Can't Forget it

Raven POV: After I left Beastboy, I went to go look for Robin. In my head all I kept on thinking was 'why did I do that!' Like why!? I'm with Robin not him! So why would I let him kiss me and then kiss him back! I swear I'm so stupid sometimes! "But look on the bright side that kiss wasn't bad either! It was actually kind of amazing!" I said day dreaming some. "Okay snap out of it! And find Robin!" I said to myself. But how can I forget about it! The way when he looked at me and kissed me. The way how he let the kiss go very passionately! To be honest I think I felt a spark? I don't know!! I just need to get my mind off of it! I found Bumble Bee and Cyborg talking so I decided to ask them where Robin was. "Hey guys! Um do you have any clue of where Robin could be?" I ask. "I saw him going outside with Speedy, Aqualad, and Kid Flash." Bee said. "Yeah, he said something about he needed some time with them alone because he missed them and so they could catch up" Cyborg said. I forgot, that Robin knew them before the Titans was created. They all were sidekicks together! I can't talk to him right now! Ugh! I'll guess I'll just stay here and go hang out with Starfire for the rest of the night.

Beastboy POV: As soon as we stop kissing Raven got up and left! I just stayed there smiling. Because that was a great kiss, if I do say so myself! Just wait on it, Raven will be mine. It's just soon until she breaks up with Robin and go out with me! I decided to just go and party with Cyborg for the rest of the night. Because I know Raven is going to want some space after this.

Robin POV: I couldn't find Raven. I'm guessing she's with Jinx, because they haven't talked in a while. So I decided to go hang out with Kid Flash, Speedy and Aqualad. Since I haven't spoke to them in forever! We went outside away from the party. "So whats been going on with you lately Robin?" Kid Flash ask. "Well the team is cooperating extremely good and-" Speedy cut me off "We didn't mean about what's going on with the team. We're talking about the whole love triangle situation" Kid Flash said "Love triangle!? I'm telling you guys there isn't a love triangle going on. I love Raven and she loves me. Beastboy is just jealous that I ask out Raven first. And that now we're going out. That's all, nothing else". "Mhm sure Robin, sure." Aqualad said. "What? Do you guys seriously think Raven loves Beastboy?" I said starting to get annoyed. "No. We just saying are you sure. Because we saw those photo shoots and it kinda-" Speedy started but I cut him off. "Can we just forget this conversation and talk about something else! Because I'm getting really annoyed now" I said angrily. "Okay" they all said. The rest of the night we just talk about everything that's been going on, and we went back inside and enjoyed the rest of the party. But then I realized that I haven't talked to Raven at all, I'll just talk to her tomorrow.

Raven POV: When I woke up, I just stayed in my room, thinking about what happened last night with Beastboy. "What am I going to do!?" I said to myself. "I'm definitely not going to tell Robin! He'll freak!!! I'll guess I'll just try to forget about. And if it happens again, I'll slap Beastboy." Of course I wasn't going to tell Robin! Last time when Beastboy and I kiss, he punched a hole in the wall! And the Lois was just for a photo shoot. If he finds out this time, he'll probably hit Beastboy next! But then again why would I care? It's not like that I like him or anything. I don't! Do I? NO! I just want to lay down in my bed all day today, because I'm tired and have a headache! A few minutes later, my phone ring. Great. "Hello?" "Raven! Glad you answered! I tried calling Beastboy and Robin but they didn't answer. So I'm guessing they're asleep." Shawn said. "Probably, like we stayed up all last night partying." "And you guys totally deserve to have a nice night partying with your friends!" Shawn said. "Okay Shawn, you called for a reason what is it?" I said. I knew he wanted something, he always does. "Okay well, I got you and interview at Celebrity Talk Show!!!!! And not only that your doing a performance!!!" he said with excitement. "That's cool Shawn!! Umm when is the interview?" Please don't be today, please don't be today. Because I really do need to speak to Robin. But this is Shawn we're talking about. He always tell us something at late notice. "The interview is tomorrow, but the performance will be soon. For the performance you'll be doing a Christmas song since its almost Christmas!!!! Goodbye Raven see you tomorrow!" he said then he hung up. "well at least its not today" I said to myself. I got dress and went to Robin's room, so we can finally talk.

Robin POV: I woke up with a very bad headache! We must have partied a little bit too much. I started laughing. Last night was fun, I'm so glad that I got to spend some time with the guys and not worry about this whole love triangle drama. Even though its not a love triangle! Its just Beastboy being jealous! I really just want to stay in my bed and sleep all day. *knock knock* someone was knocking on my door. I groaned "So much for my plans today" I said to myself as I got up and opened the door. "Hey Robin, can we talk?" said Raven. "Sure" I said, as I let her in. "So what is that you want to talk about? Is it something bad?" I ask nervous. Raven looked nervous also. "it depends on how you take it" she said. Okay now I'm really neverous. "Okay so Beastboy may have tried to kiss me again at the party-" I cute her off. All I heard was Beastboy then kiss. "I'm gonna kill him!! Where is he!!!?" I said. Raven held my hand. "Don't kill Robin, its fine. I slap him before he could kiss me, so nothing really happened. And also Shawn schedule us and interview at the Celebrity Talk Show tomorrow. So we have a day off, if no bad guys decide to cause trouble today of course." she said with a small smile. I smiled back "Okay well right now I'm going back to bed" I said as I jump in my bed, she started laughing. "Alright sweet dreams sleepy head" she says as she left.

