Chapter 3: regrouping with 2B and Nines
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story, now if you have any questions to this story let me know in the comments and let the chapter begin.
Y/n's pov
As me and 2P were flying back to Earth via flight units, we were headin towards 2B's and 9S' current location which is just near the Resistance camp. Once we broke through the atmosphere we make our way towards the camp, I fly low enough for me to jump out of the flight unit and land on the ground so I don't break any bones since I'm only human.
Once I landed on the ground I preformed the "super hero landing" right in front of 9S and 2B, which 9S claps in approval while 2B was keeping a calm look, but I could notice a slight grin appearing on her face.
9S: Impressive landing, Y/n!
Y/n: Thanks Nines.
2B: I see you came back with weapons.
Y/n: Yup. The Commander wanted me to join you guys on your missions, and I didn't come alone.
As if on cue 2P lands right next to me then stands on her two feet, but due to the sudden appearance of 2P, causes 9S and 2B to jump a bit but I do notice that 2B's expression was shock and confusion.
2B: What the?
9S: Another 2B? No wait, her looks are quite similar but her hair, skin and color of her dress are completely different.
2P: Greetings, I am Yorha Unit 2P.
9S: Um, hi! I'm 9S. Nice to meet you 2P.
2B: I'm Yorha unit 2B. Now why do you look a bit like me?
2P: I was made around the same time as you 2B, but my purposes were to be a personal guard for the Commander White. But Now I'm the partner of Y/n, which reminds me. *turns to Y/n* Are you okay? Nothing broken?
Y/n: I'm fine, but the super hero landing is a bit rough on the knees. But nothing too serious to worry about.
2P Acknowledge.
Y/n: So, what are you two up to?
2B: We're heading towards a desert, there are multiple of black box signals there.
Y/n: I see, well let's get going.
The three girls nod to me and make our way to the location of the multiple black box signals, which 9S tells me what are the black boxes and according to her their kinda like power cores and carries the consciousness of the Yorha units. But our little walk wasn't a smooth one, due to being faced with small groups of machine lifeforms that were hostile, but luckily I was armed and have the assistance three female androids so that I don't get over whelm by the machines which are smaller hopper ones.
machine1: Human... Kill Human.
machine2: Kill... the... Human.
Y/n: Well, they don't like me.
9S: Well, their original purpose was to eliminate any and all Humans.
2B: All the more reason to keep them away from Y/n.
2P: Couldn't agree more.
We all hacked and slashed away at the machines, while 9S does the same and system hack some of them to either gain control of them or make them self destruct, I wasn't too much of a fighter but I was decent with a blade and gun. Once the machine lifeforms were dealt with we continued on with heading towards the direction of the signal, along the way we start to see a hill of sand with two larger machines that were twice the size of an adult human man.
Luckily 2B and 2P easily handled the two machines and with the assistance of 2B's pod for the long ranged fire, we then make our way up the sandy hill which the girls activated a large machine box and then walked to the resistance member waiting for us.
Resistance member: You're from Yorha, right? *notices Y/n* And your the living Human that was discovered, right?
Y/n: Yup, the name is Y/n L/n. Nice to meet ya.
Resistance member: Likewise. We got a squad mate just up ahead waiting at a rocky stretch. Just remember that there's no where to resupply out there. If you need anything, best to take care of it here while you can.
Y/n: Thanks for letting us know. *looks to 2B* Do we need anything to pick up before we go?
2B: We're good, me and 9S got some food supplies with us incase your hunger starts up.
Y/n: Wow, thanks.
9S: No problem. Luckily found some books of the human body, like needs and nourishment.
2P: That's well planned. Now let's get going.
We then make our way down the path way and see an old building that is pretty much a ruin at this point, as we make our way to where the squad mate of the Resistance member told us about a beeping sound was heard from 2B's pod and plays a mans voice.
man's voice: The council of Humanity has a message for all of our brave androids fighting on the surface. Currently our struggle against the machines lifeforms is at a stalemate. This battle has rage for far too long, I'm sure all of you find the effort grueling. But now is not the time to give up, now more than ever we must forge on. Remember that several hundred thousand humans on the moon want nothing more than ever to return to their home. Glory to Man kind.
Y/n: The council of Humanity?
2P: It's a group of Human leaders that are currently on the moon along with others that had retreated to the moon.
Y/n: I see. I'm guessing the reason for the Humans to be on the moon is because...
9S: it was a more safer place for them there, rather than being on Earth's surface.
I nod to her in understanding as we continue making our way to where to meet up the Resistance member up ahead, along the way we take out some Machine lifeforms and collect materials and currency for us to use. Once we get to the rocky stretch that we were told about, we see a woman standing on one of the formations along the rocky wall, 2B and 9S got up by jumping while I was about to climb up, but 2P carries my up by jumping and landing next to both androids.
resistance woman: Hey, our leader told me, all about you. *sees Y/n and 2P* As well as telling me about the Human you two found. Names Jackass. Nice to meetcha.
