|7| We Called It Our Honeymoon

I just want to thank everyone who voted, followed and commented! Thanks so much for doing that! I really appreciate it all! <3

You guys seriously are the best! 

|Story Start|

|Shaylee Love| 

My brown eyes gazed into Xavier’s radiant green ones, for a moment it seemed like the world stood still before his lips crashed onto mine with a heated and fiery passion.

His soft and inviting lips molded perfectly against mine as we kissed furiously. His warm but slightly rough hands gripped my waist tighter, bringing me closer to his half naked body. His lips suddenly moved from mine, my breath was coming out in pants and my chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath. I found he was in the same position. I tugged his hair in displeasure wanting his lips back on mine, until I felt his warm lips connect with my neck. 

 His lips moved slowly across my collarbone and I occasionally felt his warm moist tongue run over my skin. I tilted my head back to allow my access and released a low moan and I heard him chuckle breathlessly before attacking my lips once more. I lightly nipped at his lip and I heard Xavier release a content sigh from his lips…

Then I heard my name being called, along with a couple stupid nicknames. 



“Sugar lips?”

“Baby cakes!” 


I was snapped out of my daydream by Xavier’s husky and low voice. 

Oh lord did I just fantasize what kissing him would be like? I must seriously be losing my mind. I just thought about kissing Xavier and from the look on his face it seemed he knew exactly what had been running through my mind moments ago.

He pulled my flush closer to him until we were nose to nose. “Were you thinking about how kissing me would be like?” he asked as his signature cocky smirk slowly replaced the grin. I felt my cheeks flush red and I instantly shook my head. “Of course not!” I quickly denied, my voice went up an octave and I averted my eyes while pushing his face away from me. But of course he knew I was lying and let out a low chuckle “Babe all you have to do is make the deal and you can see what it’s really like” he told me cockily. 

I rolled my eyes but bit my lip in thought. If I wanted my plan to work then I was going to have to do this sneakily and quickly. I let out a sigh before pushing myself fully away from him. He raised a brow and made a move to pick me up but I quickly backed up and held out a hand. “Wait! Can’t we make some other deal?” I pleaded. Xavier shook his head “It’s either a kiss or nothing princess” he said with a cheeky grin. I put my hand on my hip and cocked my head slightly to the side while giving him a hard glare.

I really hope I wouldn’t regret this. 

“Sorry Zave but if you want to kiss me, you’re going to have to work a lot harder!” I shouted, giving him a cheeky grin back along with a wink before shoving him backwards with all my might. Xavier was surprised and didn’t see my refusal coming; he gave me a shocked look before falling into the pool.

Once he hit the water Connor ran out of the house, giving me a giant grin. “WE WON!!” I shouted out as I ran to give him a hug. “I told you, you could do it!” Connor said as he picked me up and spun me around. I giggled and gave him a high five once he put me down. Trevor came out with a disgruntled expression “Dude seriously!?” he yelled as a grumpy Xavier got out of the pool.

Xavier grunted and shot me a glare, Trevor and Xavier walked over with disgruntled expressions. “Damn tease” He muttered under his breath as he passed me and walked into the house with Trevor. Connor and I rolled our eyes before following them in. “Aw don’t be such sore losers, me and Con won’t pick an overly priced place” I said with a wink.

Trevor and Xavier grumbled in response and I laughed. Connor rolled his eyes “Come on Trev let’s go clean up the yard while these two get changed” Connor said as he dragged my brother out the door. “What no! We can’t leave these two unsupervised! Who knows what will happen, didn’t you see them outside! IT’S NOT SAFE!!” Trevor cried as he tried to get out of Connor’s grip. I laughed, of course it didn’t work and Trevor was dragged outside.

