
CHAPTER 6 : Team Delta

I sipped my drink and sighed, staring at the table.

'That was the 7th sigh,' a voice said. 'What's bothering you?'

I looked up and saw Kise Ryoura. Oh... I forgot I'm having lunch with Kise's sisters. I shook my head once. 'Nothing important.' I muttered.

Ryouma's hand landed on my shoulder hard. I flinched. 'If it's not important, it won't bother you. What's bugging your mind? We're here for a wonderful lunch, not to see you sigh.' She chided.

I rubbed my face with both hands. 'I messed up yesterday's test.' I said.

Ryoura and Ryouma gave me that "seriously?" look. 'It's just a test.' Ryouma shrugged.

Ryoura smiled in agreement. 'Don't be bothered by it.'

'I could've answered them alright if it weren't for the wind blowing them off into the river the night before the test.' I protested.

Ryouma snorted. Ryoura rested her chin on her palm. 'It's in the past. There's no use mourning over it.' Ryoura said.

'Right,' I nodded then sat up straight. 'I'm sorry.'

'Don't mind,' Ryouma waved her hand then adjusted her sunglasses. 'How's Ryouta doing?'

'His discharge is in 2 hours. His health is improving greatly. He's fine now.' I replied.

'When does he get his day off?' Ryoura asked.

I tilted my head. 'It depends on him. He'd tell me every Friday and I'll clear the day for him.'

'That works as well.' Ryouma murmured and nodded.

'Ryouma-san, how about your acting career?' It was my turn to ask. 'I haven't seen you in any dramas lately.'

'I'm shooting an action movie but today is my day-off. It's almost finished and the movie will be aired in a few months' time.' She answered.

I turned to Ryoura and gave her a questioning look. She pointed at her self. 'Me? I'm the scriptwriter for Ryouma's movie, so currently, my job's done.' She retorted.

'Kise sure has an amazing family.' I told myself.

'How about you tell us about your family instead, Sorano? You know what the Kise's do, so I want to know yours.' Ryoura said.

I laughed nervously. 'My parents are currently in Taiwan. I'm only here in Japan to finish my studies. The jobs are a secret from them.'

'How about siblings? Do you have any siblings?' Ryouma questioned.

'2 elder brothers and an elder sister,' I told them. 'I'm the youngest in the family.'

'How old is your eldest?' Ryoura asked.

'26 years old and unmarried, I can give you his number if you want.' I giggled.

'Ryoura's engaged, Sorano.' Ryouma cut me off. I halted giggling and stared at Ryoura, wide-eyed.

Ryoura grinned at me. I turned to Ryouma. 'My second brother is 25. He's young and handsome.' I winked at her.

Ryouma pinched my cheek and twisted it. 'Are you trying to have me as your sister-in-law?!' she chided.

I laughed and waved her off. 'I was just kidding!'

'How about their names? Your name is beautiful so I'd love to know their names as well.' Ryoura asked again.

'Sorano Kazeharu, Sorano Arashi, Sorano Kaminari, and followed by me, Sorano Akayuki.'

Ryouma squinted her eyes. 'It doesn't add up. Kazeharu is a combination of Kaze and Haru. Akayuki is a combination of Akai and Yuki. But Arashi and Kaminari have their own meanings. Do you get what I mean?'

I chuckled. 'I do, I do. Mum said there's a reason why but she wouldn't tell me.'

Ryoura smiled and the rest of the lunch went by with us talking, joking, and laughing with each other.


Kise ran to me. I handed him his phone and he quickly took a shot. 'Last shoot of the day,' I told him. 'Anything else you want to do?'

He stared at me, smiling widely. I raised a brow, knowing that it meant he wanted something. 'Nothing.' He said. I blinked.

'Sorry?' I leaned closer.

'Nothing. You can send me straight back home.' He retorted.

I gaped and then flinched. 'Are you okay?' I whispered.

Kise stretched out his hand and ruffled my hair, surprising me with his action. 'I'm fine and really, you can just send me home.' He said.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, making him wince. 'Are you really Kise Ryouta?' I gritted my teeth.

He giggled. 'I'll be waiting in the car.'

He walked away and I stood there for a very long while before driving him home.


'And my notes fell from the bridge so I jumped to get them! If only it wasn't a river but a ground instead, my notes would be fine!' I told Izumi.

