Getting You Back..

Drama LAMMA!!!!....AYAYEI!!!!!!

You were blindfolded, in the middle of some dark room, your hands and feet tied tightly....making SURE you won't escape.

"Let me out!!!!" You yelled, moving around the chair. Footsteps were heard...not only one....but two!

"Show yourselves cowards!!!!" You yelled. Sweat was dripping from your forehead.

You felt a pair of cold hands unwrap your blind fold. You open your eyes hesitantly.

"Mom? Dad?!" You yell shocked.

"We're here to take you away from that wretched ninja life..." Your mom coldly says. You scoffed.

"You don't need to risk your life for these pathetic pedestrians!" Your dad stated...

"But you guys are pedestrians too.." You added raising an eyebrow.


"Yeah that's what I thought!" Kai yells bursting through the window, making glass shatter where you were tied up.

"Kai! You're finally here!" You say with a sign of relief.

"Dad give up....I'm a's my duty to protect people...." You say, and hear Kai laugh.

"What? You said duty...." He says laughing,

"I'd like to facepalm right now, but I'm kinda tied up!" You say trying to move.

"Oh yeah!" Kai says throwing his sword, and cutting the ropes down. You break free and get up, your parents still gazed and not believing that you their only daughter had just disobeyed them.

"Y/n L/n! Get your ass over here! You will not become one of them!" Your mother yelled.

"And what if I don't?" You say.

" can forget about us ever being your will no longer be a L/n...." Your dad states coldly.

Your eyes water

"Fine....then I guess I'm not your daughter anymore...." You reply before heading out the open window, Kai following close behind, eying your parents in disgust.

As you get out, to feel the cold night air, your knees let themselves fall down onto the damp grass, your eyes finally give in, and the tears flow.

"Y/n....." Kai says giving you an embrace. You sob into his shoulder,
"It's have me and you chose protecting those who need's not your fault...." Kai says softly, stroking your hair.

You nod, "I just hope they'll forgive and forget...." You say, Kai nods.

"Let's go home....."


"Cole! Why are you doing this?!" You ask chained up to the cement walls. He smirks.

"You haven't seen it yet....I'm not Cole, I'm his clone, the evil version" Evil Cole replies. (I wrote Coke XD)

Da fauq?!

"Just wait till Cole bursts through those doors, right about.......NOW!" You say, just as you said NOW! Cole kicked his foot through the wood door, and fell in, if you could facepalm, you would.

"My hero...." You say sarcastically, Evil Cole laughs.

"I see you've gotten rusty Cole..." EC(abbreviation for Evil Cole...) says,

"Hell no! I'm as shiny as ever!" Cole remarks placing a hand on his waist. You roll your eyes.

"Can you get your girlfriend out of here?" You say trying to move once more.

Cole takes out his Sythce of Quakes and the earth rumbles, the chains break free, and in an instant you pull your hands, and the cuffs break as well.

"Now.." You say getting up....

Cole and EC get into their stances and a fight erupts, you standing at the door wide eyed as the fight grows intense.

A dagger was in your hand, ready to throw.

"COLE WATCH OUT!" You yell throwing the dagger at EC, EC turns around and the dagger hits Cole's arm.

"OW!" Cole groans in pain. EC takes his chance to run off, but not for long becuase you took your wege shoes and threw it at his head....somehow knocking him out.....

You rush to Cole's side, "oh my gosh Cole I'm sorry!" You say ripping the bottom part of your shirt and wrapping it around Cole's bleeding arm.

"That's okay....can we go before I black out completely?" Cole asks drowsy.

"Yes my hero..."


You were in a warehouse, in the middle, tied up to a chair, you move your arms.

"HELP!" You yell, nothing...

"MY BOYFRIEND IS A NINJA!!! And if you don't let me out....he'll knock the mierda out of you!" You call out, nothing....

"Uhhhh....I called my boyfriend....and he says that if you don't let me out...he'll take you to Ninjago prison...and if you'll be free?" You say unsure and mentally facepalming.

You move once more.

"Well this is gonna hurt...." You say before jumping up with the chair, as you land, the chair breaks and the ropes loosen up, giving you time to get out...

Jay was at the top of the warehouse, standing beside your parents, as they and government officials watched you escape without any problems.

"I thought her those moves...." Jay said grinning.

"Callate..." Your parents said as they watched, you were finally at the door, and knocked it down, to see men in black....(XD)

"Who are you....when my parents hear-...."

"Y/n!" Jay says hugging you,

"Jay?" You reply. Your parents come out from the back.

"You did great!" Your dad says proudly. You raise an eyebrow as you see your mom and dad wearing black as well.

"What's with the black?! Did someone die or something?" You say looking over your shoulder.

"Let your parents explain....." Jay says.

"Honey....we're not just a boring accountant and a retired ninja..." Your dad states, you raise and eyebrow.

"We're also spies....." Your mom finishes off.

"WHAAAAAAA?!" You reply comfused than ever.

"Welcome to the organization, agent Y/n L/n!"

"My girlfriend is a ninja AND a spy!!!! Best kidnapping ever!" Jay says hugging you.

Yet you were still confused....


"Extract her bionics...." The over lord said, you gasped.


"Sorry little girl...."

That one hated feeling weak...

"AGH! When I get out of here I'm going to make sure you feel my warth!!!!!" You screamed, Pythor only laughed.

You felt a cool breeze....


You smirked knowing his plan.

"Oh whatever you do....don't look through my files, I store elemental power information there...." You say in a fake worried voice.