I turned to look at Xavier has saw he was giving me a pout. I tried to keep my face blank but I felt my lip twitch upwards in a smile, that stupid pout was my downfall when we were kids. “What?” I asked trying to sound indifferent as I wrapped the towel around my body but Xavier quickly snatched it away and held it over my head with a teasing smile. “Give that back!” I shouted trying to grab it from his hand. “Nu-uh, I still want that kiss princess plus it’s rude to cover up that lovely writing on your stomach” he taunted as he kept the towel higher and tossed me a wink.

“I will never kiss you” I told him with a defiant look. He grinned “Keep telling yourself that princess but I bet you that before the end of the year I can get you to kiss me” he challenged. I gave him a glare “I’ll take that bet” I said confidently, I knew that I would win this. If I could resist Xavier by the pool then I can resist him anytime I wanted.

“Wait how many bets have we had so far?” I asked. I swear everything we do together ends up with a bet. Xavier was quiet for a moment “Three so far but the second one didn’t count because I let you win” he said with a teasing grin. I rolled my eyes “Whatever, so the first time you won but never gave me a consequence, the second time I won but apparently that didn’t count” I said while glaring, he just gave me an innocent smile in return. “The third one was with Connor and Trevor and I won” I finished off.

“Alright so if you win what do you want?” he asked. I hopped on the chair and thought about it, what did I want? I started to grin when I thought of something “I want you to sing to me at the Valentines Day dance next year, in front of everyone” I stated and started to smirk when his face turned into a horrified expression. “You want me to sing to you?” he asked flatly. I nodded my head and laughed “What? already doubting yourself player?” I teased.

His face immediately turned to a grin “Of course not kitten, now would you like to hear my wish?” he asked, moving so he was hovering over my sitting form. I gave a slight nod and tried to keep my eyes from wondering towards his bare chest. Why didn’t we go change before we discussed this? I was starting to get cold… and distracted.

“Well that’s too bad because I’m not going to tell you until I win” he told me. “What? Why?” I asked getting slightly nervous. He grinned “Already doubting yourself princess?” he mocked my words from earlier. I narrowed my eyes and peered up at his face “Of course not!” I exclaimed. He grinned “Why don’t we make some terms first” he suggested and I nodded my head in agreement. 

“Number One: It needs to be a kiss on the lips, anywhere else doesn’t count
 Number Two: You need to initiate the kiss, if I kiss you first then it doesn’t count” he listed off. “Whoa wait one second there, you can still kiss me? That is not fair” I stated not very happy with that rule. I could kiss back, not that I ever would, but it would be like I started the kiss! “Fine, if I kiss you then you can add onto your consequence. Better?” Xavier asked.

I nodded my head in agreement “That’s fine I guess” I murmured. “Number Three: Since you are such a stubborn girl, I can use any means to win.” He added. “What do you mean by any means?” I asked in a suspicious tone. “Meaning I can do anything” Xavier said with a wicked smile. I nervously nodded my head to that, something about that didn’t sit well with me. “Number Four-” he started to say but I cut him off “How many rules are there going to be?” I asked slightly annoyed. I really just wanted to go upstairs to shower and change. 

“I’m almost finished! Number Four: The bet ends on New Years Day. Finally if you win, I have to sing to you” he said making sing sound like a moldy piece of cheese that you lost a month ago and recently found. I just laughed “and if you win, well I’m going to have find out if that happens” I finished with an eye roll. Xavier nodded his head in agreement. “Is that all?” I asked trying to think of anything else I wanted to add but coming up with nothing. “That’s it” he stated.

 “So do we have deal?” he asked holding out his hand for me to shake. 

I stared at it for a moment before grasping it in mine. “Deal” I stated as I shook his much larger hand.

Why did I have a feeling that this wasn’t going to be as easy as I planned? 

* * * * * *

“Kitten I think I need you to give me mouth to mouth, I might be getting a heart attack because of how breathtaking you look” Xavier stated with a grin as we sat side by side in the car. I groaned “Shut up! And give up!” I muttered, turning to face the window. “No really kitten-” he started but was cut off by Trevor. “KEEP YOUR LIPS TO YOURSLEF EAST!!” Trevor hollered, turning around to give Xavier the stink eye. I giggled and shot a triumphed look over at Xavier who just smirked back confidently. “Chill Trevor, he didn’t mean anything by it” Connor said, trying to soothe my older brother. Connor, bless his heart, was always trying to be the peacekeeper of the group. Well most of the time, sometimes he would help me egg on Trevor or Xavier, sometimes both.

