Chapter 6
The class went by relatively quick, unlike most days. The bell rang and that resulted in the triplets to stand up simultaneously.
"See ya tomorrow Lou." Jordan waved good bye to Louie once out the door. Dewey watched, an annoyed expression on his face as he turned away from his brothers. Huey noticed and turned to look at him before looking back at Louie.
"Bye." Louie waved back and smiled. He turned to look at his brothers. "I'll see you guys after third period at lunch. Same place?" He asked. Dewey nodded with a smile.
"You know it." Huey smiled.
"Our tree in the back of the school." The triplets smiled as they said that sentence as one. Dewey laughed slightly.
"See you guys." Louie stated walking towards his next class.
"Bye." Dewey waved to his brother and looked over at Huey.
"You still haven't told him, huh?" Huey asked, crossing his arms.
"Told him? What are you talking about?" The blue triplet asked with a nervous laugh as he began walking with his brother to their next class. Huey rolled his eyes.
"You know what I'm talking about Dewford." Huey stated. Dewey sighed.
"I thought you forgot about that."
"How could I forget? You've been crushing on our baby brother since seventh grade." Dewey looked away, slightly embarrassed.
"Just, shut up and go to your dorky music class." He muttered. The red triplet scoffed softly.
"Orchestra is not dorky, and what about you and choir?" Huey teased. "Isn't that considered girly?"
"Wha? It, is, not girly Hubert." Dewey claimed. "There are plenty other guys in the choir."
"Yeah, you and one other." Huey laughed a bit.
"Nuh-uh, there's at least six of us, and at least choirs are not dissed on as much as violas." Dewey leaned on his brother as he spoke.
"Violas are cool Dewey." The eldest triplet claimed, moving away from his brother as he was leaned on.
"Yeah right, bases are way cooler. That and the marching band at our local high school."
"Ugh! Don't even get me started on band kids Dewford." Huey hated band kids, he hated how full of themselves they were and how they were always praised for all their hard work. While the orchestra hardly got any opportunities to show what their true skills were.
"Okay, fine, the bell's gonna ring soon. See you after class Hue." Dewey walked into his classroom.
(Sorry that this was the same 😑)
"Bye." Huey turned the corner of the hallway and walked into a classroom down the hall. He sighed, sitting down in his seat, leaning back. He saw two of his friends sitting there talking. He turned to look at the front of the classroom, turning back when he didn't see the teacher. "Guys, have you seen Ms. Trotsky?" He asked. They didn't turn around. "Guys?" There was still. Huey sighed. "Girls? Have you seen Ms. Trotsky?"
"Hey Huey, what's up?" The two of them greeted in unison.
"Where's Ms. Trotsky?" He asked again.
"I haven't seen her. Have you Azalea?" The latter shook her head. Huey sighed and turned to look at the classroom door as it opened.
"Oh no, no, no, no." Huey stood up and walked behind Azalea and her twin sister Azure, sitting down in the back row. The twins groaned under their breath. "It's Mr. Vicmond."
"What's he doing here?" Azure asked.
"Why isn't he with his class?" Azalea continued.
"Hello, orchestra. Your teacher isn't here today, so, I, Mr. Vicmond will be taking you to my magnificent band room.
"I hate this already." Huey muttered.
"Us too." The twins replied. Mr. Vicmond instructed for the class to stand up and follow him to the band room. The students walked into the room that was located at the end of the corridor, Huey, Azalea and Azure were the last ones to walk in. Azalea rubbed the sides of her arms.
"Ugh, I have chills just being in here."
"It smells like spit." Azure claimed.
"It smells like arrogance more like it." Huey stated. The three friends laughed softly as they sat in the back of the room with the rest of the orchestra. Huey saw a group of boys talking to each other, every now and then, a few of them would look back and laugh before turning back around. "Did you see that?" He asked in a whisper.
"See what?" The girls asked, not having noticed since they had been talking to each other face to face. A few of the boys stood up and walked over to the three, standing in front of them.
"Hubert." One of them greeted with his arms crossed.
"Jordan." Huey said back.
"What's the deal with you and the dorkestra being in our music room?" He asked.
"We're taking over." Huey stated sarcastically. Jordan simply looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Don't be stupid. Our teacher's not here today, idiot." He spat out.
"Woah, okay, Hue. Calm down." Azure placed her hands on his shoulder.
"What's going on up there?" Mr. Vicmond asked.
"Nothing sir." Jordan answered. He looked back at Huey. "What's your problem anyway, nerd?"
"What's your problem, Mr. 'I think I'm better than everybody'?" Huey shot back.
"Huey, calm down, it's fine." Azalea leaned forward to look him in the eye. One of the other boys behind Jordan laughed.
"You should listen to your girlfriends, before things get really bad."
"Ew, what? We're not his girlfriends, we're his best friends." Azure explained.
"Just go away Jordan." Huey muttered.
"Alright, but I guess I'll just let you figure out why I was talking to your brother earlier." The light brown duck turned around and was about to walk away.
"Wait, why were you talking to Louie earlier?" Huey asked curiously. Jordan turned around smirked softly.
