Chapter 11
It's the annoying me again!
I hope you all like this chapter, please do not forget to comment(don't be a ghost reader, I swear I don't bite :3).
Maybe comment what pov you would like to see.~
Percy's pov*
Later after breakfast I left to my cabin to tidy up a bit. (y/n) was starting to complain about my mess. I was almost done when (y/n) came bouncing through the door like tigger.
"PERCY PERCY PERCY PERCY PERCY!" She said as she jumped around me in a circle.
"WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT?!" I jumped like she did in a voice similar to hers.
She calmed down a bit but still kept a stupidly huge grin on her face. "Can I go to Hawaii and Italy with Nico?"
"Um, why?"
She sat down on her bed and patted the spot next to her. "I don't know. Nico and I just want to get away from camp for a bit, so we wanted to go on a trip to Hawaii and Italy for about a few weeks."
I sat myself down next to her and thought for a second before I got a (maybe) good idea. "Ok, but I have one question."
(y/n) looked at me curiously and a bit scared. "ok?"
"If you go, can I come with Annabeth?" I put on my best puppy dog face and stared into her eyes like in puss in boots.
"Oh, that's not too bad. I guess it's ok as long as Annabeth is ok with it." She said with her stupidly cute smile returning to her face. "I'll go ask her right now."
"Great!" I watched as (y/n) got up and left to the Athena cabin.
(Y/n)'s pov*
After talking with Percy I walked over to the Athena cabin and knocked on the door.
The door opened shortly after and a girl stood there.
"Annabeth?" She asked.
"Uh, Yea. Is she here?" I replied.
"Yea, one second please."
The girl shut the door and left me there waiting as my mind started to wonder off.
What's it like in Italy?
How many active volcanoes are there in Hawaii?
Are there gonna be other demigods there?
What's Annabeth gonna say?
I wonder if... I was cut off from my thoughts by fingers snapping in my face.
"Hey! Earth to fish breath. Are you there?"
"Hm? Oh Yea! Sorry, I was just thinking." I looked and saw Annabeth standing in the doorway.
"What brings you here?" She asked.
"I wanted to ask you something. Mind if I come in?"
She opened the door more and stepped back inside. "Of course."
I followed her over to her bed and sat down next to her Indian style.
"So, was talking with Nico earlier and we wanted to go on a trip to Italy and Hawaii. I asked Percy what his thoughts were and he agreed to let me go..."
"What's the problem then?"
''There's no problem. But Percy wants to go and he wants you to come as well."
"Oh! When are you planning on going?"
"I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I know it's soon."
"Ok, it sounds like fun. I'll start packing. How long will we be gone?"
"Um, maybe like two or three weeks."
"Awesome! Thanks (y/n)."
"No problem. See you later Annabeth." You made your way to the door.
"Yea, see you later."
You skipped along through the camp, looking for Nico, to tell him the news when you bumped into Leo.
"Whoa! Careful Ariel, you almost killed me." He says with a smile.
"I didn't almost kill you. I hardly even touched you."
He pouted. "Yea you did, and I'm pretty sure that I'll have a bruise on my arm tomorrow."
"Oh, I could give you a real punch if you like." I joke around.
"Go ahead! I bet it won't even hurt, with you being a gi-"
Before he could finish I punched him almost as hard as I could on his arm. He yelped and held his arm. "Being what? A girl?" I asked with a smile.
"Nope! Nope! Never said anything. Never said that!" He said quickly.
I laughed lightly.
"Don't laugh! That hurt. I'm probably gonna have to go get my arm looked at. I think it's broken. Geez!"
"Well you literally asked for it." I complained.
He thought for a second. "Ok, i guess I did."
"So where are you off to in such a hurry anyway?"
"Oh, right! I'm taking a trip to Italy and Hawaii with Nico, Annabeth, and Percy."
"AWWWWW! Can I come????" He whined with big puppy dog eyes."
I giggled slightly. "I don't know. You would have to talk with the others too."
"Ok! Are you going to talk to them now?"
"Yea, I'm going over to Nico and Percy to work out the details."
"And Nico is ok with them coming too?"
"Oh schnitzel! I forgot to tell him!"