“I’m sure” Trevor grumbled moodily before giving Xavier one last look before turning back around. Currently the four of us were on our way to McDonalds, that was the only thing Trevor and Xavier wanted to pay for and Connor and I didn’t really care as long as we didn’t have to pay. Connor was driving while Trevor took shotgun. You know where I ended up? 

If you guessed in the back with Xavier than you are correct!

Unfortunately there was a box that had some of Connor’s University stuff by the window seat so I was forced into the middle while Xavier sat right next to me. My arm occasionally brushed against his and I couldn’t help but feel tingles shoot up arm when they did. I tried my best to ignore him but honestly it was not working. 

It’s like he doesn’t understand the concept of personal space.

“Xavier!” I hissed trying to move closer to the box but cringing when the corner dug into my side. He gave me an innocent look while his eyes held a certain… playfulness “What’s wrong Shay?” he asked trying to sound completely oblivious. I scowled and turned away not saying anything, I heard him chuckle lightly.

“We’re here” Connor said as he parked the car. I grinned and took off my seatbelt, Xavier got out of the car and I followed suit. We walked into McDonalds and a grin broke over my face when I saw who was at the counter. “Liam!” I cried happily rushing over to give him a hug. I stretched my arms out and leaned over the counter for a hug. “Shay!!” he cried back just as happy and returning the awkward counter hug. Thankfully there weren’t many people in the place so there was no line up or people around. 

Remember Liam? He’s my best friend and Avery’s boyfriend. Liam is a lean, shaggy but short brown haired boy with light blue eyes. We’ve been best friends since freshmen year when he first moved here and he and Avery immediately hit it off. They started to date at the beginning of sophomore year and that just brought the three of us closer.

“Hey Liam” Trevor greeted as he walked up behind me and gave him a nod. Liam grinned back and said hi in response. I turned around and saw Connor and Xavier both looking for an explanation. “Liam! Meet Connor and Xavier East, boys meet my best friend Liam!” I greeted, pointing to each boy after saying their name. 

Liam gave me a wide eyed look “The same Xavier you and Avery, well actually mostly you talked about?” he asked. Avery, Liam and I were really close and we naturally told each other everything and of course Xavier occasionally came up in our conversations. Xavier turned to me and gave me a smirk “You talk about me kitten?” he asked, his eyes gleaming with mirth. I felt myself turn red “NO! Of course not!” I denied, avoiding his gaze. Liam laughed “Yeah right! Freshmen year practically every sentence that came from your mouth was about him!” Liam teased, giving me a wide grin.

I glared as the boys started to laugh “Shut up Liam!” I hissed. Xavier laughed and came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head atop of mine. I felt electricity course through my veins and I involuntarily shivered. “Don’t worry babe, I spoke about you all the time as well” he whispered making me turn a darker shade of red. I shoved him away from me and glared at everyone “Don’t touch me” I scolded moving so there was distance between us. “Yeah East, keep your grimy hands off my sister” Trevor told him with a glare. 

Liam laughed “Okay, enough of that. What can I get you guys? I know you’ll have a cheeseburger with fries, double chocolate fudge McFlurry and water. Right?” he asked giving me a knowing look. I grinned and nodded my head in agreement. Xavier and Connor laughed “You still have a black hole as a stomach Shay” Connor stated. I gave them a sheepish look and felt my cheeks warm up in embarrassment.

“Okay well you people go order and I’m going to go and sit over there!” I stated before dashing off. I heard their laughter trail after me as I went to a seat near the window and sat down. I started to drum my fingers on the table absentmindedly. Not really thinking of anything in particular, I briefly wondered where Avery was but then remembered that she texted me this morning saying she was going to visit family for the rest of them summer before school started.

