Chapter 22

~I want to give a shout out to the first Nico fanfiction I ever read. It's called No Stars. And honestly, if I hadn't read it, I probably would have never made my story. It really inspired me to make my own fanfiction and to keep writing. So yea, thanks to the writer xxBrightIdeas. Now, or to the story I made you guys wait for forever!~


Third person*

Annabeth, Percy, and Leo had all landed in Italy and rebooked a room at the same hotel they were at before they left. They worked with Adrian to formulate a plan to help (y/n) get rid of the enchantress.

"THAT'S your plan?" Percy questioned.

"Yes." Adrian said in a 'duh' tone of voice.

"That's the worst idea I've ever heard of."

"Don't knock it till you try it."

"I like this guy." Leo piped up. With one glare from Percy, he sunk back down.

"I don't care how old, wise, or powerful you are. I'm not going through with this and neither are the rest of us."

Annabeth cleared her throat. "I actually think we should do it."

Percy gave her a look that was mixed between shocked, angered, and betrayed. "He's insane Annabeth! This could kill (y/n)!" He got up in her face and pointed an accusing finger at Adrian.

She smacked his hand down. "Or it could save her you seaweed brain!"

"But what if it doesn't?"

"If it doesn't, then she and the enchantress both die and the world will be saved. If it does, then we saved the world AND your sister. But I think you need to think here for a second. Is the world worth risking to have her here with you when it burns? Or would you rather have a 50/50 chance of having her in a not burning world?"

He lowered his head in defeat. "If we're doing this, I'm going to be the one to do it." He looked back at Adrian with a less hateful stare. "Where do we find the dagger?"

"The dagger is in the bookstore. She hid it somewhere in there before she was exiled. We're not entirely sure where though."

"Let's go then."

Nico's pov *

"934, 935, 936, 937, 938..."

"Shut up."

"I'm bored and you're still grouchy."

"I don't need another lecture from you. I need sleep." I groaned.

"It's not my fault you wouldn't sleep when I told you to." Happiness said.

"You're not the boss of me."


A relaxing moment of silence made me start to drift off. That was until the sound of a small ball hitting the wall echoed through the little room. "939, 940, 941, 942, 943, 945... wait..."


"Right. 945, 946, 947, 948, 949, 950."

She was, thankfully, interrupted by shouting and crashing from upstairs. Through the boards a voice could be heard. "Stupid... POTION. JUST WORK ALREADY!"

It eventually quieted down except for the frantic footsteps shuffling across the boards every now and then. My eyes began to close and my fears melted away when I began to sleep. Ever since the living nightmare happened, the real nightmares didn't seem as horrifying.


Leo's pov *


"Nothing. Nothing... nothing. Nada." I looked under every wooden board in the floor and walls. Annabeth searched the books for a box or something disguised as a book. Meanwhile, Percy looked in everything else. I had just finished the floors on the first floor, so now it was time to move on to the second floors walls.

I started walking up the steps and nearly tripped over one. After (in one piece) making it up the stairs, I began hacking at the walls like they offended me.

The wood was extremely old, so it wasn't very heard to break through. It kinda crumbled like a burnt out log that was basically all ashes. Swing after swing and swing. I slammed my axe into the walls. Then searched through the remains. Absolutely freaking nothing. Percy then came up to see me slamming my head into the wall. I didn't even care about splinters at this point.

"Nothing I'm guessing?" He asked.

"Nope. Nada. How is it nowhere?! it's solo en ninguna parte! No lo entiendo!"

"Yea... ok. Why don't you go take a quick break. You're going all Spanish there."

"Ni siquiera me di cuenta. Gracias."

He gave me a blank stare.

"Oops. I didn't even realize. Thanks."

He nodded and helped me up. I trudged down the steps and nearly slipped on the same step I did the last time. I walked down the rest of the way and went to the front room. Annabeth was sitting down with her back rested against one of the shelves, her eyes closed. I took a seat close to her, but not so close that she would kill me. She opened her eyes and, just as I had suspected, punched the air next to her where I would've sat. She noticed me and put her head back. "Sorry."

"It's fine. I guess we're all a bit on guard right now."

She only hummed in response.

"How many books do you have left?"

"None. I just went through them all. How many walls do you have left?"

"None either. They all were empty as you can guess."

"And Percy has been checking every other possible place for it." She huffed exhaustedly. "I don't know what else to do."

"Me either."

Nothing moved but Percy. He continued scrambling through books, vases, and such relentlessly. I could only focus on the dagger. The only thing that could kill the enchantress. It had a special power that the enchantresses mother made herself in case she or her daughter needed to be stopped. It had to be used on her mother when her powers got so strong they caused her immense pain. She never did anything wrong, it was just the only thing that could stop her from hurting.

Percy smashed a thin topped vase and kept looking when he didn't see a dagger among the shattered glass pieces. The shards flew everywhere. Including the stairs I had to walk up again. I groaned and hit the back of my head in the shelf behind me.

As thought the books gave me a magic power by touching them, I had an idea.


Annabeth's pov*


Leo jumped up suddenly and ran to the stairs. Percy and I both looked at him curiously. "Leo? Are you ok?"

He didn't answer, but walked about halfway up the stairs and stopped. He slowly stepped on the next step and listened. He then pulled a hammer out of his pouch and used the back to pry the wooden board off. It flew away and Leo stared inside. "Leo?"

He carefully put his hands in and pulled out something wrapped in an old cloth. He unwrapped it gently and held up a purple dagger. "Well. Adrian did say it would look different."


~Uh, so.

There was no WiFi so I just deleted the app while I was there. Then when I got back home I forgot my password. So I just remembered it literally three hours ago. I got on here and had to respond to a million comments on multiple different things and had to upload another chapter while I had writers block. So that was fun. I have had the weirdest and most difficult month too, so that's my punishment for not updating. Lol.

Btw I didn't edit this a million times, so sorry if there's any mistakes.

But thanks to those who don't hate me now and wish to rip me to shreds. I hope you have a wonderful day or night, ily!♡~

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