
Your POV.
not proofread
Being a princess is hard, so fucking hard.
You have to fake a smile, pretend everything is fine, and follow so many idiotic rules that make no sense.
That's my life everyday, I'm the Princess of the Sea, (Y/n) (l/n). I really hate having to order fish people around. I don't look like a fish, I don't belong here. I'm a demigod, daughter of Poseidon. Same old thing everyday, fake a smile and order fish people around. I hated it. I look like a normal teenager, I'm sure I can act like one at a normal public school. It was like this for 16 years till one day when a certain brother of mine (WHO ACTUALLY GOT TO GO TO SCHOOL) visited with a few of his friends.

"Hey dad, I need someone to help me with a quest. Chiron told me to go here."
"Well son, you came to the right place."
I chocked while breathing when he said SON.
"WAIT YOU'RE TELLING ME HE'S MY BROTHER?!" I was mad yet happy. I looked at the guy who's supposed to be my brother. Raven black hair, a tan, sea green eyes, and mischievous smile. "(Y/N) meet Percy Jackson, your older brother." I stood in shock. He seemed so powerful I felt like a weakling. His smile grew and he opened his arms ready to hug me. Of course I hugged him. I thought I was gonna die. His hug was tight but it made me feel protected. I smiled and looked over at the others he was with. Percy followed my eyes. "These are my friends, Hazel,Leo, and Nico." I looked at them all, the one that interested me the most was Nico. He seemed so out of place. His friends were all bright happy colors and Nico was just a black. He stood out and I liked it. "How are they breathing?" "Long story." Percy said scratching the back of his head.

We spent a long time talking and getting to know each other. Percy finally said "Dad I want to take my sister on a quest with me." I started at him not trying to show emotion. "M-me?" I was pretty shocked, I mean Percy was all powerful and older. I turned towards my dad and he was nodding. "She can go." "Uhh, I'm right here. I have no idea what type of quest this is. What about my word in this?" I looked at Nico who was staring down at his feet. Mann would I do anything for that guy. I knew I would never admit it to anyone, but I started liking him already. "Love" at first sight,  huh?Percy was explaining something to me with the help of his friends. I wasn't paying attention. "Yes or no (y/n)?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah, I'll go." They all smiled."Perfect. Now get your things, we leave in 15 minutes." "What do I get?" "Extra clothes, a weapon, and something that reminds you go home." "A lot of extra clothes." Leo added in. I smiled and hurried off.
I got to my room and started looking for something at wasn't a dress. Dad didn't make me wear them but some fish ladies did. I kept looking making a huge mess. One of the fish ladies walked by and saw me. "Wwwwwhaaaat are your doing?!" She said is a weird accent. "I'm looking for clothes that aren't dresses. I need jeans!"  She stared at me like I said the  stupidest thing ever. "You're a princessssssss you do not need jeanssssssssssssss." I was kinda getting a bit mad tbh, but as I princess I kept my cool 😉. "Hey lady, I need jeans. I'm leaving in a few minutes okay? Where are my jeans?" She gave me a disgusted face and opened one of my drawers. "Here!" She started throwing jeans at me. "Thank you!" I folded the jeans as quickly as possible and packed everything else I needed.
I when back to where they were and Percy was crying. I know I just met him but he is brother and I do care about him. "What happened?" "Nothing, you have everything?" He said wiping his tears. "Uh, yea. I'm ready."