“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here by yourself?” a masculine voice asked, making me snap out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw a very attractive boy standing in front of me. He was tall, with broad shoulders, a lean and muscled torso, coupled with messy light brown hair and matched with bright blue sparkling eyes. He was wearing a thin white t-shirt, blue jeans and blue vans.

“Erm… hi” I greeted shyly, still a little bit stunned on how attractive he was. Not as attractive as Xavier, he had bigger muscles; this guys eyes didn’t sparkle as much and were missing the playfulness that Xavier’s emerald eyes always had. Xavier’s hair was a natural sexy mess and- wait… what am I doing?! Am I really comparing this attractive stranger to my childhood enemy?

I swear I really am losing my mind.

The stranger grinned “Jace Greenwood” he greeted putting his hand in front of me. I grasped it with my own and gave him a timid smile “Shaylee Love” I informed him in a small voice. Attractive boys made me nervous. “So why are you here alone?” he asked taking the seat in front of me, to be honest I was quite baffled by his bold personality. “Uh… actually I’m here with my brother and our neighbors” I stuttered. I was a little bit shocked that he was still talking to me.

I think that was pretty obvious to him because he laughed and apologized “I just moved here and I stopped by for lunch and I saw you sitting here and I thought maybe you could tell me a little bit about this place” he told me with a sheepish smile. I smiled warmly, well he seemed nice. “Oh then welcome to Cherrystone, don’t know why you moved here. We’re a really small town with nothing much to do” I told him. Jace smiled “My mom prefers the quiet life and she used to live here” he told me. I nodded my head in acknowledgement. 

“How old are you?” I asked, he looked to be around my age maybe older. “Seventeen, I’ll be starting at Stonewall High School on September fourth.” He informed me. “Really? That’s great! I go there to!” I exclaimed excitedly as a smile broke across my face. He laughed and his eyes twinkled with mirth “I knew talking to you would be a good idea. Not only do I get to talk to a beautiful girl but she goes to my school too” he said with a wink in my direction. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and Jace laughed. “Well-” I started but an angry voice cut me off.

“Shaylee who’s your new friend?” a pissed off Xavier asked. I paled at his voice, what was he so angry about? Jace glanced at Xavier and raised a brow “Boyfriend?” he asked. I shook my head and laughed “No! More like… friends” I corrected a bit hesitantly. Xavier moved so he was sitting next to me and wrapped his arm around my chair in a possessive manner. “Are you sure?” Jace asked his voice and expression were full of disbelief.

I was going to respond but Trevor’s voice cut me off “Who are you and why are you canoodling with my sister?” he ground out, giving him an icy glare. Connor trailed behind him and raised a brow in my direction. I felt myself blush “Erm… Jace this is my brother Trevor and my neighbors Connor and Xavier” I introduced. Xavier and Trevor continued to give Jace a glare and I could see he was beginning to get uncomfortable. “Well it’s nice to meet you” Connor said with a warm smile. Did I ever mention how much I loved Connor? Jace gave him a smile before beginning to stand up “Okay I get the hint, I can tell when I’m not wanted. It was great meeting you Shaylee, I’ll see you around? Soon?” he asked. 

I smiled and nodded my head “Of course! Bye Jace!” I exclaimed and waved as he began to walk away.

Trevor and Connor sat down “Who was he?” Trevor immediately asked after he handed me my food. I shrugged “He just came and started to talk to me” I replied nonchalantly before taking a bite out of my burger. Trevor narrowed his eyes at me for a minute before letting it go. I glanced at Xavier and saw he was moodily picking at his burger. “You okay Zave?” I asked all he did was grumble something and take a huge bite out of his burger.

Well this was awkward.

The rest of dinner went on with awkward conversations occasionally taking place but we mostly ate in an awkward silence.

