♫Chapter 7 - NomiAngie V.S. Ninja♫

[Angie opened her eyes and she blinked as she was in the Nomicon]

Angie: Odd, why am I in the ninja nomicon? (She got up and rubbed her eyes and she saw a girl  standing there and she had a ninja themed jacket and she had her hood up coving her face) Oh please don't tell your my evil self that Nomicon made.

NomiAngie: Heh looks like your one smart cookie, yes I'm she. Now I think I'm gonna flirt with Randall Cunningham, after all he is our crush.


NomiAngie: Yeah I am and yoink! (She grabbed Angie's fire pendant and she puts it on and the stone turned pink) Ah perfect. See ya shoob. (She fells off leaving Angie alone)

Angie: DAMN YOU EVIL ANGIE!! Now what.

[Randy came inside and saw NomiAngie on her phone as she was chewing gum]

Randy: Uh Angie why are you on your phone and chewing gum?

NomiAngie: Why can't I?

Randy: Well you don't your Phone taking away.

[Then Aims came in and saw what was happening so she grabbed NomiAngie phone and put it in the bag]

Aims: ANGIE WHAT THE HELL?! You know you can't do that what the hell is wrong with you?

NomiAngie: Ugh you're so bored, come on girl live a little and Randy you got something on your cheek.

Randy: I do? (Then NomiAngie kissed Randy cheek making him blush) WHAT THE JUICE?!

Aims: Well I didn't see that coming that smooth.

NomiAngie: Heh. (Angie eyes glowed red for a second before it turned back to blue and Randy eyes widen) What?

Randy: Nothing, nothing Angie you do you haha... (To Aims) That's not Angie!?

Aims: I know because she never speak to me that way.

Randy: Oh-


[Inside the Nomicon, Angie was on the ground faced first]

Angie: I... am... so... BORED!

[Then she looked at the sky and saw the clouds saying]


Angie: I don't get it Nomicon, what fire? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?!

[Outside, Randy was in his Ninja suit spying on NomiAngie when he was pushed into the wall and NomiAngie laughed]

NomiAngie: Weak, just so weak. Ha, barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead your getting all work up over nothing.. (She cupped Randy face making him look at her) Haha, you've changed....(Her eyes glowed red) you're getting weak.

Randy: Oh, your dead nomiAngie. (Then NomiAngie threw Randy across the yard making everybody gasped) THATS IT! (Pulls out his sword) I don't wanna fight you but I guess I have to.

NomiAngie: Alright then. (Then the pendant glows and fire came out of her hand) Let's dance.

[Randy ran to attack and dodge the fires that NomiAngie made as everybody grabbed their phones to record]

Looking around, the town sleeps calm and quiet

So unaware of what walks their streets

[NomiAngie smirked and laughed and used alot of fireball and threws it at Randy]

You are the villains, lying sweet and silent
You can beg, you can plead
But I know what I've seen

[Randy dodged a few but he got hitted by one and he groans in pain as Aims ran to find Randy's bag because the Nomicon was in his bag]

Who would I be if I ignore this chance?
You are the wolves and I am the sheep
What kind of idiot sheep would I be to decline
Ending the wolves when the power's in me
To protect those I love and ensure your threat dies?

[Meanwhile inside the Nomicon, Angie took a deep breath and then she slowly sat down and letting her body go and the fire slowly rised and a figure walked to Angie and cupped her cheeks]

So I'll embrace the shadows

Make my home the dark
This dying world my canvas
I'll make works of art

[Angie opened her eyes and saw a pheniox for herself and she smiled and the other half helpped her up and the duo hugged each other and then a glow appered around them and the duo laughed]

Freely forfeit my soul
My very essence scarred
My heart my cease
But my life begins

[Then Aims looked in Randy's bag but can't find the Nomicon and then she saw a red glow in Angie's bag]

I should thank you for showing me how foolish I was
Sweet and dumb child
She falls for any smile
Well, I vow never to be that again
If it means losing me to make sure of your end
Then I'll dive into Hell and I'm bringing you too

[Randy coughed out some blood and wipes it away as NomiAngie laughed and snapped her fingers and a blood red phoenix appered making everybody gasped]

So I'll embrace the shadows
Make my home the dark
This dying world my canvas
I'll make works of art

[Then the blood red Phoenix looked at Randy ready to attack]

Freely forfeit my soul
My very essence scarred
My heart my cease
But my life begins

[Then the blood Pheniox flys to Randy to attack but then another phoenix attacked the blood red phoenix and everybody was shocked to see Angie but in a human phoenix form puppeting the fire phoenix and NomiAngie growls in anger and snapped her fingers and the blood red pheniox attacked the fire phoenix which it attacked aswell]

And I'll keep wondering
And wondering
  And wondering
   And wondering
    And wondering
     And wondering
      And wondering
       And wondering

[Aims ran to Randy and tossed him the Ninja Nomicon and Randy gave Aims a thumps up before ran to sneak up behind NomiAngie]

Veiled in shadows, I don't have a say
A sheep tried to take a wolf and ended up its prey
Lived my life in the light only to live a lie
If I die I'll not be blinded by your sound
By your sound!

[Then Aims grabbed NomiAngie wrist and the fire phoenix attacked the blood red Phoenix making it disappered and Angie looked at NomiAngie and looked at Randy and nodded and Randy nodded back and opened the Nomicon and NomiAngie got shloops in and Aims lay Angie's body as Randy closed the book and Phoenix Angie walked to her body]

And I'll keep wondering
  And wondering
   And wondering
    And wondering
     And wondering
     And wondering
      And wondering
       And wondering
        And wondering
         And wondering
          And wondering
           And wondering

[Then Phoenix Angie placed her hand in the pendant and her spirit went into the fire gem and it turned back to red and Angie slowly woke up]

When will my life... begin

[Randy and Aims both smiled and hugged Angie them back]

Randy: Oh thank the cheese your alright.

Aims: Yeah never do that again.

Angie: G-guy's i'm alright... haha I'm alright... (The trio teared up as they hugged each other) Everything is alright.

Teacher: Alright people time to get back to class after that fight.

Atudents: Come on/Boo/That was pretty epic fight.

Angie + Aims: Smokebomb?

Randy: SMOKEBOMB! (Then him, Angie and Aims smokebombs away) Haha!


[Angie and Randy (Not in his suit) was watching Sonic 3]

Angie: Hey Randy.

Randy: Yeah?

Angie: Today was stange.

Randy: Honking yeah it was like you turned into a phoenix! Thats bruce.

Angie: Also that Nomi me almost killed you!

Randy: That's true but hey your back.

Angie: Yeah. (Rested her head on Randy's shoulder) Let's just enjoy the movie.

[Meanwhile Aims was in her room just drawing when a portel opened]

Aims: What the?

[Then Howard jumpped out the portel]

Howard: Ow my butt, this is the last time I'm playing that game that has that add, where the honking juice am I?

[Howard turned and saw Aims and after a moment of quietness]

Aims + Howard: AAAH!

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