Chapter 4 - Magic Maelstrom
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IT HAS BEEN THREE DAYS, and the party was still walking. Victoria's feet were killing her and her skin felt like it was on fire. Diaspora hadn't let them rest for long, claiming that they couldn't risk being spotted by mundane or other forest monsters. Victoria was sure they had left New Orleans a long time ago.
She was hungry. She was tired of drinking bagged blood that Diaspora continued to conjure of thin air. She was sure many nurses would arrive at work confused at the bags of blood missing.
They had come to a field. It was still morning, so the grasses were still wet with dew. Grasshoppers were leaping everywhere. Diaspora and Jason stop causing the others to do the same.
They had arrived at a cliff that was above a large body of water. Standing at the edge of the cliff, Victoria watched the swells crash at the shore far below.
“We've arrived,” Jason says but what Victoria sees is very confusing—they were at the edge of a cliff. Is this a joke or something? It was at least a sixty-foot drop. She thought.
“You've got to be kidding me. We are at a dead end,” She says and catches the eyes of many staring at her as bird poop had landed in her head.
"We're going off the cliff," Jason says and Victoria takes several steps back. Now I definitely know he's crazy! She thought. It was time for her to leave. She didn't care about her mission. This was insane!
She turns to bolt when Jason grabs her by the hand and emplaces her on his shoulder. She begins to scream, going full-on attack on him only to draw the attention of dozens of supernaturals. She eventually capitulates, just to avoid embarrassment— or rather, further embarrassment.
Jason walks over to the edge and throws Victoria off the cliff. She makes a terminal yelp, closing her eyes and bracing herself as she made contact with the algid water. At first, it felt normal, others had jumped in too. Suddenly, the water started to pull at her, dragging to the bottom trying to suffocate her. She struggles as the color of the surrounding got darker. She swam upward, but it made no disparity. The water kept drawing her to the bottom like a maelstrom.
As fast as it had started, it had ended. The water suddenly spat her out onto the damp earth beside it. Victoria hauled herself into a sitting position as her chest spasmed and she coughs up an acrid stream of water. She was still choking when a hand-rolled onto her back, shaking her hard, forcing her to cough up more water.
“Did you cough up all the water?” Victoria hears Jason ask her, his eyes searching her face.
“Yes, I think so,” She whispered. “Why?” Her voice frail from her turgid throat.
“The water,” he said. “The water is magic. If you ingest it, you'll be really sick.” He helps her to her feet as she eventually found her stamina.
“What the hell?” Victoria yelled looking around. “Why would you throw me off a cliff into magic water that could have killed me?”
“The water is actually a portal. It brought you here, to Blood City AKA Seliniakó Katafỳgio.” Jason says. Victoria clearly understood that he meant “Lunar Haven”.
Jason remained silent. Victoria followed his scrutiny. They were on the broad clod bank of a moderate-sized lake. The water was in a pastel shade of blue, sparkled passim with mirrored sunlight. It was wreathed by verdant uplands peppered with trees beginning to glow russet and gold. It is breathtaking. Victoria thought.
Victoria and Jason both went to join the others. After everyone had arrived, they began to walk on the winding path. As they trodded, the sun dried their hair and skin, but their clothes still retained water like a sponge. It felt very hefty and uncomfortable on Victoria, making squelch sounds as she tried to keep up with Jason's stride.
The scarps rose higher around the lake as they advanced, marked with speckles of darkness, like black pigment. She sighted some caverns as she walked. Some looked like they went on for miles into the darkness. The path eventually led up a hill, which they climbed with ease.
At last, the narrow path leads to a broad road lined with crushed stone. Victoria's heart sank; the city was already in sight. Her fate awaited her. The city was in a shoal valley surrounded by a forest of trees with two rivers flowing in either side, meeting at point and rivulets in various parts of the city. The construction was mostly argentine and dark–colored stone with kaleidoscopic colors of roofs. A segment of the city was characterized by mainly tall buildings, all which encompassed a huge castle with a dark stone that reminded Victoria of Hogwarts. Another portion was filled with various residential buildings, ranging from Victorian to many that were styled modernly. Victoria thought it had a breathtaking consonance between the age-old and contemporary creativity.
They were meters away from Blood City now. Diaspora and Few others had gone ahead to the edge of the city, where the buildings ended. There was an archway, two facets hooking to the spired apex. Several warriors in uniform black apparel stood to watch around the archway.
