Chapter 1: Prologue
//Edit 11/11/2021: Spelling mistakes fixed + text formatting//
~Travis's POV~
They're the only feelings I feel...
Not only at this moment, but also during my entire life.
Yeah, my entire life. Where I always have to run and work hard to obtain any small piece of food. Always the same boring cycle.
I might have, not really the hardest or the worst quality of life, but to be really honest... I believe I have the saddest.
That's right: I don't like this way of life and fend for myself in the poorness like a tramp... but sadly, I have to.
Today it was a rainy day, but not a normal rainy day, it was raining cats and dogs.
The rain is always a problem from me: it always suddenly appears from nowhere, even during the hottest day of the year.
Indeed, this annoying weather always appears with dark grey clouds which are covering the sky, especially when it rains very much. I think it's always cold when it's raining, even before it rains, at the moment where the sun disappears behind the menacing clouds.
I often have to face against the rain, it was very hard to resist and a simple puff of wind could always make me sneeze. I had however a few chances to not catch diseases from the cold and the germs.
I see the huge precipitations of water through the road surrounded by common old roofless houses and abandoned shops.
I walked through the road covered by the wet paving stones, where we could also notice a bit of waste between two paving stones, like a dirty cigarette, which had must be dropped after it was used.
Today, I could totally see how much a rain could bring a gloomy ambiance. Anyway, there were barely no one wandering in this road.
I could hear every single drop of water falling on the ground. Some of them must be bigger than the other and make a bigger plopping nose while falling on puddles.
They were so much puddles scattered in the streets: large ones, small ones, and even sometimes mixed with mud. I have also spotted run-off water at the edge of a sidewalk, with so much water was escaping the quarter by the storm sewers. It was also coming through pipes and evacuated from the roofs.
I was still walking slowly, covered by a dirty brown blanket made of cashmere, which a part of it was stripped apart. It was a larger blanket before, but some clothes aren't eternal. However, it was still large enough to cover my small body.
I admit it was weird for me to consider it like something to wear, but it's one of the only clothes I actually have. I liked it a bit, because I always wears it when it's raining.
However, this blanket wasn't sufficient to protect me from the rain. Indeed, some falling drop of water could pass through it, making my other clothes wet alongside with my blanket.
I needed to be careful while walking slowly: if I ran for escaping the rains like normal people usually do, I could slip and fall in a rain puddle !
I just take my time, trying to anticipate this kind of accident: this has happened once.
I tried to steal a single apple a few days ago. I know stealing is bad, but being starved is bad too. But I don't steal from anyone: I just steal at those who have too much.
~Flashback a few days ago~
I wanted to eat a single red apple, which was located in a local market, which take place every Saturday in a large place.
There were many trucks parked in, opened for selling different products like meat, clothes, or other farms products. It was also raining, but the market was covered to avoid the products being soaked by the rain.
There was a merchant, of around 50 years old, who wore a green apron, installed on a stand.
A front of him, many products were sold in punnets: oranges, bananas, carrots, and apples.
I wanted absolutely an apple, because I thought it was the most beautiful fruit I have never seen. It's was a small round fruit with a magnificent red color.
There was also a couple of customers which were in their early 30's. T
The one was a man with a brown coat, and the second a woman with a red coat, who was holding an umbrella above her and the other customer.
They must be a couple who had the habitude to go at the local market, because they were talking a much with the merchant.
I have profited that the merchant was talking with them, when my hand grabbed the small fruit.
But while I took the apple out of the punnet, the others apples which were stacked up moved slowly and made a bit of nose, making the seller watching at me.
I keep the apple tight in my hands, and I suddenly run quickly, scared, while the merchant yelled.
« Hey ! You little thief ! »
The male customer attempted to run after me, but I was too fast for him.
I finally left the market place, without paying attention at the other bystanders who noticed me, and took a lost alley, always running fast, afraid of being caught.
But suddenly, while running in another lost alley, I took a wrong step, made a 2 meters long jump because I was running fast, and
I finally fell on a puddle of water !