"Figure it out." Jordan walked away and sat down in his seat. Huey growled softly and crossed his arms.
"Are you okay?" Azalea asked.
"No! I'm not okay!" Huey yelled. "I hate today! I hate this classroom! And I hate my life!"
"Sheesh, okay...." She muttered. "Just asking."
"I'm just, I'm just gonna-" Huey looked around him for a bit.
"Hubert? What are you doing?" The twins asked, a bit scared. Huey turned around and stared at a few of the percussion instruments. "Huey?" The latter stood up and walked over and in front of the instruments.
"Huey, sit down." Azalea said calmly, know what was happening now. "I know you're mad, but sit down." Huey took a few deep breaths before kicking down a few of the stands that held the instruments up. Mr. Vicmond looked up at the crashing sound and saw Huey knocking more things over, Azalea and Azure now trying to get him to sit back down.
"You! Back there in the red!" He called out. The eldest triplet turned to look at the teacher. A few awful statements later, Huey wound back up in the principal's office. He sat slumped down in the seat, his arms crossed. The principal sighed and stayed silent for a while.
"Hubert, this is the second time today." She stated. Huey sighed and sat up.
"I know....I'm sorry." He muttered.
"You need to get these anger problems out of the way." She exclaimed. "Do you know how much damage you caused just by knocking a few snare drums over and a xylophone?" Huey sighed.
"Eleven thousand-nine hundred and forty four dollars and ninety cents." He answered in a whisper.
"Eleven thousand-nine hundred and forty four dollars and ninety cents." The principal exclaimed right after. "You're lucky that you're one of the smartest students in the school, or I would have no choice but to suspend you."
"Wh-what? No, I...I'm sorry, I'll try to manage my problems, I promise." Huey sat up, a bit worried that he would actually get suspended.
"Okay. Listen, why don't you get some help from your brothers, you three seem to care a lot about each other so, just ask them for a bit of help." She suggested. Huey shook his head.
"I can't do that Mrs. Clanore. My brothers would think I'm crazy." The red triplet explained with a shaky voice.
"And you're close to getting there." A familiar voice stated. "Mrs. Clanore, can we come in." The principal nodded, resulting in Azalea and Azure to walk into the room.
"What are you two doing here?" Huey asked.
"We snuck out-" Azure looked over at Mrs. Clanore. "I mean, we, asked for permission?"
"To go to the principal's office?" Huey questioned.
"It's alright ladies, I see your intentions. Have a seat." Mrs. Clanore motioned to two chairs next to Huey. The twins sat down and looked over at their best friend.
"Huey, we're worried about you. Your anger issues have been getting out of control this year, and we want to know what's going on." Azalea looked at him worryingly. Huey sighed and nodded.
"'s, my, brothers actually.....they've been acting weird and I don't know why. They're keeping secrets and I can tell that they're not sleeping well either, but it's also that, that, stupid band. I don't understand why they, get the bigger room, why they, get more opportunities, why they, get free lessons while the orchestra gets nothing!"
"This is what we're talking about Huey." Azure stated. "Your jealousy is turning into rage."
"I'm not jealous of the band! They're idiots!" He yelled.
"Look, Huey, we're not that fond of the band either, but this hate is unhealthy." Azalea exclaimed.
"I'm not jealous though! There's nothing to be jealous of! I mean, sure, they have nice instruments, and yeah, they have a cool teacher and they get to go to all these awesome events with the high school, and.....some of the guys..." He muttered the rest. "But, I'm not jealous."
"Huey." The twins raised an eyebrow.
"Fine, alright, maybe just a bit, jealous." He answered. Mrs. Clanore smiled.
"See, a break through. Now why don't you three run along, lunch is about to start."
"Thank you for not suspending me." Huey stated, walking out of the room with his friends. The three of them, already having their stuff, walked to the place where they would meet every day.
"Huey, what did you say about the guys in band?" Azure questioned. The red triplet's heart beat sped up.
"It's nothing....." He muttered. Azalea laughed.
"You're blushing Huey." She stated. Azure laughed behind her hand.
"Do you have a crush on a band guy?" She teased. Huey turned to look at them.
"Uh-uh, no way, I don't have a crush on anybody." He claimed.
"Mmhm, sure. It's okay if you're gay Huey." They stated in unison.
"I'm not gay." Huey claimed. "I'm demisexual, and....sometimes sapiosexual."
"Why do you have to be so complicated?" Azure teased.
"Hey, I just know what I want." The three of them made it to the tree behind the school, surprised to see Dewey and Andy there already. "Hey guys, why are already here?" Dewey turned away from his brother. "Mr. Claw?"
"Mr. Claw." They all repeated. Andy stood up walked over to Azalea.
"Hi...." She greeted.
"Hey." Azalea smiled at her. Dewey laughed.
"Just ask her out already Andy." He teased, in which the two of them blushed.
"Says you." They shot back. "Why don't you ask your crush out?" Dewey blushed and stayed quiet after that. A while went by before the bell rang, the group awaiting for Louie and Ivone to show up.
(So.....Huey's hate of band kids you may ask??? Yeah, that comes from me.
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