Chapter 4: Encountering human like machines
A/n: Hello! My fellow readers, here is the next chapter to this story! Now lets get to the story!
Y/n's pov
Once me and the girls made to the end of the cave, we were given a look of many buildings that some have sunk by the sand and others either in one piece or shown some damage, if I had to guess this place was probably a residential area for families. Seeing something like this left to just be ruins, makes me think of the lives that may have been lost during the alien invasion every man, woman and... child.
2P: Y/n, Are you alright?
Y/n: Y... yeah, just seeing this made me think back to the potential many families living in a place like this.
2B: What is this place?
Y/n: Well, its a residential area. A place where people live whether they have a family, living alone or living with a roommate. Seeing this many buildings means that many people had lived here.
Pod 042: Y/n is correct, these structures were known as "apartment complex."
9S: I see.
I wipe my fore head from the sweat and pulled out a container that held clean and drinkable water, then drink out of it to keep myself hydrated. Since I'm Human, the sun can be a real pain to deal with, but it will be best to just come here once and never again.
Y/n: We should keep moving, so that way I don't get exhausted from being out in the sun for too long.
2B: Right, let's move.
The android girls jumped down and I held onto Pod 042, since if I had jumped from this height would probably break a bone or two. Once we're on the ground, we quickly head towards a hole that was in between two apartment complex buildings, with one of them leaning against the other due to the lower section showing extensive damage. As we got to the hole to encounter small machine life forms wondering about, which me and the girls destroyed with little effort since they were no issue to fight.
As we continued through the ruins of the residential area, we have encountered more small machines and one large one with massive hands, 9S and I focused on the smaller machines while 2B and 2P worked together to take out the one with large hands. With Nines helping me with the machines made things easier, I would use a combination of using my sword and fire arm, while 9S would either cut the machines down or stagger them and hack into them to either act as a temporary ally or make them self-destruct.
Y/n: Nice job Nines.
9S: *lightly blushes* Thanks, Y/n. Your not half bad yourself, despite you being human and had recently woken up.
Y/n: I do my best. Now how are 2B and 2P doing-
We heard an explosion and turn to see the large machine blowing up into pieces, along with both 2B and 2P walking towards us not flinching from the explosion or looking, which I had to resist to urge to say "cool people don't look at explosions." But then we heard the same machine we were chasing earlier turn a corner, only to be frighten again and turns back from where he was.
Y/n: there's the target.
9S: Confirmed, let's get em.
We chased after the machine, only to have more machine come out of hiding to stop us from doing so, I quickly pulled out my sword to cut one down along with the girls each quickly taking them down as well, once they were taken care of we advanced further on ahead. Not too far in we made it to a wide open area with a truck almost buried in sand, but something wasn't right so I gripped my sword and pulled out my gun.
Y/n: Girls be ready.
2B: I'm guessing an ambush?
Y/n: Yup.
2P: Then let us spring it.
We then ran forward with the machines coming out of hiding and saying things like "Androids scary" or "scary, Kill", one machine tried to swing a crudely made sword at me but I blocked it with my sword, though it did push me back a bit from the force. But I was quick enough to point and fire a few rounds from my pistol, which staggers the machine and I finished it off with my sword making a deep cut on its chassis. I heard another machine behind me, but I dodged its attack and fire one round in the head, then 2P finished it off by cutting it down the middle which I nod to her, I then see another machine trying to sandwich 2B with another that the said android is focusing on.
I rushed towards one of the machines and fired off more rounds into it weakening its armor plating, and finished it off with a strong swing of my sword ending it, while 2B did the same with the machine she was fighting. After that I see 9S finishing off two machines se was fighting one she ended with her black and gold sword, while the other she made it self-destruct by hacking into it, once those machines were delt with we see the target run from the path ahead of us.
machine: Run! Run! *sees the human and androids* Ah! Not this way!
9S: I wonder what makes them choose these words...
Y/n: Beats me Nines. Could be many things, there was once a time where people would worry about a rouge A.I.
We continue to chase after the targeted machine, only to lead us to a path that takes us down and with android bodies on the ground or impaled by pipes.
2B: These are android bodies...
Y/n: What happen to them? With this many android bodies, I have a hard time to believe a small group of Machines would take out this many.
2P: Agreed, even if some of them were armed to the teeth.
Pod 042: Hypothesis: They were killed by local Machine Lifeforms.
9S What are they doing here?
Pod 153: Unknown.
9S: It's like there were gathered here.
Y/n: If they were than for what purpose? What purpose would the Machine Lifeforms have to gather this many android bodies?
We enter the cavern to see where it would lead us, until we came across the target that ran away from us, we continued to chase it only for it to disappear from sight. though I look down to see a lot of Machine Lifeforms, but I can't tell what they were doing down there, as we continue to go down with more android bodies scattered around every time we got closer to the bottom. Once we stepped on a platform, it crumbles beneath us causing us to fall to the bottom, which I grabbed onto Pod 153 to descend me down to safer height to drop down.
Once we got to the bottom, we see the multiple Machine Lifeforms doing actions of Human actions. Like one Machine was softly rocking a crudely made baby bed, while others were enacting "sex" which is a way for Humans like me and others in the past to do to bring new life into the world.
2B: What is this?
Y/n: Honestly, your guess is as good as mine.
2P: This is very odd behavior for Machine Lifeforms.
Machine Lifeform: My love. My love.
9S: Don't listen to them guys, they don't have any feelings. Their just imitating Human speech.