My face had fallen on the mud, it was very dirty, all this mud covering my face and making my hair very dirty, giving me a gel effect, but with mud instead.
I slowly try to stand up, but I have to put my hands on the ground covered of mud for helping me standing up. I used the small force I have to get up, making on the way my stripped pants dirtier. I looked up at my side.
« Oh no... »
I noticed the apple I was carrying was dropped on the mud...
I quickly get up and try to wipe it the most possible I can. My hands were also dirty and even if I wiped out the apple of his mud, it was still dirty with a few traces of my footprints.
Seriously, I really feel bad for this little fruit: so many people worked hard to cultivate orchards of apples with love and passion, and to distributes them at other peoples in exchange of money. Indeed, people would mostly be proud to eat the apple slowly, and take their time to feel how tasty this fruit is...
Even me I wanted to profit of the sugar taste of the apple, but I just wanted to steal it, not for it finishes on the mud.
I just wanted one apple, just one apple. I also wanted the others honest customers to also have apple in an honest way, and there were twenty apples in the punnet. One more, one less, what's the matter ?
However, I totally regret to have stolen this apple if I can't take care of it properly.
But it was too late, I can't rewind the time. I want to eat that apple, even if it's a bit covered of mud, else all the efforts I made while stealing that fruit will be futile.
I took the apple with my two small hands, bring it closer to my mouth, opening it and eating the first bite.
I thought at this moment the taste will be disgusting and bad, because of the mud...
However, it was better than I expected: even if it was a bit muddy, the apple was very delicious, especially in the interior !
Only the exterior was covered of mud, but the interior was safe and it was very sweet. The yellow part of the apple was so juicy and I could lick on the interior for drinking a bit of juice !
I finally continued to eat this delicious apple, part by part, without paying attention to the mud, without paying attention at the rain. It was so tasty that I wanted to eat it slowly, taking my time to enjoy the taste of this apple, despite the rain still falling on my hair.
I think this is beat meal I have ever eaten ! Despite it was dirty, it was very good !
I started to cry while eating it, I was so happy at this moment to swallow the small parts of what I supposed « most delicious fruit in the world ».
Indeed, the red skin of the fruit suited it very well, but I have heard that there were yellow apples, and also green apples ! I couldn't believe it ! I really want to eat an apple again in the future ! But not now at the moment...
~End of flashback~
Anyway, I was returning to my secret base, with a few pieces of money in my pocket. I was looking for some lost money on the streets.
Yeah, people are sometimes clumsy or inattentive for dropping pieces of money, that's weird.
Anyway, I was coming back at home after walking through the streets, looking for money.
Today I have found a piece of 5 cents and a piece of 20 cents. What a luck !
Maybe it was the same person who dropped it, because he shouldn't had noticed that his pocket wasn't useful enough to keep his money while he was running or something like this.
Even if it was still not a lot, I think I was lucky this time: it was the biggest amount of coins I have never found ! I could usually find at least 1 or 2 cents per weeks, scrutinizing the ground, step by step, on the streets of at the park which was a few city blocks further.
To go in my secret base, I just had to turn left at the second lost alley, after passing though the downward street. It was a narrow path, which was 1 meter large, and was surrounded by two big lost buildings.
The first one, which the wall covered by red bricks was at my left when I was going through the passage, was a bakery which must be abandoned for a few year ago because there was no one living in.
We could recognize it was a bakery because we could spot the shop sign and read « The good bread ». I liked the name, but the letters of the sign started to become unreadable because of the time.
The second one, at my right, had walls covered by brown bricks, and was just a lost house which was in bad quality and was high like 3 floors.
The vents were closed. On the brown wall, there was a graffiti, which was painted with green and red colour, where we could read « BOMB ZERO », the letters delimited by a black colour which must came from a big felt pen.
It was already here before I discovered this place, because the graffiti is old and the mark was already starting to leave.
Throughout the narrow path, I was walking, with the feelings of being dominated by the two high buildings at my sides. I reached the end of the path, and I turned left, to finally arrive at what I called home.
