Let the games begin

Robin POV: We left Alice's office. And again she was talking about Shawn again. "I'm going to walk back to the tower so I can give you two love birds some quality time" I said. I may have been a little bit petty and jealous but I don't care at all. "Come on Robin, don't be silly. I'll just teleport all of us back to the tower" Raven said smiling nervously. I just rolled my eyes "Like I said before. I'm just going to leave you two alone. See ya!" I walk away before she could say anything. Yes I admit, I'm extremely jealous! But can you blame me? You would be jealous too if you were in my shoes! While I was walking I just kept on thinking about what Alice said when I told her Beastboy and Raven was flirting. Did Raven actually liked him? Did she just date me to make him jealous? Was she just using me to get the man who she truly loves? No! That can't be! Raven loves me and only me! Right? We were destined to be together! Right? Maybe? I just don't know anymore! My head is all fucked up, with all of this drama, that I can't even think straight. I might just be overthinking things. Or I'm just finally realizing the truth!? Nahhhhh. I'm just overthinking it. I hope. "Now I only just have to walk one more mile, than I'm finally at the tower!" I said to myself. "Damnit! Maybe I should have just let Raven teleport me there. My legs hurt!" I said as I face palm myself. Great just fucking great.......

Raven POV: "I'm just going to leave you too alone. See ya!" Said Robin as he walked away. I was going to stop him but Beastboy grab my wrist so I wouldn't. "Just let him go Rae!" He said. "But Beastboy-" I started but Beastboy cut me off. "But nothing! If he wants to be alone and act like that, let him. You can't stop him from doing want he wants to do". I sighed, "But, he's angry and I hate seeing him angry". He's angry at me and I know it. And I hate that I made him angry. I just hate it! "And that's why you should leave him be. He wants to be alone, let's just respect his wishes, because if we don't it will only make him angrier." "Fine". I teleported Beastboy and I to the tower. Starfire had left a note on the table saying her and Cyborg went to the mall, so Cyborg could get some car parts and so Starfire can buy some more clothes. "Looks like it's just the two of us momma!" Beastboy said winking at me, I rolled my eyes. "How about no. I'm going to my room" I said. "Awe really?!" He said all whiny. "Yes!" I said. "Please momma, stay with me for a bit" "No" "Yes" "No!" "Yes!" "NO!" "YESSSSS!!!!" "Fine!!" "Yes!" Great now I have a headache. Thanks a lot Beastboy. "Let's go to my room!" Beastboy said "oh hell no" I said disgusted. "Why?" "Because your room stinks of spoiled tofu, which makes me sick to my stomach!" "Hey! I hope you know that I actually enjoy the smell!" For a few seconds we were quiet, then we just started laughing. I smiled, "how about we go to my room instead?" "Really?" He said shocked. I giggle "Yes, unless you want me to gag to death in your room" "Alright. Let's go to your room momma!" He said running over to my room. Yep, already regretting this. Oh well. So much better then going in his room. Gross!

Beastboy POV: Raven was sitting on her bed, while I was looking around her room. "I thought you said you wanted to hangout not look around my room, like you're trying to find something. But let me not complain, your actually being quiet!" Raven said. I rolled my eyes. "I haven't been in your room in forever!" I said still looking around. "Yeah. The last time you been in my room was when you and Cyborg decided to get trap in Nevermore and invade my privacy!" She said. Yep, she is never going to forget about that. I groaned. "Why am I surprised that you still remember that?" "I don't know!" She said giggling. I smiled. Her laugh always makes me smiled. I don't know why. I don't know if it's because she rarely does it. Or if it's because her laugh if unique. Or if it's because the way her shoulders move some and the way she smiles while doing it. Whatever it is, I love it. "You know your room has gotten darker since I've been here". "Oh really?" "Yep! You should get some lights in here or open your window sometimes. Just to brighten things up in here!" She rolled her eyes. I laugh. "That's the same thing Robin said. And I like the dark!" She said crossing her arms. "For what reasons?" I said smirking. "Eww pervert!" We both laugh. "Why are you with Robin?" I ask out of nowhere. She look at me confuse "Because I love him". "I understand that. But don't you see I can make you happier than him-" "Beastboy-" "Like for example, look at what happened today! He made you upset, and don't say he didn't because he did, and look how happy I made you right now!" She sighed. "I think you should leave. Robin should be here soon" she said. "But Raven!-" "Please Beastboy. I don't want to talk about it". I sighed and walk out of her room while closing the door behind me. "Good job Beastboy! You always have to ruin everything!" I said to myself.

