Chapter 2: meeting Commander White
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now I looked over the comments and I'm going to be adding 2P and the reader will be getting a flight unit that is made for a human to use and when entering space the part that covers the head will be able to make a shield to keep oxygen stored so that the reader doesn't die. now let the chapter begin.
Y/n's pov
as I was walking around the Resistance camp with 2B and 9S killing time until we receive a response from the Bunker for any info. also I manage to change into some other clothes to wear other than my normal ones. before that we had a chat with the Commander who asked me on some things about why I was in cryo sleep, but I told her that I was in cryo sleep for so long that my memory is hazy, but now she wants to see me in person.
A/n: like this just without the sword, but that will be where you put your weapon.
9S: hey that's not bad looking.
2B: it suits you better than your civilian ones.
Y/n: thanks, but I'm still curious is how the Commander is going to get me to the Bunker?
9S: beats me.
2B: I'm sure she has a away.
*beep* *beep*
Y/n: huh, speak of the devil.
2B then answers the call revealing the holographic image of 6o again to give us some info.
6o: {Operator 6o here come in 2B.}
2B: 2B here, I read you 6o.
6o:{ good, cause I got coordinates for you and the human named Y/n to go too. there he'll get a special surprise.}
Y/n: um, what is it?
6o: {*teasing tone* now it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you.}
9S: she's got a point there. *chuckles*
2B: roger we'll head to there 2B out.
with that the call ended and we head to the coordinates which leads to a building that is across and wide open area that looked like it has multiple levels and used for parking cars. I let 2B and 9S lead the way since their visors had maps to lead us. after getting pass a couple levels we cross a destroyed part of a building that doubled as a bridge that leads to the roof of another building only to see nothing here.
Y/n: um? we're here, so what are we looking for.
9S: well-
before she could finish the sound of jet thrusters could be heard as we both look up to see a large metal jet like vehicle that then turns into some kind of battle suit that lands in front of us. the two androids got ready in case someone comes out, but it opens to reveal no pilot in it.
Y/n: what... is that?
9S: that's a flight unit, but there's no-one piloting it.
2B: but why?
6o: *holographic screen pops u[* {surprise!}
2B: 6o? what's with the flight unit?
6o: { that's the surprise. this is a special flight unit that is meant for human pilots to use.}
9S: but why for humans?
6o: {well it's only for in case if there was any humans left on the planet other than the moon. then to be taken to the Bunker where it's safe.}
Y/n: gotcha, but I don't know how to pilot this thing.
6o: {that won't be an issue I'll talk you through it and teach you how to do it.}
Y/n: that's good.
I then approach the flight unit and start to take a hold of the controls as the front starts to close up with a holographic screen showing me what's in front of me. then 6o's face appears as a small image at the corner of said screen.
6o: {alright let's start with the basics.}
Y/n: [this should be fun.]
-timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n learning on how to pilot a flight unit-
3rd pov
as 6o walked Y/n through on the controls of the flight suit Y/n was quick to learn the ropes of it flying around and doing barrel rolls in it. then Y/n activates the jet mode of the flight suit leaving Earth's atmosphere entering space.
A/n: the jet mode of the flight suit is the one that looks like a small aircraft like vehicle when in the flight suit parts.
once Y/n made it into space he sees the endless glow of the stars looking in awe at the beauty of the stars, but he get's the flight suit in battle suit mode and turns to see the very planet the he was born on.
Y/n: this is... amazing!
????: {seems like your having fun.}
Y/n then looks to the corner of his holographic screen to see another operator like 6o, but with a shorter hair length then her and had a more mature vibe to her.
A/n: not mine.
Y/n: um, hello who are you?
Operator: {apologies, I'm Operator 21o.}
Y/n: nice to meet you I'm Y/n. also to answer your question this is my first time in space and it's breathe taking.
21o: {I'm glade that your enjoying the view, but I'm going to direct you to the Bunker's hanger bay. there you'll meet another android by the name 2P.}
Y/n: alright.
Y/n then follows the instructions of 21o on where to go to the Bunker's hanger which on the way Y/n got a good view of the Bunker as he was heading to it.
A/n: not mine also.
Y/n: woah. that's impressive.
21o: {it is, the Bunker is meant to be the base of operations of us Yorha androids. in it are many androids including myself from field operatives and operators.}
Y/n: makes sense.
Y/n then sees the hanger bay and flies towards it as the flight unit then enters auto-pilot mode and it slowly starts to enter the hanger bay and lands itself for Y/n. once the flight unit fully lands on the ground the flight unit opens up for Y/n to get out, but he then stops to see a girl that looks like 2B, but her hair is black and wears all white.
A/n: this is 2P and yes she's in the harem.
Y/n: uhh? 2B?
2B?: close, but no I am the Yorha android 2P at your service.
Y/n: oh sorry it's just you look a lot like her.
2P: it's quite alright I was created around the same time as unit 2B making her what you human call "sister" so to speak.
Y/n: yeah that's one way to put it.
2P: now allow me to lead you to the Commander.
Y/n nods to her and follows her heading towards an elevator taking them down to the main hall of the base. once they reached the main hall 2P leads Y/n to the operations room where the Commander was in giving mission info to the operators to tell each squadron on planet Earth. along the way Y/n and 2P walked passed some other androids who looked at Y/n with surprised looks since he is the first humans they've seen for a long time. once the two made it to the operations room they take an elevator down that takes them to bottom of the room and walk to a blonde woman wearing white clothes with a bit of yellow/gold tides.
A/n: not mine.
2P: Commander I've brought the human known as Y/n L/n.
Commander: thank you 2P. *to Y/n* it's a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. L/n.
Y/n: it's nice to meet you too, but please just Y/n is fine no need to be too fromal.
Commander: of course. I assume your wondering why I ask you here?
Y/n: yeah I am wondering that. is there a reason?
Commander: yes you see... your the first ever human that was still on Earth all of these years.
Y/n: if that's the case where are the others?
Commander: that is to be discuss in private and on a later date. anyway all over the Earth are is inhabited by machines which you have encountered on the way to the resistance camp.
Y/n: yeah you can say that, but I remember that the planet was attack by aliens. what happen to them?
Commander: that is what we don't know. they've been hidden for years after that war, we don't know if there alive or dead.
Y/n: man, but at least I don't have to worry about them yet.
Commander: now I want you to help us by joining units 2B and 9S on missions. though I'm not really pleased about sending you in the field since your the first human we've met, but I know that I can't just keep you here where it's safe.
Y/n: I would love to help, but I might need a weapon or two to defend myself when in combat.
2P: I can help with that I have two weapons to give you.
2P then brings out two weapons one being a sword and the other being a unique shaped fire arm.
A/n: that is your fire arm. also it has unlimited ammo.
Y/n takes them placing the sword to his belt while holstering the pistol then turns back to the Commander.
Commander: now that your armed you'll be heading back to 2B and 9S. if you ever need to talk to me use either 2B's or 9S's pods to speak to their Operators and to me. but you won't be going alone 2P will be accompanying you as your partner.
Y/n: sure as an old saying goes "the more the merrier."
2P: I will be at your service Y/n.
Commander: now you two should head back to 2B and 9S I'll explain your next move until then.
the two nod to her as they went back up the elevator, but just before leaving Y/n turns to see 6o giving him a little wave with a smile which Y/n returns the same response.
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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