Jason finally spoke. “There are Boundaries around the city,” He said. “They are invisible, but they are there. Diaspora is showing them our documents so we can go through.” She didn't know what to expect. How did they have her documents? Would passing through the Boundaries be painful? Would it be like a smack in the face by an invisible wall?
When they approached the archway, the guards allowed them to pass. Victoria could sense that they were watching mainly her. Sensing someone that wasn't supposed to be there. Someone who was a threat. As she passed through the Boundaries, She felt a sudden force, as if she was free-falling. Her ears popped—then the feeling was gone, and she was on the other side of the Boundaries.
Victoria was on a large street that stretched away up the hill, lined with small shops and houses. Various people of various species moved around. It was like a comic con of supernaturals. The houses that surrounded her looked Gothic. The stone facings were engraved with several inscriptions and diagrams. Some were from Greek mythology, while others were from various legends. She saw a engraved image of Perseus holding the head of Medusa, images of various monsters with prominent features, interspersed with nymphs, unicorns, and, of course, Artemis. Houses closest to the Boundaries, were lined with various protective spells and good luck symbols and characters.
They ducked right on a cobblestone road lined with shops. It was as if the further they moved, the more modern the houses became. They arrive at a T–junction, where they wait for some time until a black van stops right in front of them. Diaspora gets in, followed by Jason, then Victoria and the other supernaturals.
“To the Aeon dome,” she tells the driver. Most of the houses Victoria saw as the van moved were now modern. She could see duplexes, apartment buildings, bungalows, and, even small shack placed between lines of small shops. Victoria cast surreptitious glimpses into the window of shops as they passed. It was strange to see a display of costly dresses in one window and in the next an identical fancy exhibition of deadly weapons— nail-studded whips, maces, flails, and a batch of adamant blades of distinctive sizes.
Victoria saw a plaza. At the top, there was a sign at the entrance that read “Lunar Square”. In the heart of the plaza stood a gigantesque gold statue of a woman in knee-length tunic wielding a bow and arrow, with a crescent crown on her head— the goddess Artemis. The van stopped finally at a gate. The gates were several times taller than a man. They were wrought with gold and silver irons and were covered with calligraphic interpretations of Greek letters. On either side of the gate stood a stone statue. Each is a deer with long antlers that were painted gold.
The bus went through the gates, revealing a more picturesque edifice. Everyone got down from the bus, Victoria could bearly breathe. She was standing in front of the castle she had seen when overlooking the entire city.
The building is of dark stone and is basically sophisticated in its architecture— a simple citadel, built for safety, supported on all sides with by pillars embellished with the various interpretation of the faces of the sacred animals of Artemis. The building itself was engraved with gold Greek inscriptions that glowed in the mid-day sun, giving the castle a powerful aura.
“Would you stop drooling?” Jason says, bringing Victoria to her sense.
“I wasn't drooling,” She argues.
“Yes,” he says. “You were.” He makes his way up the steps that lead to the huge, magnificent, huge, and awesome and did she mention huge castle. Douche. Victoria thought.
She follows the rest up the steps and comes to see two large golden doors that led into a humongous large entry hall. The red-carpeted hall had royal blue walls on which various portraits hung. Opposite the huge gilded doors, is a broad stone staircase. Below the staircase, were two corridors that leads to different rooms located on each side. To the right of the golden doors was two large wooden double doors.
Still walking, Diaspora and the rest go through the double doors, entering a huge room. Along the walls, were tapestries showing images of forests. There were two huge golden chairs, inlaid with garnets at the top front of the room. The ceiling had a rococo painting of Artemis riding a chariot pulled by four golden–horned deers. This must be the throne room. Victoria thought.
“Wait here,” Diaspora says, going behind the huge curtain behind the thrones, leaving Jason and Victoria alone. Victoria looks around the room which was surrounded by different pictures of people, but there was one that drew her attention. It was a lady and staring at the picture properly, she saw that the woman looked a lot like her. Maybe it was just a lookalike that lived in the city a long time ago. Victoria thought.
She had heard that it was possible for many people to look very alike and not be related. At the top of all the pictures was a Greek inscription that she couldn't understand, but under it, there was another inscription that read ‘ANCESTRY OF MONARCHS’.
“Former rulers of blood city,” Victoria hears a grave voice and swerves to see a young man. He is strikingly handsome, with short, light brown, slicked back hair, tan skin, a dazzling smile, and bright blue eyes. He was tall, slim, but muscular, with square shoulders.
