Halloween Special!!!

Raven POV: It was the night before Halloween, so we decided to decorate for our Halloween party! We're also inviting all of the Titans! We usually have this party at the Titans East's tower, but Shawn said we should have it at our Tower and to have us do a live performance there. Plus the Titans East's tower got kind of destroyed from when they was in battle against the hive five. Which has exactly five people in it finally. Since Jinx decided to join the Titans! Now we're best friends! Starfire and Cyborg was cooking the food and baking the treats. Beastboy was putting up the decorations inside the house. While Shawn and his team set up the stage for our performance. And I was helping Robin put up the decorations, around the house from the outside. Robin was putting up some pumpkins around the yard, and I was putting up some fake skeletons and ghosts around the yard also. "I don't even know why we're just starting putting up decorations on the night BEFORE Halloween!?" I said "Because we were busy with fighting crime and with the band. You know this month is usually busy for us, since its October. Criminals feel like they should create a lot of chaos this month" Robin said putting lights inside the pumpkin. "Anyway are you ready for the party tomorrow Raven?" Robin ask me as he started to help me put up the rest of the decorations. "Of course! You know this is my favorite holiday!!!!" I said excitedly. Yes Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year. Like everyone loves halloween!!!!! I know that I'm half demon and all, but thats not the reason I love Halloween. Halloween is the one time of the year when you can dress up as your favorite characters without people judging you. You can also get loads of candy! You go inside spooky haunted houses, get a nice scare and laugh. And all of the great Halloween movies! And horror movies, coming on a lot! "So what are you going to be for Halloween this year Raven?" Robin ask. "I don't know yet. Starfire and I are going to go shop for some outfits when we're done. Oh and don't tell me who you're going to be. Because I have a feeling I already know". I said smirking. Two years ago we all decided to dress up as the Justice League. I was Wonder Women, Robin was Batman, Beastboy was Martian Manhunter, Starfire was the Flash and Cyborg was Green Lantern. Robin loved his Batman costume a lot! So I have a feeling he might be Batman again. "And done!" I said as I put the last ghost up. Now it's time to get Starfire and go shop for our outfits!

Robin POV: When Raven and I got finish we went back inside the Tower. The inside look extremely spooky, it was awesome! "Well Beastboy I have to say you did a terrific job on decorating the inside!" I said. I have to admit it, he did a great job. Black and orange banners on the doors. Fake spider webs on the couch, TV, and tables. With fake spiders of course. Fake bats hanging from the walls. On the wall there was a message saying 'Dance if you Dare' which of course it was written with fake blood. He even switch the door bell sound to a witch laughing! "Beastboy this is amazing! I love it!!!!! Next year you should decorate both the outside and inside. And don't worry I'll help you" Raven said. "But Raven I think we did a good job outside by ourselves". "Yes we did Robin. But Beastboy did an outstanding job!!! Well Starfire and I have to go bye!" Raven said as she teleported her and Starfire to the mall. Beastboy walk up to me smirking "Beastboy 2 Robin 0" he said still taking roll. "We'll see about that"! Seriously!? I have 0 points and Beastboy has 2? No way! I know I said this before but I'm dating Raven! He's not!! UGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Starfire POV: Friend Raven teleported us to the mall. To shop for the Hallo of the ween costumes. "Oh friend Raven, we should go to the store called Spencers to shop for out costumes!" I said pointing to the store that was named Spencers. "Sure! I love that place!" Raven said. I started smiling and grab her hand, heading to Spencers. When we got inside there was a lot of different costumes! "Ooo Raven look at this one!" I said picking out an angel costume. "Nice Starfire thats cute" she said looking around. I started looking also. Then I found the perfect costume! It was a catvone!!!!!! It also came with cat ears and a cat tail!! I grab it and went over to where Raven was. "did you find your costume Raven? I already found mine!" I said showing her it. "Thats cute Star I like it! And no I haven't." she said. "Yay! I had a feeling you didn't so I already pick one out for you! Now you have to get it! Plus I know Robin will love it!" I said handing her, her costume. She look at it then smiled. "I like it! Let's go". We paid for the costumes and teleported back to the tower. Cyborg, Beastboy and Robin was sitting down on the couch watching a movie. "Hello friends! We are back from the mall of shopping!" I said greeting them. "Cool! What did you two get"? Cyborg ask. "Not telling. You just have to wait till tomorrow" "Hey what are you guys watching?" Raven said as she sit down on Robin's lap. "Well yesterday I got Insidious Chapter 3, soi decided let's watch it"? "Cool! I heard that movie is really scary!" Raven said. "I do not enjoy the movie of the scares" I said covering my face trying not to look at the TV.

