Chapter 2 - Lizards???

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VICTORIA IS AWOKEN BY THE SOUND of different voices, but when she opens her eyes, it is pitch dark. Her eyes eventually adjusted to the darkness and she begins to see bit by bit. The environment smelled like wet gym socks, urine, and death. She could see that she was in a partially torn down prison-like room. The walls were already peeled off, cracked, and broken down revealing that she was still in the forest. The manacles attached to the walls were already rusted, but still strong.

She tries to move around, but she can't. She feels bound by something, and she figures out that they are steel chains. She manages to move one of her hands and it touches another person's hand though she couldn't see the face clearly. She could smell it was human, at least partly.

“Hello, who's there?” she whispers moving her feet to hit the people.

“Shhhh” a voice replies.

"Who are you and where are we?” Victoria says beginning to wonder how it was possible for a person to be abducted twice in a two different people!

“My name is Jason, but I don't know—” He sounded like he wasn't even scared.


“It's you... the vampire girl?”  he says in a very unpleasant way.

“Victoria, my name is Victoria.”

"So that's your name"

"Oh I wished they had killed you before I got here"

"Nice to see you too," She says when she begins to smell something that was foul if there is a better word for it.

“What's that horrible smell?”

“Oh no! I recognize that smell.” He exclaims. “Brace your self because we've been kidnapped by some creatures known ‘Woodland Lacertas.”

“Is that like a biker gang?” Victoria asks bemusedly.

“Of course not!” He snapped. “They are mutant lizards.”

He did not just say lizards. Of all things imaginable, it could have been demons, dragons but it had to be freaking lizards. Victoria thinks to herself.

“Lizards?” She finally says.

“No time to explain, we have to find a way out of here”

Victoria hears the same voices again and still couldn't understand a word of what they were saying. All she could hear was their high pitched noises.

“What are they saying?” She asks hoping I would get a comforting answer.

“Lizard of course, and if you don't shut your yap, we're both toasts,” he says

I guess I was wrong about comforting. Victoria thinks to herself.

“We?! Who said I had forgiven you for kidnappings me and literally wanting to ‘deliver’ me to your alpha.”

“Do you ever shut up? and yeah if you plan if you on leaving here in one piece you have to trust me.”

“Okay let's-”  Victoria begins to say until he cuts me off.

“Shhhh, They’re coming,” he says

Victoria's instincts quickly kick in, so pretends to be asleep with her eyes slightly open to see slimy greenish creatures coming towards them. She could see them clearly and they were the description of hideous.

The Lacertas were lizard-like in appearance and movement, with green scaly skin. Their skins were covered in slime, yellow slime. They had yellow eyes, a regular mouth, this one fanged and tusked, with a forked tongue. They had a narrow, whip-like tail that protruded out of their bottoms with spikes that had holes at the tips. They probably produced the gas from there. It was as big as a grizzly bear. Their talons and teeth, were of course, sharp and dangerous. Some were clinging to the ceiling of the room. One of them lights a torch and sets it on the wall, while another grabs me.

“Ouch, take it easy,” She says pretending to wake up. Jason manages to cut through her chains slightly and she slightly breaks loose.

“Not your lucky day hmm?” She says before kicking one of the lacertas where she hopes the sun doesn't shine. She then hears chains break and she knows that Jason has broken free.

“I hope you're ready to get your paws, claws, hands… whatever it is you walk on, dirty?”

“You bet your life on it,” She says and Jason goes after one of the creatures.

She unleashes out her claws and slices open the windpipe of one of the monsters. Unknown to her, another jumps on her from behind and she falls down with it over her. It was trying to eat her face but she keeps on holding its hand.

“Gross dude we just met,” she says and Jason throws it at a nearby rock breaking its bones.

“That dude was tough”

“It was a lady”

“Respect!” She says and they both look around to see that no one else was standing.

“We've done a really good job,” Jason says and that was then Victoria noticed what he was wearing. He was in torn clothes that were yellow with slime. It must have belonged to their previous victim.

“Let's get outta here before more pop up,” Jason says and he shifts into his wolf and gestures for Victoria to sit on his back which she does happily, still feeling a little dizzy from the gas. He then speeds out of the Woodland Lacertas territory.

A few hours later, many werewolves and other supernatural creatures arrive at the Lacerta territory and begin sniffing around.

“They were here,” One of them utters.

“Jason and that vampire girl,” someone from behind the group vocalizes and the creatures begin to space out, revealing a woman.

“And it looks like they were very busy,” she says noticing the carcasses.

*  *  *

Jason was running with a now sleeping Victoria on his back which for some reason he found comforting.

No, face your goal. Getting closer to her would just cause more harm. He thinks to himself. He had been running all night trying to get as far from New Peak valley as He could. Why not just go back to your people? Someone could ask, and he would answer because what I am doing is a secret.

He comes to a riverfront and emplaces Victoria on the ground. He checks to ensure the surrounding was clear, then shifts back to his human form and walks over to the flowing river to drink some water. He decides to camp at the riverfront for the day to rest. He gets up and raises his hands to yawn catching the nauseating funk of his armpit. He smelled like dog vomit after being rubbed by abhorrent lizards.

