Enlightening Information
Nightmare couldn't believe his eye. He was utterly speechless as Lucario stood before him and Error. Nightmare could actually say Lucario was Error's daughter now. He couldn't take his eye off her. Nightmare didn't know what to think with the way her clothes fit.
Lucario stood there in her error form. She had some glitches over her body, with a an error sign on her head, shoulder, and hip. Lucario still had her bright red and blue streaks, but her hair was black instead of white. Her left eye was hollowed out and had a red eyelight with a black center, while her right eye was still the same. Lucario had tear marks much like Error's that matched the eye color they ran down from. Her skin was a light grey instead of peach.
Nightmare stared at her clothes and how well they looked on her. Lucario was wearing a black stitched hoodie that fades to blue on the sleeves and the bottom of it. Under that is a red sweater, but she had a light blue scarf over her jacket. Instead of shorts, Lucario wore black pants with a blue stripe on the side and black boots that go up to her ankles. In the hood of her hoodie was an nicely stitched Error doll.
Error glanced at Nightmare and chuckled softly. Error saw a light blush on the King of Fear's face. He didn't mind it at all. Error trusted Nightmare, even with his daughter. He was sure Nightmare would treat her very well, just like he does with him.
"I got everything ready to go," Lucario said with static in her voice. "Dad, is it okay to take a few puppets with me?"
"It DePeNdS," Error said. "WhIcH oNes?"
"I know you like Blueberry a lot, so I chose Red, Echo G, and Daydream," Lucario said. "I want them so I don't get lonely when you're not around. Plus, they're helpful."
Error hums a bit as he rubs his chin. " ... AlRIgHt ThEN. HoWeVeR, nO OnE iS aLOuD tO sEe tHeM, aNd DaYdReAm Is NoT AlLOwEd AnYwHErE nEaR NiGhTmArE."
"Thank you, Daddy!" Lucario cheers softly. "I'll take great care of them!"
"gO aNd GeT ThEm," Error said. "SaY bYe To tHe OtHerS."
Lucario nods and ran of again. Nightmare turned to Error for some answers.
"Voices, Balance Keeper, puppet?" Nightmare asked. "Error, explain."
"rEmEMbER wHeN i ToLd yOu I'M a FoRcEd GoD oF dEsTRuCtIOn?" Error receives a nod, then continues. "bEfOrE LuCaRiO, FaTe HaD vOiCeS yElL aT mE cOnStAnTlY hErE iN tHe AnTi-VoId. oNlY a DeStRoYeR cOuLd hEaR iT. FaTe mADe LuCaRiO tHe BaLaNcE KeEpEr, ThErEfOr, HeR bEiNg AwARe Of tHEm. It'S tHe ReAsON I wEnT InSaNe."
"They drove you mad," Nightmare realized, to which Error nods. "Then Lucario was the one to keep you sane. So what does it mean to be the Balance Keeper?"
"BaLaNcE KeEpEr Is mEaNt To kEeP tHe BaLaNcE eQuAl," Error said. "At OnE pOiNt I wAs GoInG tO lEt tHe MuLtIvErSe CoLlaPsE. FaTE kNeW tHiS aNd HaD mE MeEt LuCaRiO. I rEaLiZeD wHaT sHe WaS oNcE I tOoK hEr BaCk WitH mE. FaTe HaD MaDe HeR mY dAuGhTeR. LuCaRiO nOw sUfFeRs tHe sAmE fAtE aS mE. sHe WaS tHe oNlY tHInG kEePiNg Me gOiNG, UnTiL I mEt YoU aNd ThE oThErS."
"I see," Nightmare said. "And what of the puppets then? How are they helpful?"
"ThEsE aReN't NorMaL PuPpEtS," Error said. "tHeY hAvE tHe aCtUaL sOuLs Of wHo ThEy TaKe AfTeR. ThEy'Re eVeN mOrE PoWeRfUl tHaN wHo tHeY tAkE aFteR DePeNdInG oN tHe PuPpEt MaSteR. aNd LuCaRiO bEiNG tHe BaLaNcE KeEpEr JuSt GiVeS tHeM mOrE oF a kIcK!"
"Who exactly is she bringing with her? I don't know anyone by those names."
"wElL tHeY sHoUlD'nT sOUnD fAmILiAr," Error said. "I dIdN't WaNt ThE pUpPeTs MiStAkEn wItH tHeIr OrIgInAl CoUnTeRpArT. PlUs, tHeY aRe AcTuAlLy My fRiEnDs. ThEy KnOw AbOuT eVeRyThInG lIke YoU dO. ReD, EcHo G, aNd DaYdReAm ArE EdGe, G, aNd DrEaM."