Once I turned left, I seen the alley was 3 meters large and 10 meters long. It was an ancient place where we could place the garbage cans, but now the bakery was closed, they weren't used anymore.
However, the garbage cans were always present, and I just used to displace them in a corner for building my house.
And then, right before the dead-end, a small hut, made of wood planks I have found on the trashes, or abandoned or unused in another alleys.
The roof was flat, but covered by a very large foam mattress, preventing the cabane of being submerged by the rain because it was thick enough for remaining waterproof.
I walked towards the door, and opened the small curtain, before crouching down a little and entering in the hut, without forgetting to close the curtain behind me.
The interior was made of wood with bad quality, but it was resisting enough to protect me from the rain, the wind and the cold.
There was a small bed with a little mattress, which was in reality a piece of mattress I have found, but I needed it to sleep because I was little enough for me to take a rest.
It wasn't the best way to sleep, because the blanket I have wasn't warm enough, and I had no pillows, but instead a pile of clothes where I could place my head to sleep.
There was also a carpet in the ground, a curtain was a curtain shower I have found abandoned a day in a lost alley, and also a mirror, a bit broken one which I found the day I have found this place. It was a bit fissured, but it was still possible to clearly notice my reflect on the mirror.
I finally decided to put the coins on the bed and to take off my blanket which served me as a coat, and dropped out on the ground. And there I could observe my face on the mirror.
My face looked like how must look like the 6 years old kids of my age: innocent and, what some adults would say, adorable.
Yeah, I'm 6 years old, it's must be very shocking for living in the streets at this young age.
The mirror showed me how messy was my semi-long brown dark hair, it's been a time I never get washed up. Some of my hairs were stitched each other thanks to the mud which I have fallen the other day. I did my best to brush my hair with a comb to take of the dirt, but it still doesn't smell good. My face had also a bit of dirt in my face, it was pretty difficult for me to find some water to wash my face and my hair. For me, finding water to drink it's most important for me, but I feel pretty bad for not being so hygienic.
I could also spot my eyes on the mirror: they were a light blue, blue like the sea, blue like the sky, and anyone would say they were so beautiful. Indeed, it was rare to have pretty eyes like this. I don't really know if they looked like cat eyes, because it exists so much animals that I never known of my life.
I wear a grey t-shirt with long sleeves, a bit deteriorated, which was almost at my height, but we could read on the tag « 7 years old ». A brown jean was covering my small legs, a bit wet but with a better quality than the t-shirt, and it was starting to become too tight. My shoes were a pair of blue Nike, but it started to became grey because I wear them since a long time. I never changed of clothes since I lived in the streets.
By the way, my name is... Travis.
Yeah just Travis, I don't know what's my family name. Talking about my family, I don't really know how they look like. I know I had parents once, but, actually, they are gone from this world anymore.
I don't remember how they looked like, because I have forgotten when did they are dead. 1 year ago, 2 maybe ? I don't really want to know more of them, and more about other possible member of my family, like uncles, grandfathers, cousins...
All I just want, it's not to be alone anymore. In fact, I don't know if I can take this loneliness anymore: I just want someone at my side, someone who care for me, someone who understands me, someone who love me.
For me, I believe being alone is a bigger pain than hunger or sickness.
But I don't want the policemen to find me, I don't want them to send me in an orphanage: it's just like they choose the persons who take care of me.
No, I want to find someone to take care of me by myself, I want to choose a model I can follow, I want to choose my path.
I lived in the waste this society is generating: I can admit this society was pretty good, but it sometimes it imposes hard rules if we want to live in harmony.
Some people protested against these limits for some reasons, because they hadn't the choice to live in the manner they do, and they finish to have not enough money to buy food and home. But even people who haven't protested finishes to live in the streets: like me.
What's wrong with the world ?! Why did some people are rich and others are poor ?! Can't we just share food between each other ?!
I took off the money I've found from my sweater's pocket, I put them on the bed, and I checked next to the mirror a little box I picked up, put it on the bed and opened it. There were so many coins in this box, small ones, larger ones, pieces of 1, or 10 cents.