Robin POV: Twenty minutes was how long it took me to finally get to the tower. TWENTY FUCKING MINUTES!!!!! "Thank God I made it! My feet are killing me!" I said to myself. I walked in the front room, no one was here. I saw a note on the floor. "Wait! Starfire and Cyborg left? So that means Raven and Beastboy was in the tower by themselves for god knows how long!!" I began to panic. Raven and Beastboy had to be in the tower, so they were alone for who knows how long! What if Beastboy tried to make a move on Raven? What if she had let him? And they had sex? I ran over to Raven's room. When I got to the hallway, I was paying attention to my surroundings, which cause me to bump into Beastboy, hard, making us both fall down. "Ow! Damnit Robin!" Beastboy yelled at me while rubbing his arm. "Shit!" I said rubbing my head. "What is wrong with you Robin?! Why were you running in the hallway like an idiot!?" He said as he got up and brushed himself off. I got up too, then I realize something. That Beastboy was walking away from Raven's room! "Were you with Raven?!?! What were you doing in her room?! I swear to God if you did anything I will-" "Calm your ass down Robin!! I swear nothing didn't happened. And if something did happen, you know I would just brag about in your face!" That was true. Beastboy would've brag in my face with that goofy smirk by now. I sighed "Whatever. Just stay away from Raven!" "Ooooo I'm so scared!" he started laughing "I'm not going to give up that easily Robin and you know that. And if I'm mistaking your afraid that I will win because you know deep down inside that Raven actually does have some feelings for me!" he said with that goofy smirk. I crossed my arms and gave him a mean glare "I'm not afraid of anything. And Raven only loves me!" "Sure keep telling yourself that!". I walked past him bumping his arm on purpose. I was about to knock on Raven's door, but she had already opened it with her powers. She was meditating. "You know its hard to mediate when there is a bunch of nonsense going on outside my door!" she said still meditating. I rub the back of my neck, "uh yeah sorry babe. It wont happen again!" "Mhm sure... Knowing you two, you will br arguing again tomorrow over who knows what!" Okay, what she just said might be true. I sat down beside her on the floor, crossing my legs. She opened one of her eyes "what are you doing?". "I'm mediating with my girlfriend, even though I have no idea about how to do it!" She laugh "I can tell. You are doing it very wrong. Here, let me help you". She held my hands and help me get into position. And that's what we did for the rest of day.