We swam to the top and we were all dry, which kinda confused me. I know Percy and I can stay dry but his friends? "The ship is that way." Leo said pointing up, which also confused me. Then I saw it, a huge ship up in the sky. Nico was there and gone in an instant. I thought something pulled his legs or something. "W-where's Nico?" "He went to get the rope." Hazel said smiling. Were they together? I looked back up and saw Nico sliding down on a rope. He was smiling, it was the first time I saw him smile. He stopped before he reached the water. One side of the rope landed in front one is splashing us. "Come on you guys!" Nico yelled starting to climb already. Leo grabbed the rope and started pulling himself up. "Come on ladies you'll get a nice view." Leo said winking. I gasp and started laughing. Hazel started fanning her face. Percy made me go behind Leo.
After we were all climbing up the rope we were starting to get pulled up. Quite fast actually. I grabbed the rope with all my life. We were much closer to the ship now, I could see a blonde girl and a brunette. "HEY YOU GUYS!" said the brunette waving. 
Leo was now on the ship helping me get up. I forgot I was wearing a long dress (with leggings under okay!) and I probably made the impression of a bratty princess. It also didn't help that I was wearing a crown. Nico and Leo helped me get on to the ship. "Thanks." I said smiling at Nico. He smiled back and it made me blush.

After we were all in the ship Leo introduced me to everyone else. They all seemed like nice people.
"Are you hungry? Cause I am!" said Leo walking towards a hallway. We all followed him.
I sat across Nico in the this big dinning table. We were done eating, we were just talking about the quest. Out of nowhere Piper asked me something. "Do all your dresses look like that? It's a cute dress." I smiled. "Thanks, and there's a lot of different dress in my closet." Her eyes widen. "I should've gone." She said smiling. The rest of the afternoon was like that. Nico and Percy showed me around and I was pretty amazed by the ship.
"Hey Percy,  can I talk to (y/n) alone for awhile?" "Uhh, yea sure. I'll be with Annabeth if you need me."
After Percy left Nico grabbed my shoulders. "Did you have the dreams?" He said.
"W-what dreams?" I said. I was lowkey kinda scared. "I'm sorry, I saw you in my dreams." He said removing his hands from my shoulders. I was shocked. "Are you sure it was me?" "Positive." "C-can you explain the dream to me?" "Let's go somewhere where no one else will hear." We were standing in an empty hallway but okay. He took my hand and lead me to his room. We sat down on his bed and he started talking. "Look, for the past few weeks I've been seeing you in my dreams. I'm not sure what they mean but in the first one you were in trouble. You were hanging in a cage at a weird factory. There was this weird demonic laugh and another deep voice saying 'you lost her already' and it joined the other laughing. You were crying and screaming out to me. I couldn't move. I couldn't call out. I was useless. ever since I've been having dreams about you. They were all pretty scary except one." He said looking down. This was A LOT of information for me to process. "So I've been the damsel in distress in all your dreams?" "Well kinda." "Tell me about the one dream that isn't scary." "It's not scary but it's sad." "Tell me." I saw Nico having a hard time with his words. "(y/n), the truth is that ever since those dreams I-I've started caring more and more about you. I've been looking for you everywhere everyday. Honestly I think I'm in love with you." I screamed, mentally. I couldn't believe it, he didn't say like, he said LOVE. "You're not lying to me, right?" "No, I really do love you. I know it sounds crazy but I finally found you a-and I don't want to lose you." I smiled. "I have feelings for you too. When I first saw you I felt a connection between us." I was blushing, a lot.  He hugged me tightly and I returned the hug. This hug was much better than Percy's.
We pulled apart and he leaned in to kiss me, I leaned in and then Percy, great big brother Percy, opened the door. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING DI ANGELO." We burst out laughing. Percy is my older brother but the face he made when he said that. "I'm sorry perc. We weren't doing anything." I said trying to contain my laugh. "Oh really?! If I've been a few minutes late I would've been and uncle!" I was probably looking like a tomato now. "Omg Percy!" He laughed. "Come on, we need to get ready, a few of us are going to get off for an errand." Percy left and Nico laughed again. "Come on Princess, we have to go." He said standing up. I got up and followed him.

I was the girl of his dreams, his Princess. And he was my Ghost King.
Love at first sight huh?


hey! I'm back! guess what? I'm probably going to a Saturday Academy program thing. My sister says that it's going to help me get into a better college and she's telling me to go. so yea. I'm not sure when that starts but I'm going to try writing to both my books as much as possible. Hope you guys liked this chapter, I know it's kinda bad I'm sorry. 🙁

I take requests btw. 😅

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