I decided to count how many I have, so I poured all the coins on my bed and sorted them before starting to count.
« 1 cent, 2 cents, 3 cents... »
I counted every coin before replacing them on the box: I may be a small boy, but I know how to count and how to read.
I finally counted a total of 564 cents.
I know it's still a small amount, buy I used all my efforts to succeed. However, the major part of the money, around 350 cents for being exact, I saved it already before my parents died and I finished in the streets.
I know I could use it to buy things like bread instead of stealing it, but a bread costs 2 dollars, which is a bit expensive, and I don't want to use my money for this. I saved my money for having enough to buy a ticket to go in another country: I don't know how, by bus, by train, by plane...
Another thing is... I always wanted to explore the world. I strongly believe that there are so much things to discover, so many landscapes to observe: plains, deserts, sea, forests... The world is so big that we can get lost easily without a map !
But the money I have actually is not enough: I only had one quarter of the amount I need to buy a ticket.
My stomach is grumbling: I didn't eat something since a few hours. But I checked at the other side of the bed a plastic bag of bad quality to find a small piece of bread.
Thankfully, it was still fresh. I also picked up a small plastic bottle of water and I drank directly in.
The taste of the bread wasn't so bad, but bread is the food that I steal the most and I'm tired to eat bread. It was very rare to find other kind of food, like meat, candys, or the apple I've stolen the other day.
"Sbang !"
Suddenly, I heard some noise in the streets.
Someone was here, I looked from the curtain.
There was no one, but I could hear many voices laughing, alongside with the rain. The night has fallen, it was around 21 pm, I checked in a watch I have found several months ago in a trash.
I continued to eat, trying to not pay attention at the noises at outside, until I heard several footsteps, coming closer and closer, and the laughing voices being louder.
They must be thugs that we could usually spot in lost alleys. I was a bit scared, so I decided to make any move, to make any nose so they couldn't spot me.
I heard the guys coming from the corner of the ally, and while hearing the rude different voices, they must be 3 or 4 persons. I could hear a glass bottle broke at the source of the noise: they must be drunk, and lost.
« Hey... they're somethin' riiiiiiiiiight theeeeere ! »
Oh no... They noticed the hut I lived, despite it has the same color than the wall. I hear the footsteps of one of the men, became louder and louder. I was trapped... like a rabbit.
I saw a hand moving the curtain, and a head looking at the door.
It was a weird looking guy, he had a big nose, a dark hood, a leather jacket, and his face was so red that I wasn't able to know how much he would drink alcohol. He looked me with a weird smile. He scared me a little and yelled at his buddies:
« Ohhhh ! Theeeeeere a kiiiiiiid..... riiight theeeeeere... »
He doesn't seem worried about me, he just wanted to have fun. The other guys came closer, and I directly know they aren't good guys.
« Heeyyyyy... little guyyyy ! Whaaaaaaat are your doing heeeeere ? Shouldn't you be with your pareeeeeeentts ?! HIPS !!!! Its's nooooot a safe plaaaaaaaace for a kid ! » He snickered stupidly, alongside with the others.
God, he really smelled alcohol... He stank too much that he made me want to throw up my bread.
I decided to yell at them angrily:
« Leave me alone ! It's not your problem ! »
« But whyyyyyyyy ! I juuuuuuuuuuust want to heeeeeeeelp ya ! »
I know he lied. Another man, a muscular and fat one, who is as drunk as the big nose man, peered out from the curtains.
« Heyyyyyy ! That's so coooooooool in your hut ! » he laughed stupidly « Hey everybodyyyyyy ! Come heeeeeere ! Looook what the braaaat had in his houuuuuuse !! »
He reached his hand towards me and grabbed my arm very tight, pulling me out of my house.
« !!!... Hey !... Let me go ! »
He didn't listen, he lifted me up brutally by behind and tightened his arms around me, preventing me from escaping.
I squirmed out for trying to get off of him, but he was too strong... and he smelled alcohol.
