Chapter 13

~Hey guys!
Thanks so much for being patient with me. I got a new phone so I can update from that now. I also went to comic con, and that was exciting. I'm also moving!!! I'm so excited to move because I have been living in a cr@ppy apartment since I was little, and that was all I remember. I am moving into another apartment, but this one is sooooo much better. Sorry, I'm just really excited about this.~

After we had landed we took a walk to our hotel that was about a mile or two away. You got to see some amazing little shops and old buildings.

You made Nico stop at some of them. You went inside the last one and saw a bunch old old toys with some old books, some antiquea, dresses and jewelry. You walked around, just looking at all the neat stuff. You were so lost in thought that you didn't hear Percy saying that it was time to go until he shouted at you.

"Hello!? (y/n)! Am I speaking GERMAN or something?!?!"

You snapped out of your daze and turned to them. "Sorry, I just got lost in thought."

"It's alright, but we should get going. It's starting to get dark."


You reluctantly left the neat little store and walked to your hotel. You had the top floor, with a balcony, which gave you the perfect view of the beautiful land below.

The streets below were silent except for a few people walking around the shops and restaurants. The sun was just beginning to set, giving the city a beautiful glow. The clouds were a bunch of different shades of pink, orange, and white. And the streets just began to light up from the street lights.

You sat on the balcony for awhile before hearing the door behind you open. You turned to see Leo closing the door behind him and looking out twords the city. "Wow, looks pretty up here!"

"Yea, it does. What brings you out here?"

"One - I wanted to check and make sure you hadn't died or anything. Two - Percy and Annabeth are fighting over socks. Three - I wanted to tell you that we were about to get some food."

"Cool, where are we going?"

"I don't know yet, Nico said he had something in mind. He wanted to keep it a surprise."

"Alright, let's go. Before Annabeth kills Percy over some socks."

~Timeskip to after dinner.~

We got back to the hotel after eating at a restaurant that Nico had suggested. You and Annabeth kept the room that you were in, before you went to dinner. Then the boys left to the room next door to yours. You plopped onto your bed and took in a deep, relaxing breath. You enjoyed the quiet for five seconds before hearing the boys, nicoandpercy, fighting again.

You calmly got up, walked over to the wall where there room was behind, took in a deep breath, and yelled on the top of your lungs. "COULD YOU TWO STOP FIGHTING BEFORE I MAKE YOU BOTH SLEEP OUTSIDE WHILE LEO KEEPS THE ENTIRE ROOM TO HIMSELF! I'M TRYING TO RELAX!"

The room went silent. "Thanks!"

You skipped back to the bed and sat down just as Annabeth walked out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in her mouth.

"Were they fighting again?"


She nodded then went back into the bathroom. She came back out a minute later in her pajamas. "So, I was thinking tomorrow we could visit the leaning tower of Pisa! What do you think?"

"I think that sounds like a wonderful plan."

"Great! And while were there, we can go look around a bit at some of the museums and stuff around the area."

"Yea, that sounds great!"

"Ok, I'm going to get some sleep. You should too, you look exhausted."

"I will in a bit, I want to sit on the balcony and watch for a bit."

"Alright. But don't stay up too late."

"Yes mother!"

She stuck her tongue out at you then turned off the lights and went to sleep. You walked out to the balcony and leaned on the rail. You thought about everything and anything that crossed your mind.


You turned your head to see Nico, standing on his balcony. "Hey."

"Hey, whats up Neeks?"

"Nothing really. How do you like the view?"

"It's amazing. Probably the prettiest thing I've ever seen."

You looked at the town for second, but when you looked back, Nico was nowhere to be found. "Nico?"

You felt someone tap your shoulder so you turned around quickly, screaming.

"Hey, it's ok. It's just me."

Nico had shadow traveled over to you.

"Oh my gods. You gave me a heart attack!"


"It's fine. Just warn me the next time you want to come and visit me."

"Yea, definitely."