"Look through her files...." OL(overlord) commanded, Pythor nodded, while they were busy trying to find those files....Zane had enough time to break you out of your cage, without making a sound.

You grabbed a metal pipe, and stealthy walking behind them, you used your force to whack them.

"Hmph, shows you to mess with a little girl...." You say dropping the puple down.

"I believe this belongs to you..." Zane says handing you your chip, you place it back into your neck and smile.

"Thank Zane...."

"You're not know that?" Zane says, you smile.

"Of course I know that.....I knocked two guys unconscious!" You say motioning to an unconscious Overlord and Pythor.

Zane chuckles, "that's my girl..." He takes your hand before forming his energy dragon and riding out of the misery place.


"I wonder if Lloyd ever pleasured you...." Troy says stroking your cheek.

You were hand cuffed to the mother trucking brick wall, trying not to punch the lights out of your so called "friend"

"Now you're mine..." He seductively said in your ear, sending wrong chills down your spine.

"Let me go and you won't feel my anger...." You said. Troy laughs.

"And what are you going to do..." He says before planting a rough kiss on your lips, not the sweet kind like the one's Lloyd gives you.

"You disgust me..." You retort, I sing you knew to hit him the the sun don't shine.....(XD would it be bad if I said I've done that once?)

"You'll learn to love me...." He replies, planting another kiss....


"Lloyd! Thank goodness!"

"No one kisses MY girl, but ME! Pendejo! Sabes con quien te estás metiendo?!" He yells, you going wide eyed.

"Whaaaaaaa?" Both you and Troy say in sync.

"Yeah I've picked up some Spanish from Erika.....since she always curses and rants in Spanish...BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! You kissed my girl....and someone's gonna die....and that's gonna be you estúpido!" He says, you tired not to laugh.

Lloyd threw one of his katanas at your chains, breaking you free, Lloyd using the other to fight Troy.

You picked up his katana and threw it at Troy, the blade nearly missed his head, but struck his shirt, pinning him to the wall.

"That's my girl!" Lloyd says picking you up. You get out of his grip to walk up to Troy.

And slapped his across the face.

"Estúpido....tengo novio, y lo quierro!" You reply, leaving Troy confused as to what you said.

Lloyd raised an eyebrow.

"What? You're not the only one who picked up Spanish from Erika....." You reply. Lloyd chuckles.

"Let's get outta here...."



Chained up to the preiemedent....


"Just my day...." You sigh as you try to move.

"Morro shall pay the price..." Soul archer says for like the BILLIONTH time.

If you had earplugs, you'd definitely want to wear them right about....

"Morro shall pay the price...."

"COULD YOU SHUT UP?!!!!!!" You yell from your cell.

"You know you're pretty...." Soul archer says.

"And remind old are you?" You reply from your cell.

"Point taken....."

Morro was entering the preiemedent, yet he noticed something....he turned
Ghost once more......

"Damn it....." He whispered as he stealthily ran to your cell.

Using a bobby pin, the cell door unlocked, surprising huh?

"Where do you think you're going?" Soul archer had said, casing you and Morro to turn around ask face Soul Archer.

"Old pal....friend....." Morro said warming up to him.

"Don't 'friend' left us in here!" Soul archer said, pointing his arrow at you.

"Now you must pay the price......" He says once more, you snapped. As soul archer fired, you caught the arrow in mid-air(pretend you can without turning into a ghost....) and snapped the arrow in half.

"IVE HAD ENOUGH OF 'YOU MUST PAY THE PRICE'!!!" You yelled, Soul Archer went wide eyes and back away,

"Take her out before she destroys me! I'll let you both go!" Soul Arches says, Morro smirks, he holds a grip onto you so that you wouldn't turn Soul Archer into a PERMANENT dead corpse.....

Once you both went out of the preiemedent, you noticed something...

"Morro you're a ghost...." You say, Morro smirks once more.

In an instant, Morro turned back human, making you go wide eyed.

"Coooooooooool......" You say.

"Can we go home now....I'm starving!" He replies. You laugh, "yeah I'm hungry too....." And with that, both of you headed home.


You were locked in a shed, right now you were seriously confused,

My mother is ALIVE?????!!!!!!

You paced around a small space, a scream was heard.


The shed door was kicked down by Ronin, you smile.

"About time you got here!" You said.

"Thank goodness you're okay and you mom didn't extract your healing powers!" Ronin said hugging you.

"She was gonna what?" You reply surprised.

"She was going to extract your healing abilities, if she did, then she would've killed you.....

"But she's my mom....she wouldn't...."

"Oh yes I would...." You hear that same familiar voice.

"Mom? Why?!" You yell in frustration,

"Your abilities help me stay young....when your father left with you...I've started to age..." She says holding a needle.

"You're not going to lay a finger on her!" Ronin says standing infront of you.

You take no time in judo flipping your own mother, knocking her out.

"You couldn't do that?" You state crossing your arms.

"This is why I love you...." He says picking you up.

"Thanks for the save...." You say planting a kiss on him.

"So do we leave her here?" Ronin replies, you get out of his grip and walk over to her, you use your hand to wipe away all the memories about your family and you.

"She won't remember my family or I....neither my powers....we'll be fine....she'll also be fine....lets go...." You say walking out.

Ronin grins.

"Home it is....."
YOLO!!!!! I did it....and sorry for any spelling mistakes!!! I'll edit it later XD

hahahah and yes I've kicked a boy where the sun don't shine...and knees...I've kicked boys on their knees...

Like NO boy touches me...My guy friend knows that....XD....he learned the hard way...I kicked his knee....

Imma sleep now...XD


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