She flinched. 'If it was a ground, you'd be dead.' She murmured.

'Team Delta is on shift tomorrow night, you can go home early tomorrow onwards.' Hajime interrupted.

We were at the bar, wiping glasses and plates. Usually, we'd do it in the kitchen but because it was kind of hot that day, we decided to do it on the bar where it was cooler because of the air-conditioner. Himuro and Reina were in the kitchen; their jobs different that us.

'Their vacation is over?' I questioned.

'They cut it short,' Hajime replied then rested one elbow on the counter. 'I heard Trashykawa invited you to our game this coming Friday.'

I nodded. 'He said Izumi might need a friend since she's coming to watch as well.'

Hajime chuckled.

'Unfortunately the one who's going to need a friend is you.' Izumi leaned forward.

'Huh? What do you mean?' I frowned.

'Izumi's having a family gathering on Friday and will not be able to come. I will give the ticket to you and you'll decide who will follow you to the game.' Hajime said.

I gaped.

'What? It's not like you haven't been to our games alone before.' Hajime added.

I blushed. 'I-I did have someone with me!' I protested.

'I can see you did not,' Izumi squinted her eyes. 'She didn't have any best friends back then, did she, Hajime-kun?'

'I do!' / 'She didn't.'

I glared at Hajime and he shrugged. 'By the way, who are you up against?' I questioned.

'Fukurodani's alumni.'

'Wow. Seriously? Fukurodani's ace, Bokuto and his setter, Akaashi are on par with Kageyama and Hinata from Karasuno. You lost your last match against Karasuno, are you positive you're going to beat the owls?' I smirked.

The Fukurodani* Boys' Volleyball Team was currently the best in Tokyo and the ace of the team, Bokuto Koutarou, was one of the top five aces in the nation, just barely missing the top three. Additionally, the volleyball team has gone to Nationals each of the last three years, coinciding with the ace's attending years.

Fukurodani's team was also a member of the Fukurodani Academy Group, which was composed of teams from the Kanto Region. For years, the schools have been holding summer training camps and practice matches with one another.

'You sure know their names pretty well.' Hajime commented, ignoring my question.

I placed a fist to my chest. 'As an honorable hardcore fan of Volleyball monthly.'

'Nah, I'm sure you catch those every week just to see Oikawa.' Izumi retorted.


'You seem interested in volleyball but you haven't played volleyball before, right?' Hajime asked.

'Aside from P.E, yes, I haven't played it even once outside.' I said.

Hajime and Izumi shared a meaningful glance and I blinked at them in confusion. A smirk was formed on Hajime's face, while Izumi was grinning in delight from whatever they were thinking.

'W-What are you guys thinking?' I stuttered.

'Nothing.' They chorused and continued their job. I pouted and began wiping another glass in silence.

Suddenly, the bell on the door chimed, indicating someone had opened it. We turned our heads simultaneously as I said, 'Sorry, we're still closed.'

The visitor raised one hand, smiling. I blinked. N-Nekoma's alumnus!

'Team Delta is here.' Another voice said, coming from behind him.

Izumi and I gasped. Hajime let out a sigh. 'Speaking of the devil.' He muttered under his breath but the tallest one there heard him.

'Were you talking about me?' he had a satisfied smile across his face and it made me want to laugh.

Team Alpha had never met Team Delta, except for their captains. We'd never even crossed paths before so I had no idea whom Team Delta was. N-Not to mention we were just talking about Bokuto and Akaashi...

'Kuroo Tetsurou,' the tallest smiled. 'Captain of Team Delta.'

'Co-captain, Bokuto Koutarou!'

'... Superior Private, Akaashi Keiji.'

'Private 1st class, Takaguchi Nobuhiko!' a white-haired guy saluted Western-style.

'P-Private, Shin Ryousaka!' the dyed blue haired guy stuttered. He looked like a delinquent because of his hair but he was actually pretty shy and it made me want to laugh even more.

Hajime made his way to the kitchen and called for the other members. It was a rule that if Team Alpha and Team Delta were to meet, we'd have to introduce ourselves. Annoying and worthless rule, so to say but our manager was so hyped up about it.

'Captain, Iwaizumi Hajime.' Hajime said nonchalantly as he continued wiping another glass.

