' Hobi hyung'

' Oh Taehyung ah' Soobin chuckled seeing Taehyung's eyes filling with tears ' You really are so naive...'

' You all were betraying us' Taehyung mumbled..still not able to believe anything

' Look at history repeating again Taehyung' Soobin took a step backwards ' We are back in Astraxus again...in the sorcerer prince's castle... Guess it will all end at the same place where it all started...but in time I'll get what I want'

' The same place where it all started' Taehyung looked at him...his heart beats rising as something struck him 'Jungkook'


Jungkook was on his way inside to take the jackets when he saw someone walking in...his eyes beamed in joy as he ran towards the male hugging him

' Hyung'

' Kook' He sounded breathless as he quickly pulled back from the hug...his hands gripping Jungkook's shoulder ' T-the Phoenix...you remember?'

' I do' Jungkook grinned

' Oh thank heavens' He hugged him tightly 'Am so sorry Kook'

' Not now hyung' Jungkook sighed ' Don't apologize...if anything I should be thanking you for everything you did for me..for Tae'

' You are all I ever had Jungkook ah' He smiled..now cupping Jungkook's cheeks ' I am so happy that you got your memories back'

' And my powers too' Jungkook giggled ' I called you for something else hyung'

' What does my bratty prince want now?' The elder asked lovingly

' I want you to meet Tae'

' What?' He blinked as Jungkook made his way back into the garden ' Kook wait'

' Come hyung... Taehyungie is in the garden...it will be a surprise for-'

Both of them stilled when they saw the man sitting on the bench where a while ago sat Taehyung

' Minhyuk?'


' Yoongi ah....you didn't know' Namjoon held his shoulder ' You shouldn't blame yourself'

' He is right Yoongi' Jin said softly

' I didn't know anything in the past' Yoongi started the car again ' But this time I can't let anything happen to them...not after knowing everything'

' Yoongi' Jin started ' About Jimin'


' What are you doing here?' Jungkook stepped down once the vampire prince rushed back in searching for Taehyung

' You should stop the Prince from reaching your husband...oh..ex husband? I guess' Soobin smiled

' What do you mean?'


Taehyung ran in through his library and into their night court...his heart beating loudly when he saw the whole court empty...

' Jungkook' He called out.. running around the whole place ' Kook' He stopped when he heard someone walking in...

' Kookie' Taehyung ran forward freezing when he saw the person in front of him

' Jiminie?' Taehyung called confused ' Why are you here-'

Do you want to see my vampire hyung?

' Don't tell me' Taehyung gasped..his eyes wide ' Y-you are the vampire prince'

Jimin took a step forward..an apologetic smile on his lips ' Am sorry for hiding everything'

' No no' Taehyung shook his head..relief spreading over him ' You...I should be greatful to you for everything'

' You don't have to be-'

' No you looked out for me all this while' Taehyung took a step closer ' You helped me get my Jungkook back'

'You have nothing to thank me for' Jimin smiled 'You getting back with Jungkook was all I have ever wanted'

' Jiminie...I-' Taehyung threw himself into Jimin's arms hugging him tightly..his eyes closing as Jimin hugged him back.. caressing his hair when

' Park Jimin!'


' What about Jimin?'

' Am worried about him'

'Honestly me too' Yoongi said stepping on the pedal

' You?' Jin's brows creased 'Why would you be-'

' Same reason as yours?' Yoongi said

'Am worried for him because of you'

'What do you mean because of me! He is the-'

' Why should it not be because of you?' Namjoon asked ' You fought against me just to be with your vampire prince and you told Jin hyung that you don't love him?'

'And what does it have to do with Jimin?'

' Because Park Jimin is the Vampire Prince-'


' Park Jimin!'

Taehyung pulled back at the loud voice but even before he could process what's happening...a swift wind blew by him and the next second Jimin was pinned to the pillar behind them...a firm hand around his neck... chocking him

' Hyung' Taehyung rushed towards his best friend as he tried to pull the man away ' Hobi hyung leave him!'

' Taehyung stay away-'

' Jung Hoseok leave!' Taehyung yelled pushing Hobi away with all his strength

Hobi looked at Taehyung..his eyes darkening by the second..he saw Taehyung opening his mouth to say something when Jimin's chuckle came through

' Finally the Vampire Prince of Astrella Jung Hoseok is here!'


' Park Jimin is not the vampire prince'

Namjoon snapped his head towards Jin.. wanting to make sure that it wasn't him who heard it wrong

' It's Jung Hoseok' Yoongi took a quick glance at them 'It has always been Hobi..He is the son of the moon dancer and her sorcerer prince.'

