passed, but you didn't care. You didn't even care about the blush forever stuck on your face, nor the wide smile that made your cheeks hurt.
Cupid was definitely using a bazooka this year.
You only semi calmed down once you reached the cafe and sat down, and it's really thanks to one of the employees screaming profanities at some Karen. But every time yours and Lloyd's eyes met, the goofy ass grin returned and you had to look away. The Take-No-BS teen commented on your behaviour as he placed your orders in front of you two. You rolled your eyes, "Shut up, Tommy"
"I'm just saying! If it doesn't make you money, PDA is fucking gross"
"We literally only held hands. How is that PDA?" Lloyd raised a brow, clearly unamused by the other blond's antics.
He shrugged. "How am I supposed to know what you were doing with them before that–?"
"Shut. Your goddamn. Mouth. I'm trying to enjoy my Y/P!"
"Just saying~" Tommy sang as he skipped away. Yes, full on skipped. You gave his back a death glare, he never turned to notice. Perhaps it was for the best, looking at how he absolutely destroyed a Karen not too long ago. And it wasn't the first time you witnessed him doing something like that either.
The sailor-mouthed teen never came back to your table. You caught him glancing at you a few times though, every time you made eye contact he smiled and wiggled his eyebrows, making you roll your eyes while suppressing a groan. Other than that your date went smoothly. It went so well, you didn't want it to end!
Or maybe that was just dumb teen hormones...
Either way, you loved every second of it.
Not wanting to get the newly opened cafe out of business, you eventually got up and decided to take a walk, so you could spend as much time together as you wished. You walked mindlessly around the city in a slow pace, talking to each other and ignoring all the weird looks and glares.
Even though none of you wanted it, eventually you had to part ways, you had school tomorrow after all. Not to mention your Roomie would start coming up with ideas, so it's better to avoid that embarrassment. Though you didn't skip it fully as the blond walked you home. And it wouldn't be that bad, if not for him kissing your cheek goodbye! He sent you a warm smile while your whole face burned.
You stood there, first waving him goodbye with a goofy grin, then just staring. Suddenly you felt your phone vibrate. Looking at the screen you saw yet another picture from your friend. Defying all logic, your face became even more red as you turned around and glared at the girl in the window.
Idk what to tell ya guys xD
Other than, it was made last year in Feb as a birthday gift, from me to me
So yeah a few things happened, good luck ester egg hunting ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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