Chapter 10: A really nice guy

~Alfyn's POV~

"Koff... koff...!"

I was hearing my old patient coughing loud, while I was taking out of my bag the necessary equipment on the long table placed against the wall, long enough to permit to put my stuff, as well as the medicinal plants whom I needed to prepare my elixir.

I gathered all what I needed: the bowl, the porcelain pestle, and also the herbs which were covered by a brown tissue to make sure they won't be damaged. I then took the butter jar from my bag, which was always hanging on around my left shoulder, and I put it on the table, just next to the herbs.

I was finally ready to make my preparation , when I heard him coughing loud again, as he was agonizing on his bed.

"Koff! Koff! Unghhh..."

"Grandpa, be strong !"

His granddaughter, Ariana, was at his side, crouching down next to his bed, while she was comforting him during the pain he was knowing in the lungs, as he had trouble breathing.

"Can you really save him with that medecine of yours ?", she asked me, as she was worried for her poor grandfather, while she was still resting next to him.

"You betcha ! Just sit tight !", I reassured her, with a calm smile on my face.

I started to cut with the help of a small knife a few leaves, which are from a medicinal plant renowned for his healing properties, futhermore to be very common in the Riverlands region, and I deposit them inside the bowl. I then took a few grapes from a healing grape, where I pressed each of them above the bowl, which a dark green flowed on the leaves, and that was such an indispensable ingredient in all healing potion. Next, I removed the lud of the butter jar, butter which is really useful to cure the dry coughs, and I took a few knobs of butter with the help of an other knife, just to deposit them alongside with the other ingredients half-filling the bowl.

Now that all the ingredients were gathered inside the bowl, I could start my concoction. So I took the pestle and began to crush the ingredients, pushing hard to make sure the leaves are perfectly crushed, while holding tight the bowl with my other hand to make sure it's not moving.

While I was continuing to mix the products, by rotating slowly but hardly my utensile, I observed peacefully the ingredient that I was crushing since a minute. I was smiling during my work, it was really relaxing to watch all those leaves turning into a green liquid, this butter mixed harmoniously with the grape juice. Indeed, it was such a pleasure for me to realize this mixture, as I was used to prepare healing elixirs for coughs.

Despite the room was dark, I could clearly see my hands manipulating the utensils, because a sunny light was illuminating the room trough the window, and a candle has been lighted on the table behind me.

I crushed the last solid pieces of the mixture, which started to become homogeneous, and it was looking like a dark green soap, when I finished to concoct my elixir.

"...Bam ! That should do' er !", I said positively, really proud to have prepared this mixture.

I picked up the bowl with my hands, I walked at the other side of room, where Ariana was watching over her grandfather, when she let me pass at her side, permitting me to approach the old patient.

I bended down towards him, and I slowly handled the bowl a front of his bearded mouth, when I told him calmly.

"Drink it slowly, now..."

I've leaned the bowl, making flowing the mixture inside his mouth, while I helped him to drink it because he was too weak to move his arms. He slowly drank it until the bowl was empty, and he took a deep breath.

1 minute after he drank the elixir, me and Ariana continued to watch attentively over him, where he wasn't coughing anymore: instead, he was just slowly breathing normally and calmly, and he was less suffering while he still looked tired. His granddaughter seemed reassured that the drug was starting to relieve him of his fever. His state started to be better, as I expected: effectly, despite it was the first time I was paying a little visit to the old Alek to propose my services, I already knew the effects of the cure, because it wasn't the first time I whipped up this elixir.

The old Alek, who was breathing peacefully in his bed, watched at me with his old eyes, when he spoke to me, with a small smile on his face.

"Well, I'll be ! Thank you, my boy.", he was grateful towards me.

Looking this elderly man smiling at me made me pleased, as I laughed calmly.

"Hah, don't mention it. Just doing my job.", I told him positively, before I continued. "This'll stop the coughing for now, but you're lungs've seen better days. Try to give the pipe a rest, sir, hear ?", I adviced him calmly, as he slowly nodded at me.

It was really stronger than him: since his old wife as old as him passed away 2 years ago, I almost always saw him with a pipe on his mouth when he was taking some air outside, sitting down on his old chair right next of the door just to pass the time. Since that day, he become more calm, more kind, but also more fragile and more sick. I really knew the risks of smoking, where the smoke could harm the lungs, especially when they became more fragile at an old age. Even his granddaughter started to be worried of this bad habit he acquired. 

I then watched at Ariana, who looked so grateful towards me.

"Oh, Alfyn. Thank you ever so much ! How blessed we are to have an apothecary like you in our little village.", she told me politely, as I made a small blush to her compliment.

It's right that apothecaries like me aren't very common in the small villages like Clearbrook, as the majority of them come from large cities, because the studies were more available. However, I was very lucky to become one of them and to come from my native village, were I was exercising my profession.

I then saw her taking something from her pocket, when she showed me her hand with a few leaves coins.

"It's not much... but, please...", told me Ariana, as she wanted absolutely that I took those coins.

Ariana was such a kindhearted girl: I knew it was a bit difficult for her to take care of her fragile grandpa, after her parents left her with him since a few years due to their work. But she was very happy with him, despite they didn't have so much money. 

She just wanted to pay me for having treated her grandfather, as she knew how much my help was really useful. It was really nice from her to giving me those coins, but I couldn't accept. So I slowly gave her money back, before I told her positively and generously.

"Naw, it's on the house. Why don't y'all hold on to that and buy something for you and your grandpa ?"

I preferred that she used this money to buy a delicious treat and to share it with her grandfather. It was really a pleasure for me to help them, and I just wanted their smiles in exchange. Plus, I didn't want to give her more pain, as it was already difficult for her to take care of him. However, she loved her grandfather very luch, and I would like them to share a happy moment by tasting a delicious bags of almonds.

Anyway, I've finished my work here, and the old Alek was in a better state, but even if I stopped his coughs, he had still health problems inside his lungs, and it was necessary to often watch his state evolving, so I could prescribe him the right drugs.

While his granddaugher looked still a little worried for his state, I reassured her in a calm voice.

"I'll be back tomorrow to check in on him, okay ?"

She nodded to me, and I walked towards the door, opening it and leaving the house.

After I closed the door behind me, I could observe how much the village was peaceful: the river was flowing naturally and calmly, and it was really relaxing to watch the waves bathed by the sun. It was really a peaceful day, as usual, where the sun was illuminating the charming village of Clearbrook, and everyone was happy. I could hear the cows mooing quietly while eating the fresh in their pen.

At the right, I just noticed Rita, who was still doing push-ups just next to the pen. She continued to train her body, as she was really serious that she wanted to finally find her soul mate. The problem is that she said that she will only accept a marriage proposal of those who dared to measure their force at her force, and many men as muscular as she was had already proposed to marry her, as she was quite beautiful for a tomboy, but she was too strong for them. When was already the last proposal she had refused ?... 3 days ago ?

Anyway, I turned at the left and I continued to walk through the beautiful village, smiling. I knew everyone in my village: I lived here since I was born, so I was used to know every names of everyone, their personnalities and their habits.

I noticed Erik, still sitting down at the edge of the river, a fishing pole in his hands, as he continued to carefully watch over the water, waiting for a pike to take his bate, when I told him happily.

"Did you catch anything ?!"

"Not yet, Alfyn ! But I keep practicing !", he answered me with a smile on his face, even if it's been a few hours he was waiting at this spot.

Fishing was for him a real passion: even if he still didn't catch a fish after a few hours, he was always happy. At this moment, there must be less fishes in the river, because the water was too calm. However, he was convinced that he would catch a big pike, which was very rare but very delicious, at this period of the day.

I watched at the left the sun slowly going down almost behind the mountain, behind the wonderful clouds colored in red by the sunny light, and the night started to fall.