You plopped down on the small couch that was on the balcony and patted the spot next to you for Nico. He sat down next to you and you wrapped your arms around him. "Thank you." You whispered.

"For what?" He asked.

"For being you. For being here. For liking me for who I am. For everything."

He hugged you back. "I want to say something cute back, but I'm not good at this."

You giggled. "That's alright."

Then you both just sat there in a comfortable silence and watched the stars and the town below. You started drifting off to sleep to the sound of someone lightly snoring. You smiled and drifted off to a peaceful sleep.


*Nico's pov

I woke up to a bright light shining in my face. I groaned and rolled over, trying to block my face. I felt something move next to me. Then I remembered last night. I tuned back and saw (y/n) sleeping peacefully next to me. She was wrapped up in her T.A.R.D.I.S jacket. (If you are not part of that fandom, then just imagine something else.) Her hair was covering half of her face.

I smiled and pushed her hair back behind her ear. Her eyes opened slowly and she turned her head to me. "Good morning sunshine!" She said happily.


"Do you think Perc-"

Before you could continue you heard Leo yelling next to you. "PEEEERCCCCYYYYYYY I THINK NICO DIED OR SOMETHING!!!!"

"Did you check the balcony?" Percy replied.

You saw Leo look out the open balcony door and look to the left and then the right, over at you. He went back inside and yelled. "NEVERMIND, HE'S ON THE BALCONY!"

I silently thanked the elf and stood up, holding my hand out to help (y/n) up. She instead rolled over and ignored me. "Nooooooo, I want to sleep!"

I smiled to myself. "But we're going to be leaving this morning. Remember?"

"Oh yea..." She said, but she still stayed in her spot.



"You have to get up if you want to go."

She rolled over and squinted at the light. Stared at me for half a minute before jumping up. "K."

She left into her hotel room and shouted at me. "I'm going to get ready, you should probably go so the same."

I nodded and shadow traveled back to my balcony, just as I saw Percy open the balcony door. "Annabeth said we'll be leaving soon." He said before poking his head back inside.

After getting everyone gathered up, we left to go sightseeing. I walked alongside (y/n), holding her hand. As we walked, I thought of all the reasons why I loved her.

Her smile. Her eyes. Her craziness. Her ability to make me smile even when I feel horrible. Her curiosity.

Although I didn't understand why I liked her craziness. I usually couldn't stand when people were crazy around me. But she seemed to have this special kind of crazy that I couldn't get enough of. The way her eyes lit up at the smallest things made me want to squeal, like when she fangirls. Or when she gets over dramatic, it makes me just want to laugh or hug her to death.

I guess she's just the perfect balance of crazy and normal for me.

She just makes me do and feel things that I never thought I would... or could.

I was suddenly ripped away from my thoughts to (y/n) squeezing me hand lightly. "Um, Nico?"


"I was going to ask you the same thing."

"What do you mean?"

She giggled a little, making me smile. "You've been staring at me for the past few minutes."

"Oh... um it was nothing, just lost in thought."

She raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but shrugged it off and continued looking around.

While she did, I smiled to myself and thought of how lucky I was to have her in my life...

~Well there you go, I have finally updated! :)

That took forever, but I have been really busy with packing and I also was gone for three days at comic con. And my mom also had to go away for three weeks for work and my dad works at night, so I had to take care of my sisters when I usually am writing this.

But now my mom is back and I have more time. So from when I have published this chapter, I will be moving in thirty-four days. Yes I have made a count down. I will have been living here for thirteen years, five months, and three days.

That's how excited I am!

And I just wanted to let you all know that I read every single comment that you guys put on here. I might not always repy, because I'm either and antisocial freak that day or I just don't know how to repy. But I do read them. I also want to thank all of you who read my story. I have reached two THOUSAND reads. Wow.

Well thanks for reading. Please remember that every. single. one. of. you are beautiful. I hope you have a good day or night, ily!

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