Chapter 8


We start the engine in the car and begin to drive into town. Katelyn turns up the radio to blast music while Mabel began to sing along. I moved closer to Bill in the backseat as he began to stroke my hair while closing his eye. I'm surprised that he actually agreed to helping Mabel with her boy problems, it didn't seem like he'd be so interested in doing that.

'I'm not,' Bill starts as I can hear his voice in the back of my head, 'but I knew you would want to go and there was no way I'd be leaving you after I just got you back.'

'Little clingy much?' I ask as he opens his eye and smirks down at me, 'Can you blame a guy who hasn't seen his little Star in over two years? I missed you, Y/n.'

I wrap my arms tighter around his waist and nuzzle my face into his chest, 'I've missed you too, Cipher.'

The song ended as Mabel began to hum to herself, her mind scattered into a billion pieces as it seemed she was trying to calm her nerves. Talking might be the best distraction for her right now.

"So, who's the boy? How long have you guys been talking?" I ask, starting up a conversation.

She stopped humming and laughed nervously, "Well...his name's Neal and we've been talking for a couple weeks now."

Katelyn elbowed Mabel and playfully smirked, "Neal? Cute name, what does he look like? Personality? Hobbies?" She laughed nervously as she continued to drive down the road. I cocked my eyebrows and leaned forward as I am curious to why she seems nervous to talk about this. "Well, he's a really nice guy, I know that much. He loves fashion, it was because of his love for fashion that he was able to find me through my clothesline. He's modeled before and is very easily likeable. I just...never met him in person before."

"Wait, you've gone to online dating to find a matchmaker?" I asked, surprised it has come to that with guys.

"N-No, I didn't sign up for any online dating session. He found my website and began messaging me on there; he started with just simple fashion advice and tips. Later we gave each other our numbers and began texting; I asked one day if he could send me a picture of himself but he refused for some odd reason."

Before any of us could ask anything else about this 'Neal' guy, we arrived at Candy's Cafe. The place was crowded and there's no question why. The food and coffee Candy made was to die for; Greasy's Diner has tried to actually step up their game since it opened. At least that's what Bill has told me. We entered the Cafe and were immediately squashed at the door. The place is filled and it seems like Candy is frantically trying to get the place under control; people were trying to get to the register with their money gripped onto tightly and being waved back and forth in the air. Every seat in the place was taken, some people just chose to stand.

In the center of the Cafe was one male sitting at a table made for exactly five. His hair was a light copper brown, his skin pale almost reminding me of snow. He wore a black jean jacket, sleeves rolled up, with a white t-shirt underneath and black jeans completing the outfit. Placed next to him on the table was a dark grey hat with a light blue stripe wrapped around it. He seemed like a completely normal male except for one thing, his eyes were cat-like and icy blue. His stare made you feel as though ice was crawling on your skin.

Bill chuckled as he placed a hand on Mabel's shoulder, "Shooting Star, the reason he didn't want you to know what he looked like was because he didn't want to reveal to you that he was a demon. Meet Neal Shining, an ice demon whose touch could freeze anything."

Mabel frowned before hiding her face in her hands, "No, this isn't fair! Why can't I have one perfect guy ever care about me? One who isn't a snob, one who won't break my heart, one who can actually treat me right!"

"Woah, Mabes, chill." Katelyn began, placing both of her hands on her shoulder, "Don't stress just yet, you have no idea if he's anything like that."

"She's right, you two have been talking forever now and he didn't treat you terribly then, did he?" I joined in.

"He could've been lying..." Mabel sniffed as she glanced at the cold demon.

I can see why she thinks this, I've had my fair share in demons lying to me. Kaden, Markus, even Bill...It's not fair though, Mabel is one of the sweetest girls I know and if anyone deserves love it's her. Yes, this new demon could be lying to her but who is to say that before giving the guy a chance? He could be like Bill, he could care for her. It doesn't hurt to at least try. Trust is a hard thing to gain, believe me, but it won't ever be gained if she doesn't go walk over to that table and introduce herself.

"Mabel, I get you're scared about getting your heart broken. You deserve to have a little fear of this from the past but don't let it take over. You've literally tried every guy in this town and all of them turned you've tried every human, you haven't tried a demon though. Maybe this is your chance to find the love you've been hoping to gain. I say go for it, you got this." I encouraged as I saw a smile start to twitch at her lips.

"Y-Yeah, you're right, one more try won't kill me."

She inhaled deeply before letting it out slowly. She started walking over to his table with the three of us following close behind. Neal looked up from his phone and nervously smiled, "H-Hey, Mabel?" Mabes nodded as she tilted her head slightly, "...Neal?" He nodded and stood, extending his hand which I now notice to be covered by a black glove. She took it and shook hands with him.

"S-Surprise I guess, I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was...a...demon. I guess I was afraid you'd turn me down right away."

Mabel shook her head and her optimistic face was shown once again, "No way! I was surprised because, well, I wasn't expecting you to be a demon or what not but it's not the first non-human person I've dated. There was this one time I actually fell for a gnome who I thought was a vampire but that's a long story. Haha, I'm talking too much."

She face palmed as Neal laughed, "No, you're fine, really. Do you and your friends want to have a seat, I'll order us some drinks and food if you want." She nodded her head excitedly as we all took a seat.

After we all introduced ourselves, Neal went to wait in the long line to order our food. Mabel began to go girl crazy as she started talking to Katelyn while Bill started a separate conversation with me. It takes forever but eventually the ice demon comes back with our food and Mabel and him go into deep conversation about fashion. I started talking to Katelyn through the mind as we both wondered how it was going and if Mabel seemed to find him okay.

Well, we were talking but something began to feel off. Bill grew tense as he seemed to be listening intently to someone's thoughts. 'Bill?' I asked noticing that these thoughts were upsetting him. He wasn't responding, not even looking up at me. He just stared at his food. I tried to search the entire Cafe for the thoughts he was listening in on and then I froze when I found it.

Two older women in the back corner of the room were looking at the two of us disgusted. They had to be in their late 50s, early 60s. Bill's fists began to whiten at the knuckles as their thoughts continued.

'Wow, the hero still decides to be with that monster after everything he did to her? She deserves better, I wouldn't be surprised if he still lies to her now.'

'He really doesn't know when to just give up; does he really think he could ever care for her truly? He's basically playing with her emotions and one day he will just snap and break her heart completely. Especially after all the lies I've heard he's told her, it'll definitely be soon.'

They are basically telling Bill, knowing he can hear their every thought, that he isn't good enough for me. That he's a lying monster that does nothing but hurt people. How sick can those women be? I don't care for their age, they know he's a dream demon who can read minds and they should keep their thoughts to themselves. I choose who I care about and who I love, not them.

Bill turned to me finally, knowing I had read their minds. "I'm gonna go outside for a bit, okay? I just want to clear my thoughts." He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out. I glanced over at the brunette with glasses as I can already tell that she's curious to what just happened.

"Everything alright?" Neal asked as he watched the golden dream demon exit. I nodded my head and smiled slightly, "Yeah, there's just a few thoughts going around in the Cafe that bothered him. I'm gonna go check on him if that's okay...?"

I looked over at Mabel as she nodded, "We'll be fine here, thanks for coming along. You go check up on your demon."

"It was nice to meet you, Y/n." Neal said, shaking my hand one last time before I stood up and headed out. I'm not going to let someone else's thoughts and opinions make Bill think that he is some monster that doesn't deserve love.

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