I could notice how the 2 others guys looked like: as they looked drunk like the two others, the third one wears a blue cap, and had dark long hair, with a black leathered jacket and fingerless gloves made of grey cotton.
With the help of the big nose man, he lifted the mattress by the two sides.
« Whaaaaaaaaaaat's in the boooooooooox !!! », they laughed badly.
« Hey ! Stop that ! You'll break everything !! », I yelled, moving my arms for trying to get off the fat guy.
But, when they threw the mattress at the other side of the alley in the dirt, they broken two walls of my home !
The worst is that it was still raining, and my broken home started to be submerged by the water.
They laughed hysterically, as I started to be angry.
« You big dumbs ! You'll pay for... Mmh !!!...»
I couldn't finish my sentence because the fat man handgagged me !
I mumbled loud, trying to tell the guy to get out his hand of my mouth, in vain.
« Hey men look at this ! ».
Oh no ! The fourth man, who was wearing a red woolly hat with sunglasses, picked the box where all my money was !
I screamed to tell the guy to don't touch my money, but I couldn't say anything properly because of the guy holding my mouth tight.
« Look all this money ! I am rich now ! I am rich ! »
In my despair, the bad guy thrown in every sense, just like bird food, all the coins I've found since several months, all those cents where I made all efforts, even the hardest, to find them by chance...
All those efforts...wasted. I couldn't believe I made so many effort just to watch people, maybe older than me but not smarter, make fun of it.
I've assisted, powerless, at the destruction of my house, at the loss of my money as I see two of them grabbing the money and using it like in a free buffet... my money.
I've witnessed at the destruction of all my efforts, my home, my memories, everything. I watched one of the men pouring some wine on my food, and eating it before splitting it because it was supposed disgusting...
But the only thing I found disgusting are those guys, laughing while destroying everything I had just for fun.
"HIPS !!..."
I can't take it anymore: I became immensely angry, and used all the forces I have to free my mouth from the hand's fat guy and to bite his hand, so hard that we could see blood leaving the skin !
He shrieked in pain, as I could free from his grasp, at the 3 other's surprise !
I profited of their surprise that I quickly dropped a piece of wood from my broken home, and then
I hit the long nose guy so hard that he could violently fall on the ground and making his face bleed !
He was not in my way anymore, so I could run at the alley and turn right, leading to the exit !
Sadly I haven't tried to take some coins, food or my blanket-coat because it was too risky and the bad men wouldn't let me to. The only thing I had is my sweeter.
'Quick !'
As I ran out of the alley and turned to take the streets in high speed, of course, the drunk men chased me, at a distance of 10 meters.
I continued to ran for my life through the rain, hoping to not fall because the ground was wet, and there are many puddles of water !
I better not fall on the streets, or the bad guys will catch me !
I ran everywhere, for 10 minutes, turning left or right every time I could turn, trying to escape them, but they keep chasing me. !
As I dashed in an unknown street, I finally discovered a new place: there was so many factories building, of around 3 floors.
I stopped to run: I think I finally escaped them for a moment.
I take a break for breathing: I was out of breath after the run.
I walked towards a white weird looking building, which seemed abandoned. I understood why because the walks were cracked, and, at my surprise, there was a big hole at the third roof.
Who could live in a place like this ?
Anyway, I don't have time to talk to myself because I heard the bad guys running for me.
« I think he took this way ! », yelling one of the drunk men.
I was scared: I had to find a place to hide quickly, as I couldn't run anymore !
I looked everywhere, and finally spotted an opened window on the wall of the broken house.
I saw the green garbage can, where the window was upside, and I climbed it and, thankfully, I was small enough to pass through the window and land on the ground in the house.
It was very dark, making me freaking out, but I could notice black and white tile, some many desks with computer turned off, and the stairs at the other side of the room...
I heard the voices of the drunk men next to the garbage can.
« Damn ! Where did the brat go ?! »
« Ohhhhh.... I just wanted to beat him up... »
I heard their footprints becoming lower and lower, they finally leave and gave up to find me, I sighed, reassured of not escaping them anymore, sitting against the wall.