' But you told me...that you don't love Jimin' Jin reasoned out

' Because I don't' Yoongi blinked ' Jimin accidentally came in the picture...He betrayed me!'


' What do you mean?' Jungkook's face fell

' Oh Taehyungie thinks that it's Jung Hoseok who was behind all this' Soobin shrugged ' Poor boy trusted his best friend with his life only to be betrayed again... Damn Park Jimin did score there!'


' Finally the Vampire Prince of Astrella Jung Hoseok is here!'

Taehyung froze...his eyes widening as he stared at his best friend

' Park Jimin' Hobi called.. taking in a deep breath trying not to loose his cool ' Don't do this again'

' What if I want to?' Jimin asked...his deep raven orbs switching to red making Taehyung take a step back in fear

' Jimin ah' Hobi called carefully ' Listen to hyung'

' No!' Jimin yelled ' Why am I always expected to listen to you! Why is it always me? Just because my father was an asshole who had to kill a moon dancer why was I the one to get punished'

' She was my mother' Hobi snapped ' The moon dancer whom your father killed was my mother Jimin'

' She didn't die hyung!' Jimin's voice cracked ' She didn't die but my father did...my m-mother died the moment I was born.... All I have ever known since birth is pain. It's true that my father was the reason for your parents's death but you were considered as a royal blood by King Jinseok...you used to call him Appa...an endearment which I never had the fortune to call anyone.'

' Appa loved you too Jimin' Hobi said desperately ' I loved you Jimin ah...you... you were my brothe-'

' No he didn't...nor did you!' Jimin cried out ' I was always an outcast...I was just the son of a cruel king...and you..the son of a divine moon dancer. I tried everything to see at least an ounce of love in the king's eyes for me...but no... everytime he looked at me..it reminded him of the sins of my father..and damn my life... vampires don't die!'

' Don't talk like that' Hobi begged..their relationship has always been a mess.... Hobi initially hated Jimin..hated the son of the person who ruined his parents but as he grew up he began to love him... considered him as his own brother ever since he realized how wronged Jimin was...how innocent he was and it was just his father who was cruel

' I was scared too hyung' A tear slipped down Jimin's eyes 'I was scared when I saw you dropping dead in an attempt to save the king..but I was relieved to see him sire you.. And as time passed by I believed that some day the king will see me for who I am...and not as one of my father's sin. I tried to excel in everything..in swordfighting..in horse riding..in being everything a royal is considered to be perfect in.. but nothing seemed to impress him...And then I thought may be being powerful can help me get his love and in that attempt I got to know about the Celestial Elixir...got to know how that makes you powerful. I met the king told the king that I too can be powerful... that am also capable of doing everything like Hoseok hyung...but the king just ignored me and then...then I told him that I can prove my worth by bringing the Elixir just like how Minhyuk said'


' Where is my Taehyung!' Jungkook roared ' I swear to god if you do anything-'

' It's between you and me Jungkook' Soobin spoke up 'Taehyung is where it all began...but this...what we have is between us'

' What do you mean?'

' Park Jimin has always been behind your Elixir but me' Soobin's voice deepened ' All I ever wanted was your moon dancer.... Kim Taehyung'


'Minhyuk?' Taehyung mumbled frowning

' I still can't forget the disgust I saw in his eyes for me that day' Jimin wiped his eyes ' He said how I was just like my father...cruel and power hungry... but all I ever craved was for love'

'Jimin ah-'

' Then I met Yoongi' A small smile graced his lips ' He was so...warm..and loving from afar....The peaceful face that guarded the borders of Astraxus...His soft smile calmed my demons hyung..I...loved him..but when I got to know that you have been loving him for a long time I was shattered... I decided to forget him...for you hyung...I was ready to forget Yoongi and that's when I heard the king discussing with his minister about making you the next king'

Taehyung.. who was listening keenly to all this felt a chill run down his spine when he heard the dark chuckle that left Jimin

' If you will get the kingdom..and Yoongi's love..then what about me?' Jimin tilted his head..his voice innocent and eyes menacing ' Where will I go? What will I be left with?' Jimin's lips stretched into a devilish grin 'And that's when I realized that if I get the Celestial Elixir then I can defeat anyone.. that I can have the whole world under me..and may be Yoongi too but for that I needed to get rid of the king'


' Park Jimin has always been a coward' Soobin laughed ' He was just a child who wanted someone to accept him..love him...and I was in search of someone like that'

' What?'