Me and the girls attacked the Machines, putting a stop to the whole thing and made all the Machine Lifeforms attack us, me and 2P work together to take out as many Machines as possible while 9S and 2B do the same. It didn't take long for the Machine Lifeform we were chasing joined in on the fight, I used both my sword and pistol to take out each Machine that targeted me with 2P. Thanks to some combat tips from 2B helped in the fight, but no matter how many we destroy more Machine Lifeforms keep on coming and I noticed that they keep on saying "This cannot continue", then they stopped attacking us and walking around and suddenly stopped.
3rd pov
As all the Machine Lifeforms stopped in place, while Y/n and the three Android girls stopped as well and looked at all the Machines. Then they started to move again and climbed on steel beams to form some kind of cocoon, made out of the Machine Lifeforms which leaves the Human and Androids in utter confusion.
9S: What the? What's happening!?
Y/n: If I had to guess, they are forming some kind of cocoon.
2B: But a cocoon for what?
2P: One way to find out.
The giant cocoon then opens up and a body falls out from it, covered in some kind of substance. But what surprises the Human and Androids the most, is that the body looked like a nude Human body with long white hair. The body begins to move as it slowly finds it's bearing to stand on its feet.
2B: An android!?
9S: No! This... this is a machine!
Y/n: But, why does it look Human like the Androids?
Once the Human like machine stands on its feet and stares down at the Human and android, while having its long white hair blocking its face. Y/n takes the first shot with his gun and hit the Human like machine, causing it to flinch from the impact while 2B and 9S charged at the Human like machine with their swords. Which the Human like machine takes damage, but also heals some of the minor damage done to the body, until it gains its bearings again and groans.
Human like machine: An... droids... Hu... man... Why... fight...?
Y/n and the Android girls continue to attack the Human like machine, Y/n stuck with using his pistol making sure to read its attack patterns, while the Human like machine still gets easily pushed back until it knocks 2B and 9S back with a shock wave.
Human like machine: Sword... dodge... Projectile... deflect...
2B and 9S continue the assault only for the Human like machine dodges the blade attack, while Y/n and the two Pods lay down ranged fire for the Human like machine to create a barrier around it.
9S: I think its evolving!
Y/n: More like learning! 2P help 2B and 9S with close range attacks.
2P: Roger.
2P rushes with her sword to help 9S and 2B with close range attacks, while Y/n continues to shoot his pistol with the Pods, but the Human like machine teleports to higher ground and launches energy spheres at the Human and Androids making them dodge the spheres. The Human like machine then teleports back down and kicks 2B back while dodging 9S sword, it was about to back hand 2P but Y/n shot its hand preventing it to hit the female Android, 2B recovers and rejoins the two female Androids.
While 2P kicks the Human like machine back, causing it to step back and giving 9S an opening to stab it in the back with her sword, while 2B stabs her sword into its front torso. Once the damage was done the two Androids remove their blades from the Human like machine's body and it falls to the ground, unsure if its dead or not. Though Y/n and the Androids notice that, the Human like machine bleeds like a Human does.
2B: Is this really a machine?
Y/n: Well, that's not oil or motor fluid.
But then a glowing light flows out of the Human like machine body, then an arm comes out prompting the Human and Androids to bring up their weapons, as another fully formed Human like machine emerge from the one on the ground.
2B: Damnit, not another one!
Human like machine 2: *roars*
As it roars loudly causing the entire area to collapse around them, which 9S prompts everyone to get out of the area, while they leave the second Human like machine picks up the body of the first one and stares at the fleeing Human and Androids. As they climb up to see a hole being created for them to escape the crumbling area, the Androids allow Y/n to get ahead of them since he is more in danger of being killed by the falling debris.
Once the group makes it through the hole, the rumbling stops and the group makes it to the top into the light of the sun, which allows the group to let Y/n catch his breath from a potential near death experience.
9S: It stopped. Looks like we're safe for now.
Y/n: Yeah, cause being crushed to death, is not a way I want to go out.
2B: What the hell just happened?
2P: I would like to know as well.
9S: I know! I've never seen a machine like that before.
Y/n: An unknown Human like machine... This could be a troublesome thing, since we aren't sure what it's capable of.
9S: We better report to Command.
Y/n: Argee, for now we need to reach some where with a better reception. Let's get going.
The group then makes their way up hill, to be met with a giant box blocking their way but that doesn't stop the group, as they worked together and pushed the latge box out of the way allowing them to proceed on down the path. The group then encountered more normal Machine Lifeforms, but 2B, 9S and 2P made quick work of them and made it back to part of the desert, that they were familiar with.
9S: Okay, I think this will be a good place to contact the Commander.
Pod 153 then projects a holographic screen making a call to the bunker, for the Human and Androids to give their report on the events tha transpired.
9S: 9S to Bunker, do you copy?
Operator: {I read you, 9S. Go ahead.}
9S: Operator, we uh... we just encountered a pair of Humanoid Machines. We weren't able to capture them. But I have combat data ready for upload.
Operator: {Understood, ready to receive.}
9S: Hopefully you'll get something out of it.
2B: With that taken care of, let's head back to the resistance camp. It will be dark soon and Y/n would need to rest up for any further orders.
2P: Likewise, it would be best to save Y/n's and our energy for later.
Y/n: Okay, let's go. Hopefully I can make something to eat that's safe.
9S: Well there is plenty of wild animals we can hunt to collect meat.
With that they make their way back to the Resistance camp, while hunting some wild animals to for Y/n to make food when they get there and rest up, little do they know a silhouette of a Human like figure watches the group from up the hill out of their line of sight.
To be continued
A/n: And Done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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