However, I remembered what they did, I remembered they destroyed my house, everything I had...
Now, I don't have anything at all, I don't know what to do, I don't know where to go, and if I try to start over since the beginning, it will take me an eternity...
I started to cry, unsure what to do and where to go, annoyed to be alone.
To be honest, I don't care if I lost my money or my home, I just wanted to use them hoping I could find someone who understand me. I just wanted love...
I wiped away my tears, paying now attention to the place I am actually.
It sounded like an abandoned office, a place where so many people who would usually with computers. I decided to stay here for a moment, hoping to find some stuff like food.
I could still hear the rain outside, but especially because there is a big hole at the third floor.
I walked through the desks, looking for something cool on the desks, in the trashes, or a kitchen where I could find something to eat... but there is nothing at the ground floor.
I decided to take the stairs, which were a bit cracked because the house is old, but we could still go in the next floor.
I checked at the next floor, still nothing, except a plastic trash, where I could spot a paper with a detailed presentation of something. A word had particularly caught my eye: Nintendo project.
I know what's Nintendo means: it's a company which makes electronic games for children, like Super Mario Bros or the legend of Zelda, I wanted to have a Gameboy too, but it was too expensive and risky to steel, and I preferred to save my money to explore the world.
'Maybe they work for Nintendo ! But what's the project ?!'
I wanted to know more about it, so I went to the second floor, opened the door: still an office with desks and computer.
Suddenly, I heard a weird noise from outside: a grumble. I think there is a thunderstorm alongside with the rain, I had so many chances to be shielded inside this building.
But I didn't really paid attention because I was distracted by something else: an envelope in a desk.
I went to the desk in question and I picked up the large envelope. I opened it and I spotted two things: a key and a notebook.
The key was small and metallic, while there is something written in the notebook: there are so many phrases, talking about a project blah blah blah...
I don't really like to read long texts, but there was something written in big red: Duplicate key if necessary.
This might not be the only key. Where is the other one ? I wanted to solve this mystery so badly, maybe it's could be something fun !
So, I went to the next and last floor, and arrived in a hall leading to an office room, there was only a door, a locked door. I put the key in the opening and I used all my forces to turn the handle.
I finally could open the door and push it, making a creaking sound, before discovering what I saw: it was a room with a big hole at the left, where we could see all the quarter, and it was still raining, and grumbling.
But that wasn't the only thing which surprised me: the ground was only white this time, and at the middle at the room, at a distance of 1,5 meter of the hole, there was only one desk, a metallic desk, with a computer. I could spot the same key I used on the desk.
But something more important caught my eye: below the metallic desk, I could spot a power strip with two attachment plugs: one connected at the computer, and the other connected at a weird looking machine.
I approached slowly, without forgetting to close the door behind me, and crouched down to grab the machine, and to disconnect it of his plug.
I put the key on the ground, sitting down, and put the machine on my lap: there was like a screen in the middle, but there was a blue color at the left side, and a red color at the right side. Effectively, there were so many buttons and joysticks at each side. I'm pretty sure it was a gameboy !
Anyway, I was so amazed by this small technology, and thankfully, my hands where small enough to fit with the joysticks. I think it's could be difficult for an adult with bigger hands !
I looked for the button to switch it on, where while looking behind the gameboy, I could read Nintendo Switch, weird name for a gameboy...
I think I finally found the button because there was like a flashing white light on the screens. It was still grumbling outside, but I was too amazed by this nintendo switch.
At the corner of the screen, I could spot the hour: 22:14. God, it was so late, but I still wanted to play a game !
At the center of the screen, I could observe like a house, and below, the word « continues » with the letter A.
I think I should put my small finger on the button A, which I found in the red side of the switch. I pushed the button, and instead the word « continue », I saw the sentence « push 3 times on the same button ».
I pushed once my finger on the button A, I could hear a weird sound at the moment where I pushed the button, surprising me. Anyway, I pushed the same two more times, and then, it played a funny sound, before I could saw something like a menu.