Beside him was a jet-black haired woman. She had light brown eyes and a Mediterranean look. They both approached the two biggest thrones with Diaspora coming behind them. Jason bows and Victoria instinctively does the same.
“Stand,” He says, and they obey.
“My lord, I have done as you asked. This is Victoria,” Jason says gesturing to Victoria. Victoria notices a hint of recognition in the King's eye. So, against all odds, Jason had delivered her. Maybe she could sweet–talk her way out, but that was improbable.
“Pleasure to meet you, Miss. Victoria,” The king says in a polite manner.
Victoria curtsies. “The pleasure is all mine, your highness,” She says in the most polite way she could.
“Oh please stop with the formality, I'm Marcus and this is my wife, Natalie.” Well good to know that someone has manners, unlike Jason.
“Victoria could you please wait in the Doorway Foyer? I'd like to talk to Jason alone,” He liked her. Soon enough she'd be on a one-way van to Aurora's Haven.
“Okay, I'll be outside if you need me,” She says and exits the room into the corridor where she sees some lobby chairs and sits on one of them. Since she had been here (for like thirty minutes), Victoria felt a little different. Sitting, she begins to think of various things. Why was she here in the first place? What was going to happen to her if Marcus doesn't let her go?d
Mr. Grumpy finally came out of the throne room, looking extra grumpy. Victoria could swear she could see steam coming out from his ears. I don't think their talk went well. She thought. Was she free to go?
“Are we going now?” She asks, but Jason just walks past me without responding. Snub much.
He walked angrily while Victoria tried to keep up with his long-range stride without falling flat on her face. They finally arrive at what seems to be a hanger behind the castle. It was filled with various battle tanks (no surprises), cars and other vehicles. They stop in front of a black Lincoln Navigator or whatever they call sleek black cars that could at least buy an island (or the whole country). How could he afford this?
“Is this your car?” Victoria inquires, mind-blown.
“Could you just for a minute just shut your pie hole, and gets in the freaking car?" he booms and for her own sake, Victoria shuts up and does as he says.
Jason drives out of the Aeon dome unto the broad cobblestone road. The ride was a very silent one with angry tensions radiating from both Victoria and Jason. Victoria had tried to turn on the stereo and he smacked her hand really hard, throwing her a glare. It still hurt. He swerved right into a road lined with gravel. Victoria enjoyed the sound of the tires on gravel. Jason finally drives into the driveway of a huge duplex. It was painted ash, with a gold trim. It was backed up to the forest so that meant It was towards the edge of the city.
Jason shut off the engine but didn't open the door. “It looks like I won't be delivering you any sooner, so this is my house and where you'll be staying from now on,” he says and Victoria becomes confused. What did he mean by from now on?
“Hey Jason,” Victoria calls out to ask a question, but turns to see that Jason was no longer in the car, but halfway to the front door. Someone has seriously got to shove some manners down his blond head.
She hurries out of the car and races towards the door. When they enter, Jason goes into the living room. It was built in a tall and thin manner, but considerably large and lavishly decorated. The living room was modernly styled, with black furniture and the walls painted grey.
“Sit and wait I'll be right back. You can watch TV if you want.” Jason says, and with that, he went through a corridor. Victoria grabs the remote, and switch the TV on before sitting down a two-seater with a sigh. She quickly puts it on MTV. She just needed to clear her head and maybe a little music could do just that. ‘Havana’ by Camilla Cabello and Young Thug came on, and Victoria started singing along. Nope, it wasn't working. Maybe some news would do the trick.
The new channel came on. A journalist started talking about a violent scene in New Peak valley, New Orleans. The police found the valley littered with ashes and deadly weapons. They suspected that it was a Mafia group that had a fight in the area, but they still couldn't explain the ashes. The Bloodites had probably removed their dead to be buried in the forest.
Mundanes. They always had a way to fit the supernatural into their mortal world. Mafia battle?!—it was a war— a war that caused her father his life. Victoria thinks to herself, turning off the television as her eyes well up with tears. She races into the corridor she saw Jason go through, looking for the bathroom. She couldn't let anyone see her like this, especially not Jason— defenseless and broken. She finds it and locks herself inside letting the tears roll freely from my eyes down her cheeks. She could remember his face. The way his brown eyes emanated total horror. She remembered the way the werewolf jumped on him. She could remember the way he burst into ashes, giving off a red light. He was actually gone. She would never wake up to see him working in his office, sipping a mug of warm blood. She would never have him see how could a warrior she had become.