Raven POV: I woke up to find myself laying down on Robin's chest. I smiled. I love this. I love waking up in the morning with his  face being the first thing I see, it just makes me very happy. When I sat up, I notice that we fell asleep on the floor! No wonder why my back was hurting. I look at the clock, it was eleven o'clock, one hour until Shawn comes to pick us up. Great.... I tap Robin, "Robin? Get up!" I said. His eyes opened slowly, "I don't want to go to school, Bruce!" he said tired. I rolled my eyes "ROBIN!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. He jump up "What the hell Raven?!" he said, I just laugh. "Go wash you smell. Shawn will be here in a hour". He groaned. He go up, stretched, then left my room. "So Beastboy and I will do a duet today? Yep, drama is definitely going to happen!" I said to myself. ~A HOUR AND TEN MINUTES LATER~ We were in the limo with Shawn. "I can't wait for you two to sing this song! I know you will love it!" he said. "Oh, just like you said we would 'love' the last song?" Beastboy said. "Yeah, I bet this one will suck also!" Robin said. "Also Shawn when you say we will love something, we usually HATE it, and you love it!"  I said with my arms cross. "I promise you will love it! But I'm not so sure if Robin will..." Robin just rolled his eyes. We stayed quite for the rest of the ride, no arguing or anything! We finally got to Kings' Studioes. When we walk inside are picture was still down. "Umm Shawn when are we going to do our new photoshoot?" I ask. "Next week, after you finish rehersal. Oh and before I forget the week after that we will be flying to Florida, for your summer concert!' Shawn said "And you tell us all of this now!?!?!" Robin yelled at Shawn. "I told you that we will be doing this very fast-" Shawn started but Beastboy cut him off "Not this fast!" Beastboy said. "Well boohoo! Suck it up! You should have known this would happen once you signed the contract! This is the celebrity life! And YOU signed up for it! So suck it up! or I will make this next two years a living hell for you". Shawn finshed. I rolled my eyes, Robing crossed his arms and gave Shawn a death glare, and Beastboy curse under his breath. "Now here is the lyics" he handed Beastboy and I a copy. "And Robin, you can sit with me while we watch them". I read over the lyrics, it was actually good! I was shock. Beastboy and I got into our positions. "Ready Titans?" Shawn said. "Ready!"



"Take a little bit of this girl,

I will show you what I'm on,

It's not the beginning of something unwritten,

It feels like we're living too fast to fall asleep,

Take a little hit of this girl,

I will show you the way tonight,

And I promise,

That this could be everything you needed,

This could be everything you dreamed of,

And I, won't waste a minute of time that we're living,

I won't waste a day less I'm wasting my days with you,

I won't waste a day less I'm wasting my days with you,

I won't waste away less I'm wasting away with you,

Yeah oh, yeah oh,


Let it in, let it be babe,

This is everything you need baby,

We have all this time to waste,

I won't even make you wait,

So just come and lay with me,

And I will show you how,

I can show you now,

Take a hit and let it out,

Cause there's a method to my madness,

All you needs a little practice,

Follow me baby, you don't have to say a thing,

Keep your eyes closed we can live in reverie,

Breathe just a little deeper,

There is no better feeling than now,

And I promise,


And I promise,

That this could be everything you needed,

This could be everything you dreamed of,

And I, won't waste a minute of time that we're living,

I won't waste a day less I'm wasting my days with you,

I won't waste a day less I'm wasting my days with you,

I won't waste away less I'm wasting away with you."

Beastboy POV: Once we finish the song Shawn started clapping. "Magnificent!!! Awesome job you two! Awesome job! I knew it would be good, but I didn't know it will be great! But once you sang it, it was perfect!!!" He said. He wasn't wrong about the song, shockingly, it was great! If I do say so myself! Raven had a big smile on her face and then gave me a big bear hug. I hug her back tightly. "We did great!" She said. "Yes we did! Awesome job choosing this one Shawn!" I said giving him a thumbs up. He smirk "Oh I know! How did you like it Robin?" We all turned to Robin. He shrug "I'm not going to lie it was good. But I do wish it was me inside of Beastboy" he said with his arms cross looking right at me, I rolled my eyes. "I sense tension! And I love it!!!!! Maybe I should make Beastboy and Raven do another duet! And maybe a fight might happen!!!" Shawn said excited and then started laughing. This man is insane!!!! Why haven't I notice the first time we met. "How about let's go to see Alice and Shawn NO! I don't want you to leak a video of them to WorldStar!" Raven said yelling at Shawn. Shawn rolled his eyes "Fine!" he said pouting like a little kid who didn't get a toy from the store, hilarious.

