Chapter 1 Rebel Girl
Grainland 20XX Highway
Mai and her dog momo was in her mother's car as they were driving to the IQ Robotics tower.
But Mai does not want to go because SHE HATES ROBOTS because her mother has been neglected her after their father has passed away and replaced her time with robots, now she was rebellious robot hating outcast teenager.
her mother was to busy look at funny robots vines until she notices Mai's bad hair.
Molly: (Gasp) Oh my god, Mai. Do something about your hair.
Mai: I like it this way
Molly goes to her bag pulls out a hair brush pushes a button and turns into a robot brush.
Molly: Huh?
(Brush Chuckles)
Mai: Seriously, does everything have to be a robot with you?
Molly: Oh, come on. It's cute.
she pokes the brush.
(Brush laughs)
Mai: I'll do it myself.
she licks her hand and tries to slide her hair down
Molly: You Know, it's not going to kill you to accept a little help
Brush: yeah!
Molly: you're not in this alone.
Mai look at her mother confused
Molly sighs
Brush: somebody needs a makeover!
then the robot brush jumps on Mai brushing her hair while Mai tries to pry it off
Mai: Get this-- Get it off me!
Molly: oh stop being so dramatic
Mai: I can do it myself!
Brush: I'm ready!
Mai: No, Don't!-OW
they continued to struggle as Molly drives to IQ robotics they exit though the tunnel and enter the highway with tall buildings with futuristic art on each building flying robots cleaning windows and on the ground robots and pedestrians walk though the streets and the tower of IQ Robotics.
Molly pulls the car over Mai jumps out with her hair braided up and threw the brush back in the car and close the door.
Mai: (Grunts)-Happy?
Molly: you look nice, Mai
But molly don't look at her she still looked at the screen of the new gen 6
Mai was annoyed that her mother wasn't paying attention to her.
the brush jumps up to the window.
Brush: yeah, cool. I'll be waiting here in the car.
Mai then tears the braid down and follows her mother.
inside there were lots of people and gen 5 robots for sale
(P.A): Welcome to IQ Robotics Friendly reminder: all children must be accompanied by an adult.
they enter the escalator with lot of people
Molly: Aren't you so excited?
Mai: you didn't tell me there was going be a line.
Molly: come on Mai. the new Gen 6 is going to make this old thing obsolete.
molly then relies her robot was with her, hoping she hasn't offended him
Molly: Oh, um... Sorry.
Gen 5 robot: Not a problem The Gen 6's slightly bigger screen will complete you emotionally in ways I never could
Molly gasp as she look at the features of the Gen 6
Mai: It's cool, you love robots more than you love me, Totally get it.
Molly: What's that honey?
Mai: (grunts) Just super excited about the awesome robots, mom.
Mai then saw the soccer stadium.
Mai: Mom. Mom. Molly. Mom!
Molly: Mm-hmm?
Mai: Is it cool if I go check out the stadium?
Molly: Oh, it's got a headphone jack.
Molly still not paying attention to Mai so she just went down the up escalator getting past people when an hover bot intercepted
Hover bot: Excuse me, miss, you appear to be going down the up escalator. May I suggest instead you go up the up escalator.
mai looked up the hover bot then have an idea
Hover bot: or down the down es--
the bot didn't get to finished when mai grabs its arm and climb over it
Hover bot: No, no No, thank you Oh, please don't do that. No
they went down mai is on top
Hover bot: Can we just talk about this?
mai hits the bot on the head
Mai: Shut it.
they near the window overlooking the stadium
Hover bot: Why don't we talk to my supervisor?
Mai saw the full view of the stadium
Mai: Woah!
on the stadium the robots were playing soccer.
P.A: IQ Robotics presents Tectonic Activity facing up against the wild Chickens for 20 rounds. Play-off madness!
Mai wished that she was playing in that stadium but until the hover bot malfunction.
Mai: No wait Move move come on.
Hover bot : Ma'am, if you would refer to our sales brochure you will find that a number of models incorporate amazing personal transportation options, I, however, AM NOT ONE!
The hover bots jet has just shut down now they both falling
(both scream)
Hover bot: FALLING DOWN!
Mai: (Screams)
before they hit the ground mai went flying and hit the ground.
Mai: (moans)
as she gets up a police bot goes to her.
Cop bot: Friendly remainder, all children must be accompanied by an adult you're coming with me, young lady.
Mai was annoyed that a robot told her to follow it
Mai: What?
Cop bot: You're just making it harder for yourself And Me.
then the police bot equipped a Taser before anything happened the hover bot has just crash
Cop bot: come...
when it turn she was gone.
Cop bot: Hey, get back here you little...
Mai was running away from the cop bot until she stumbles upon two cop bots
Cop bot#2: then I said-- What?
the three bots cornered her before they grab her a small door wall open letting out a small robot mai then slide into the door.
Cop bot: No No you're not allowed in there.
Mai sticks her tongue out then door closed Mai just escape the police.
Cop bot: oh fudge!
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