"Umm, you might want to go and tell him that you added a few people then."
"Yea, can you come with me?"
"Sure, lets go."
You and Leo started running to the Hades cabin when you ran into Percy.
"Hey! Where are you off to?"
"(y/n) Forgot to tell Nico that you and Annabeth are going with them."
"Better hurry then."
"Yea yea. I know, now lets go."
You kept running until you reached the Hades cabin. You walked up to the door and knocked. After waiting about 30 seconds Hazel opened the door.
"Hey! Whats up? Looking for Nico?" She said with a smile.
"Yea is he here?"
"No, but he did tell me that if you came here to tell you that he would be at the amphitheater."
"Alrighty then. Thanks Hazel!"
"No problem"
She shut the door and you walked back over to Leo.
He nodded and the two of you ran over to the amphitheater. Once you got there you looked around and saw Nico siting five feet away from you, reading a book. You walked over to him with Leo following you like a lost puppy.
"Hey Neeks!"
You plopped down next to him and tried to catch your breath.
"Hey, what did Percy say?"
"He said we could go..."
"He wants to go as well, with Annabeth."
Nico thought for a second.
"Ok! Sound like fun." He smiled slightly.
You let out a breath of relief. "Nowthatthatisoutofthewaycanleocometoo?"
"Sorry. Leo wants to come too, if that's ok with you."
He smiled lightly. "You know that you don't need to ask me. If you want him to come then he can."
Leo started jumping up and down. "So I can come!?"
You laughed. "Yes you little jumping jelly bean. You can come!"
Just then Annabeth and Percy came up to the three of you.
"Hey guys! Whats going on?" Annabeth said as she sat down next to you.
"Leo is joining us too." You said excitedly.
"Anyone else?"
"No, just the five of us."
"So now we have to figure out when."
"How about tomorrow?" I asked.
They all thought for a few seconds before nodding and muttering a few yeas and sures.
"Ok, so we can pack up today and leave tomorrow around... sometime after breakfast. We can spend like a week or so in Italy and Hawaii, so we should be back in two weeks."
"Sounds great, drama queen." Nico said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
"Ok, I'll go start packing." Percy said
"Yea me too." Leo said.
"What about you Annabeth?" Percy said before he left.
"I already packed."
"Of course you did." You said with a giggle.
After Percy and Leo left you picked up the book Nico had been reading a second ago. The Maze Runner.
~WARNING: If you are not a fan of The Maze Runner, scroll down till you see STOP. :)~
You gave him back his book. "Nice choice."
"You've read it?"
"Only about a thousand times!"
Annabeth looked over to you. "What book is it?"
"The Maze Runner." You replied.
"Oh my Gods! I loved that book! It was one of my favorites."
"Mine too! I haven't read the Scorch Trials yet though. I'm planning on reading them after the trip."
"They are amazing, you're going to love them! So who's your favorite character?"
"Probably Newt. My second choice would have to be Chuck but He's....."
"Yeeeea. GoodluckwithNewt. My favorite is Thomas and then Chuck as well."
"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"You said something quickly after you said yea."
"Well, I should get going. See you guys later at the campfire!"
Annabeth got up and started walking back to her cabin.
"Yea, see ya later!" You shouted back while waving at her.
You turned your head to Nico and smiled. He returned the smile.
"So how do you know her?" He suddenly asked.
"..... who?"
"That girl from capture the flag."
"Who says I know her?"
"Nobody, but it was kinda obvious when you gasped after seeing her."
You sat in silence for a while as you suddenly found that the grass was the most amazing thing you have ever seen at that moment.
"Ok, if you don't want to tell me then I can wait. Whenever you feel like you can tell me then please do."
You muttered a small ok and looked back at Nico with a smile.
~Time skip to campfire brought to you by Leo's fangirls~
Just about every camper was gathered around the giant fire that had been lit by Leo not even five minutes ago. We had tons of bags of marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. You picked up a stick and marshmallow and sat with your group of friends by the fire. It was starting to get boring, so you decided to make it a little more fun. You lightly roasted a marshmallow so that it was mushy, snuck up behind Percy, and smashed it in his hair.
He brought his hand up to where you had smashed the marshmallow in his hair and gasped. He turned around and glared at you. "YOU!" He shouted dramatically.
