Chapter 1: the discovery
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the first chapter to this story let me know if I miss something in the Nier automata game. now let the chapter begin!
3rd pov
on Earth the whole planet's surface flora and fauna after many years with the fight againsts the aliens had taken and covered ruin buildings and residential areas with animals roaming around. not only that but several machine lifeforms also roam around certain areas of ruin city, but they aren't the only things around. the last beings still around Earth in a bunker and/or on Earth are known as Androids where made to combat the aliens and machines as Glory for mankind. right now two androids of Yorha are following a beacon that one of the Operators in the bunker picked up on their radar one is a white short haired female android with a black wrappings acting as a blindfold along with a black gothic style of her clothes.
this is Yorha number 2 type B or 2B for short she among the androids is a "battle" type android usually meant for on field fighting.
A/n: yeah I put quotations on battle cause I know what she is really meant for, but I can't tell due to spoilers.
the other is her companion also with white hair, but hair is longer than 2B's also wearing a black style attire with the same blindfold around her eyes.
she is known as Yorha unit number 9 type S or 9S for short she is a scanner type android meant for scouting missions, but she is not defenseless. as the two was nearing the source of the beacon they reach what looks to be a old house with parts of it walls destroyed.
*ring, ring*
a small boxed shaped machine with small arms hovers in front of the two androids showing a holographic image of of a young looking woman with braided blonde hair.
blonde braided haired girl: Operator 6o to 2B come in 2B.
2B: 2B here yes I read you. we're near the source of the beacon it appears to be inside an old house.
6o: alright let me know if you find anything 6o out.
2B: alright let's get inside, but don't let your guard down.
9S: yeah, yeah. but I do wonder what we'll find.
2B: don't know until we find out.
the two head inside the old house as 2B was going to open the front door, but it falls off due to is hinges were so rusted that they would break off at any moment. the two entered the home to see vines of the flora taking root and old home necessities that old age took it's toll.
2B: pod how big is the home?
pod: examining....done it's a house with a upstairs and a basement recommendation. search around the main floor before investigating the basement or upstairs.
9S: well let's see what we could find on the main floor. once that is done we can split up I'll take the upstairs and you take the basement.
2B: acceptable.
the two then search around what they can on the main floor finding some old, but still well cared and readable books and materials they could use. once that was done 9S went up stairs to search every room in the house which are a master bedroom with two spare bedrooms in the hallway. but she then sees some pictures of a a man, a woman with a boy with h/c hair and e/c eyes in between them.
9S: awe how cute.
meanwhile 2B enters the basement expecting to see a normal basement, but she sees some advance looking equipment and computers. but what caught her eye has a cryogenic chamber still active along with the computers.
2B: okay I know you don't see that everyday. *looks at her pod* pod contact 9S.
pod: affirmative.
the pod then activates the same holographic image, but with 9S face appears on the holo graphic image.
9S: {9S here did you find anything 2B?}
2B: yes it appears that there is some advance computers and equipment, but also a cryogenic chamber down here.
9S: {wait really? that's some heavily advance stuff. who ever lived here must've been well connected with the human government before the aliens attack.}
2B: I'll see what the computers have as well as see who is inside of it.
9S: {roger I'll be down there.}
once that was finished 2B walked to the computers searching for anything on why this equipment is here and who is inside the cryo chamber. as she went through the computer's files she was able to find the condition of the individual in the cryo chamber is in perfect health and has found a name.
2B: Y/n L/n...
9S: found something?
2B: yeah the name of who is in the cryo chamber.
9S: that's good what is the name?
2B: Y/n L/n.
9S: any other info on who he is?
pod: subject: Y/n L/n son of F/n L/n and M/n L/n gender: male race: human age: 18 other info is unknown.
this shocked both androids upon hearing the word human since they believed that the remaining humans are on the moon.
2B: pod...are you sure he is human?
pod: affirmative scans show 100% of the subject being human.
2B: let's contact the Commander she needs to know this.
the pod then contacts Operator 6o waiting for the said female android to respond which only takes a minute to wait.
6o: {this is Operator 6o how can I help you 2B?}
2B: we found something that is involved with the beacon patch me to the Commander.
6o: {alright patching her through now.}
the holographic screen then switches to show a woman with blonde hair that is tied back a bit.
Commander: { what is it you found 2B?}
2B: Commander: what we've found you won't believe it.
Commander: {I'm all ears.}
9S: what we found is an actual human as in a real human alive!