Was she even worth being called a warrior? Warriors were supposed to protect her people, instead, she had ended one of them.
It was her entire fault. Her father was all she had left after my mom died, and now because of her selfish desires, he was gone. She felt alone. She felt like pieces of her soul were stolen, leaving only tiny bits. The worst part was that people at home didn't like her much. They would probably think she was dead, and would be all like, “You know she was nothing but useless.” or “That disgrace. I hope she's burning in Hades.”
“It's my entire fault,” Victoria kept telling herself repeatedly, dragging her hair hoping it would just pull out. She actually wished she was dead. At least she would be with her father. She wouldn't be in this Blood City or Niakos—whatever it was called. She had always thought her father was ashamed of her, but she was the one ashamed of him. He always tried to protect her, but she in return pulled nasty stunts with Rio— Rio, her best friend. How he had felt when she was she had snuck out. She always ruined everything.
She had it all— A loving father, the nicest best friend a girl could ask for. Rio was more like an elder brother to her. She remembered the time when she had broken the cooling system that kept all the clan's blood supply fresh. Rio had taken the fall for her, he was stuck on cleaning patrol for a month. She wondered what her mother would say if she was alive. She missed her mother. Her red hair that was a few shades darker than hers. Her graceful hands, which she used to braid Victoria's hair so she would fall asleep. She could deny what she had dreamt of in the forest. She had seen her mother— her dead mother. Her mother had told her to go to Blood City. She had told her that she had a quest, a purpose to achieve. Victoria didn't even care again. She was sad, confused, and tired. If she really had a mission, she wanted to find out what it was. Victoria is brought out of her haze, by the continuous knocking on the bathroom door.
“Victoria, come out. Don't do anything dumb,” She hears Jason from the other side of the door.
“Leave her alone Jason. The poor girl is probably homesick. I'll handle this," a different voice says. It was a woman's voice. Victoria hears footsteps which eventually drifted away.
“Victoria sweetie, please open the door. We can talk about this when you come out.” The woman's voice says. Victoria wanted to be left alone to mope for a while.
“Leave me alone,” Victoria says in a low tone.
“I hate to do this,” The voice says. “Honey please come out, let's talk.” She says, but this time, the tone of her voice was different. Her voice was sweet and compelling, filling her with the desire to open the door and have a nice long chat. She cleans her eyes, then unlocks the door. On the other side of the door, stood a young pretty woman. She had a wiry build, long ink black hair that dropped to her waist. She had blue eyes. Upon seeing her, she runs into her arms for a comforting hug.
“It’s okay honey,” She says and takes her back to the living room, where she sees Jason glued to his phone as he sat down. When they step into the room, he looks up but there was not a single sign of emotion on his face. Not that Victoria cared anyway, but he should feel still a little sorry for me. Oh, what is wrong with me? Victoria thought.
Jason drops his phone and stands up.“Have you told her?” He asks.
“Jason, how can you be so insensitive?” The woman fires back.
“Tell me what?” Victoria inquired, with a perplexed look on her face.
“That—” he starts.
“Don't you dare Jason?” Rita warned.
“Rita, she has to know,” Jason returned, not backing down.
“Just tell me whatever it is you're hiding, I'm not a kid. As if I hadn't heard enough bad news" Victoria vocalizes muttering the last part.
“Alright Victoria, I'll tell you in your room,” Rita says, taking Victoria up a wooden staircase, to a room. The walls were red and simmered with swirls of sponged–on silver paint. There was a well–laid white bed, wooden chairs, a closet, and, a tall wardrobe propped against one wall. They both sit on the bed, and Rita holds Victoria's hand. Victoria felt scared. What could be so important?
“I am Rita Jason's foster mom by the way,” She began. “Victoria, did Jason tell you anything about being delivered when you two met?” she questions.
“Yeah, something about delivering me and being free,” She answers. It then it hits her— she was to be delivered, but she wasn't.
“You don't mean that I'm, I'm his prisoner?” Victoria asks and Rita nods.
Her nightmare had just begun...
* * *
Author's Note
There it is. Your new chapter. Please, I am doing a lot to make sure I update, even borrowing my uncle's laptop. So please, don't let my effort go to waste. Sooo please, vote, comment, and share.
Keep reading!
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