He took his marshmallow that he had set on fire earlier and smashed it in your face.
This ended up with just about the entire camp starting a s'more fight.
After everyone had settled down you had melted chocolate and marshmallow smashed all over in your hair with bits of cracker crumbles.
"Look at what you've done!" You heard someone yell.
You turn around and saw Leo lying on the ground with melted s'mores all over him. He was probably the most attacked person at camp.
You laughed so hard you were sure that the air was trying to strangle you.
"It's now my fault that everyone carried it on."
"It's your fault that this started."
"I guess that's true."
You helped Leo up and started looking for the rest of the little group you had. You found them all sitting by the fire also with s'mores in their hair. Percy had summoned a ball of water and was trying to clean out Annabeth's hair. Frank had gotten himself turned into a duckling to not be noticed by campers. Hazel didn't want to get involved, so Nico put a guard of the dead around her while she read. Piper and Jason were trying to pick out the s'mores out of each others hair. And lastly, Nico was sitting by himself looking horrified with chocolate and marshmallow smeared in his hair and on his face.
You giggled and went to sit next to him.
"Hey (y/n)"
He looked at you and started laughing.
"What? Whats so funny?" You asked.
"You have like an entire tower of s'mores on your head."
You lifted your hand to your head and found enough s'mores to feed all of the monsters that Percy has ever killed.
"Oh my Gods! I bet it was Percy."
You sat in silence for a bit while the two of you picked marshmallow out of your hair. Suddenly a high pitch screech filled the silence. You looked in the direction of the sound and saw Mary trying to stomp over to you, through the mud, in high heels. Bad idea.
"UGH! I can't belIEVE YOU!" She shouted.
You looked at her with a clueless look. "......what?"
"You were the one who started this!"
"It ruined my hair and outfit!"
"...... I should care, why?"
Wow. Great reason. I mean seriously, you should be a lawyer.
"Oh you're right! I'm so sorry for ruining your poor outfit for a s'mores fight that everyone, but you, enjoyed."
"You should be!"
And with that she stomped back to her cabin.
Chiron stepped up and quieted the camp.
"Alright, that was fun! Now all of you with have to help clean this up tomorrow!"
A few no's and groans came from the crowd and all you could think was 'so long suckers! have fun with that!'.
"And! Tonight the Apollo cabin has requested a karaoke night! So gather in the amphitheater."
Everyone shuffled in the amphitheater and took a seat. The Apollo cabin took the stage.
"So what poor soul are you targeting tonight?!" shouted someone from the crowd.
Seeing the confused look on your face Percy explained to you. "They do this like the Hunger Games. They choose a cabin from the bowl, then a person, then a song. And yes you can volunteer as tribute."
"Oh great." You whispered sarcastically.
An Apollo kid stepped up to the cabin bowl. "And the cabin is Athena!"
You could hear every Athena kid yell threats.
Another Apollo kid stepped up to the Athena bowl. "Annabeth Chase!"
"No!" Annabeth yelled.
"Yes!" Yelled Percy.
Annabeth was eventually dragged up to the stage without anyone being killed.
Now finally the song.
"The song will be...... Disney's Rotten To The Core! So that means that we will need another three volunteers!"
Everyone "....."
"That means that we will have to choose!"
"Mary Clutterbucket as Evie, Connor Stoll as Jay, and Leo Valdez as Carlos!"
The three of them stepped up and the song began. Annabeth and Leo, surprisingly, had amazing voices. However, Connor and Mary did not. They sounded like dying geese.
When they finished the song everyone cheered and the four of them left the stage to their seats.
"Ok and our next song is going to be...... 5 Seconds Of Summer's, Amnesia! And the cabin is..... Hephaestus! Camper Leo!"
Leo stood up and shouted "I don't even know that song!"
~To those who don't know that song, or band, imagine it being one your favorite songs.~
You stood up quickly "I volunteer as tribute!!!"
"Looks like we have a volunteer!" Someone shouted.
Someone else held up three fingers and whistled.
You made your way up to the stage and immediately regretted it. They guided you to the microphone and started the song.