I didn't go to my home now, I instead walked through the small stone bridge, where I observed the magnificent river coming from the horizon and passing below the bridge. The inhabitants were happy, as usual: a old couple was peacefully discussing about their next wedding anniversary, and I noticed a few kids playing while running with a little dog through the bridge towards the opposite direction were I was moving, and laughing, when some of them happily yelled.

" Wait for me ! Wait for me !".

" Wah ! Wah !"

All of these good people wished me a good evening, as I did the same to them. I really enjoyed to see them happy, to see them with a smile on their face during this wonderful day. Seeing people happy and smiling always meaned a lot for me, I really appreciated to help each of them if they needed just to see their smile. That's why I became an apothecary: not only to cure them from a fever or tummy-aches, but also to make them happy to be in great shape, just like the man who saved me when I was a kid. I really enjoyed the inhabitants of my village, and they also liked me a lot.

I continued to walk, when I saw the old Nancy, sweeping the entrance of her house with a broom, as she wished me politely and calmly a good evening, as I did the same. I've also noticed in the shade of a tree a few young girls discussing while giggling, including Nina, and her best friend Lily.

Talking about Nina, it's been a little while I haven't seen Zeph, he must be occupied with another patient, as usually...

I moved in direction of the cemetery, observing next to a few boxes the guards who were assuring the security of Clearbrook laughing happily between each other, without forgetting to salute them during their break, when I took some stairs, passing below a dead tree, before I arrived the cemetary, where I could see from afar an enormous and amazing forest of firs, and more further the wonderful plains and mountains, with this beautiful sunset. The landscape was really magnificent, and this cemetary was the best spot to contemplate it: the deads were really lucky to rest next to such a magnificent landscape !

Even this place was quite peaceful: the flowers placed a front of the graves were still beautiful, and not a single rose was dead. All those nice people who had left us for a better world were resting in peace: I knew the death of some of them during my life, including the old Alek's wife... and my mother, which the grave was located at the end of the place, in the middle.

I walked towards my mother's grave, sitting down a front of it, where I could read:

Here lies

Emily Greengrass

I found my mom's grave was the most beautiful of all the cemetary, and the flowers which I placed a week ago were still beautiful and were still smelling great. They were oleanders: they were my mother's favorite flowers, she loved them very much because of their beauty and their fragrant smell. I remembered the time when I was a child and there was a spot where I could find this flower, but the path was really covered by mud, so I had no choice to take this way in order to reach the oleanders. When I came back at my home, where she was waiting for me at the door, my clothes and my face were very dirty, and she was pretty upset to see me in that state. But when I showed her the flowers I was hiding behind my back, with a wide smile on my face, she was really happy that her small little boy was bringing such beautiful flowers, and she was really touched by my gest, while she couldn't stop to smell the good flowers. In reward, she then gave me a big kiss... and a good bath ! Now, I brought every month those flowers on her grave.

I loved my mother very much: she was really nice and caring with me. I was feeling so nostalgic while I was watching at her grave, I remembered all the good old times I had with her: when she we were both watching the river sitting down next to each other, when she watched me playing with Zeph, when she often cooked me a salad, which was my favorite meal, and she enjoyed to see my grin while I was eating her delicious food, and also the times when she bathed me in a barrel full of warm water and foam, where I had my fun while she was cleaning my back with her soft hands, and also the time when before I sleep, she had always told me "good night Alfyn" before kissing me and wishing me to have sweet dreams.

I remembered how she looked like: just like me, she had light brown hair, which were long enough to reach her elbows, and pair of magnificent brown eyes. She was really pretty in her yellow dress and her sweet brown leather shoes. She really loved me so much, even if sometimes I made some troubles, and she had encouraged me much when I wanted to become an apothecary. She was always smiling at me, and she was really proud of me.

If only she was still there, if only she was here to watch me helping the townsfolk by healing them without request in exchange. But I was sure she was observing me since she left this world.

"...Mama. Did you see me, Ma ? I whipped up an antitussive elixir like you wouldn't believe !", I spoke to her positively, hoping that she could hear me.

I was really proud of my profession, proud to give happiness at all my patients, and proud about all the amazing healing elixirs I concocted. I really wanted her to know how much I was good to prepare them, just like the one I had just prepared for calming the old Alek's cough, so she could be really proud of me.

I then sighted, before I said to myself.

"Can't believe it's been a year already..."

It's been a year since my mom had left this world forever: she was awfully sick at this time, and she had caught a terminal illness which was very rare. Me and Zeph have done everything we could to cure her, we had even appealed a more experienced apothecary from Saintsbridge, but unfortunately, he said there was nothing more we could do. Indeed my mother was terribly suffering from her sickness, I remembered again when she was in her bed, telling me to hold her hand, as my presence was reassuring her. She then passed away in her sleep, and it was very hard for me to have learned her death.

Now, she was resting in piece, I owed her so much to have taken care of me during all these years. That's one more reason I wanted to be an amazing apothecary: I would like to help everyone in the need, and to cure any diseases, just like the one which killed my mother. I wanted absolutely to heal everyone, and to make them happy. I don't want that some children are separated from their parents like I was separated from my mother. My dream is to be the best apothecary the world have ever seen: I would like to help anyone, no matter how serious is the disease, just to make them and their entourage happy, without nothing in return. I would like to be as generous as the man who saved me, he was my model.

So I asked to myself, a little lost in my thoughts.

"Am I any closer to being the man I want to be ? The man he was..."

"Alf ! I've been looking all over for you !", yelled a familiar voice.

I turned behind me to see my friend Zeph, his satched on hands, as he smiled sympathetically at me, while walking towards me.

He already knew where to find me, that I sometimes visit my mother's grave when I finished my work. He must have already finished his work of the day too, but I was quite happy to see him.

"Heya, Zeph. Done for the day ?", I asked him sympathecally, while standing up on my feet, as he nodded to me.

"Yes, only two patients today. Having you around sure eases the burden."

It's right my help was really useful: he couldn't heal the entire village by himself, but thanksfully I was there to lend him a helping hand.

"If only I could convince you to quit giving out discounts...", he sighted, positively embarassed that I worked more that him today.

Ah ! Zeph ! Always there to complain that I work too much !

Today, I had to visit 5 patients to examine them, including the old Alek's cough, while he only had 2 patients to check. I understood that he was slightly worried that I worked a lot, more than him sometimes, but it was stronger than me. It's really a pleasure to do my job and to help all those who needed my service, I loved my profession very much !

I insisted him happily.

"Aw, c'mon. The poor gal has enough trouble looking after old Alek. I can't very well take what little she has."

He then approached me, before he laughed calmly, as I did the same.

"Hah. I'm just teasing. You know that's what I like about you. If the villagers are healthy and happy, that's more than good enough for me.", he was definitely right.

"Haha,  couldn'ta said it better myself.", I answered him positively.

Zeph really knew my by heart: he effectly knew that I enjoyed to take a lot of time to fight the disease and to help the maximum of villagers. Me and him didn't want to make our job for money: all we wanted, is that everyone are alive and well in Clearbrook, and its always make us happy to see people happy and healthy.

"We may be new to this, but between the two of us, this village is in good hands.", told me Zeph.

"Sure is. Plagues ? Epidemics ? Bring your worst !", I said recklessly, as no a single disease couldn't stop us.

It's been a year, shortly after my mother's death and Zeph's father death, that me and Zeph were practicing our job. We had studied hardly to know which medicinal plants to use, their effects on human's body, and also how to concoct the right elixir, or the right salve. And it was really fun: for me, preparing those potions by choosing the right products and giving them to my patients was such a game ! We knew how to take care with the townfolks, who started to depend on both of us for our services. Now that we already knew the ropes, and that me and Zeph were as competent from one another, we were ready for anything !

And it was really fun to work with Zeph: sometimes, it's happened that we have to check the same patient together.

"I'm counting on you, Alf. We all are.", he then told me calmly and positively.

Every one in this village, even my best friend, were trusting me, and it was such a pleasure to respond at their expectations.

I then heard Zeph calmly laughing.

"What ?", I asked him positively.