Commander: {what? are you sure? what's the human's condition?}
2B: he's in perfect health and is currently in cryo sleep.
9S: what should we do Commander?
Commander: {wake the human and get him back to the resistance camp.}
2B/9S: roger!
the communications end as 2B prepared the chamber to open up and wake up the only human that the two androids have seen. the chamber opens up making a hissing like sound opening the main door of the chamber to reveal a young man with h/c hair while his eyes are closed due to be sleeping.
9S: hey he looks like the little kid in the photo upstairs.
2B: photo?
before 9S could show 2B they heard a yawn as they quickly turn to see the human waking up rubbing his eyes. once they were fully open he looks straight at 2B and 9S as they stare right back at him as the three were in awkward silence.
Y/n's pov
after I woke up from cryo sleep after my father put me in here for my survival and safety I see two girls both with white hair and wearing black colored clothes along with black ribbons being used as blindfolds. but what surprised me is that there two floating boxes with small arms underneath them.
long white haired girl: um....hi there?
Y/n: um hello. so who are you two and what year is it?
short white haired girl: we can tell you who we are, but as to tell you the year is a different story. I'm Yorha unit number 2 type B you may call me 2B.
long white haired girl: and I'm Yorha unit number 9 type S 9S for short, but people sometimes call me Nines.
Y/n: *joking tone* what's with those names you two androids or something?
9S: well yes actually.
Y/n: that was a joke, but anyways what's Yorha?
2B: we've got a lot to tell you, but that can wait. can you walk?
Y/n: yeah I may have been in that cryo chamber for who knows how long, but once I get moving my body should be fine. also what's with the floating boxes with arms?
box1: I am pod 042 a support unit to help with unit 2B for any purpose.
box2: I am pod 153 meant for the same purpose for unit 9S.
Y/n: I see nice to meet you two.
I then start to follow them up the stairs getting out of the basement then leaving the house all together. but once we did I see that everything is in ruins with wildlife was practically taking over.
Y/n: my god...was I in cryo sleep longer than I thought was?
2B: unfortunately yes most of the humans reside on the moon.
Y/n: what of my parents?
pod 049: F/n L/n and M/n L/n died during the alien attack.
Y/n: their...dead....
9S: hey *brings the photo to Y/n* I manage to find this in the house. I'm guessing it would mean more for you?
Y/n: *takes the photo with a small smile* yeah I remember this day it was one of my more fondness moments. but where are we heading?
2B: to the resistance camp where we can be debriefed with the leader and contact the Commander about you.
Y/n: alright sounds good.
9S: also you might want to stand back if we encounter hostile machine lifeforms. they might attack you.
Y/n: machine lifeforms? I don't know what those are, but I'll stand back since I'm not as armed as you two.
the two nod to me as I followed them to where the resistance camp might be while taking the chance to look around the area to see a lot of destroyed buildings and some either covered in some plants or with roots coming out of them. along the way we had encounter the machine lifeforms that 2B and 9S mention which are robots that are small with stubby legs, ones that are taller than a human man and ones that are capable of flight. luckily for us it was only a small group of machines that 2B and nines were able to take out with ease and for us to continue our way to the resistance camp.
-small timeskip to the resistance camp-
after some time of walking and my two android companions taking out some small group of machines we finally made it to the resistance camp. upon entering I see a bunch of people around the camp which I could assume are androids. we then approach the main table with a woman standing in front of it.
woman: 2B. 9S good to see you two back did you find anything? *looks at Y/n* and whose this?
Y/n: hello ma'am I'm Y/n L/n it nice to meet you.
woman: I'm Anemone nice to meet you Y/n
9S: also he's a human.
as soon as she said that everyone around the camp stopped doing what they were doing and stared at me which was very uncomfortable. I did caught some looks from two red haired twins, but I turned my attention to Anemone.
Anemone: a...are you serious? you sure he is not a android?
2B: no pod did a scan on him and confirmed 100% positive.
Anemone: I what are you going to do with him?
9S: we're going to contact the Commander again she'll probably want to meet him in person on the Bunker.
Anemone: sounds good I'll leave you to it.
we then leave her to do her business as Nines then contacts this Commander person which I am curious on how this chat is going to go. pod 042 then makes a holographic image of face to face chats which a woman with blonde hair with what looks like she's seems to be wearing all white dress like outfit.
woman: this is the Commander I read you 2B and 9S.
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think. also how should I make it possible for the reader to go to and from the Bunker teleporter or a specialized vehicle also should I add 2P to the harem? please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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