Thank you to fateclaws, Tiemna, crystalily2003, and nathalieAlice for commenting and voting on the previous chapter! I love you guys. :)
Thank you to EsraTaha2, LathavummajiSwarnala, Glsmm89, JhericFrancisco, mitch9204, OpankaKwamla, HawaParsay, makusapi, BriNy16, attyblbrdph, davieannbalucas, LoyalJello, Seyieno, charlesmer2, JayvLugo, JennySlick, Dayno008, FavourFuobiri, Sekani500, IviweMgali, Zillowlovey14, and srhfrsya35 for adding this story to their reading lists! What an amazing group of people you are!
A restless nature came over Legolas as he willed the forest to green quicker. He often spent time staring out the window while his pen dabbled ink across his lessons and Master Eire frowned upon him. The heart of spring seemed a decade away to the little elfling but fear at his mother's judgment kept him from fully enjoying the wait.
Thranduil seemed to continue life as if nothing had happened but then, Legolas reflected, he was used to waiting three years to see his wife.
"You have not been focusing on your work as much as you could," Thranduil said, holding up a letter from Master Eire a few days later. "I am sure you know what he says since he said it to you to."
Legolas raised his chin from his knees and looked at his father. He clasped his arms around his knees and sighed. "I am sorry, ada. I am having trouble concentrating. All I can think about is nana and . . . and what I will say to her."
Thranduil sat down beside him and put an arm around his shoulders. The warm fire flickered over his face. "I know you are nervous but you will find the words you need when you see her. It will not be long now. Do you want some help with your homework?"
Legolas looked at him. "I suppose it will keep me from being distracted if you are with me."
This turned out to be untrue, however, for when Elrond came in to find Arwen's lost stuffed rabbit, he found Thranduil and Legolas wrestling on the floor in a general state of happiness while homework papers tried to avoid being torn.
Legolas sat up breathless, wriggling out from under Thranduil's firm grasp, as Elladan and Elrohir came into the room with quiet determination in their faces. He pushed his hair from his eyes and looked at them expectantly.
"You have torn a paper," Elladan said with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Ada tore it," Legolas said innocently, as his parent gathered his bones off the floor ad sat up behind him, putting his arms around Legolas's neck.
"We have decided we are ready to go home after we see Ailunai," Elladan said.
"Are you sure?" Thranduil asked.
Elrohir nodded. "Yes. We have given it much thought and . . . we feel safe with ada and nana now. We . . . are ready to trust them."
Thranduil smiled at the light in the twins' eyes, thinking this was the first time Elladan and Elrohir had ever truly trusted their parents and nodded. "We will be sad to see you go, and miss you but I am glad you now feel you have a home you can go home to."
Elrohir dropped down to hug him. "We would not have it without you and we can never thank you enough."
His voice choked up with tears. Legolas scooted to the side as Elladan joined his twin in Thranduil's embrace.
"You have thanked be enough by giving me your trust and love," Thranduil said gently. "I could not ask for more."
Elrohir nodded, hiding his face in Thranduil's shirt. "Only, it means so much more to me then you can ever imagine."
"I can imagine," Thranduil said with conviction. He kissed Elrohir's brow. "I know how beautiful life feels when the darkness is lifted away."
Elrohir smiled and wiped his eyes. He and Elladan pulled back with a last deep breath and left the room. It was only after Elladan and Elrohir bounced away laughing that Thranduil saw the troubled look on Legolas's face.
"Legolas, what is wrong?" Thranduil asked, scooting over to sit by his son.
Legolas chewed on his lip. "Ada, what if—what if I do not want to-to bring nana to meet everyone? Is it—is it wrong to want to be with her all day, just us? I-I do not know—I do not want to disappoint the twins—"
He ducked his head to hide confused tears but Thranduil saw them glittering on his lashes and hugged Legolas to him. "Legolas, my sweet ion, you have every right to be with your mother alone, if that is what you want."
"But I do not want to be mean to the twins," Legolas sobbed.
Thranduil sat Legolas on his lap and looked into his son's eyes. "I know you try to be kind and good and patient, and you have done so well. I am proud of you for the efforts you make. But you have to understand it is not wrong to want some things to be for yourself. And it is not selfish to want to savor a moment alone. You have to learn how to say no with grace. Elladan and Elrohir will understand you want to be with Ailunai by yourself."
Legolas sniffled and leaned forward to rest his cheek on the crook of Thranduil's neck. "I do not want them to hate me."
"They will not hate you, my little leaf. Elladan and Elrohir are as good as understanding as you."
"Do not tell them," Legolas said. "I want to tell them myself. After I have thought about it."
"Alright. But understand you are under no obligation to anyone to say yes. This decision is yours to make and we will all respect your answer."
Legolas nodded. Thranduil's fingers wiped the tears from his face away as he sat up.
"Now," Thranduil said, "If we have not torn too much of your homework, let us see what we can get done before dinner time."
Elladan squirmed down beside Elrond on the couch, drawing his legs up to his chest. Elrond looked at him. "You have something on your mind, ion. Out with it."
"What if I do not want to?" Elladan said with a cheeky grin.
Celebrian reached across Elrond's lap to put her hand on his wrist. "You are free to keep your thoughts to yourself if you do not want to share."
Elrohir joined his twin. "We are ready to go home."
Celebrian's eyes lit up and Elladan hastily put in, "Not now. Not yet. After we see Ailunai."
"We were not going to push you to leave sooner," Celebrian said. "I am just happy you feel safe and trusted enough to go home."
Elladan ducked his head. "It is taking some time to grow used to you respecting us."
"Take as much time as you need. You will have eternity to grow used to it, ion nin. We know you have made some hard steps but we are here to hold your hands if you need us."
"I want to meet Erestor's son," Elladan said.
"Nightwing," Celebrian said with a smile. "He will be almost a two by the time we return to Rivendell. I am sure you will like him; he was a very sweet baby even at a few months when I last saw him. You have met Ariel; she often brought you snacks."
"She is an excellent cook," Elrohir said. "And she did not smack us with her spoons when we flinched cookies. Erestor must be eating well."
"Perhaps a little too well," Elrond said with a laugh. "He will be relieved do doubt when I return to take up the mantle of the valley."
"He has Glorfindel to help him now," Celebrian said. "He will last a little longer."
A servant appeared with Arwen on her shoulders. "Lady Celebrian, your daughter awoke and asked for her mother."
"Hannon le," Celebrian said, taking her daughter as Arwen waved her hands and squealed. "Nana!"
"I admit I am most curious to meet Ailunai," Elrond said, moving down the couch to make room for Arwen between him and Celebrian. "This place never fails to surprise me."
"I wonder how Legolas is feeling about it," Elladan said thoughtfully. "He looked a little scared when Thranduil told him about her in the Hall of Remembrance."
The twins and their parents are connecting more now more then ever. Mirkwood will be sad to see them go but I think Rivendell will be a happy home when they return. Legolas is fighting with his feelings. What will his choice be?
Thank you for reading! I love hearing from you at the close of each chapter and learning what worked and what did not.
Next Chapter: Ailunai comes to life. Who wants to meet Thranduil's wife?
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