"Who'd have thought that little troublemaker would turn out to be a top-notch apothecary, eh ?", he told me funnily.

"Ahhhh.... That's right it's incredible ...", I answered him happily, remembering the old times when I made some troubles when I was a kid.

"Do you remember the time when you pranked the grouchy Gertas by hidding a cowdung under the carpet afront of his house ?!", he told me happily.

"Ah ! Yeah ! A good one !", I laughed at him bu remembering this funny moment.

"And also when you tried to ride his ferocious horse ?!"

"I don't tell you the telling-off I got !", I continued to laugh.

"And also when you "borrowed" a chicken from the old Nancy's barnyard, and you held it above your head, before you jumped into the river just to verify if chickens could fly ?!"

"But I was sure I flew at least 5 meters !", I joked happily, as it was really sympathetic to remember those defining moments.

"Do you remember when one night of full moon, you tried to spy the girls taking their midnight swim in a secret pool in the forest ?!"

"H-hey wait ! This one doesn't even count ! I was just looking for my wooden toy dragon that I've lost ! It was just by accident !", I answered him nervously and happily, while blushing by remembering this moment. I then continued the conversation prestigiously but funnily. "After all, we can't all be born with a silver pestle in hand, Master Zeph."

We both laughed calmly, by remembering all those wonderful moments we knew when we were children. That's right not everyone could have a chance to make studies and to become an apothecary, but it was really unbelievable that Alfyn "The Little Prankster" became Alfyn "the really nice apothecary".

It was really nice to talk about the old times with Zeph: he still reminds all the fun moments we had when we were kids, and he really how much some of the villagers, including the grouchy Gertas, have been sick of my pranks. I was just a kid who wanted some fun, but now, I'm a young man very helpful and very sympathetic with the townfolks, and even Gertas admitted that I was a respectful man.

It was the same thing with Zeph: even if I worked more than him because I insisted to take care of the majority of customers per day, the villagers were really proud of his talents as well, and Nina was really proud of her brother.

We then sighted, before we both watched my mom's grave for a few seconds, looking so pensive, when Zeph told me calmly.

"Your mother would be proud."

"Maybe...", I answered him calmly.

Zeph also liked my mother a lot: she was such a nice and gentle person, and he admitted how much she was adorable in the village. My mother enjoyed his company, very proud that I had such a very nice and sympathetic friend. It was also hard for him when she passed away, but he supported me a lot during this hard moment.

We continued to watch the tomb of my mom, decorated with the flowers, when Zeph spoke to me.

"Anyway... I should getting back to Nina."

"Yeah, beat it. Head on home, big brother.", I adviced him with sympathy, when he started to walk towards the exit of the cemetery.

The night was falling, and it was getting late. He really have to join her sister, who must be alone at this moment. Even if Nina already knew how to take care of herself at a 12 years old age, it was really difficult for her to do some chores just to help her big brother when she was alone, while Zeph was doing his job, and since their parents are gone. So Zeph could take care of her sister, that he loved a lot, because it was his only family, and Nina loved her brother very much, since he took care of her since she was a baby. She really liked to please her brother in return, like offering him flowers, as flowers were also known to have medicinal properties.

But for the moment, I think she must be discussing with her friends, after scrubbing the floor of their house. She and Zeph lived alone, and despite they didn't had much like me, they were really happy to be together.

Zeph stopped in his tracks, staying put in the middle of the cemetary, when, without turning at me, he spoke frankly to me.

".....Hey, Alfyn ? We've been friends ever since we were small, right ?"

Yes. That's right me and Zeph where best friends since we were kids. But I already knew the answer, and it seems that he wanted that I talked about something in particularity with him.

He continued to spoke.

"I know you better than anyone. So be honest... You're keeping something from me, aren't you ?"

".....", I didn't answered him, slightly embarassed.

He was right: he doubted that I was hiding a secrey from him. I admitted that sometimes I was very pensive, and he noticed that I had a particular idea in mind. He really knew me by heart since we were children. He wanted that I tell him the truth, I know that I could really trust him, but I wasn't able to talk to him sooner, because I was hesitating for a while.

I think I should talk to him about what I wanted to do, but before I could say one single word to him, he interrupted me.

"I'm right, aren't I ?  Alf, the truth is..."

He didn't have finished his sentence, because he was suddenly interrupted by a weird noise, which looked like a lighting crakling sound.

"What is that ?!", I said calmly, very curious by the sound.

Me and Zeph were really concerned by the noise, when we were turning our heads at our surroundings, looking for the source of the noise. Did it was a lighting ?! No, that's impossible: there couldn't have a thunderstorm with this lovely weather today !

The lighting continued to crackle, when we rised our heads at the sky, when we saw a bright blue light on the sky, with a loud flashing sound, and it was so bright that I hidden my eyes with my arms to avoid of being blinded by the light. But what was that thing ?!

The sound stopped, when I tried to realize what was happening, I just heard someone screaming above my head.



I then felt something violently falling on my head, just like it was another person falling on the head. It's hurted my head a lot, making me falling down in pain, while the other person fell at another spot.

I was lying on the torso, almost knocked out by the hard blow, wincing in pain as it hurts me a lot. But what was that thing which had fallen in my head ?! Where did that come from ?! Did it was a person who had fallen on my head ?! I bet it was a person, by remembering the shock I had, I just felt something arounded, just like a crane, and hairy, just like some hairs. But how could a person fall from that height ?! Where did he comes from ?!

Anyway, the shock was thansfully not too heavy, as I wasn't knocked out. I was going to slowly get up, when I heard some footprints running towards me.

"Are you alright, Alfyn ?!!", I recognized Zeph's voice, who seemed worried for me.

I winced in pain, when Zeph helped me to slowly get up, still rememberig the brutal shock I received.

Even if it has hurt me a lot, I was slowly forgetting the pain.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine.", I answered calmly to Zeph, even if my head was continuing to hurt me.

When Zeph helped me to get on my feet by holding my hands, I was really curious by the person who had fallen on my head. So I slowly turned back, where Zeph was also concerned by the person, when I finally saw someone lying on the ground, behind another grave.

When we watched at the person, we were both shocked to realize that it was a young kid. He was lying on his back, and he was uncounscious, knocked out to be exact. He was really small, I deduced he must had 6 years old, he had dark brown mid long scraggly hair, he was wearing a white pullover, a black pants and also a pair of leather boots. His mouth was slightly opened while he was knocked out. But where did that boy come from ?! How it was possible that he could have fallen on my head ?! Seriously, he nearly fell on my mother's tomb, and the shock would have been more brutal for him.

We slowly approached the boy, when we saw some blue electricity crackling around him. What was that electricity ?! Why it was covering the spot where was the kid ?! I was really surprised at this moment, when the electricity slowly disappeared from the boy. Zeph looked also shocked to see such a young boy lying unconscious.

He must be hurt by the blow: no matter if I know or not where did that boy came from, me and Zeph needed to check on him, to be sure if he was ok, as we have to do our job as apothecaries.

So, we approached him, crouching down a front of his lying body, when I asked Zeph curiously by showing my worrying for this boy.

"Who's this boy ?! Do you know him ?!"

"I-I don't know ! I have never seen him in the village !", he answered me, while he was also worried for the boy.

It's right that we had never met this kid before: I didn't recognize his face from all the kids living at Clearbrook that I knew, so he shouldn't came from the village. Indeed, the clothes he was wearing weren't the same that the ones worn by the kids in our village: they were warm clothes, but why he was wearing warm clothes during this sunny day ?!

However, there was no time for questions, as I wanted to verify if he was ok. I mesurated his heart rate: he was normally breathing, but I think he was more hurt than ill. I was going to check the state of this boy, when we heard him slowly mumbling.

"...I don't want to go...", mumbled the boy, with still his eyes closed.

"Oh ! He's conscious !", said calmly Zeph, concerned about the kid.

