Chapter 4

~ (a/n) Hi again. "SHE'S BACK, RUN!" lol Hope you enjoy this chapter and if you have any ideas for another chapter then please let me know because I'm running out of ideas already. ~


You woke up, but this time there was no annoying seaweed brain there.

'Great I lost my brother... and my bag, where did I put it?' You say to yourself.

"Is right here" You heard someone say. You quickly turn around and see Nico's sister, Hazel. She was holding your bag.

"Someone found it this morning and saw your name on it, so I came to bring it back" She said while putting it on your bed.

"Thanks. But um, where's Percy" you asked. "He left the camp with Grover to run on a quick trip, he should be back in about a day out two" She replied.

"What's he doing?"

"There's a demigod that just got attacked so they need to bring her here"

"Oh, ok"

"I've got to go, see you later"

"K, bye"

Hazel left and you plopped back down on your bed. One more minute wouldn't kill anybody right?


~3 hrs later ~

~Nico's pov~


I was peacefully sleeping when an annoying little elf came prancing in happily with his tool belt and a large bucket of water.

He dumped it on me and yelled "WAAAAAAKE UUUUUUP SUNSHINE!!!"

I jumped out of bed and Leo went running.

"Leo!" I yelled on the top of my lungs. I shadow traveled in front of him before he could leave.

"Man, compared to y/n your easy to wake up" he said while backing away slowly. "What did you do to y/n?" I said kinda panicked. Leo sometimes doesn't know when to stop.

"I splashed water on her but DUH she's a water princess, then I tried just making alot of noise but she just ignored me, then I tried simply shaking her awake but she flipped me over to the opposite side of her bed so I gave up after walking away with a few bones broken in my back."

"Wait, was that panic in your voice... THE MAN HAS A HEART!" He yelled like the maniac he is.

"Leo, get out" I said while walking back to bed. "Ok, but just to let you know, y/n asked for you" He said while walking out.

"Wait, why?" I questioned him
"Idk, I'm no messenger boy. Go find out yourself lazy bones! Ha, bones, I'm funny." And then he finally left.

I got dressed then went to see y/n
I opened her door to find her laying face down on her bed like a starfish in pajamas.

"Um y/n, are you ok?" I ask not sure if she's awake or not.

She mumbles something into her pillow that sounds like "I haf had awong moring wif nobofy here wif me and no Perfy or pifa."

I blink a few times trying to decide weather to bring up Google translate or not. "Y/n I need you to turn around and speak to me in English." I say

She turns around and mumbles "I have had a long morning with nobody here and no Percy or pizza."then flops her arm over her forehead dramatically.

"You know I could just go and get a pizza right now if you had just asked drama queen" I say with a slight laugh.

"Really?!? Can you?!?!" She asked, her eyes lighting up. "Sure, I'll be right back"

I came back a second later with a few boxes of pizza. "I wasn't sure what kind you like so I got you all the ones I could find." I said after plopping then so down on her empty night stand that was supposed to have an alarm clock, but she threw it in the sea.

"OMG, YAAAAS! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Do you wanna watch a movie?" She asked while opening the first box.

"Sure" I said and plopped myself next to her as she turned on Jurassic world.

"You want a pizza?" She asked, holding out a box to me. "No, it's for you."

"But if I eat it all I'm gonna end up throwing up, besides you need to eat something"

"Fine, but only if you try the bottom pizza"

"Ok, what's the bottomed pizza?"

"Spinach, broccoli, mustard, and onion."

"Never mind, there's no way I'm eating that!"

"Then I won't eat the pizza

"Ugh, fine!"


Your pov


"BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, and hey look is still BLAH!" I say while trying to get the nasty taste out of my mouth while Nico is sitting there laughing himself to death. 

"You are going to eat that pizza." I say glaring at him. "Yea, ok. I was going to anyway." He says while grabbing a pizza

"So I ate that nasty little demon for nothing!?!"
"Well I wouldn't say nothing, it was very entertaining to watch."
"Shut up and pass me a pizza!"

You continued watching the movie until you both got bored.

"What do you want to do?" Nico asked you. "Idk, we could go swimming, go train, annoy someone, play a game, or go do nothing." 

"What game?"

"Tag, freeze tag, hide and seek, grounders..."

"Wait, I like hide and seek!"

"Ok, I hide though!"

"Ok, you have five minutes"


~five minutes later~


I had promised Nico that I would not hide in the water so I instead asked Hazel where I should go. So now I was hiding in the one place he would never go. THE APHRODITE CABIN!

She left me with Piper, one of her friends, and probably the most normal girl in her cabin.

~one hour later ~

I crawled out from underneath the glitter box in the Aphrodite shrine of pink, rainbows, and glitter.

"I give up! That glitter made me want to scream and there is way to much perfume in there!" I screamed

I run out of the cabin to go find the seeker sitting in a tree reading a book.

You carefully go up to the tree and yell. "HEY BONE BRAIN!"


~Hey, I know this took longer than I thought it would to update.

I still need some ideas for future chapters. So please give some ideas.

I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I will be able to update more often because I'm slowly getting my school work done and my prom is almost complete.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Have a great day out night!~

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