Chapter 2
Hello everyone! We have another chapter for you. I hope you enjoy it. This takes place the same time as the last chapter. Please don't forget to comment the choice you want the character to make next.
80 minutes before the purge
Namjoon's POV
I hammer a piece of wood over the front door. Tonight things are going to get a little crazy. It would be for the best if no one broke into our house tonight. We wouldn't be inside our house, of course. Cause who stays at home the one night when all crime is legal. These are just a few safety precautions, to make sure no one decides to trash our place while we're gone. "Arg!" I exclaim as I accidentally make contact with my finger instead of the nail. I let the hammer fall to the floor and stand up. I make my way back into the house. I glance at my now red pointer finger. I open the freezer and take out an ice pack. I place it on top of my finger and hiss due to the pain. I glance at the living room, which has a bunch of stuff scattered all over the place. The whole area is a mess. We would probably only be using some of the stuff within the pile of clutter. We always dumped out all of our resources when purge day came. I had pretty much finished boarding up the house. It should be pretty safe, but we always came back to a home that needed to be scrubbed clean. Mostly due to all of the spray paint and eggs. I make my way to the living room. I step over a bunch of lock picks and a bunch of empty bags. Suddenly, the door opens and my eyes widen. Shit. I forgot to shut the door. Sometimes, people liked to get a head start on purge day. It wasn't uncommon for people to start wreaking havoc early. They never got in trouble for it either. All officers were too busy making sure their families are going to be safe. I quickly look at the floor for a weapon of sorts. My eyes land on a bat. It's not my weapon of choice, but my brother seems to think it works wonders. Hopefully, that will prove to be true. I really don't want to deal with some crazy at the moment, but I'll do what I have to. I bend down to pick up the bat. Of course, being the clumsy ass I am, I trip on a pile of rope and land on top of one of our old drills. I groan in pain. A shadow appears in front of me and I tense up. "What the heck is wrong with you? You're such a clumsy klutz," my brother, Jimin says. I groan again, it wasn't some random psycho, it was only my younger brother. "Thanks, Jimin. Mind giving me a hand," I ask. Jimin sticks his arm out and I take it. He pulls me up and I sigh. "Did you hammer your finger, again?" Jimin asks pointing towards the fallen ice pack.
I speak through gritted teeth, "Yes, I did. I'd rather not talk about it."
"Alright, fine," Jimin says with a smirk.
I glare at him, "Don't act all smug. You're just as clumsy as I am."
"I beg to differ, Joon hyung," Jimin says in a singsong voice, "Why was the door unlocked? You know that some people like to get a head start on the day of the purge."
"Of course, I know that. Why do you think I was on the floor?" I reply.
Jimin shrugs, "I don't know. Maybe, you were trying to pack up the things we need for tonight."
"I heard the door open, so I was reaching for a weapon. Instead of expertly picking it up, I fell on my face," I explain. Jimin smiles again. "Don't even think about laughing," I state.
Jimin shakes his head, "I would never."
"Lies..." I mutter. Jimin smirks for a minute, before it suddenly disappears and is replaced with an expression of pain. "Jimin? Are you alright?" I ask in a worried tone.
Jimin massages his temples, "Yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
"Another headache?" I ask still worried for his safety.
"Uh...yeah," Jimin replies, "Don't worry though, it's going away." I frown, still not entirely convinced. Jimin has been getting headaches ever since that incident. It happened when Dad was still around, on one of his bad days. He was drunk or something. Jimin and I came home from school a little earlier than normal. We walked into our parents in a heated argument. Next, thing I know mom was slapped across the face. Jimin yelled out and dad immediately came over. I tried to stop him, but he was too strong. He grabbed Jimin and threw him at the living room window. The glass broke and Jimin's head was bleeding. I quickly got him out a fast as possible, not caring that the broken glass was cutting my hands. He was okay, but he had a concussion. A few weeks later, we found out that the damage was much worse than that. Jimin has gotten a headache while in class one day. It was pretty bad and they rushed him to the nurse. From there we went to the hospital, where we lied about what had really happened. The doctors told us that Jimin would be okay, but he would experience headaches often. Sometimes they would hurt like no tomorrow and other times they would just be a minor ache. Still, Jimin was affected severely. There were times where he had curled up in a ball because the pain was too much. I never forgave my father for what happened. Even though he left a few years later. He's caused my entire family too much pain. Pain that they didn't deserve. "Namjoon? Hyung? Joonie hyungie?" Jimin repeats waving his hand in front of my face.
