Chapter 14

You were walking through one of the museums, next to Annabeth. Percy and Leo had started to lose interest already and Nico loved to admire everything in there. He had caught up with you and Annabeth and wrapped his arm around your waist. He looked at the painting you were admiring. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yea, it is... I just wish I knew what it was."

No disrespect to the artist, but it was like an explosion on the canvas. It looked beautiful, but you had no idea what on earth, or beyond earth, what it's supposed to be. Nico giggled lightly. "It's a lake with the reflection of the green, red, and brown trees. Then to see white spots are birds. The pink is flowers floating in the lake and the light green are lily pads." He explained while pointing at the painting.

"Ok, now I see it." You smiled and dragged Nico to the next painting.

~Timeskipy stuff~

We were all walking to the leaning tower of Pisa and you loved looking in the shops.your weren't that far from the tower, but you really wanted to check out this last books store. The boys decided to stay outside while you and Annabeth awed over books. You picked one off of a dusty shelf. The Wizard Of Oz. One my favorites. I placed it back on the shelf and walked to the next shelf that had some new books on it. You took your hand and ran it across the spine of the books and read them. Tiger Lily, The Thief Of Always, InkHeart, To All The Boys I've Loved Before, P.S I Still Love You, Dorthy Must Die, The Red Pyramid ~😉~, and a few others. They all looked so interesting. You were so lost in the maze of books that you didn't realize that Annabeth had left to go to the upstairs part of the bookshop.

You wre looking at a book, The Phantom of the Opera and you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and made a hmm sound, but found nobody there. You stood there and looked around the corners carefully, but still found nothing. "Nuh uh! Oh hell no! Not today!" You ran up the stairs in search of the blond headed bookworm. "Annabeth!?" You shout whispered. "....." "ANNABETH!!??" Still nothing. You searched all upstairs, but found that nobody was there. You checked downstairs, but still got the same results. 'Where is everyone?' You thought.

'Maybe I should ask the guys if she came outside.' So you left the bookstore. The weird thing was that you couldn't hear a thing. No talking, no people walking, no cars, nothing. You opened the door cautiously and gasped. There was not a single soul outside. You ran into the street but still found nothing. You checked live news channels. Nothing. All the people in the world just stopped existing. You started to panic even more now. You wanted to close your eyes and make everyone come back. Just wake up and have it all be over. But sadly when your eyes opened the world was still silent. Dead.

You sat on the bench closest to you and started to think. You realized you had started crying. 'What's going on? What if nobody comes back, ever? Where did they all go?' Thoughts kept pouring through your head with questions, but only one really scared you. 'What am I going to do?'

Annabeth's pov*

While I was on the second floor of the bookstore I noticed that it was getting late so I started making my way out. (Y/n) was nowhere in the store, so I figured she was outside. I went to the spot where we had left the boys and sure enough, there she was. She was sitting by the water fountain next to Nico, with her hand entwined in his. "Hey are you all ready to go?"

Percy attacked me with a hug and nodded his head. "You took sooo long. I thought you disappeared or something."

I giggled. "No, I just got lost in the books. There have some really neat architecture tip books there." I began telling Percy about some of them and he had a face that was like every word I said was gold.

"Well while you were gone, we all made wishes in the fountain. All except Percy. He said he wanted to wait for you so you could both make a wish together. It's so cute I could puke." Leo said while balancing on a ledge that was going over the water.

I looked up at Percy. "That's sweet!"

He gave me a goofy grin and held out a coin. I took it and walked over to the fountain with him. We both made our wishes and tossed them in the water. "What did you wish for?" I asked.

"If I tell you then it won't come true."

"Haha, fair enough. But if you had a second wish, what would it be?"

He didn't even hesitate with his question. "The power to turn all of my food blue!"

"Wow. There was something more important to wish for than that?"

"Just one. One very special thing."

"I wish I knew what it was." I said with a grin.

"It's has something to do with later. I'm hoping it's a yes."

"What's that supposed to mean, seabrain?"

