Error nods and pulled the soul close. Yellow magic radiated off of his soul to the dual-colored soul until it was completely covered. Then, Error tossed it into the air and the soul started to glow brighter until there was a flash. When the flash faded, there was a shadowy figure that floated horizontally in the air surrounded with red and light blue rings of code that spun around it. The codes quickly moved into the figure and it gained physical features.
Lucario had short straight hair that's white with some bright red and blue streaks that waved above her head as she floated down slowly. She has soft peach skin that clashed with the amount black she wore. She had on a sleeveless hoodie that was black from the chest up and white on the lower half with a blue shirt under it. She also had black jeans and sneakers on as well. Error held out his arms as Lucario floated onto them.
At this moment, Nightmare sensed powerful negativity flood his senses. He felt stronger in only a few seconds near her. It was exhilarating, thrilling even. Like he could do anything if he keeps absorbing such dense negativity. Nightmare could stay up for weeks, or even fight Ink.
Though, the negative energy lowered as Lucario began to wake up, but only half way. It was still as strong as an AU during a genocide run. Lucario opened her eyes to reveal a bright red with a black pupil in her left, while her right was an electric blue with a white pupil.
Lucario was in a daze until her memories hit her. She becomes more alert and was about to move, but she realized Error was holding her close. Lucario looked into his eyes and saw tears escape as he smiles softly down at her. This causes her to tear up.
"It'S bEEn SO lOnG sINcE I sAW yOU mY lItTLe gLiTCh HeArT," Error said softly. Nightmare just watched silently as to not ruin the reunion. "yOU bEeN gOnE FoR QuItE SOmE tImE. I mIsSEd YoU sO mUCh!"
Lucario was shocked. "I've been ... but that would mean ..." Nightmare felt the negativity begin to climb up just a quarter. "I ... I left you all alone. To fight Ink, to keep balance, to face the voices ALONE! Now the balance is far more in Ink's favor! When I was around, it perfectly balanced!"
Nightmare took note of the last few things Lucario said. Error didn't tell him how far his balance was in Ink's favor or the fact he was plagued by voices. It seemed that Error had yet to tell him all of his problems, but Nightmare understood. Though, he found it interesting that Lucario can actually feel the balance, but he wondered why she could.
"LuCaRiO, i'M fINe," Error tried to reassure, but Lucario knew better.
"You're not fine!" Lucario shouts as she brushed her tears away. "You have so many more scars than the last time I saw you! You look even more sad than usual, which I'm sure something happened while I was gone. Plus, I'm pretty sure you haven't been visiting Uncle Free and Gee either."
"i'M FiNe, LuCaRiO," Error tries to reassure. "iT's JuSt BeEn A lOnG tIMe SiNcE i HaD mY LiTtLE gIrL ArOUnD. tRyInG tO kEeP bAlaNcE hAS bEeN hARd wItHoUT YoU. I hAVeN't HaD tImE tO SeE yOuR UnClE GeNo. hOWeVeR, YoUr UnClE FrEsH aNd I AReN't On SpEaKiNg TeRmS."
Lucario jumped out of Error's hold and placed her hand over the area where his soul laid in his ribcage. Red and electric blue wisped from both her eyes came to life as purple magic surrounded the hand on Error. Nightmare watched as purple magic came out of Error's visible scars, only for the scar to heal over, as if there wasn't a scar to begin with. In just a minute, all Error's scars, cracks, and chips were gone. Lucario pulled her hand away and smiled softly at Error.
"You're not fine, but at least you're okay now," Lucario said. She lightly wiped away Error's tears. "I still want you visit Uncle Geno and Nightlight. Plus you need to make up with Uncle Fresh before I make you both like last time."
Lucario smirked as Error shivered, while Nightmare was curious on what she did last time to cause the Destroyer such discomfort. Nightmare figured Lucario knew way more secrets about Error and could get her to tell him if the circumstances were right.