And so, I see a black square at the left of the screen, where I could read in white and big letters : OCTOPATH TRAVELER
What a cool name... And the word « traveler »... That means that's a game where we could explore the world ?!! Cool ! I want to play it !
l decided to play the game, moving my joystick where I could see a orange line all around the quarter and I pushed the button A on.
The screen started to became black for a moment, it must be downloading the game. Some weird looking logos has appeared on the screen, like Square Enix, or Acquire.
Then the words « Loading system data... » finally appeared on the screens, it's must be a game with so many things to be done, I was so impatient !
Suddenly, the screen came back, and a music was playing violon and wind instruments. I could spot in the screen a 2D pixelized character in the middle, walking throught a village.
The landscapes were still pixelized, but not like in the pixelized game I usually know: it was in 3 dimensions, but the graphics were absolutely beautiful. All those details, even the shadows, Nintendo must had worked very hard to make this game, like he usually does in his most recent game, like in this famous Zelda game...
The music was amazing, very amazing, and it's just like the screen changed to another landscape with another character. There were so many landscapes that I thought exploring the whole game could take me at least 2 days if I didn't stop to play...maybe more ?
I thought those little pixelized walking characters were very cute: I could spot first a character with a brown ponytail, it must be a female character, walking in a desert and wearing a semi red naked suit.
Then, it changes with another character, dressed in green with short brown hair, walking through the nature, and then it changes again with another character dressed in purple with white hair, walking next to a bridge.
And I was so amazed by the music that I was like in another world, forgetting to play the game.
God... it was so entertaining: maybe they're not voices singing, but I think it was the most beautiful music I have ever heard ! It make me more want to play the game, where I could read again the title Octopath Traveler.
I hesitated a moment before playing, hearing still the thunderstorm outside, but I was too distracted by the game. So, I pushed the button A to play and
"?!!!... WHOAAAAAAAAA !!!..."
I was violently electrocuted by something blue, making me screaming in pain, and in a fraction of second !!!
I was like in a blue vortex made of lighting, just like in a machine to travel in time I moved in all senses, I gesticulated as I saw so many lighting around my body, starting to destroy my clothes.
I couldn't really see where I was suddenly and what happened to me, that was incredible !! My body was attracted by the vortex, as I flew just like I was in space, but much faster.
I couldn't control my trajectory, but thirty seconds later, I finally saw another vortex ! I was attracted by the other vortex, still screaming like would do anyone who fall from a high building !!! My body entered in the vortex, first the torse, and I could only saw a bright white light, and no more vortex sound.
I finally saw the orange ground of a place, and I was falling from 10 meters high.
I finally violently fall on the ground, but thankfully, I wasn't landing on the head, but on the torse. But the fall was violent and I was about to break my bones.
I opened slowly my eyes: I wasn't in the office with white tile and the computer anymore, the nintendo switch was gone. Instead, I was in the middle of what looked like a desert. I decided to get up, but slowly after the shock I had after being electrocuted.
GZZ ! GZZ !!
As I slowly get on my knees, I could see around me, in a calm way, blue sparkles around me.
Then I slowly, but slowly raise up on my foot.
I watched slowly on my right and left, in a serious manner, like in one of the science fiction movies that I couldn't remember the name.
There were so many cactuses, and I could spot at my left an enormous canyon, with a few green plants in the desert. It's just like I was in the USA desert canyon I have hears once. But I was in the middle of nowhere, I saw nothing but cactus and rocks, and canyons, and more cactus.
I decided to walk and... oh ! Wait a minute !!!!
« WHY DID I'M NAKED ?!!! »
A/N: So, it's maybe the first fanfiction I have ever written, but thanks to a website, I counted more than 6000 words. I think each chapter will be as long as this prologue because I said I wanted a detailled story. I think some of you had spotted a reference from a famous movie, but I promise this won't be the last movie reference. And yes, I also made references at Nintendo, and Zelda BOTW is seriously an awesome game !
I hope you all really liked this chapter 1 !
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