The next day-

Beastboy POV: last night was fun. During the movie everyone got scared, even Raven! As soon as I woke up, I went straight to the kitchen. And grab some ketchup and corn syrup, to make some fake blood. I put the fake blood all over my chest and neck. I grab a knife also. I laid down on the flood and put the knife right beside. "This prank is going to be so good!" I said laughing. Then I let out a loud scream. To wake the others up. They came running downstairs. "Beastboy what's wrong?" said Robin. Then all of them screamed when they saw me. I started laughing and got up. "I got you guys good!!!!" I said still laughing. "That was not funny Beastboy" Starfire said. "You almost gave us a heart attack!!!" Cyborg said. Raven came up to me and slap me "ow! What was that for?" "That was for pulling a prank on us once again!" she said slapping me again "Ow!"

Cyborg POV: After Beastboy pranked us. I decided to make some waffles!!!!!!! "Waffles waffles waffles WAFFLES!!!!!" I was singing the waffles song while I was making them. "Okay guys waffles are done!" I said. Everyone got their waffles and started eating. "Okay so the guest won't be here till tonight. And I already ordered the 30 boxes of pizza for the party" I said. "And Shawn and his crew will be here in about three hours so they can finish the stage" Beastboy said. "So we can practice the song, get dress and finish everything before the party begins" Robin added. "Great! We can start everything when we finish. And Starfire can you go get some apples from the store for the apple bobbing pit. And I'll go to the pizza place to pick up the pizza". After we finish eating I went to go pick up the pizzas, Starfire went to the store and Raven, Robin and Beastboy was practicing their song. I finally got there. "I called in for an order of 30 pizzas 5 of them are vegetarian". I said. They help me put all of the pizzas in the T-Car. I called Robin "I got the pizzas" "okay Cy and Beastboy said did you get him his vegetarian pizza?" he ask. I rolled my eyes. "Of course I got it! If I didn't hell annoyed the hell out of me!" Robin started laughing "True. Bye" he hung up. "This is going to be the best party ever!

Raven POV: When we got finish practicing and Cyborg and Starfire got back. We decided to go change into our costumes. I put my costume on and look in the mirror. I was dress up as Harley Quinn from the movie Suicide Squad. I had on her half shirt and booty shorts on. I decided to wear Starfire's black high knee boots with. I had my hair in pig tails, but no color in them. I don't want color in my hair. I had on black lipstick and red and blue eye shadow. Oh and let's not forget the bat! Yes I got the bat too!! I went downstairs to see the rest of them. Cyborg was dress as Bane, Starfire was dress as Catwoman, Robin was dress as Batman; I knew he was. And Beastboy was dress as the Joker!? "WOAH! Raven you look good in booty shorts!" Beastboy said staring at me. "And now I'm regretting this!" I said. The door bell rang. "Too late now! The guest are here!" Cyborg said getting the door. It was the Titans east. Bee was dress as Tina from the princess and the frog. Speedy was Green Arrow. Mas and Minos was dress as Tiddle Dee and Tiddle Dumb. And Aqualad was dress up as Aquaman. "Hey guys! Hey sparky!" Bee said giving Cyborg a hug, while he blush. "Hey!" we all said. "Awesome decorating guys!" Aqualad said "Si!" Mas and Minos said agreeing with him. "Thanks dudes! I decorate the inside and Robin and Raven decorate the outside" Beastboy said. He was so proud of his decorating. "See that your Batman" Speedy said laughing pointing at Robin. "And I see that your Green Arrow" Robin said laughing at him. The door bell ring again it was Jinx and Kid Flash. And of course Kid Flash was dress as the Flash and Jinx was dress as the Evil Queen. Soon everyone else got here. So now it was time for out song. Robin, Beastboy and I got on the stage. "What's up everyone!" Beastboy said. He gave the mic to Robin. "Are you having fun?" Robin said. The crowd yelled "yes". "Awesome! Now we're going to give y'all a live performance!!!!!" I said grabbing the mic from Robin.

