(8) Coma and Memories
"Have you ever wondered what it's like to be in a coma for 8 months but it feels like years and years have passed?
Or have you ever wondered what it's like to not remember most things?
I have and now I get to live it..."
Muffled voices and pain fills my head as I start to wake from my long and dark slumber. ".....(y/n)........
(Y/n) can you hear me?" I heard someone say, I tried to open my eyes but it hurt so much but I managed to force them open, as my eyes fluttered open slowly, pain pulsed through my head. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. My eyes adjusted to a woman that had a blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, also wearing a lab coat with a black shirt. "Greetings (y/n) my name is Dr. Mercy but you can call me Angela. Now how do you feel? You've been in a coma for exactly 8 months now. You were lucky to wake up after we were about pulled your plug..." I heard Angela say with a word accent that I really don't recognise... wait.. Angela.. like from overwatch the game?... No, it's Just a very weird coincidence.
"Your... last name?" I asked "pardon? Oh! My name is Angela Ziegler." "Merci..." I said, I knew it meant thanks in French. She nodded. "And my he- O-Oww!" I yelped clutching my head in pain curling my knees to my chest whimpering and yelping at the pain spikes stabbing through my head. "Ms. (Last name)! Are you ok? Here take these, they are pain killers."
The next thing surprised me and dr. Ziegler. My eyes turned gold and silver and I growled and smacked the pills out of her hand. I shifted and tackled Angela, pinning her to the floor. I growled louder and my eyes turned normal, I got off of her and backed into a corner of the room furthest away from her, realising what I did I most likely injured her.
I whimpered loudly and my ears flattened as I shifted back. "D- dr. Ziegler im so.. so sorry!" I said with fear. She got up and walked over me. She knelt down and moved her hand towards me, I flinched and closed my eyes fear in that shed hit me. But to my surprise she petted me. I relaxed slowly. I was still scared but not as much.
"Dr. Ziegler?" "Yes (y/n)?" "How did I get here? In the hospital I mean." I asked "You were brought in a girls arms. Her name was Margoe, and by her side was her sister, Laxyras." "Oh.. do I know them?" I asked further curious about the two girls. "The tall muscular girl holding you claimed to be your girlfriend the other claimed to be the third wheel of the relationship." She laughed slightly at the end.
"Oh." I said. "Can I see them? I can't remember what they looked like." I asked. "Of course (y/n) you can let me get them for you." She stood up and I panicked, thinking she was going to leave me. "N- no! Don't leave!... Please..." I said, tears threatening to spill again. She looked at me and have me a warm smile. "Alright, I'll stay, but at least let me call a nurse so they can call for them, ok? And you don't have to worry, I'm going to use the phone alright?" She said calmly as she turned towards the phone on the corner and walked away from me. 'Please don't go...' I thought as she picked up the phone and dialed a nurse.
Pain shot through my head again as memories flooded through my mind. The forest, Laxyras, Margoe, Ash high, the monster. .. Ari.... the pain...in my arm... and leg...
I opened my eyes carefully and looked at my arms and legs to see no fucking damage... at all. My eyes widened as I got up, I looked at Angela and saw she had just hung up the phone. 'Ah good you are standing. They should be on their way. (Y/n), are you feeling alright? You're as pale as a ghost."
Then I heard a gunshot and Angela was on the floor bleeding. I ran towards the door, running down the halls to the front desk. That's when I saw them, Laxyras and Margoe. Margoe looked tougher and more scarier, Laxyras had bruises, scars, marks and other things that showed signs of abuse. "Wake up Pup... Please I need you by my side..." Margoe said, her voice muffled slightly. I pushed passed them and found myself in a forest. Bare charcoal trees. Fog everywhere.
I heard a terrifying roar mixed with a shrill shriek from behind me. I ran as I heard footsteps behind me. I ran through the forest faster than I thought l could. I heard the footsteps grow nearer and faster. I heard laughter and crying. I didn't dare look back. I didn't want to see what was chasing me. I ran faster trying to run out of its sight.
I felt concrete under my feet and I forced myself to stop running as I was coming to a ledge. I was on a building. I peered ov over the edge. 'Looong was down...' I felt a sickness in my stomach and I back up from the ledge. 'Fear of heights much?' I asked myself.
I turned away from the edge and tripped falling backwards, even though I was not close to the edge, I was falling from a great height. I was Filled with fear and sorrow for not protecting the ones that I love and hold so dearly. 'If my body is ever found, may my grave say "like the Earth, may they be shrouded in darkness." '
I said as my last thoughts and will...
(Not a timeskip but you waking up)
I felt a bright light shine as I slowly open my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the harsh light. Hearing hushed voices that sound like their underwater, but it gets a little clearer after a while. "Ah! She's avake, now now jou can talk to her, but please, be careful, her ears may still be 'urting, and I'll get her a notevad for her to use vor talking."
A male nurse with a thick accent i'm not sure of, said.
"Notevad?" The girl looked at the doctor with a questioning look. "Jes, notevad." "Oook. Thank you Doc." "Nurse actually." "Yeah yeah whatever... Just...Thanks for sticking out a little longer." The girl said softly.
"Oh zhats no problem ms...." I couldn't hear him again. Probably went to get the things. "Hey princess, how are you feeling?" I slowly looked at the figure, fearing it may be another dream.
"Woah calm down, it's only me, Margoe." I looked at her questionably. I tried to ask who she was, but it only came out as quiet rasps. "Hey don't force yourself. Wait till they get you something to communicate with." The girl said looking back at the door, and hec walked in with a 'notevad' and a thing that looks weird. Its long and small, he gave me the two things
I picked up the small thing that's called a pen and notepad as it's actually called. I wrote down "who r u" only remembering very little things, and showed her, she didn't smile. "I am Margoe, your girlfriend?" She asked and I dropped the notepad and pen slowly reaching to my head, raspy, clicking gasps came out of my mouth as pain shot through my head, I felt two fuzzy ears on top of my head. "Doc- Nurse! Help!!!" I hear her yell but nothing else as I feel the sound of high pitched ringing pierced my ears and head sending massive waves of pain...
Then. It stopped. So suddenly...
I released my ears as I looked at Margoe, my eyes burning and hurting. But, I remembered her now, she was girlfriend as she said. And we went to an... Academy? My head still hurts, but not as much. And I was able to hear things a little bit, the knowledge of sign language stick to my memories that I've remembered. 'Hey, I remember you, you're the girl that went to the academy and is my girlfriend, do you know sign language?' I asked, my heart filling with hope....
(To be continued.
Next update will be before Halloween!)
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