I slowly put my hand behind his crane as a support against the ground, when he continued to mumble louder, by repeating "I don't want to go", as he looked so weak. But what he was talking about ?! Did the shock was too brutal for him ?! Anyway, me and Zeph were carefully watching him, as he was waking up, his eyes still closed.

"...Please... I don't want to go !", he mumbled to himself, as he looked scared by something.

We then watched his eyes slowly opening, which were a light blue, when he slowly watched at us, where he looked surprised.

"He's waking up !", said calmly Zeph.

"Are you alright, little one ?", I asked calmly at the boy, a bit worried for him.

He looked still weak, as he seemed lost, when he slowly mumbled to us.

"...W-what happened ?... W-where am I ?... W-where are the others ?... W-who are you ?"

The poor boy: he was really lost, and he must be terrified to find himself in that place, as we understood that we were like strangers for him. I don't know about who he was talking about when he said "the others", but I was more attentive towards the boy.

"It's ok, kiddo. Relax. We're gonna help ya.", I reassured him, trying to be the most nice possible towards this frightened kid.

Me and Zeph tried to help him to get up, when the boy watched at the right, where he saw a grave, and he suddenly panicked.

"NOOOOO ! PLEASE ! DON'T BURY ME ! I'M STILL TOO YOUNG TO DIE !", he screamed loud, while he gesticulated in every senses.

"Hey ! Calm down !", I yelled at him worringly, as I tried to reassure him.

Me and Zeph were holding his arms, while he was still lying on the ground, and he tried desperately to get out of our grasp, as we tried to calm him down. He must be terrified when he saw the grave, as he really thought we were going to bury him, what a strange kid...

He then slowly calmed down, but he continued to scream in pain.


He continued to gesticulate in pain, as we tried to calm him down:  without success. I think there was something which was hurting his back, so I made sign at Zeph to help me to flip him prone. We were worried about him, but we stayed calm but serious for the child.


He yelled in pain, while putting his hands behind his back.

Something was definitely wrong with him: I noticed there was something hidden behind his pullover. So, while Zeph helped me by maintaining the boy on the ground, I slowly watched underneath his pullover, and I was surprised to see he was hiding an axe behind his back. Seriously, why such a young child like him was carrying a weapon ?! And what he was thinking by carrying it inside his clothes ?!

"Hey calm down ! We just want to help you !", yelled Zeph at the kid, trying desperately to calm him down.

I observed slowly the axe, and I understood it was harming him. I've also noticed that the sharpest part of this small iron axe was making him bleed, as his white shirt started to become red.

I've finally found the source of his sufferings, so I slowly removed the axe from behind his back, and I put it on the ground. I then observed the boy slowly calming down.

"Calm down, calm down...", I reassured him calmly.

He slowly breathed for a few seconds, while he calmed himself.


He suddenly sneezed, he must had caugh a cold as well. But how it's could be possible during that sunny day ?! Indeed, when I checked his temperature, I found weird that his skin and his clothes were really cold.

However, I don't have time to make a diagnostic, this boy was still wincing in pain from his wound. I still had to close it before he lose more blood, but I have to bring him at a safe place before I could heal him.

So, I stowed the small axe inside my bag, when I told seriously to Zeph.

"Let me take care of him, Zeph.", I told him, while placing the boy on his back.

"Are you sure, Alfyn ?!", he asked me, surprised of my decision.

"Yeah. Don't worry, go join your sister instead.", I answered him, standing up while carrying the small boy, with one arm under his legs, the other supporting his back.

I understood that Zeph wanted to insist and to heal this boy at my place, but I don't think he could take care of Nina and of this injured boy at the same time.

I was carrying him in my arms, when he looked at me curiously, as I reassured.

"You don't have to worry. I promise you I'll get you back on your feet.", I smiled at him.

I continued to walk towards the exit of the cemetary, leaving Zeph behind me, and carrying this injured boy at my home, determined to help him.

~ Travis's POV~

But what is he doing ?! Where is he taking me ?!

I was absolutely confused by the events: I was just in the cave with Ophilia, but suddenly, I was finding myself outside, in a unknown place. It was really strange: I was just in a cold and dark place, with only rocks, ice, and fires, but for a weird reason, I was outside in a peaceful place, where I could finally take some breath. It was much hotter than in the cavern, and I was in a cemetary, the place where we bury the dead people. Did they were seriously going to bury me as well ?! But I'm not dead yet !! However, I finally don't think they were going to bury me, as this unknown man was carrying me somewhere.

I remembered that after Ophilia kissed me, there was a few electricity covering my body, just like the superpowers I got while fighting the stone giant, I floated in the airs, and I had suddenly found myself in that blue vortex, just like the one I saw after I tried to play that game, and there was that voice in my head, who told me if I could really think I could stay here forever. But who was that voice ?! What did he wants from me ?! And also, why did there was a vortex which aspired me ?! I didn't want to go: I wanted to stay with Ophilia !

By the way, I saw the same white vortex, before I fell on that man, when I was aspired in the game. But unlike the first time, someone mysterious had talked to me, and instead I was violently electrocuted, there was just a few sparks around me, and I also started to shine in blue, before I unintentionnaly disappeared for finding myself in that place. Indeed, it wasn't the first time: when I fell from that bridge, I was supposed I was going to die, but instead, I woke up and found myself lying in the snow, where Ophilia had found me injured. Wait... Does that means while I was blacking out when I fell, I disappeared again, got inspired by that vortex which brought me at that Flamegraces place ?! It was really a coincidence, but how it's could be possible to go from one place to a different one ?! Before, it was a desert, then, a cold place with many snow, and now...

I leaned my head at my right, still carried by this unknown man, where I observed the place I was actually: there was grass, so many green and fresh grass, which covered hills from far away. It was such a beautiful landscape: I was really amazed by those magnificent plains which were beautifully green because there was so many grass that I thought it was their real color. I was really dazzled by the beauty of the place: during all my life, I had never saw so many grass covering the ground. When I was living in the streets, the only landscapes I could see were roads, buildings, cars, and more roads, but the only grass I have ever saw before was the one in the park, where I was used to find some lost money. But this grass was nothing compared to the one from the park: it was much more beautiful, more shiny, and it was a pretty light green color. It was really clean, the vast grassy areas were really magnificent, and when I felt a calm wind, the grass moved just like a wave.

I looked a little lower to see a river: a magnificent river, which seemed so calm and peaceful, which was calmly flowding at the left, and the water was so clean that we could clearly watch the reflect of the clouds ? There was small waves on the the water, which made the river more beautiful, while I could hear the peaceful noise of the flowding water. I've heard that in the world, we could find beautiful rivers where many people come to pass a good moment while fishing some fishes. We said that it wasn't the same thing than the sea: less deeper, but more calm, and it was possible to travel it in a boat. Rivers were effectly long road of water which could be so long, there were also bigger rivers which were larger and deeper, and we even tell that there are places called "lakes", which are big areas of water and reputed to be beautiful, and where so many fishes lived in.

I have also heard there were so many beautiful plains of grass in the world, just like the ones I was watching with my own eyes, and I was so happy to finally see one. I was very glad to discover some new and beautiful places, as I was tired to live in the city. However, even if all of that was beautiful, just like a paradise, I couldn't stop to be worried: I was really lost in a unknown place, and I wanted to return in that cave, with Ophilia.

I noticed the sky was orange, and the sun was falling: the night was coming. It's been a full day since I entered in that game, and it was an amazing but very busy day, as I was very tired, after meeting all those peoples, discovering new places, walking a lot, and also all those adventures, like sneaking into a manor, or fighting a giant robot. it wasn't just any other day, very different of the day where I had to live poorly and to steal to survive.

I noticed we were descending a few marchs, there were many grass as well, and I turned my head at the right to see a small rocky cliff covered by plants, making them more beautiful. Around me, I observed some trees, including a dead tree, without a single green leaf on his branches, just like it was naked. But the other fir trees were gracefully covered by so many green leaves that I couldn't see the trunks. This place was so green, and seemed so natural, while at Flamegraces, the place was so white, and at Bolderfall, the desert and the mountains were orange.