'Co-captain,' I almost stuttered but managed to keep myself together. 'Sorano Akayuki.'

The other two from the kitchen stepped forward. 'Superior Private, Himuro Tatsuya.' Himuro was always silent but I've seen him entertain someone once and he was really good at it.

'Private 1st class, Shino Izumi.' Izumi smiled and waved at them.

'P-P-P-Private!' Reina stammered. She can't hold a real conversation well, that was why her job is in the kitchen. 'Furihata Reina!'

'Nice to meet you!' all of us chorused and bowed at each other.

Himuro and Reina bowed at Hajime before proceeding to the kitchen. I sat back down on the chair and ignored them as they settled on the bar, talking to each other.

'So why are you here?' Hajime asked Kuroo.

'Manager is trailing after us. Apparently, we have a mission.' Bokuto shrugged but he seemed excited for it.

'Manager is coming? Wow.' Izumi commented.

'Looks like I can't go home early tomorrow onwards.' I told Hajime.

Akaashi and I had an eye contact. He put up one hand and asked for a drink. I spun and poured him a glass of water. Bokuto reached for the glass as Akaashi was drinking and Akaashi willingly gave it to him.

Kuroo signaled me to give him a drink as well. Takaguchi and Shin were talking to each other, not paying attention to us or the other three members of the team. 'I heard Team Alpha's vacation went havoc last three months.' Kuroo spoke.

Izumi snorted and I rolled my eyes. Hajime glanced at us. 'You can say that.' He replied.

'Oh, I heard of that, too!' Bokuto added. 'Manager told us about it but he didn't go detailed. Tell us!'

'Well,' Izumi began. 'Hajime-kun and Tatsuya-san were loitering around the lobby. Reina and I were in the room sleeping. Akayuki was in as well but I had no idea what she was doing. We didn't notice the fire until Reina went awoke because it was hot. So turned out to be the fire came from the kitchen. Firemen came but Akayuki had kicked down the door after a few tries.

'She wanted to get us out because the firemen were late but we ended up being saved by the firemen from the window, and Akayuki was scolded because of her actions.'

'Manager had to pay half for the damage though.' Hajime continued.

'Who started the fire?' Akaashi asked. Hajime and Reina pointed at me. I avoided everyone's eyes.

'Apparently she tried to create a new menu because I challenged her.' Hajime retorted.

Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi stared at me. I raised both of my hands. 'I was proven guilty and my salary was cut for the next month.' I said.

Kuroo and Bokuto laughed while Akaashi just stared at me either in pity or amusement. The door was opened as if on cue and our manager stepped in. I smiled when he smiled at all of us.

'Attention!' Hajime yelled and all of us stood straight facing the manager. Himuro and Reina came from the kitchen and did the same. 'Bow.'

We did and the manager nodded his head. Everyone settled down. His name is Kanzaki Kei, 35, an ex-military, addicted to video games, and started a pub because of a game he played.

'Team Alpha, Team Delta,' Kanzaki grinned. His neat blonde hair made him look younger. Because he was once a soldier, he had a tough built and was very tall. 'I have a mission for you.'

'Don't tell me it's Goukon again.' Akaashi muttered.

'Goukon?!' Izumi, Kuroo, Bokuto, and I turned to him, surprised.

'Kanzaki-san only told me because he was embarrassed. He said I'd be a good "bait".' Akaashi retorted.

'Keiji! Don't tell them that!' Kanzaki said firmly but we knew he was trying to hide the embarrassment.

I snorted and raised a brow at him. 'Kanzaki-san, you went to a Goukon?' I cooed. '35 and still single?'

'Sorano Akayuki!' Kanzaki shouted and pointed his forefinger at me. 'Your salary is cut by 1000 yen!!'

I raised a brow. 'I don't mind.'

'2, 000 yen!'

'What's the mission, Kanzaki-san?' Hajime interrupted and I thanked the Heavens for sending him into my life.

Kanzaki straightened himself and cleared his throat. 'We're reviving the Karaoke part.' He announced.

Izumi gasped. 'Please no.'

'10, 000 yen per hour. 15, 000 yen per hour for washrooms. I'll give you two weeks.' He offered.

'Washrooms are the worst. Even if it's 15, 000 yen per hour...' Takaguchi trailed off.