Robin POV: I'll admit it the song was good. But I just wish it was me doing the duet with Raven not Beast boy. Not only that both of them look like they were really into the song. You could tell by how they were singing it. You could tell they loved it. I just hope that song doesn't give Beast boy any ideas about trying something with Raven. If he does he might as well win the bet! I mean they've been spending some alone time together, did a duet, all he have to do now is just making a fucking move! DAMNIT!!!!!! There is no way in hell will I let Beast boy win Raven's heart! No way! We left Shawn in the room, still pouting like a child, and went over to Alice's office. I was about to knock on the door but she opened it before I could. "Come in! Come in!" she said all excited. We walk inside and sat down. Alice had a big smile on her face, she look like she had something to tell us. "Um Alice? Your scaring us" I said uncomfortable. "So sorry! It just that I heard the new song on Instagram!!!!!!" she said "INSTAGRAM!?!?!?" The three of us said. "Are you talking about the duet!?" Raven said. "Yep!!!! And let me just say you two did an awesome job! I just love it!" "So your telling us that someone recorded us just now and put it on Instagram without us knowing?" Beastboy said. "Ummm. You didn't know?" Alice said awkwardly. We shook our heads no. "I bet you we all know who did this!" Raven said crossing her arms. "SHAWN!" All of us said. "I'm going to kill him!" I said. "You three should be happy! Like look at all of the comment the fans love it!!!" Alice said trying to calm us down. "Just shut up already! Just because you are madly in love with Shawn doesn't mean you always have to stick up for him! Like why do you even take his side when never even mentions you! The last time he said your name was when he told us about the tour which was a few weeks ago! Can't you see that Shawn doesn't love you!?! He doesn't love anyone! He only cares about himself! Because he is a selfish bastard who doesn't deserves your love Alice! You can do so much better!" I yelled. I was so tired of always talking about how Shawn is such a 'good' guy! Like seriously!? Shawn blackmails us, trick us, use us for money, and make our lives a living hell! That's doesn't sound like something a good guy would do. And Alice is a too kind of a person to be falling for someone like him! All he would do is use her and break her heart! Everyone just stayed silent for a few seconds. Then tears started coming down from Alice's checks fast. "I-i guess your right! Like I'm just making a fool of myself! Right?" She said her words between sobs "R-raven, B-Beastboy you'll will wear red a black for this song! Now if you may please leave right now! I just want to be alone" she said. Okay now I feel bad. "Alice, I'm sorry-" "GET OUT!!!!! NOW!!!!!!" She yelled, her face was red. We got up and ran out of the room, she slam the door behind us. "Dude..... that was so wrong!" Beastboy said shaking his head. "What?" Raven slap me "Ow! What the hell was that for?" I rub my cheek. "For yelling at Alice!" She yelled and then slap me again on the other cheek! "And that was for making her cry! How could you!?" "Someone had to tell her!" She slap me again but harder "God damnit Raven!!" "Maybe, but you didn't have to say all that! I know you was just trying to help because Shawn would've hurt her, but Robin you just hurt her! By doing all of that! I know your intentions were good, but you have to say things nicely spewing to someone like Alice!" Raven was right! I was being kind of a dick just now. Why do I mess everything up? "Your going to apologize to her as soon as she calms down!" "I will!" She was about to say something else but then we heard footsteps. It was Shawn. We all gave him a stealth stare. "What is all the yelling about!? I could hear you guys down the hall! Ooo did another fight happen!? Did someone record it?-" he was about to say something, but I had punch him in the face. He fell backwards holding onto his nose. "What the fuck Robin!" He said. "I think you broke my nose! What was that for!?" He said, you could see blood coming out from his nose. "That was for being a jackass to us and to Alice!" I said. I walked over to him and kneeled down next to him "Now your going to stop posting stuff about us without our permission AND your going to be a little bit nicer to Alice or I promise it will not just only be your nose that's broken!" I said. I got up and walked away. Who's the boss now Shawn? Not you!

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