"Hm...what's wrong, Jimin?" I say pushing the memory to the back of my mind.
Jimin sighs, "I should be asking you that. You zoned out for a minute there. After I started talking about my were thinking about the incident, weren't you."
"No," I say quickly. Jimin didn't like to hound on the past. He's forgiven dad for what he did, in some way. I know that he's still upset about what happened, but not as much as me. He doesn't let vengeance control his life like I do. Dad was a part of our past that none of us wished to remember. "I don't believe you," Jimin states, "How many times have I told you not to worry about it. Dad is gone. He won't hurt us anymore."
"I'm not worried, Jimin. Okay. Just drop it," I say through clenched teeth. I'd rather not talk about that sleazebag anymore. He makes me so freaking mad. "Fine. I'm sorry for pushing you," Jimin says.
I shake my head, I shouldn't be taking my anger out on Jimin, "Don't worry about it, mochi."
Jimin groans, "Must you use that nickname. I'm not a little kid anymore."
"You used to love that nickname, you used to insist I call you mochi all the time," I state. Jimin grumbles and face palms. I smile, "C'mon. We should pack up for tonight."
Jimin's POV
I nod my head and pick up some empty bags, "We'll definitely need these. Should we lug around the drill this year?"
Namjoon shakes his head, "Nah. It slowed us down last year. We weren't able to get as much stuff as previous years." I nod my head and grab our safe breaking machine. Namjoon hands me a black backpack and I take it. I begin to shove in the things we'll need. Namjoon does the same with his own backpack. "You finished boarding up the house?" I ask.
Namjoon nods his head, "Yeah. Did you check on mom before coming over?" He bends down to pick up some lockpicks. "Yup. The ladies at the center said that all of the patients should be safe. Mom says hello and wants us to stay safe tonight," I reply.
"Remind me how she found out that we go out during the purge?" Namjoon asks.
I shrug, "Who knows? It's mom." Namjoon smiles and bends down to search for something. As he does his face shows pain. He tries to cover it up, but it's rather clear. "Namjoon hyung?" I say as I make my way over to him, "Is it you're ribs?"
"No, I'm fine, Jimin. No need to worry," Namjoon says.
I roll my eyes as I help him stand, "Don't act like that. I know that you think since you're the older brother, no one should be worrying about you. But, I'm going to worry. Now tell me the truth."
"Fine. Yes, my ribs hurt a bit," Namjoon states.
I nod my head, "Now was that so hard. Maybe it would be best if we just sat out this purge. I may suddenly get a headache for no reason and your ribs are hurting." Dad did a lot to us when he was still here. We were all affected in different ways. Namjoon took it upon himself to protect me from our father. He would always make sure I didn't get hurt. There was this one time where I got in trouble for making a mess in the kitchen. Dad came over with a large stick and was going to hit me in the chest. Instead, Namjoon jumped in front of me and he got nailed right in the ribs. Dad was so mad at him for stepping in he continued to beat hyung. Mom and I couldn't do anything except for watch. Namjoon's ribs never healed correctly because he was never brought to a doctor. They still hurt him sometimes. I wish that he wasn't in any pain. I was the one that was supposed to be hurt, not Namjoon. But, just like always, he saved me. I've tried my hardest to forgive dad for what he did. It's in the past and he's somewhere else now. Namjoon has never forgiven dad. He's never forgotten the pain and hurt that dad brought. Deep down, I haven't forgiven him either. He hurt mom. He hurt Namjoon. He brought so much pain to our family. That's not something you can forgive easily. I act like it's in the past, but it's honestly something that haunts my dreams everyday. Namjoon has never tried to cover up how he feels about dad. It's clear how much he hates him. I know that Namjoon keeps tabs on our dad. He wants revenge. I can see it in his eyes. I know he never goes and gets it because of me. He knows that I want him to leave it in the past. Namjoon is a good older brother. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to be my hyung. I just wish that he worry about himself more often. "Jimin. What's going on in that head of yours?" Namjoon asks.