'In conclusion, for two weeks, Team Alpha and Team Delta will be working together. Your group will be decided with a lucky draw system. While one group works in the pub, the other will clean the karaoke place.'

'You're too mean, Kanzaki-san.' Shin pouted.

'I wish you good luck but before I leave,' Kanzaki eyed us all, ignoring Shin's statement. 'In a month or two time, a company will need our service, the party will be held in Osaka, so get ready.'

I raised my hand and Kanzaki nodded. 'Akayuki gets a special case. I've checked all your schedule for the next three months and by the time the party starts, you're all free so no excuses, please.'

'You've checked our schedule?' Bokuto frowned. 'That's creepy, Kanzaki-kun.'

'I'm not creepy!' Kanzaki yelled. 'Bokuto Koutarou, your salary for next month will be cut my 1, 000 yen!'

Bokuto shrugged, his face clearly indicated that it didn't matter. Kanzaki sighed and spun, heading towards the door. 'I'm leaving.' He waved.

'Kanzaki-san, what about the lucky draw?' I spoke up.

He froze in place. Everyone knew he'd forgotten and was embarrassed. 'H-Hajime! That's Hajime's job!' he shouted then left. We went silent.

'Obviously he forgot about it.' I commented.

Izumi nodded. Hajime sighed. 'Why am I in charge of this?' he murmured and reached out for a few papers in the drawer and a pen.


Hajime and Izumi shared a glance then they looked at me. I blinked and pouted. They shook their heads simultaneously and waved in sympathy.

'Oh! You're in our group!' Bokuto pointed at me. I bit my lower lip. To think that I'd get separated from Izumi and Hajime—this is the worst-case scenario.

I examined the members in my group. Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji, and Takaguchi Nobuhiko—I'm not even in the same group with Reina or Himuro!!!!

'Nice to meet you.' Akaashi spoke and I bowed my head.

'N-Nice to meet you too.' I retorted.

'Don't get nervous!' Kuroo patted my shoulder. 'What's your name again?'

'Sorano Akayuki.' I replied.

'Akayuki-kun it is, don't worry you'll get used to us in no time!' he gave me a grin.

'I hope so...' I trailed off.

'It's decided, then!' Bokuto beamed. I looked at him. 'You will be cleaning the washrooms, Akayuki-kun!'

'Huh?! Who decided that?! Besides, drop the –kun from my name!' I gaped.

Akaashi who was beside me, sighed. 'I'll clean with her, then.'

'HUH?! Akaashi!' Bokuto protested.

'You're just bullying her, Bokuto-san,' Akaashi replied. 'Kuroo-san is too sarcastic; Bokuto-san you wouldn't even step in the washrooms, and Takaguchi-san will be bothering her with his nonsense talk. I'm the only sane human here.'

I stifled a laugh.

Bokuto pouted. I turned to Akaashi. 'It seems that Bokuto-san needs you; I'll be okay by myself, Akaashi-san. Thank you.' I said.

Akaashi shook his head. 'It's fine. Kuroo-san, please take care of Bokuto-san, then.' He said.

Kuroo and Bokuto shared a glare. Takaguchi raised his hand. 'What kind of nonsense talk have I talked about, Akaashi-kun?' he questioned.


Takaguchi winced. 'Puns are fun.'

'But I'm sure no one wants to hear a pun in the washroom full of whatever is inside.' Akaashi retorted.

'Team 2, please take care of our Akayuki!' suddenly Izumi called out. Everyone turned to her. 'She's really lazy and annoying!'

I clicked my tongue.

'Don't worry, she's in charge of the washrooms!' Kuroo replied.

'Oi, don't bully her!' Hajime cut off in a distance. Kuroo and Bokuto laughed.

'We're not!' the two chorused.

I chuckled. 'Nice.'

'Shall we start... what's your name again?' Akaashi spoke.

I squinted my eyes at him. 'Sorano Akayuki.'

'Shall we start, Sorano-san?'

You don't have to rephrase that, Akaashi-san. I rolled my sleeves up to my elbows. 'We shall wreck the washrooms, Akaashi-san.' I smirked and we made our way to fetch the things.

**** WRAPPED ****


Fukurodani is actually written Fukuroudani.


No. This is not a reverse harem don't worry...

Love, Ryuuki

By my leave, mortals

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