"You have a lot to fill me in on," Lucario said. "Why didn't you bring me back sooner? I can feel that the balance has been in Ink's favor for a long time."
"I cOuLdN't BrInG yOu BaCk BEcaUsE iT WaSn'T sAfE hErE iN tHe AnTi-VoId," Error said. "DaYS beFORe I cOuLD bRInG yOU bAcK, InK sHoWeD uP aNd BeAt ThE hElL oUt Of mE fOr DeStROyInG hIS cREaTiONS. InK iS aBlE tO GeT iNtO tHE anTI-vOId. YoU cAN nO lONgeR LiVE heRE."
"What!? I can't leave you at the mercy of Ink! Plus, there's nowhere else to go that's safe from Ink!"
"ThAT's WHerE yOu'RE wRONg," Error said. He turned Lucario around. "I wAnT yOU tO mEeT NiGhTmAre, KiNg oF fEaR aNd NeGatIviTy. He'S a FrIenD oF mIne wHo'S bEeN hELpiNG mE keEp tHe BalAnCe fRoM tIpPinG fUrthEr iN InK's fAvoR."
"It's a pleasure, Lord Nightmare," Lucario said as she knelt down on one knee and bowed her head, placing her right hand over her heart. "Thank you for helping my father with his balance. Though I'm pretty sure it also helped with your balance as well."
"You can sense my balance as well?" Nightmare asked. "I must say, I'm impressed."
"I'm obligated by Fate to keep balance. I'm Lucario, Balance Keeper and daughter of Error. It seems that I'll be working with you to keep your balance as well."
"LuCaRiO, yOu WiLl Be StAyIng WiTh NiGhTmArE," Error stated. "No oNe CaN fInD yOu At HiS HiDeOuT uNLeSs He gRaNtS ThEm AcCess."
"Dad, will you live there too?" Lucario asked as she stood back up. "I don't want you to get hurt by Kinky Inky if he's able to enter the Anti-void."
Nightmare couldn't help but laugh at the nickname. Ink must have a dirty mind if he created Underlust. Nightmare actually didn't want to know what goes on in the Creator's mind when he came up with that AU.
"I hAvE tO, LuCaRiO. InKy WilL hUnT dOwN NiGhTmArE aNd ThE oThErS tHaT hElp Us oUt WiTh OuR bAlAnCe AnD gOaLs If He CaN't FiNd Me," Error said. "ThOuGh I cAn SlEep OvEr SoMeTiMes. I'lL vIsIt WhEn I can."
"Alright then," Lucario sighed in defeat. "But I will still help you destroy AUs. You have no say, as it's my duty to keep balance."
"FiNe," Error sighed. "bUt You HaVe tO Be mE wHeN dOiNg So aNd StArT aFtEr I dO. I dOn't nEeD InK tO fIgUre OuT yOu'Re bAcK iN aCtIoN aNd TrY tO dUsT yOu AgaIn. I rAtHeR iT mE, tHaN yOu GeT hUrT."
"Fair enough," Lucario said. "At least I can heal you."
"We'lL tAlk ABout ThE deTaiLs WiTh hElPiNG NiGhTmArE's BaLaNcE lAtEr," Error said. "PaCk YoUr StUfF aNd No ToUcHiNg ThE nEw pUpPeTs."
Lucario ran off into the Anti-void. Leaving Nightmare and Error behind.
"Are you sure she can protect herself?" Nightmare asked. "She seems pretty naive. Can she really hold her own against Dream and Ink?"
"HoW aBoUt A tEsT tHeN?" Error suggested. "EvErYoNe Is At ThE cAsTlE iNcLuDiNg EdGe. WhY nOt HaVe HeR cApTuRe ThEm AnD tAkE tHeM tO tHe tHrOnE rOoM? We'Ll WaTcH fRoM tHeRe, aNd ShE'lL pRoVe ThAt ShE cAn PrOtEcT HeRsElF."
"Alright then," Nightmare said. "She is your daughter after all. I'm sure there will be plenty of surprises to her when the time comes."
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