"Just thinking," I reply.
"Oh..." Namjoon says pushing some stuff off of the couch and onto the floor. He sits down and gestures for me to sit beside him. I sit down and stare at my hands, "Where is he, Namjoon hyung?"
"Where's who?" Namjoon asks confusion written across his face.
"Dad, where is he?" I ask again.
Namjoon shakes his head, "I don't know, Jimin. He hasn't contacted us since he left. I don't know if he's even in the country anymore."
"I know, hyung. I know that you keep tabs on dad. You want to find him again and get revenge for what he did. So, where is he?" I ask for the third time now.
"Jimin, I'm sorry," Namjoon says.
I frown, "For what?"
"You wanted me to move on, but I couldn't. Not like you did," Namjoon explains.
I shake my head, "I haven't moved on. Not really, anyway. I've tried to. I try to act like it's in the past and stuff, but it still bothers me. Everything he did to us was terrible. I want to forgive him, but it's not that easy. I put up this front, so it seems like I forgave him. It seems easier to just forgive, but it's a lot harder to do that. I can't just forget everything that's happened. I can't just forgive him when he doesn't even feel guilty for his actions. There's this part of me that just can't move on from what he did. I guess there's a part of me that's a lot like you, hyung."
"Like me?" Namjoon questions me.
I shrug, "A part of me that won't ever move on. A part of me that wants revenge on dad. I guess I want to get back at him too..."
"What?!" Namjoon exclaims shocked, "Jimin. It's getting a bit late. Are you sure you're thinking straight. The purge starts in a few minutes. We can talk about this after you clear your head." Namjoon starts to stand up, before I push him back down. "No. We have to talk now. I don't care that you want revenge on him. Maybe I do too. Maybe that's why I want to know where he is. To get back at him for all the pain he has caused us. For hurting mom. For hurting you, hyung. Tonight is the purge. Today is the only day that all crime is legal," I say my hands clenched.
Namjoon looks at me, "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying we go find dad. Tonight. The day of the purge," I reply.
Namjoon's eyes widen, "Jimin, we're not murderers. We're burglars. Thieves. That's what we do on the day of the purge. We need to, we need the money to get by. We can't just drop that to go on a wild goose chase for dad."
"I'm not saying we kill him. Just get back at him for what he did to us. For leaving us with nothing. For hurting us for so long that we still flinch sometimes when people touch us. And it's not a wild goose chase, you know where he is," I explain, "You've been wanting to get back at him for a while, Joon hyung. This could be our chance. We could still rob a few places along the way. I'm pretty sure we have enough money to sustain us for another year anyway."
"I'm not so sure about this, Jimin. It seems a bit unnecessarily risky. And there is a chance we may not have enough money. Between the bills for mom and the rent for the house," Namjoon says with a grimace.
"Just think about it for a minute. This could be our chance to get back at dad for being the deadbeat scumbag he is," I say looking at him.
Namjoon hesitates as he considers his options, "....."
You choose!-Should the brothers go steal or find their father?
Option 1-Steal, Pillage, Plunder
Option 2-Find their ass of a Dad
I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm really excited to see what you want the characters to do. Please comment what you want them to do next. While you're at it, please add this story to your library, vote, and follow me so you know when I post a new chapter.
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