“Gross, I need a shower,” He says and looks around to make sure no one was watching me. He then begins to strip out of his clothes only to realize that he was already naked, and he jumps into the river cannonball style. It was at the perfect temperature and the perfect time to think.

”What could Marcus want with Victoria?,” He questioned himself as he began to remember their last conversation.

It had been a few months back when he was training for the battle. Alpha Marcus had called him to the Monarchs chamber. Jason had thought he was in big trouble because he technically always was.

“Mr. de Vries, as you know you're one of my most trusted warriors and let's not forget one of the strongest.” The alpha Marcus uttered as he sat on his Throne that was made of gold and inlaid with garnets. The throne had once been silver, but they were an issue about it singeing the rulers.

“Thank you, my lord,” Jason tried not to smile.

“I want to send you on a mission, a secret one.”

“Anything for you my lord,”

“During the next war, I want you to abduct the leader of the vampires or anyone related to him and bring the person to me.”

“Why my lord?”

“That's for me to know.” Marcus snapped.

He had known better than to press further on the issue. It had still been in his mind. Was he doing the right thing?

Victoria is awoken by the sound of splashing of water. She rubs her eyes with the back of her hand. The effect of the gas had finally worn off but she felt a headache brewing. She turns to see Jason, he was just coming out of the river, and he was wet and... naked. He was trying to wear his pants and she gets a quick glimpse of his area and quickly turns away.

“Crap!” Jason yells and she knew that she had been caught.

“Sorry, I didn't know you were, you know...”

“Naked?” Victoria could feel her face crimson.

“Yeah, I swear I didn't see anything,” She says still hiding her face. She was saying the truth. It all happened so fast, like a blur— a wet handsome blur.

Cut it out! Victoria knew she had to find a way to sneak out. He might have saved her from the lizards, but that didn't mean he was trustworthy. She would play nice… for now at least.

“Wow, the first girl to look away when I'm naked.” Jason knew he had to come out friendly so that she could feel safe until he finally turned her over to Marcus.

“I didn't know there was anything interesting down there,” She says trying not to smile.

“It’s okay, you can turn around.”

Victoria turns around and saw that he was fully dressed in his usual dark clothes consisting of a t-shirt, a jacket, and combat boots. She could still see the outline of his age through his t-shirt that counts to his body; they could make any sane girl drool. So, it was a good thing that she was insane.

“Like what you see?” She hears him ask.

“Yeah, potbelly fits you perfectly. I know those are just artificial.” She had to get his trust so he'll lower his guard even if it meant to flirt with him.

“Ha-ha... laugh all you want but these bad boys are real,” Jason says pouting.

“I wanted to thank you for saving my life... twice yesterday,” Victoria speaks. Not that it would have happened, if you didn't abduct me.

You're welcome,” Jason responds but he wasn't totally happy that she had thanked him.

“Can you excuse me? I will like to go for a swim.”

“Fine, but don't try to run.” He warned.

“No peeking.”

“Seriously,” he says and turns around.

Victoria disrobes, tying her red hair into a bun and dives gracefully into the water. After a long dip, she emerges from the water and wears her slightly slimy, dirty black outfit. She then wears her hair in a ponytail.

She sees Jason sitting down and staring into space, then she goes to sit beside him and he doesn't even notice her presence, or maybe he did but he did not show it. So, she stays silent not to interrupt his thoughts. There was a long uncomfortable silence. What was going to happen now?

“You hungry? Because I am starving,” Jason says finally breaking the silence.

“I guess,” she responds.

“I think I saw a clearing with loads of animal not too far from here,”

“Race you there!”  Victoria challenges could. This could be it! She could escape, but she had to outrun him for that to happen.

“You're not serious”

“You're afraid aren't you chicken?” She says, curving her hands like chicken wings.

“Okay, you're on!”

“On your mark, ready, set, go!” She vocalizes and they begin to run at full speed towards the clearing.

Victoria ran as fast as she could, but it was hopeless. Jason was just as fast as she was. There was no.way she could outrun him; she had to think of another plan.

A few minutes later, she stops at the clearing and turns around to see Jason just arriving. “Now who's a good chicken?” She asks teasing him. She couldn't risk him reading her thoughts.

“I let you win," he says trying to catch his breath.

“Yeah and I'm the first lady,”

“Screw off!”

“Sorry second place!” Jason smiles. He smiled! My plan was finally working.

They crouch behind a rock and quickly spot a large stag.

“Look,” Victoria says pointing at it.

“That's a real juicy one,” Jason says

“It's been so long since I tasted blood,”

“Vampire got it,”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing ma’am,”

“Better, let's get breakfast.” She says as they go after the stag.

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Author's Note

Hey guys,
Thanks again for reading this story it means a lot to me. I will try and update as often as I can.
Please!!! Remember to vote and comment, both are quite appreciated. Stay tuned for more...


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