' Once a healer learns about all ways of healing..he is taught about the Celestial Elixir....It never much interested me until I met Jimin' Soobin took in a deep breath as he continued ' I was a healer in Rivera when I saw him the first time... the only existing moon dancer..Kim Taehyung...a face so alluring that I instantly decided to claim him mine..'

' But his hyung was like a deadly beast who wiped off a whole village taking Taehyung away from me' Soobin's face fell ' Then began my search for him...I traveled from kingdom to kingdom until I found him in Astraxus in your castle...I saw how protective everyone was about him... especially Prince Namjoon... I thought that may be he was into Taehyung but no...I was proven to be wrong when I saw the fear and pain in Taehyung's eyes every time he looked at your wounds and I realized that history was repeating... A moon dancer and a sorcerer were in love...again..'

Jungkook felt a shiver down his body seeing how cold Soobin's eyes looked as he continued ' To get Taehyung to all myself...I needed to get rid of you...and what can be more better than a vampire to get rid of a sorcerer prince...and who can do that job better than the son of the same vampire who ruined the moon dancer and her Prince'


' What do you mean get rid of the king?' Hobi asked mortified 'Jimin ah...wa-was that you-'

' I poisoned the king with vervain' Jimin chuckled 'Made him weak day by day...hoped to kill him...but man had already announced you the next king'

' How could you do this?' Hobi looked broken ' He was like a father to me-'

' I was your brother hyung!' Jimin's voice toughened 'You promised to be by my side...you said you will never hate me for the sins my father did but all you did was lie...you left me alone there... y-you were never there for me..you even had the leisure to be a guard in the royal palace just to woo Yoongi but never had even a second to spare for me'

' Jimin ah listen-'

' You ruined my life!' Jimin spat ' You snatched my everything away...You took my place in the palace..you took my crown..you took my everything away.... Yoongi was my one true love hyung....I loved him more than everything...more than the hate I had for you all... I tried to get him to love me... I sneaked into his chamber..read all the anonymous letters that you sent him...lied that I was the one who sent all those words of love for him...and I thought he trusted me..I hoped..he believed me...'


' So you approached Jimin' Jungkook mumbled as Soobin laughed

' Guess fate was with me... Jimin too was desperate... desperate for love..I decided to shoot my shot...told him that love comes to only those who have power...and no force can over power him if he has the Celestial Elixir' Soobin went on ' It was easy to convince him... especially when he understood that the first and only person he ever fell for was in love with his brother.'

' It was all planned' Jungkook's eyes widened

' It was... Saving you and Taehyung that night...that wasn't because I was simply passing through the woods... Jimin had seen your silver phoenix soar into Hoseok's room...and we both followed him out when he came for your rescue...


' Accidentally?' Jin asked flabbergasted ' How is that even possible Yoongi?'

' We all know Jungkook was eleven when Hobi first saw him.. A small boy with big doe eyes lost in the darkness of the forest...Hobi could have done anything...kill him..take him hostage..but the fierceness and determination in Jungkook's eyes at that mere age stirred something in Hobi....

He took him back to his golden cage.... told him how he still has people who cares for him and eventually they became close...

Hobi was there...when Joon first came to meet Kook...he was there when Jungkook had his first panic attack...he was there when the cried his eyes out saying how he will be killed without even getting a final glance of the bambi eyed boy he saw years ago..he was there when Taehyung came back in Jungkook's life...he was there...always..like a shadow

It was a year before the cursed day when Hobi was recruited to the troop I led...he had been a part of the royal army for about two years by then.

It didn't take much time for us to warm up to each other... talking to him felt like talking to someone I have always known but little did I know that he had actually known me for years

We did grow close and it was around that time when I received the first letter from the vampire prince. No matter what was written in it I saw the letter as a trap...a trap that could lead Astraxus to its downfall.

I decided to burn every single one of them that came but something in me prevented me from doing so... I never realized how much I had started to look forward for the letters to find me until they stopped one day... It was painful...it felt like I was abandoned..again.. just like how my mother did years ago... I realized that I was just in denial all this while...scared of being left alone if all this was just a play for him... if I was just his plan to take over Astraxus...But then I realized that I had fallen for the face behind the letters..that I was in an ocean of love so forbidden that the chances of drowning in it seemed much peaceful and worthwhile than coming out alive..alone

The letters started coming again...and without fail it made my heart flutter...I yearned to get atleast a glimpse of the face...I craved to atleast hear him...not knowing that he had been there beside me all that time....Jung Hoseok had never failed to stay beside me... comfort me...in the form of his letter and also in his soothing voice.

But everything changed the night Taehyung and Jungkook decided to go out of the castle.


Its double updatee
Happy readings

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