"You'll see..."

"You make no sense sometimes."

The other three came up to us. "Who's ready to go? It's almost time for dinner, so it should be dark when we are at the top of the tower." Nico said.

So you all started walking to the tower. When we got there the sun was setting, so it had a beautiful glow behind it.

We all took pictures in front of it and just admired it for awhile. It had started getting darker, so we climes to the tip of it. The whole way up, (y/n) and I were admiring the work and beauty of it. When we reached the top, we looked at the view, which was now cast in the darkness of the night. The top was utterly beautiful.

We all joked and awed and just enjoyed the moment. After awhile Leo said that he wanted to start going back down so that we could go eat. Everyone was in agreement. But before we could Percy tossed me over his shoulder. "Percy!! Put me down!!" I shouted through giggles.

He placed me back down on the ground and gave me a look of pure adoration.


He just continued to stare.

I giggled some more. "Percy, what is it?"

He took hold of my hands and looked at me. "I love you to the end of everything and back. From the day I met you to now. You have always been there for me and I've always tried to be there for you. Whenever I'm sad, I know I can count on you to cheer me up. There's nobody in the world I love more than you and my mom." He got down on one knee. What!? Then pulled out a ring. "I know we're too young to get married right now, but I want to ask if you will marry me when we're old enough to get married. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I asked your dad, and chiron, since he is like a second father to you. They didn't kill me, so I take it as an ok. So... will you marry the future me?"

Through giggles and tears, I nodded my head. He put the ring on my finger and hugged me to death.

The small crowd that was there clapped and awed. We eventually pulled away and went back to the rest of the group. (Y/n) squealed like a fangirl that just saw all her favorite book characters and hugged me tight. "You're getting married!!!"

"Haha, probably not for another year or two, but yea. I really am."

Nico's pov*

Percy had already told me about his plans for his early proposal, so it wasn't so much of a huge surprise for me. It was still really sweet though.

(Y/n) had been with me for the entire day, but I noticed something wrong. I couldn't place it, but I had this weird feeling ever since the wishing fountain. She just... wasn't all herself. I mean, she looked like herself, acted like herself, and sounded like herself, but she just seemed different in a way I couldn't place. Leo noticed my concentrated face and decided to talk to me. "Hey, whatcha thinking about?"

"Just.... something."

" shit sherlock."

I let out an exhausted sigh. "Does she seem different to you at all?" I pointed to (y/n).

Leo looked over at her. "Ummm, no.... why?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, she doesn't seem the same for some reason. I can just.. feel it."

"Like different how?"

"I don't know. It's like she's just... I don't know. It's probably nothing." I stuffed my hands in my pockets and walked to (y/n).

She turned around and smiled. "Hey Neeks! Are you ready to go get something to eat?"

I nodded my head and gave her a small, warm smile back.

(Y/n)'s pov*

Still nothing. Still nobody. Still silent and lonely. I had run everywhere I could and I hadn't seen a single soul. I knew it wasn't a prank because they couldn't have cleared this many people so fast or for something so stupid. So I continued on. And on.. and on.....

I eventually gave up and walked back to the hotel. I slammed the door open and walked to the balcony. Nothing in sight. No people. None of the cars were moving. There were still animals and such, but it was though all of humanity had been wiped from the planet. You screamed as loud as you could and collapsed to your knees. You cried in frustration, confusion, and fear.

After awhile, you stumbled back into your room and looked at the picture you had on the bedside table. You and Nico when you first arrived in Italy. You sat down on the bed and held the picture. Tears rolled down your face. You laid down into a little ball and stared at the picture till you fell asleep.

~Well that happened. Tbh I had no idea what I was going to write the entire time. I just started and eventually came up with this thing. But Percabeth is engaged. That's exciting.

So you'll have to wait and see what happened to you. I have the plot for the next few chapters figured out, but after that I'm dead. So start brainstorming as I'm writing.

Thanks so much for reading. Don't forget to comment your ideas and opinions. I hope you have a great day or night, ily!

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