I watched at the man who was carrying me: he was a young man, of around 20 years old, who has brown eyes, light brown hair set in a mis disheveled haircut: the hair of his crown were up, while the rest of his hair were shorter, and I also noticed he had a small ponytail on the back of his head. He was wearing a white shirt, with his sleeves rolled up, underneath a green jacket, as green as this place, and he was carrying a kind of bag on his shoulder.

He looked so peaceful, so kind, so positive, and his mouth was adorning a friendly smile. However, even if he looked so nice, I was still shocked to find myself with someone I had never known before. I wanted to flee, but I could still feel the pain behind my back: it's must be the axe I was carrying which had hurt me, but I couldn't do otherwise to carry it ! But... is that me or I have already saw him somewhere ?!

Anyway, my back hurts me so much, and I could feel a bit of blood right where was the cut. I couldn't make a single movement due to this painful wound. The man wanted to take care of me, as he knew I was in the need, I wanted to escape him, but I had no choice: that's right I couldn't even make a few stops with those injures, I needed to be healed. So, I started to calm down, still feeling my back hurting me, and I didn't resist, letting the man carrying me in his arms.

This really reminded me of the time where Ophilia carried me: in both situation, I was injured, but they had both found me, and carried me. However, while Ophilia was carrying me in a position where she was also cuddling me and where I could sleep on her, making me feeling warm, this man was just carrying me by my back and my legs, keeping me in a lying form. Indeed, I was much more injured when Ophilia had found me, while now, it was just my back who hurts me, and I was really conscious.

The young man in green then turned at the right while carrying me, where I could observe a village: there was a bunch of houses at the right side of the river, which looked so small but pretty charming. Through the path, I also saw a stone bridge which led a little further in the town, and where the river was just passing underneath. There was a few people walking and talking to each other, all over the place, but it wasn't a crowded place: I think only a few peoples lived in that place, as the village looked so small. In reality, it was such a quiet and calm place, so many peace was invading the village, where the people looked happy and were living in harmony. I've heard once that outside the cities, there were little towns in the country which were known to be calm and peaceful. This place really looked like to be the country, unlike Bolderfall and Flamegraces which were larger and more crowded towns.

The green man continued to walk through the path, when some people had noticed us, and were looking at me with a worried look.

"Who is this kid ?!", whispered a woman to her husband.

"What's wrong with him ?!", whispered the husband to his wife.

They continued to look at me with curious eyes: they must have noticed I was injured, and this man was carrying me in a safe place, so they were worried about my situation. They were just watching me, as they didn't intervene because this man who was carrying me knew how to control the situation.

I observed that the inhabittants were watching carefully at the man who was carrying me, and they looked reassured when they saw him. They must really know him, just like he was a symbol for them. But who was that nice guy ?! Why did people look so trustful towards him ?! And also, why did he keeps carrying me without me asking ?! Why did he wants to help me while we barely knew each other ?!

I continued to look at this man, who looked so condident: he was really passive and positive, as he continued to have a smile on his face. He must be really friendly, and he wanted so much to help me. Indeed, the other person who was with him was also concerned and worried about me, and he was dressed at the same way than him. Anyway, I was a bit troubled of being carried by an unknown man, by those people watching at me, by my back which continued to make me hurt, and mostly, but mostly, because I was really lost in that unknown place.

The man continued to walk on the bridge, which looked slightly impressive, and there must be a height of about 4 meters between the edge and the river. I also heard the man's footprints making a different sound because he wasn't walking on the path anymore, while the bridge was made of rocks. While he made sure I wasn't falling from his arms, I watched a front of me: there was the river, which was always looking calm and quite. I could see the last ray of sunshine illuminating the water, and it was a very wonderful landscape between those 2 houses, and I could still see the river which was flowding from the horizon. What a beautiful river... and this village looked so peaceful with all those grassy areas...

I remembered when Ophilia showed me her map, she told me about a region called the Riverlands, where there were beautiful rivers alongside with large grassy areas. After I was separated from Ophilia, did I land in the Riverlands, by coincidence ?! If yes, I must be very far from her, because if I try to remember that map, this region must be very far from the Frostlands. I was really upset that I was very far from her.

I turned my head at the direction the man was walking, when I saw a house. It was such a little house, a very charming one: it was a yellow cottage, built with a few wooden planks, a stone layer at the bottom, and the roof was only made of straw, seriously, I had never saw such a house with a roof made of straw, but the triangular form was really pretty, and it was much beautiful than those buildings with a very plate roof. There was a window at the first floor, and a pair of windows at the second floor, while their green shutter were wide opened. The door was also paint in green, where a carpet was put a front of it, and on the roof, I noticed a chimney build in stone, just to make the place more charming. There was also a wooden box and a bag at the left of the house. This house really looked peaceful and pretty, and I noticed the man who was carrying me was heading towards it. Did it was his house ?

I think yes. He headed towards the door, and stopped a front of the door, when he looked down at me, and spoke calmly to me in a friendly way.

"Don't worry, little buddy ! I'm gonna heal your wound in no time ! And I promise you will feel much better after ! Ok ?"

He looked so sympathetic when he was talking, and he looked so nice. But even if he was very kind with me, I was still a bit shy towards him, as I looked innocent. However, he just called me "little buddy", just like I was his friend.

To be honest, when I looked at this man who looked so positive, so nice, always with a smile adorning his face, it's just like he really had the talent to be cheered by everyone. Seriously, during all my life, where when I lived in the streets  many people avoided me because I was like invisible for them , I had never seen such a sympathetic person. Effectly, this man in green really wanted to cheer me up, and he was really ready to help me when I needed. He was watching me with joy, just like he already wanted me to be his friend. It's right it must be nice to have such a sympathetic friend like him.

Plus, this man looked so nice and so helpful that I wanted to trust him. So I slowly nodded "yes" to him, as I wanted him to heal my wounds. But how he is gonna do ?! He didn't seems to have a magical power of healing people, like Ophilia, and he just seemed to be a simple person. I wondered how he could heal me from this painful wound on my back, while I winced in pain.

"There, there...", he said calmly to himself, when he was now holding me with his left arm, while his other was looking for something in his pocket.

I then saw an iron key on his hand, when he slowly entered it in the keyhole, he turned the handle and the door finally opened.

"There it is !", he said positively to himself, when I heard the creaking sound of the door while he was opening it.

I could now watch from the arms of the mister the interior of the room: it was such a small but charming house, and even if it was a bit sober, it was a well decorated room. The tile was made of wood, while the walls were also brown but they weren't made of wood, it must be from a specifical material, as these walls looked smooth. I looked down at me the ceiling, which was plate because I remembered there was the second floor right above it. Talking about that, at the left, I noticed against the walls some stairs which went up at the second floor. There was a wooden and rectangular table in the middle of the room, and also a long one against the wall, where I've also noticed there was a lot of produits on the shelves: blue potions, green potion, there was so many colored potions. It was really well stowed, where I could observe the room was fully cleaned. At the right corner, there was a chimney made of bricks which reached the ceiling.

Despite it was a little dark inside, I could clearly see the room because the light was coming from the window located at the side where was the door. I continued to observe details by details the inside: I was slightly surpised that there was a lot of jars on the long table and the shelves. Some of them were empty, while a few of them were filled of different liquid like water, but also a kind of green liquid, and even a brown liquid which looked like mud. Inside those jars, there were some kinds of plants and flowers locked up. There was also a few bags to the legs of this table, and a kettle on a shelf. This man must really like plants and flowers...

He then carried me towards a bed, which was a front of the stairs, and he slowly put me on it, making me lying on my stomach. Despite there was no sheet, the matress was pretty warm and comfort.

"There. Now, let me see your wound.", he told me gently.

It continued to hurt me, I was feeling a bit of blood escaping my body, and wincing in pain. Seriously, this axe really hurts so much !