Even the car ride home was awkward. Xavier wasn’t pressed against my arm anymore and I found I was missing the warmth his arm gave off. I really wanted to say something but I decided to ask him what was wrong when we got home so Connor and Trevor couldn’t hear. 

* * * * * *

When we got back home our parents still weren’t home. Connor left to do some University stuff and Trevor said he was going to meet up with the guys. That just left me and Xavier; we were currently standing in the kitchen. Well actually I was sitting on the counter while Xavier leaned against it. “So um, what do you want to do?” I asked nervously. I didn’t get a reply. So I slowly made my way over to Xavier and poked his chest “Xavier, I am talking to you” I said in a stern voice. He abruptly snapped out of whatever stupor he was in a moment ago and gave me a blank look. “Shaylee what is Liam and Jace to you?” he asked, his voice didn’t hold his usual mirth and his eyes didn’t sparkle with his usual playfulness.

“Liam's my best friend, and dating my other best friend. While Jace is just someone I met today. Why?” I asked curiously. Why was he asking me this now? I looked deep in his eyes and… was that jealously I saw? I shook my head, no way. My mind is just playing tricks on me, he would never be jealous over me. That much I know. I grew even more confused when a smirk washed over his previous scowl. “Really?” he mused, and I just nodded my head. I swear I heard him mutter a “Good” but I think my mind is only playing tricks on me.

“Well then kitten why don’t we do something we used to do as kids?” he asked. I cocked my head to the side and gave him a confused look “Like what? Shoving dirt in my face then throwing worms in my hair?” I asked in a flat voice, a frown making its way onto my face. Xavier laughed and waved me off “That was one time! Besides it was funny” he exclaimed with a smile. I couldn’t stop myself from grinning back, I liked this better. When we were joking around, it was fun and I enjoyed myself. It made me uneasy when he was ignoring me and acting all cold and brooding.

“I meant that we should make cookies, well you make the cookies. Then we'll get some other snacks like candy, pop, pizza, rent a couple movies, get our pillows, sleeping bags, blankets and of course Teddibea. Then set up our tent in the back” he suggested with a grin. I began to smile when I realized what he wanted to do “So you want to have a sleepover?” I asked as the gears in my head started to turn and I mentally listed off the items we would need.

Xavier shook his head and gave me a mock hurt look “Don’t you remember what we used to call it princess? Don’t you remember how special today is?” he asked, putting an emphasis on special. I blushed and nodded my head “Of course I remember stupid” I snapped. He crossed his arms and raised a brow “Well…” he said, stretching out the word. “Well what?” I asked. He shook his head “Tell me so I know you didn’t forget!!” he commanded. I felt my blush deepen and I looked at the floor and mumbled the answer quietly. 

Xavier uncrossed his arms and cupped a hand at his ear. He looked at me with amused eyes while a smirk played at his lips. “What was that sweetheart? I think you need to say it louder, I didn’t quite hear you” he teased. I took a breath and kept my gaze on the floor “Isaidwecalleditourhoneymoon” I quickly spoke hoping he would understand my quick tone. His teasing smirk never left his face and his green eyes sparkled at me. “What was that? Talk slower cupcake so I can understand.” He told me.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment and took a breath. I raised my gaze so that brown met green and I felt butterflies form in my stomach. If possible my cheeks got warmer and redder as I said my next words.

“We called it our honeymoon”

He threw me a wink and said “That’s right… wifey

* * * * * *

Hey peoples! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

This is my Valentine’s Day present for you… even if it was yesterday…

Better late than never right?

So Shaylee stayed strong and resisted the delectable Xavier East, but how long can she resist him for?

Who do you want to win the bet? Tell me below and I will take your opinion in consideration!

Oh and make sure to remember Jace Greenwood, he's not done in this story yet! Far from it actually! ;)

Chapter eight should be out soon!

Okay I think I’m done talking for now!

Thanks so much for all the follows, votes and comments! <3 You guys seriously are the BEST!

Shane Harper on the side as Jace Greenwood! ---->

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Xoxo- Shar

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