TEXT: What happened that night...

*kityzzX joined the group chat*

KityzzX:  barley? Riyu? Are ya'll on?!

BabePieX: yeah, I'm on! Barley??

NoodleKing: yesss, I'm here! Now to the point- WHAT HAPPENED??!!

KityzzX: oh, right that. IT WAS CRAZY!!

BabePieX:  you mean when Arin went to Sora's room to check on her?

KityzzX:  duhh! Now let me tell what happened!

NoodleKing : okay, tell us!

BabePieX:  I hope nothing bad happened to Arin

KityzzX:  eh, nothing happened to him......I think?

KityzzX:  anyways, on with the story

NoodleKing: uhuh!

KityzzX:  so when I left the group chat, Arin came right in and he looked worried

BabePieX:  tipical Arin

KityzzX:  then he was like, " what?  I thought Sora was awake..." he walked over to her bed but tripped and hit his face on the floor

NoodleKing:  why is this guy so clumsy? 🤦

KityzzX:  let me finish!

NoodleKing:  okay ok. calm down

KityzzX:  anyways,  Sora was startled by the sound and woke up and when she saw Arin she screamed so loud I went deaf for five seconds

BabePieX: that's what that scream was...

NoodleKing:  LOL

KityzzX:  and then she said, " Arin! What are you doing in my room?!

NoodleKing:  she probably thought he was dirty minded or something

BabePieX:  Arin is not even like that 🤦🤦

KityzzX:  aghh!! Can I just tell the story without your comments!?

BabePieX:  what? We like commenting on things.  It's how we express ourselves

KityzzX:  what?? How does that even-

NoodleKing:  we can't express ourselves?  Is that a crime?

KityzzX:  ughhh!! No! just let me finish or I won't tell the story!

BabePieX:  fine! fine! Fine!

NoodleKing: we won't say anything🙄

KityzzX:  ok then, as I was saying. Arin stood up and quickly tried to explain.  He was like, " I-I wasn't d-doing anything! I just wanted to check on you...!

KityzzX: and then loyd bursts into the room, which scared Arin and caused him to hit the floor AGIAN!!

NoodlKIng: oop- he needs some milk

BabePieX: um-wha-??

KityzzX: it's a meme. Anyways, loyd was like, "what happened?!" Then he rushed over to Sora, accidentally stepping on Arin

KityzzX: then he said to Sora," are you alright? I heard you scream!" And she said, "Arin just scared me..."

KityzzX: and loyd was like, " Arin? What are you talking Arin- " then he looked down and gasped " Oh! I didn't even see him right there!"

NoodleKing: geeze...

KityzzX: then Nya and Kai bursted in the room. Nya said," omg! Is Arin dead!?" Then Kai was like, " does it look like he's dead!!?"

KityzzX: loyd said, " no. I just stepped on him by mistake. " then Nya was like," why is he even in Sora's room?" Kai said, " guys, i think he passed out!"

KityzzX: then loyd gasped, " what!?" And then Zane came in as if nothing was happening and said, " yes, he passed out. Loyd fractured his arm."

BabePieX: la-loyd...

KityzzX: loyd said," how are you saying this in such a calm way!? HIS ARM IS FRACTURED!!" Then Kai said, " yeah, because of you. "

KityzzX: loyd gasped, "oh so now you're just blaming me!?" Then Kai's jaw dropped, " how is that blaming, when you're literally the one who fractured his arm!?"

KityzzX: then Nya said," Kai, how could you blame loyd?!" Kai said, " why are you defending him!? HE'S the one who fractured Arin's arm!"

KityzzX: Nya said," kai, first, you need to stop yelling-" but Kai cut her off," BUT EVERYONE'S YELLING! WHY DON'T YOU TELL THEM THAT TOO?!"

BabePieX: I think they forgot about Arin...

KityzzX: then Jay, Cole and Wyldfyer came in confused. Jay asked, " Nya, are you alright? I heard you yelling. " then Nya yelled," NO! NO, I'M NOT ALRIGHT! "

KityzzX: Kai said," what are you getting so frustrated for!?" Then Cole, who was half asleep, asked, " it's morning already? What's for breakfast? "

KityzzX: then loyd already knew matters were gonna get worst because Nya was so done with this bullcrap, she jumped on Cole and started to go Mike Tyson on him!

NoodleKing: when did she learn how to box!?

KityzzX: and Jay was so terrified, he started screaming, and Kai seeing Jay screaming meant he has to scream too, so he started screaming.

KityzzX: then Wyldfyer, seeing Kai screaming, formd a ball of heat, but Geo ( who came from- God knows where! ) stopped her from burning down the Monastery.

KityzzX: then Nya finished beating Cole, and Kai said, " Nya! What have you done!? Is he even still breathing!?" Then Zane said, " yes, but he has a 0000.5% chance of living." Kai said, " HOW ARE YOU STILL CALM!!??"

NoodleKing: oh my...is Cole okay?

KityzzX: eh, he should be. Anyways, Geo said, " Huh?! What happened to Cole!?" Then Kai snapped, " and why do you care?" Geo said, "um...because he's my friend? "

KityzzX: then Kai said, " we just talked about this! He's MY friend!" Geo said," I'm surprised Cole's even friends with a hothead." Then Kai was like, "and for someone who looks like a purple grape, I'm surprised Cole hasn't eaten you yet."

KityzzX: then Geo gasped and they both started to fight, ans wyldfyer joined right in. Then Frak ( who came from- again- God knows where! ) said, " COLE SIRRR!!😱"

NoodleKing: I didn't know frak was here

KityzzX: and while everyone was fighting, and Arin's passed out, and Cole- who by now I don't even think is alive, Loyd's frustration and anger was rising, yelled at the top of his lungs, " EVERYONE STOPPPP!!!"

KityzzX: and everyone stopped and looked at him. Loyd went on,"YOU GUYS ARE ALL GROUNDED- INCLUDING YOU, COLE!!"


KityzzX: then he said, " AND I WON'T BE PAYING THE BILLS-!" Frak asked, " we have bills?" Kai hushed him as loyd went on," YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO PAY THE BILLS YOURSELVES! AND FOR THE LAST TIME, YOU'RE ALL GROUNDED! GOODBYE!" Then he walks out, slamming the door.

NoodleKing: oh...oh my

KityzzX: yup. That's what happened.

BabePieX: what about Arin?

KityzzX: Zane's taking care of him, no worries

BabePieX: no worries!? after what just happened!?

KityzzX: um...yeah?

BabePieX: why am I here 🤦🤦?

NoodleKing: well, guess what guys

KityzzX: what?

BabePieX: what is it now?

NoodleKing: this is all our fault! Everyone's grounded because of us

BabePieX: oooohhh yeah 😶

KityzzX: we did play that prank.

BabePieX: yeah...

KityzzX: what do you mean 'yeah'?! You're the one who forced us to play!

BabePieX: forced!? I DID NOT force you! You had a choice!

KityzzX: so you're saying it's my fault!?

BabePieX: technically

KityzzX: how- you know what? I'm leaving! Bye!

BabePieX: fine! Bye!

KityzzX: bye!

BabePieX: yeah bye!

KityzzX: ok bye!

BabePieX: mhm bye!

KityzzX: yes, bye!

BabePieX: again bye!

KityzzX: totally bye!


NoodleKing: how long is this gonna go on?

I guess they're all grounded now...


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