The brown-haired man slowly removed my pullover, then my shirt, leaving me shirtless, while I crossed my arms a front of me, permitting him to watch over my injury. He was watching attentively at the wound, when he told me gently.

"Well, that's quite a wound, you have !"

"How bad is it ?", I finally spoke to him, while wincing at the pain.

"Don't worry. You just have a little cut behind your back, it doesn't seems to be serious. I'll prepare you something that will make you feel better.", he answered me calmly.

I was slightly reassured that he was going to heal me, because I was really getting sick to have my back hurt. I then feel something that tickled me inside my nose.

ah...ah...ACHOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!! Ouch !

I sneezed again, as this cold really started to annoy me. Plus, I just moved my body while sneezing, and it hurts my back again.

The man then told me positively.

"Well, you had also such a good cold ! I wonder how you could get sick with this sunny day outside..."

That's right I was often sneezing since I was in that cathedral, where the town was too cold with all this snow. But how could I explain to him that I had caught a cold in a place which was so much far from that place ?!

The young man then sighted, before he spoke to me.

"But don't worry, I have just the thing I need to cure your cold.", he reassured me, while he gently ruffled my hair.

This man was really nice with me: maybe it was because I was a child, as it seems that adults often talk to children in a nicer way, while they had a bad language where we aren't there. However, no matter if I was there or not, this man really looked so polite, so sympathetic, and so nice. He was much more sympathetic than Therion, who is even nice with me but not very talkative, he was as kind as Ophilia was, and he was very, very sympathetic. Indeed, he was really determined to heal me, just like he already knew what to do, as he stayed smiling, just like it wasn't a problem for him.

After all, me too I wanted him to heal me of this damn wound which made me slowly bleeding. I didn't very like to bleed: the sight of a red liquid leaving our skin was really awful. I remembered the time when I have to survive alone, when I stole some things at people, and when I finally escape them, sometimes I slip and I fell on the ground. I remembered once during a theft that my knee hurts me a lot, and when I looked where was the pain, I was slightly shocked to see a few traces of red line, where a kind of liquid was leaving my body. It happens a few times, but thankfully I was able to cover the wounds with a tissue, and it healed in a few days. But I've heard that blood was really necessary for people to live, and it must be very dangerous if we lose too much blood. And even if I did my best to cure my wounds with the help of tissues, I think there were still more little wounds covering my skin before I entered in that game, but I've noticed there were gone. Maybe Ophilia has made them disappearing with her green magic, and by the way, I had never saw her healing my wounds, because I was sleeping when she did.

And I wanted absolutely this man to heal my cold, as it really started to be tired to sneeze, just like when I sneezed while fighting this giant robot, where I suddenly lost my superpowers. It wasn't also the first time when I had caught a cold: when I was leaving poorly in my hut, it was really cold sometimes, especially during the winter and when it was raining, and I sneezed often because I was too cold. Thanksfully it was gone after a week, but I was sometimes worried to caught a real disease, and I've heard some of them might kill us. But I was very lucky, because I made sure to wear a few warm clothes when I was outside my hut, despite they were in a bad mood, and that it was still cold in my hut, even with the large matress and the curtain.

I wondered how this guy could heal me of my cold: did he was going to prepare me a warm soup, just like how the servants in that cathedral did to keep me warm ? However, even more with the warm bath I took and the warm clothes Ophilia gave me, I was still sneezing: this cold was really vicious, but I wanted to get rid of this.

He walked towards the table in the middle, lighting on a candle, as the room started to be better illuminated. He moved to the long table, putting his big bag on it, and he started to take some things from his bag: a ceramic bowl, a kind of big stick that he put inside the bowl, a jar with a blue liquid, and a few brown tissues. He put them all on the desk, and he reached his arm at the shelf, grabbing a big jar where a kind of dark green plant covered by spiky leaves, and putting it on the desk, next to the other things he took from his bag. But what he's gonna do with all that stuff ?

The man gently spoke to me, still smiling.

"By the way, I still don't know your name."

"Oh ! Sorry ! I'm Travis ! And you, what's your name ?!", I asked him, with a calm smile.

"I'm Alfyn. Alfyn Greengrass. But you can call me Alf !", he answered me happily.

"Oh ! We're using our nicknames ! Then, you can call me Trav !", I told him happily, really enjoying to get acquainted with him.

So his name was Alfyn, and his family name was "Greengrass", just like the green grass outside, what a coincidence ! Plus, he had a family name, while me and Therion didn't have one at all, and I've forgotten to ask Ophilia for her family name. And his nickname "Alf" was very sympathetic, and I wanted to give him my nickname as well, because me too I would like to be called by a cool nickname. And also, Trav, Terry, Phili, Alf... It starting to be a lot of nicknames !

He smiled at me, enjoying my company, when he went back at his stuff and he took again something from his bag.

"Very well !", he said to himself.

He then took another bowl made of wood, and he slowly filled it with a little of the blue liquid. He then took the bowl with both hands and walked towards me, crouching down next to my bed just to give me the bowl.

"Here. It will cure your cold.", he told me calmly, making me sign to drink it.

The blue liquid inside the bowl looked so weird, a little viscous and it was smelling bad. I hesitated for a small moment, before, still lying on the belly, I slowly drank the blue liquid, flowing it inside my mouth. My mouth winced because it was such a bad taste, when Alfyn watched me.

"I know it's not so good, but I promise that will cure your cold.", he adviced me calmly, as he knew it wasn't very good for me.

I finally finished the bowl, when I slowly took a long breath after drinking with difficulty the product.

"I could feel a little better !", I told calmly to Alfyn, who smiled at me.

"Good. Now, you just have to wait before the elixir takes effect. I'll prepare you a salve for your back.", he calmly told me, when he moved towards his desk.

He said that the elixir will take effect in a moment: does that means the drug couldn't healing me immediatly ?! And what's a salve ?!

I then saw him taking a wooden chair from under the table located in the middle, sitting on it, and he just gathered all what was on the desk, where he was well organized. He slowly opened the tissue, where there was a grape, which was very familiar because I've already seen it: it was the thing that Therion had stolen from a bad man, and when I discovered one in a coffer when me and him were looking for the treasure in that manor. He then took the plant from the jar, and he took a little knife, before he started carefully to cut the leaves. He looked so passive, so attentive, with still the same smile adorning his face, and I think he must really enjoy what he was doing, just like it was his passion. But I wondered what he was gonna do with these plants.

I wanted to know more about it, so I asked him calmly.

"What are you doing with all these plants, Alf ?"

"Well, Trav, I'll prepare you something to close your cut with all these medicinal plants.", he answered me calmly.

"Medicinal plants ?!", I said innocently.

"Yes ! I'll then crush them inside the bowl, mix them until I'll prepare you something that will scab over your injury.", he continued calmly.

"Scab over ?!", I asked him, not understanding what he was going to do.

"Of course ! That will stop the bleeding, and I'll cover it with a bandage. Just stay patient and relax !", he told me positively.

So, if I have understood correctly, he will make me a drug from all these plants. I didn't know that plants could be drugs, as I thought drugs only came from the pharmacy. I remembered there was a pharmacy not far from my hut, but I didn't have the time to steal some drugs just to heal me because I was more preoccupied to look for food, clothes, and money.

As he said, he just deposed all the ingredients inside the bowl, and he took something on his hand, before he turn it inside the bowl, crushing all the plants, while he held the bowl with the help of his other hand. He turned his tool again and again, making sure that all the herbs were goodly crushed and mixed between each other, while he watched peacefully at his action. He looked so positive, so calm, so passive, and I noticed so many passion inside his brown eyes, just like he was really relaxed by mixing those ingredients.

I was very curious about what he wa actually doing, so I asked him, while still lying shirtless on my belly by leaning on my elbows.

"Hey, Alf. Why are you mixing all that ?"