Y/n: same here, name's Y/n L/n. [Jackass? Really, that's not a name but it's better than nothing.]
Jackass: I hear that you four are planning to take out all the machines in the desert?
2P: That's right.
Jackass: Guess, that means we need to get that entrance open.
9S: looks like it. So um... Jack...ass, was it? What are you doing all the way out here?
Jackass: hmm? Oh, that. Well...
Instead of answering 9S question with words an explosion happen on the blocked path way ahead of us erupted, which surprises 9S from the sudden explosion and jumps into my arms. Surprisingly she's not that heavy for an android, but pretty light as a feather.
Jackass: Wouldn't want to have anyone getting tangled up in that, now. Wouldn't we?
Y/n: *smirks* Looks, like you got an explosive personality.
I got a chuckle out of Jackass and a giggle form 9S, who is still in my arms while 2B and 2P look at me in confusion.
Jackass: Nice little joke there. Anyway don't go trying to be a hero, all right?
Y/n: No promises. *looks to 9S* You want me to put you down or do you wanna still be carried by me, Nines.~
9S: *blushes* o.. Oh! Sorry!
Y/n: It's fine.
I then gently put her down as she fixes her outfit and is still blushing, but once she calmed down we begin to head towards the now unblocked pathway. But for some reason I see both 2B and 2P give what I think is a small glare, but I couldn't tell due to their blindfolds.
9S: Who opens a sealed gate with explosives? There's got to be an easier way, right?
Y/n: Maybe. but she probably already had them set up and didn't feel like letting them go to waste.
2P: That is likely.
As we go through the pathway I stopped in front of a waterfall of sand and bring out my pistol shooting at one of the Machine lifeforms causing one of them to stagger, this allows 2B, 9S and 2P to quickly take out the Machines. But I then hear something coming from the other side of the waterfall of sand, so I quickly bring out my sword and stabbed it through the sand and point my pistol at the falling sand and fired three rounds.
Once the noises stopped, I take my sword out and put it back on my belt, then make my way to the girls who had already killed the Machines. We then continue along the path as I look back to see a Machine lifeform's body fall out of the waterfall of sand, we then reached the end of the path to be met with large bodies of sand. Something you see in pictures of sandy landscapes or from one of the Star Wars movies that involved a planet with mostly of sand.
Y/n: *whistles* Now this is like a large sand box.
9S: You can say that again.
We then head to one of the closest signals points, but since we're running or walking along sand, it's not easy to keep a good footing, which means when we go down hill we slide down the sandy hill.
9S: Whoa! This sand, sure is slippery.
Y/n: Well it is sand, it's not really meant to be solid. Also I don't mind it, but I really don't like sand too much.
2B: Why is that?
Y/n: cause it gets everywhere, even my shoes. It can get quite annoying.
9S: That makes sense. Careful, we got enemies approaching.
Like she said, we see Machine lifeforms in the area of one of the signal points in this large landscape of sand, once we were close a group of Machine lifeforms pop up from the ground and armed with weapons.
Machine1: Androids... and Human.... De...sert.
Machine2: K...kill...Mee...meat.
2B: These Machines are....talking.
9S: Yeah, I've heard from the Resistance that they've been seeing this a lot lately. Couldn't tell you why, though.
2P: Interesting, let's keep that in mind.
Y/n: right, but for now let's take care of these Machines.
With that said I take out my pistol and blades, then hack, slashed and fired my pistol at one or two of the Machine lifeforms, while the android girls take care of a good amount of them since 2B and 2P were more armed and have more combat capabilities. Once we took out the Machine lifeforms, the first beacon was not what we were looking for so we head towards the our right where the mountain like formation is.
Along the way there, we see another small group of Machine lifeforms, but only this time we see some flying like machines, once they seen us they go to attack us while the flying ones fired orb projectiles. 2B and 9S used their pods to fire small projectiles shots at the orbs which seems to take them out, while the android girls and I handle the ground Machine lifeforms, I tried to dodge the flying machines shots and used my blade to destroy any of the machines that come my way.
Y/n: Well, those were new to see. For me anyways.
2B: True, just be careful of the flying may not be physical attacks, but they can be a handful.
Y/n: Noted.
We then continue to the signal beacon to only see a single Machine lifeform, but for us it may as well be a trap so we go to the Machine, which started to attack us and speaking for some reason.
Machine: Die!
It tries to attack either of us, but we dodged it's attack, then 2B goes in for the offense dealing some damaged, which then it turns and runs from us.
Machine: Run... Run... Scary...
It then jumped in the air and dives into the sandy ground digging away from us, we stop and turn to the cave entrance to see the Machine rise form the ground on the other end of the cave.
9S: It's heading for that rocky area!
Pod 042: Individual ID target marked.
We then chase the lone Machine lifeform to where it was running to, but I'm still curious to why it was running away from us in the first place.
To be continued
A/n: And done, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Now do let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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