Error looked away as Nightmare's face took on a look of shock and angry.
"Are you telling me that there was an actual copy of Dreamtale and you destroyed it! Did you just make a puppet out of own brother!? I could have used the help of my copy!"
"ThAT wAs In tHe EaRlY dAyS oF tHe MuLtIvERsE wHeN I wAs InSaNe," Error explained. "I dEsTrOyEd tHe CoPy eVeN bEfOrE yOuR bRoThEr'S bEtRaYaL. YoUr PuPpEt Is In YoUr PaCiFiSt FoRM iN A vErY sEcUrE lOcAtIoN."
"Where is my puppet exactly?"
"YOuR pUpPeT, Or NiGhTlIgHt, IS wItH mY bRoThEr GeNo," Error said. "NiGhTlIgHt Is HeLpInG GeNo WiTh HiS nIgHtMaReS. bEtTeR tO tAkE tHeM aWaY tHaN gIvE hIm DrEaMs tHaT wOn'T cOmE tUrE. thAt wOuLd bE cRuEl."
"If my puppet is there that explains why I haven't found your brother or Aftertale. I can't find an AU if there's no negativity or fear leaking from it."
"It WaS tO hElP kEeP GeNo AnD NiGhTlIgHt SaFe," Error explained. "If AnYoNe FoUnD oUt ThE tRuE pOwER of My pUppEtS, tHeY'd TrY tO tAkE ThEm. OnLy LuCaRiO, FrEsH, GeNo, aNd I cAn UsE tHeM tO tHeIr FuLl PoTeNtIaL."
"Who gave the puppets their names?"
"LuCaRiO," Error stated. "I cOuLdN't SaY nO. yOU mIgHT fAlL vIcTiM tO hEr. So, bE VeRY cAReFuL wItH wHaT yOU sAY ArOUnD. yOu mIgHT rEgrEt It iF yOU dOn'T. AfTeR aLl, LuCaRiO iS jUsT aS DaNgErOuS aS mYsElF."
"Is there anything specific I shouldn't say or do around her?" Nightmare asked. "I don't want there to be any problems that arise where Lucario would lash out at anyone by accident."
Error thought for a bit before shrugging. "I cAn'T rEallY sAy. LuCaRiO dOEsn'T lAsH oUt. ShE'lL VoIcE hEr MiNd If AnY bOUnDarIeS aRe CrOsSeD. sO, yOU shOUlD bE fInE. jUSt LeT heR tElL yOU hER aBoUt HeR pAsT."
"I'll take care of that."
"I mUsT wArn yOU, tHaT LuCaRiO wIlL gEt wEaKeR tHe MoRe thE bAlaNcE eVeNS OuT. By tHeN yOu sHOuLD Be sTrONg eNoUgH tO fIgHt InK aNd DrEaM oN yOuR oWn. Do yOU uNdERsTaNd?"
"Loud and clear. I won't let anything happen to her so long as I'm near."
Error smirked and leaned close to Nightmare's nonexistent ear. "iF yOU eNeR hUrT hEr, i WiLl mAkE sUrE YoU wIsH yOU wErE dEaD. uNdErsTaNd?"
Nightmare nodded vigorously. He knew Error very well, and he was not about to go against the Destroyer who could break him without effort. Error can't die, and has lived though many different types of torture. Nightmare didn't want to be Error's victim if he lost his sanity again.
"gOoD," Error said. He pulled way and smiled at Nightmare. "dId yOU kNOw ShE hAs A tHiNG fOr RoYaLtY? I KnOw yOU'Re InTeReStEd, So i wOn'T sTaNd In yOUr wAy. I wAnT LuCaRiO tO bE hApPy. AnD iF yOU MaKe hEr hApPY, wHo Am i To StOP YoU?"
Before Nightmare could thank Error for his blessing if he were to ever ask Lucario out, said girl walked back to them. In her arms were three dolls that resembled Edge from Underfell, G from Echotale, and Dream. Nightmare also took notice of the Error doll in her hood.
"Okay, I finished everything," Lucario said. "I'm ready to go!"
"wE HaVe a tEsT fOr yOU," Error said with a smirk. "NiGhTmArE wAnTS tO sEe YoU pReFoRM. aRe yOU uP fOr tHe thE cHaLlEnGe?"
"Yes!" Lucario says as she bows to Nightmare. "I'm perfectly capable of performing any task. Just give me the orders, Lord Nightmare."
Nightmare slightly blushed at that. "W-well, we have a task for you."
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