Totally Dramatic!

Raven POV: As soon as we got home from our new years performance Robin and Beastboy starting fussing, because of what Beastboy did back there. And let me just say it was stupid of him!!!! It was our first performance of the year! And we were going live!! Millions of people saw it!!! I just know it, he made us look bad. "What the hell was that!?" Robin yelled at him. "Oh my god! What? What are you talking about!?" Beastboy yelled back. "You doing that stunt you pulled on stage! Are you trying to make us bad?!? That was our first gig this year! But no you had to ruin it!!!" Robin said. "Ruined it! Ruin? You kidding me right? Because if I didn't recall, after my 'little stunt' the crowd went wild! And you want to know what they screamed in case you forgot?" Beastboy started. I knew what he was about to say "Beastboy don't say it" I said but he ignore me of course. "They screamed BBRAE!!!! Like what is Robrae anymore" "Why. You son of a-" Robin started to walk closer to Beastboy but Cyborg grab him before Robin could get close to him. "Okay friends! How about we go
To bed and talk about this tomorrow! Okay?"
Starfire said. The next day, everyone just sleep in because we stayed up all last night. Then Robin's phone ring, it was Shawn, he answered it. "Yes Shawn?" he said. "Well good morning Robin!!! How are you perking??" He ask. "What do you want Shawn?" Robin said. "Nothing! I just called to see if you check social media or anything yet! And let me just say it's great!" Shawn said. "Shawn, whenever you say something is 'great' it actually means that it is horrible for the three of us." Robin said. Which it was the truth, Shawn will always think something was great for business but for us it was torture! "Just check already! Talk to you later!" Shawn hung up. And Robin grab his phone. "You sure you want to check it out. Like you said just a minute ago, it might be bad." I told him. "I know but I still want to check it out" he said. He got on Instagram, there was a big hash tag called #beastboydisstrack we got on that. There was a lot of pictures and videos of last night. And then a lot of fans was just saying bbrae. "Read this!" Robin said in anger. It was a post from a fan tagging Robin saying 'Where is your dis track? Better hurry up before Raven leaves you! Too late, she already did!! She might be with you now, but her heart belongs to Beastboy! #bbrae4life!' After I read it, I couldn't say anything. I wasn't mad nor upset. I actually didn't care about what any of them had to say. But Robin..... it was different for him. Sure they were talking about me also, but they were shit talking Robin! They was being rude and mean to him! And it made him furious! "Robin, don't let these silly comments get to you! All they are is just stupid comments haters said!" "Raven, did you not see what they were saying?!" "I did but-" "There isn't a but! At first I didn't care, like it was just one or two people hating. But now there's thousands!!!!! And a hashtag!?!?!?? This is ridiculous!!! I'm calling Shawn and the four of us are going to have a very important discussion!!!!!" he says as he calls Shawn.

Robin: I got out my phone and dialed in Shawn's number. I was pissed! Actually no, I was beyond pissed. I was furious!!!! After a few seconds Shawn answered. "Well if it isn't one of my favorite stars!" he said like there was nothing going on. "Cut the crap Shawn! I know you saw the posts thats been going on!!!! If you have anything to do with this I promise you I will put my foot up your ass!!!!!!" I yelled. "WOAH WOAH WOAH now! Calm down Robin. I swear I would never do anything like that to you" he started. Lies..... I said to myself. "I mean the drama does bring a lot of attention. But, like I said I will never! Just relax! I promise you everything will stop. Just give it a few days, and the fans will talk about something else and forget about this love triangle!" he finish. "DON'T SAY THAT!!!!! ITS NOT A LOVE TRIANGLE DAMNIT!!!!" I yelled. Everytime when someone calls our relationship a love triangle I get furious! "Okay fine. Call it what you want. But let me just say-" I cut him off "NO SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M TALKING!!!" he shut up and Raven got quiet also, damn I forgot she was in the room with me, I hope I didn't scare her. "YOU ARE GOING TO STOP TALKING FOR ONCE AND LET SOMEONE ELSE DO THE TALKING, BECAUSE I'M TIRED OF IT! THIS HAS GONE TO FAR!!!!!! AND THIS IS AS FAR AS IT GOES, I GUARANTEED THAT!! THE FOUR OF US ARE GOING TO HAVE A MEETING ABOUT THIS IN A HOUR WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!! UNDERSTAND?" He stayed quiet for a few more seconds "Okay.... sure whatever makes you happy Robin I'll see the three of you in my office in about a hour". He hung up. Wow, that was a first! He finally shut up. Raven kept on looking at me "Are you sure that you are okay?" She ask "To be honest, not at all. But go get dress and tell Beastboy. I don't want to talk to him until we get there!" I said in a tired voice. I was just ready for this drama to stop. I really do hate it!

Beastboy POV: Dear future me, NEVER DRINK AGAIN!!! Or never get drunk again! love the past you! I just have one thing to say...... I regret everything! They were right I did make a fool out of myself last night! But I did tick Robin off and showed him not to fuck with me. So that was good I guess. And most of the fans being on bbrae side is great! But this hangover is terrible!!!!!! "Why did I had to have 5 shot glasses of Hennessey!?!?!??" I groaned. Lessing learn..... Hennessey is bad for you kids!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!! I could hear yelling from down the hall, it sounded like Robin. "Great..... Yelling will surely cure my hangover!" I said to myself sarcastically. "No shut the fuck up I'm talking!" I heard yelling again. Okay that was definitely Robin. I wonder who he is talking to. Is it Raven? No! He'll never raise his voice like that at her, at least he better not. And Cyborg and Starfire are still asleep. So who on earth could he be talking to? Shawn, maybe? Yeah, mostly likely Shawn. Robin hates Shawn more than me and Shawn does pull a lot of dick moves, so if Robin is yelling at him he probably deserve it. There was a knock on my door, I opened it, it was Raven. "Hey Rae! Is Robin okay? I heard yelling. Is he still mad about last night?" I ask her. "I don't think he is still mad about last mad. Mostly because he is mad at the fans and Shawn" she said "Check Instagram or Twitter or Facebook and search the hashtag #beastboysdisstrack or #bbraevsrobrae you'll see exactly why" Just by her only saying the hashtags I knew exactly why he was mad now. Oh well I can't help that the fans love some bbrae action. But the fans will get what they want, just wait on it. "Also get dress we're having a meeting with Shawn today" Raven said as she walk off. A meeting with Shawn and Robin in one room? Welp that's not going to workout. God, pray for us! I'm serious! This is going to go terrible!

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