"Well, my little friend, I'm concocting something that will heal your back !", he answered me happily, while he keep crushing the herbs inside the bowl.

I was sightly surprised that he called me "friend", despite we barely knew each other, but I was more curious to know that he is gonna heal me, but why ? I wanted to know the reason about his determination to heal me.

"You... heal... me ? Who are you, actually ?", I asked him curiously.

"For your information, little one, I'm an apothecary."

"An apowhat ?!", I asked him, a bit confused by this new word which was complicated to pronounce.

"An A-Po-The-Ca-Ry.", he spelled slowly the word, before he continued to explain me positively. "It's a person who prepares drugs or compounds for healing the injured or sick people."

"Ah ! Like a doctor ?"

"What's a doctor ?", he asked me positively, not understanding this word at all.

What a fool I am ! I've completely forgotten that I was in a medieval game !

I understood that I said something wrong: if Alfyn heals people from diseases and injuries, he must be definitely a doctor, a bit like Ophilia. However, there weren't really the same persons: even if Ophilia could heal people with her magic powers, she wasn't really a doctor, but she was just a cleric, a person praying for the Gods. But Alfyn was really a doctor, a person who made drugs and heals people with them, and me, I was definitely his patient, waiting patiently on a bed like an injured person in a hospital.

However, I've almost forgotten I was in a game where there were no cars, no roads, no tv, and I was in a fairy tale game. But I was an idiot to ask Alfyn if he was a doctor, as he was really confused.

So, I needed to answer him quickly.

"Huh... Nothing ! It's just... how I call persons who heals people !"

"Ah, ok ! You have such a good imagination for a child !", he complimented me, with a smile on his face, before he continued to explain, while still crushing the herbs like mashed potatoes. "The work of an apothecary consists to find in the wild the best medicinal products, like the plants or the flowers who contains healing power, and to use them to contoct differents kinds of potions, like an antitussive elixir, or an antidote against the poison..."

"That's must be very fun !", I told me happily.

"That's why I love my job !", he answered me happily, staying concentrated in his action.

I was really amazed and passionated by all he was explaining to me: it must be very fun to go in the wild, to collect some plants and flowers, and to create so many potions with them, just like an alchimist ! I've heard that there were many beautiful plants in the world, and if there were so numberous, I was very impressed about how many potions we could create ! And Alfyn too was really finding his job fun, he was very passionated by his work, and for a doctor, he was very sympathetic and nice !

I then watched him stopping to crush the herbs inside the bowl.

"Well, it's done !", he said calmly.

He then stood up while picking up the bowl with his hands, and he walked towards my bed, crouching down next to me. I watched inside the bowl: there were no leaves anymore, only a kind of viscous liquid with a brown and pink color. Did I have to drink it again ?!

He then told me calmly, while dipping his fingers inside the product.

"Just relax. I'm gonna spread a little of salve on your wound, but this might sting a little."

"Ok... What ?!", I said loudly, surprised when he said this gonna sting me.

Before I was ready, he started to put a few of the cream behind my back with the help of his fingers.

aaaaaaahhhhh... Ouch ! Ouch !

When Alfyn continued to spread the cream on my wound, it's hurts me a little, making me wincing, trying to support the pain as it was stinging my back. Thanksfully I couldn't watch behind my back, or I'm sure I'll be shocked at the sight of the wound.

One minute later, Alfyn stopped to cover my wound of cream, when he reassured me.

"There. It's finished."

I was glad he finished, while I could feel a few changes behind my back: even if it's hurts me in the beginning, the pain slowly started to leave, making me relaxed, and I could feel better than before. Seriously, the thing that Alfyn gave me was really practical and it was very nice !

I breathed calmly, while putting a relaxed smile on my face, as I was feeling so good, when Alfyn, who was glad that I was better, told me calmly.

"I'll find you some bandages to cover your cut."

He then walked towards his bag, when he took a few papers from it, which were so long but not so large, just like the bandages worn by mummies in book stories.

"Sit down.", he ordered me nicely, as I moved slowly my body, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

He then took a few bandages and he slowly covered the wound with them, tightening my body by passing from my left shoulder and behind my back, surrounding diagonally my corpse.

I was finally healed: I wasn't hurt anymore, where white long bandages were hiding my wound, preventing me to bleed in pain. I was feeling a lot better, thanks to Alfyn, and I was so grateful towards him.

"Thank you, Alf !", I told him happily.

"You're welcome ! It was such a pleasure to have helped you !", he answered me happily.

He was really nice and sympathetic to have helped me while I was in the need, but I wanted to know why he wanted to help me without me asking.

"Why did you help me, by the way ?", I asked him curiously.

"Well, I just saw a person in need, and I couldn't let such a young kid in that state !"

"I don't know how to thank you...", I told him innocently, while feeling bad to not have something to give him in exchange, like money.

"Ah ! It's nothing: I was just doing my job !"

Alfyn was really generous: despite I didn't ask him to help him, he was really nice to help me without regret. For him, I think it was just like a pleasure to have prepared this cream, this potion, and to have healed me. It wasn't the first time that someone had nicely healed me, but I was very happy that someone had helped me one more time, despite if I was just a stranger for him.

I watched happily at Alfyn, when my stomach started to growl: effectly, it's been a time I haven't eaten and drunk something. Alfyn noticed that I was hungry, when I asked him politely.

"I'm hungry and thirsty, Alf. Could you please give me something to eat and drink ?"

"Of course, little buddy ! Anyway, it's already time for the dinner !", he said happily, while he enjoyed to discuss with me.

He then got up on his feet, and he moved towards the shelves, when he took 2 wooden plates, 2 porcelain glasses, and a few forks. He then put them on the big table, and he came back at the shelves, taking a bottle of water and a large bowl, which contened a salad. He slowly filled both of the glasses of water.

Alfyn was really nice with me, just like how were Therion and Ophilia. Effectly, all three of them helped me when I was in the need: Therion payed me some water, Ophilia saved me from the cold, and now, Alfyn just healed my cold and my wound, by giving me a warm welcome. They all helped me without hesitation when I was in a bad situation, even if I haven't asked them to. But I was so grateful for them that I wanted to helped them when they needed too: I helped Therion to steal that treasure, Ophilia to find that secret flame, but Alfyn, for the moment, I still didn't know what I'm gonna do to thank him. Even if he was a boy, he was more closer of Ophilia than Therion, because they were both nice, always smiling, while Therion was just a calm and serious person, but I liked him a lot.

However, Alfyn was really different from them: Therion is a very talented thief, also very strong, and he can create fire. Ophilia is a cleric which lived in a giant castle, like a princess, who had amazing magical power with her magic stick and all that light she can make to fight a giant stone. These 2 were really incredibles and unique, but Alfyn, he, wasn't really special. He was just a very nice person, who helps people and heals them like he did with me, and very sympathetic guy.

I think he must be just a normal person...

After he filled the second glass of water, he then placed the palm of his hand above a glass, while holding it with the other hand. Then, I saw his hand slowly shining in white, when I could notice something was leaving his hand: I watched again to see something transparent, and slightly cold, as it was shining like a little crystal. Wait, did it was... Ice ?

I was really surprised: this man could create ice just from his hand, just like he had superpowers, like me. Did it was magic ? I remembered that wizards could create spell of fire and spell of ice... Did Alfyn was a wizard, like Therion and Ophilia ? Seriously, I take back what I said: he wasn't a normal person !

I continued to watch his hand producing some ice inside the glass of water, which really looked like ice cubes, permitting to make fresh water, just like one of these cocktails we prepare in bars.

When he finished to fill his glass of water of ice, he watched me and asked me gently.

"Do you want some ice in your water, Travis ?"

"Err... No thanks !", I answered him, while being a bit disgusted. Seriously, I couldn't drink something with ice coming from the sweat of his hand !

He then gave me my glass of water, while he took the other which had ice inside it. I slowly drank a sip water, where I found my mouth being refreshed, despite it wasn't so fresh without ice, but I was relaxed to drink some water, while taking a small breath.