(Finders keepers, losers weepers)

Welcome to the end of eras
Ice has melted back to life
Done my time and served my sentence
Dress me up and watch me die
If it feels good, tastes good
It must be mine
Dynasty decapitated
You just might see a ghost tonight

And if you don't know, now you know

I'm taking back the crown
I'm all dressed up and naked
I see what's mine and take it
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Oh, yeah
The crown
So close I can taste it
I see what's mine and take it
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Oh, yeah

Sycophants on velvet sofas
Lavish mansions, vintage wine
I am so much more than royal
Snatch your chain and mace your eyes
If it feels good, tastes good
It must be mine
Heroes always get remembered
But you know legends never die

And if you don't know, now you know

I'm taking back the crown
I'm all dressed up and naked
I see what's mine and take it
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Oh, yeah
The crown
So close I can taste it
I see what's mine and take it
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Oh, yeah

Mortal kings are ruling castles
Welcome to my world of fun
Liars settle into sockets
Flip the switch and watch them run

Oh, yeah, oh
Finders keepers, losers weepers
I'm taking back, back, taking back, back
The crown
I'm all dressed up and naked
I see what's mine and take it
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Oh, yeah
The crown
So close I can taste it
I see what's mine and take it
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Oh, yeah

Finders keepers, losers weepers
Finders keepers, losers weepers

Raven POV: they all started cheering. "Outstanding job Titans! Now go have some fun!" Shawn said. I grab Robin and Beastboy's hands. "Come guys let go take a group photo with Cyborg, Starfire, Aqualad, Speedy and Kid Flash!" I said. After we took the picture. Beastboy grab my hand and took me over to the apple bobbing station. "Beastboy I don't want to dip my head in there!" I said. "Okay fine! Just watch me okay?" He said "Okay" I said crossing my arms. He put his head in the water and then in a couple of seconds he took his head out. And he had an apple in his mouth. "Wow that was fast" I said kinda impress. He moved his finger to give me a sign to get closer to him. I rolled my eyes and got closer to him. "What?" He moved his finger again so I got even closer. Our faces was really close. Our lips would touch if he didn't have that apple in his mouth still. Thank you Azar for that apple. Then the apple fell out of his mouth and out lips touch. We started kissing! I was shock at first, but then I relax and kiss him back. He wrap his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck so the kiss could be deeper. We was like this for about a whole minute. Then I push him off of me. "Oh my Azar! I am so sorry!" I said putting my hands on my face because I was blushing like crazy. "Oh trust me it's fine mama! And Robin was right you are a great kisser!" He said smiling. I was blushing even more. Then I thought about Robin! "I have to go. And do not tell anyone about that!" "I promise I won't" he said. I left him and started looking for Robin. I CANT BELIEVE I JUST DID THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay I finish my Halloween Special!!!!!!!! I'm so happy! And guess what this is 2505 words!!!!!! (Including this also lol) this is my longest chapter yet!!!!!!! Also since I'm going to do a spree on my other story (A RaeX Story 2) I won't be updating on my other books at all till I finish the spree. Sorry! I just really want to finish that book. Because I wrote a new book called Last Night! Please go read it! It's awesome! Even tho I only wrote one chapter lol! But it's a mystery so I hope you like it! Bye guys stay awesome!!!

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