Beastboy POV: Last night was awesome!!!!!!!!! If I do say so myself last night's party was the party of the year!!! And of course I was the party animal!! I'm surprise that I'm not tired at all. Everyone else was tired and still in bed, except for me. I made me some tofu to eat and put my favorite video game in. It was only 8 am and I'm still the only one awake wow! Then I heard some foot steps from upstairs. I decided to go spy a little bit, because why not? I'm bored! I went upstairs to find Raven going into Robin's room. "This is going to be interesting" I said to myself. "Beastboy may have tried to kiss me last night" I heard Raven said. "Tried? How about did!" I said to myself. "I'm going to kill him!" I heard Robin yelled. Well someone had anger issues. "Don't worry Robin I slapped him before he could" she said. I started to laugh. She totally lied to him about the whole thing! We did kiss and she didn't slap me at all! Not even when we were finish she didn't slap me, all she did was leave! Then she came out of his room and close his door. Before she could walk away, I grab her hand and took her to my room. "Beastboy what are you you doing?! Why did you bring me in here!?" She ask. I just stood there smirking. "What?" She ask a little bit confused. "Why did you lie to Robin about what happened?" She sigh "Because I knew if I told him the truth he'll be extremely mad. Like remember what happened at the photo shoots? If I told him what happened last night, he'll go nuts!" She said. I started laughing, she looked at me confused. "This is hilarious! But serious at the same time! But misty hilarious!" I said laughing more. She rolled her eyes "idiot!" She said. "You still love me momma!" "Whatever" she said as she walked away "I didn't hear a no!" I yelled out to her. She flicked me off. I laugh again. "I love that woman!" I said to myself.

It was the day of the interview. First thing this morning Shawn came to the tower and picked up the three Titans for the interview. "So Titans, are you ready for today?" Shawn ask. "No!" All three of them said "Well too bad it's happening anyway!" He said laughing some. "I want to go to sleep!" Robin said. "You went to sleep all day yesterday" Raven mentioned. "So?" Robin said. Raven rolled her eyes. "Okay well before the interview, we need you guys to change and get ready. Then you'll go on the show! Got it?" Shawn said. "Got it!" "Great! Your dressing rooms has your names on it now go and get dress!" Shawn said. As the Titans went into the rooms.

Raven POV: When I got into my dressing, I saw Alice! "Alice!" I said as a ran up to her giving her a big hug. She started laughing. "Well hello Miss Raven! I see that you've been missing me!" She said. "Of course! So much had happened since the last time we've talked." "Well I missed you too! And really?" She said "yes!" "Okay well tell me about it" "So you know that Robin got mad about the photo shoot. Like extremely mad! He wouldn't talk to me and kept on lunching the wall! If I didn't stop him he probably would have broke his hand. So on Halloween night we had a big party, with all of the other Titans. And we dress up in costumes; Starfire was Catwoman, Cyborg was Bane, Robin was Batman, I was Harley Quinn, and guess what Beastboy was Joker!! And you know Harley Quinn and the Joker is a 'couple' I'm telling I think he did that on purpose!!! So Beastboy took me apple bobbing. He had an apple in his mouth and he told me to get closer to him. I did and when I did, the apple fell and we kissed!!! I didn't even break the kiss!! I was enjoying it!! And I lied about to Robin! I just feel bad about the whole thing!!" I finally finished "YAY BBRAE!!!!!!" Alice squealed. She's such a fangirl! "No no no! There no bbrae! It's robrae Alice!" I said "For now! Just wait on it! Now let's hurry up and get you dressed!"

At the interview:
"Hello Everyone!!!!! I'm Tristion McCall, your host of Celebrity Talk Show!!!!! And today we have some special guests today!!!" The host said, as the audience screamed. The host, Tristion laugh "Yes I'm just as much happy like y'all!! Now are you ready to see the guest?" He said. "YES!!!" Yelled the audience. "Welcome Raven, Robin and Beastboy aka Night of the Titans!!!!!!!!!" He said as Raven, Robin and Beastboy walked on the stage. "Hey Tristion!! Thanks for having us!" Robin said. "No thank you for coming!" Tristion said. "So I have a few questions for you". The Titans nodded "Okay first question is for all of you. We know that your first performance was at Shawn's club. So what were your first thoughts about it?" he ask. "Well my first thought was beating the crap at of these two for making me singing in public" Raven said pointing at Beastboy and Robin. Everyone laugh. "I thought it was a great experience!" Robin said "I thought it was awesome! And I'm happy that we did, because if we didn't we wouldn't be here!" Beastboy said. "Okay next question, so everyone saw your pictures on the magazine-" Tristion started "Oh god" Raven said she knew what was about to happen. "And so we saw this one picture that caught our attention. So tell me what's with all of this whole love triangle thing? That's what everyone wants to know" He finish. "First things first there's no love triangle!" Robin said. "Yes definitely! It was just a photo that's it" Raven said. "But you enjoyed it, didn't you momma!" Beastboy said smiling. Raven hit him "hey! You know you dig me!" He said. Raven rolled her eyes. "Okay..... Whatever you say. Next question, Robrae or BBrae?" "Seriously!?" Robin said annoyed. "I'm with Robin and why does everyone likes BBrae!?" Raven said "BBrae of course! And Raven here knows she's a big BBrae fan." Beastboy said "Well to answer your question Raven, is because y'all would make a cute couple! Don't get me wrong you and Robin are cute too! Next question, this one is for Raven, would you ever consider of going out with Beastboy?" "No, I'm with Robin and I'm happy. Beastboy is just my friend and nothing more." She said. "Interesting...... Last question, tell us what's going on with this picture?" "What picture?" They all said. As they look at the giant screen, to see a picture of Beastboy and Raven kissing at the Halloween party!! "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!" Robin yelled.

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