After Alfyn drank a sip of water too, he then took a pair of wooden spoons, and he filled both of the plates with salad. He then gave my wooden plate with a fork, when I watched at my plate on my lap: it was such a beautiful salad with a light green color. Many green leaves covered my plate, some of them were stripped out, others were just intact. The meal really looked delicious: it was really a beautiful dish, much more beautiful than the bread I had to steal when I lived poorly in the streets. But finally, I will eat a real and proper meal.

Before I started to eat, Alfyn took a chair, and sat down a front of me, his plate of food on his lap and his fork on his hand, before telling me happily.

"Enjoy your meal !"

We both started to eat the salad: it was such a delicious meal, with all this crunchy leaves, and this good savor in my mouth. This meal was such a precious and delicious thing, just like apples, even if I preferred apples... Anyway, it was delicious, and Alfyn really enjoyed the salad as well.

There was something again that I wanted to know about him: when he continued to chew his salad, I asked him curiously.

"Hey, Alf. What is the point with that ice you could create with your hand ? Is that... Magic ?"

"Well, Travis, this is something that I've learnt during my formation of apothecary: it permits me to create some ice, and it is really useful in my job if I need some fresh water for refreshing my patients's fevers."

"Wow... Are you a wizard ?!", I asked him happily, really interested by his magic ice.

He laughed calmly, before answering me.

"Not really ! I could only create some ice cubes for the moment.", he smiled, enjoying our conversation while we were eating, before he continued to speak gently to me. "Me too I would like to know more about you: I have never seen your face in the village... Did you know where you come from, and where are your parents, so I could tell them that you're there ?"

Why does everybody ask me where are my parents ?!

But what I could answer to him ?! If ever I told him the truth, if I told him that I was teleported in the game, if I told him that I came from the Frostlands, if I told him that I was aspired by a vortex and I arrived her like this, I don't think he will believe me, and that I will pass for a fool, even if I was going to tell him the truth.

But I knew for my parents: so I took a breath, while being upset, before I answered him.

"I don't have parents... I don't remember them, and I don't remember where I came from too..."

There was a small moment of silence, where I was upset while remembering the hard moments I knew, and I could see that Alfyn was slightly shocked, and he was feeling so bad for me.

So, he sighted and told me calmly.

"I'm sorry, little one. I didn't mean to bother you with this.", he was feeling bad for me and wanted to apologize.

"No... It's ok, it's not your fault...", I answered him calmly, a bit upset, without seeing him responsible for making me sad.

I then remembered that I had another question in mind: I was still wondering how I could suddenly find myself in that village, so I asked him.

"But tell me: how it's could be possible that I have fallen on your head ?"

"I'm asking you the same thing.", he told me curiously, as he knew that I've landed here in a weird way. He continued to tell me, as he was positive and curious. "I was just surprised to see such a bright blue light on the sky, just where I saw you falling in my head, and there was also a lot of electricity covering your body when we have found you."

That's right: I was always wondering what was all this electricity covering my body, and why did I have suddenly left that cave just to arrive in that place. There were so many questions in my mind, but I wanted to find the truth.

So, I answered calmly to Alfyn, while being aware of that incredible power.

"Well... I don't know how all that is possible, and I don't know how to explain it... Anyway, I'm sorry to have fallen on your head.", I excused myself towards him, while remembering to have accidentally hurt him.

"Nah, it's nothing ! Thanksfully it was me, else, the shock should be much more serious if you have fallen on my mother's grave.", he told me calmly.

"On your mother's... grave ?", I was really shocked when I heard the word " grave", and when I finally understood.

"Yes. She passed away a year ago.", he told me calmly, as he looked sad.

I was really feeling bad for Alfyn: it must be so hard for him to have lost his mom. I could totally understand his pain, because me too I have lost both my parents, and I was very alone after losing them. And Ophilia too, she had lost her parents when she was little, and it was very hard for her to have lost them. However, I didn't know about Therion's parents: he wasn't very talkative, so he had never talked me about them.

I felt pretty bad for Alfyn, so I sighted when I wanted to reassure him.

"I-I'm so sorry, Alfyn..."

"I really loved her: she was such an amazing person who had taken care of me and supported me during all these years. I owe her a lot.", he explained to me calmly, while making a nostalgic smile, as he was dreamy while remembering his mom, before he continued to talk. "Now, I would like to be an amazing person for her: I want to help the people in needed and to fight the diseases. I would like to be the most generous apothecary the world has ever seen, just to make her proud of me..."

He had so many passion while he was talking: so confident, so hopeful, as he was really determined to become the best doctor just to make pleasure at his mother. He really enjoyed his job, and me too I really liked his determination and his goal to cure all people in the world. I was really amazed by this man: there was such a good determination inside his eyes, and I was very impatient to see him making his dream, where I found it so fascinating.

So, I smiled at him and complimented him calmly.

"I'm sure you'll become the best ."

He smiled at me, and he ruffled my hair.

"Thank you, little buddy. You're so sympathetic."

He enjoyed my compliment, and I liked when he called me "little buddy", just like I was his friend.

We both have finished our plates, and have drunk our water, where I yawned, starting to be tired.

He noticed I was tired: so he picks up the plates, the glasses and the forks, getting rid of them and putting them on the table, and he told me gently.

"You must be tired after this long journey. I think you really need to sleep, so you'll be in shape tomorrow."

I nodded to him, as I was really tired after this eventful day, which was the longest day in my life, between that video game, that theft I made with Therion in the manor, when I fell in the precipice, and when I explored that cavern with Ophilia. It was really a tiring day !

So, I lied down on my bed, putting my head against the pillow, when Alfyn covered me with a warm blanket. It was really a warm bed: a bit less warm than when I have slept in that cathedral, but much, much more that in that cold hut.

I made a smile, ready to sleep, when Alfyn lighted out the candle, and told me nicely.

"Good night, Travis. Have sweet dreams !", he then went up on the stairs, as he was also tired, leaving me alone in the dark room.

I was very content to sleep after this long journey: I could finally pass my first night after entering that game, and meeting all of those nice people, but I still didn't know where I was actually and I was pretty worried.

I should be with Therion: he needed my help, because he has still to steal the 3 other dragonstones for the lady Ravus, so he could get rid of his bracelet stuck on his wrist. I wanted to see him again, to see my brother again, to support him, and to make fun things with him like stealing some treasures. But I also wanted to be with Ophilia: I wanted to walk with her by holding her hand, I wanted to visit the world while carrying that flame with her, and to see her smiling again. She missed me so much...

However, I was really glad to have met another nice person: Alfyn was so nice and sympathetic with me, and I was really amazed by his dream where he wanted to help people in need because he was nice. This dream he had really made me wanting to help him, because it was really one of the best dreams someone might have ! Indeed, I wanted to trust him as well, I wanted to be with him, because, to be honest, he was already my friend.

So I slowly closed my eyes and started to sleep, where I plunged in dreamlands.


 A/N: Finally the 10th chapter, where Travis meets this time the sympathetic Alfyn ! I'm really proud to have written this book so far, but if I want to complete all my fanfiction, I might need 3 others books, as I haven't still written 10 % of my story ! In all fictions, there are always incoherences, just like in this book, where you must think that Travis get too quickly attached with the protagonists. I admit it, but I don't want to pass to many time just to prolounge their relationships, as I consider to make 4-5 chapters per characters. Anyway, I'm so glad to have reached the 3rd traveler, but I would like to tell you that my vacations are almost finished and I'm gonna be a student in a kind of university, so I don't know what will be my writing rythm, but I will try to publish one chapter per week. So, thank you to understand, I'm glad you liked this chapter, and see you next time for the next !

P.S.: Just a fun thing: in the game, Ophilia sometimes reminds me of Gandalf, because she is a white mage with her light spells. Indeed, when she guide small children, it's just like she was guiding hobbits XD (Lol everyone will think that Travis is a hobbit XD)

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