"I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted
I thought about our last kiss, how it felt, the way you tasted
And even though your friends tell me you're doing fine
Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you?
When he says those words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you?
Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie?
If what we had was real, how could you be fine?
'Cause I'm not fine at all"
You looked up to where your group sat and saw Percy nod for you to continue.
"I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape
'Cause I'm not fine at all"
A few people had begun to sing along with you while most of them had no clue what you were singing.
"The pictures that you sent me they're still living in my phone
I'll admit I like to see them, I'll admit I feel alone
And all my friends keep asking why I'm not around
It hurts to know you're happy, yeah, it hurts that you've moved on
It's hard to hear your name when I haven't seen you in so long
It's like we never happened, was it just a lie?
If what we had was real, how could you be fine?
'Cause I'm not fine at all
I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape
If today I woke up with you right beside me
Like all of this was just some twisted dream
I'd hold you closer than I ever did before
And you'd never slip away
And you'd never hear me say
I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape"
You looked to see what everyone was thinking so far and on a few faces you saw smiles while the others were unreadable.
"'Cause I'm not fine at all
No, I'm really not fine at all
Tell me this is just a dream
'Cause I'm really not fine at all"
The campers clapped and cheered and you smile with relief. I thought they hated it. You muttered a quick thank you and made your way to your seat between Nico and Percy.
"That was great." "You're a really good singer!" "You never told me you could sing." "Good job!" They all said to you.
"Thanks guys!" You said happily as you sat down.
Annabeth leaned over to you and said. "You should sing more often (y/n)."
You smiled. "Thanks Annabeth."
She smile back then sat back in her seat.
The rest of the night was victim after victim being forced onto the stage. Only a few people actually wanted to go on the stage, but most of them had been forced.
The night had come to an end and Nico had insisted on walking you back to your cabin. You came up to your door and turned to Nico.
"Thanks Nico."
"No problem (y/n/n)"
"Ok, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yep. Goodnight."
He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek then turned to go to his cabin.
You smiled and walked into your cabin where Percy was packing. His suitcase was filled a bit too much. He was trying to sit on it and zip it closed.
"Its never gonna close if you try to close it like that."
He looked up and stopped trying.
"Well, what should I do"
"Try either bringing two bags or putting less stuff in your suitcase."
He thought for a second.
"I'll get another bag."
"Good idea."
He opened the closet and pulled out a bag.
"So, did you pack yet?"
"Nope! But I am now."
You pulled out your (f/c) Suitcase and started to pack your clothes, bathing suit, flip flops, and a few other things.
You finished packing even before Percy and he looked at you like you had sprouted a wing.
"What?...." You asked.
"How do you pack so fast and neatly?"
"Its a girl thing. We have this magical organizing and packing power. Do you want some help?"
"Yes please!"
You started to help him pack and finished within a minute and walked back over to your bag.
You hopped in bed and turned off the light.
"Goodnight, and thanks."
''Your welcome."
And you fell into a deep sleep.
~Hey again!
Ok, I have a funny story to tell you all.
I was in Colorado staying with my Grandma and she has a bunch of dogs so her house was pretty smelly. She doesn't use her air conditioner, so it was either too hot or too cold. She did have water BUT it was SO cold I could have sworn that it was an ice cube five seconds ago. And the final and worst part was obviously NO WiFi!
It was like living with the Amish!!!
So I ended up spending the rest of the time that I was there with my Aunt BUT she wouldn't give me the WiFi password so that we could all spend more time together. :[
Now on the way back to Florida, we were diving, and we were almost in New Mexico when we broke down.
We broke down near the Santa Fe trail, still IN COLORADO!
So our car had a problem with the oil pump and we had to get it checked and fixed. They said it was going to take al least 2 days, so we got to a hotel. The next day we checked with the auto shop and they said that they would have to change the whole engine.
My dad said no and we just got a new car.
We sold our old car to someone and started heading home.
OH! And to top off the whole thing, my 14 yr old cousin wasn't there because he hated his mom, and my 18 yr old cousin doesn't like me :(.
So! That went well!
This story was longer than I thought it was going to be. I hope you enjoyed it and that I didn't waste your time.
Thanks for reading, have a great day or night! Ily!~
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