|19| The Return Of Xavier's Mark And A Library Confrontation
A/N- Please excuse the mistakes, I shall go back and edit them later on! :D Read A/N Please! Also, WARNING: There is some profanity used.
Sorry guys but I don’t have time to do favourite comments today L. I’ve got to post this then go to sleep! I had homework on the first day of school, lovely right? But I did read all your comments and tried to reply all of them, if I didn’t reply to yours I am so sorry tell me and I will reply this time! But, thank you all for commenting! I really appreciate you all taking the time to do that! <3 Next chapter will have them!
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|Story Start|
|Shaylee Love|
I’m going to be late.
How could I have forgotten to turn my alarm on last night?
Oh… right… I was a little distracted by Xavier.
I quickly shoved a pair of black skinny jeans on my legs, being careful of my still painful gash, and paired it with a cute top and a long sleeved cardigan. Just as I predicted there were bruises on my wrists from two nights ago along with a few cuts and I didn’t want people asking questions since you could see the finger marks on the bruises. I threw my hair into a sock bun and quickly put my make up on before sliding my feet into my favourite pair of leather boots. When I was done I grabbed my backpack and raced down the stairs, to my surprise I found Xavier sitting there and finishing a plate of eggs and bacon. I stopped for a moment and looked at him, when did he get here? And where was my mom? Xavier looked up and gave me a smirk “Good morning princess, I was wondering where you were” he said, I walked over to him and thwacked his head. “Why didn’t you wake me up!” I hissed frantically grabbing a muffin and dragging Xavier out the door. Xavier chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked to his car.
“I woke you up three time’s sweetheart”
I blushed and sighed, me and my sleep. “Sorry” I said sheepishly, Xavier grinned “Nothing a kiss can’t fix” he teased, leaning his head down so we were a hairs width apart. I blushed a fire hydrant red before reaching up and kissing his cheek, “Better?” I teased. Xavier pouted and swear it was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen. “That’s not what I meant” he whined, playfully as he gripped my waist. I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck; slowly I leaned in and placed a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. Quickly I pulled away and laughed at his expression, it was a cross between shock and amusement. I wiggled out of his grip “Let’s go or else we’ll be late” I said, Xavier smirked “We still have time for this” he said before gently grabbing me and placing his lips on mine.
I smiled into the kiss and when he pulled away I just stared goofily at him. “Let’s go Shaybear, you don’t want to be late do you?” he winked, causing me to blush. I hopped into the car and Xavier did the same, as he drove I felt him interlace our fingers. I looked at him and saw he was giving me a warm smile before turning back towards the road. I continued to stare at Xavier for a while, just taking in the fact that this boy beside me was actually mine. I sighed happily and turned to look out the window, if every morning turned out like this one then I would happily be late for school.
* * * * * *
|End of Fourth Period [Lunch]|
Throughout the day, and not trying to sound conceited or anything, but it felt like people kept staring at me as I walked down the hall. Meanwhile Xavier had a sort of… self satisfied smirk plastered on his face all day, it was making me slightly paranoid. Even during lunch the stares wouldn’t stop, granted it was only the two of us for some reason but still. I also wondered where Avery and the boys were since I hadn’t seen any of them all day. I sighed and put the binders I didn’t need away and grabbed my math/ functions binder. I was so consumed in my thoughts I hadn’t noticed the presence beside me so when the person spoke I jumped slightly and almost had a heart attack. “Hey Shaylee” Jace greeted as he leaned against the locker next to mine, I gave him a nervous smile “Err… Hi Jace” I murmured quietly.
My eyes darted around the hallways, and my heart sunk slightly. It was mostly empty except for the few students who were still at their lockers. So I was basically alone with Jace, Xavier had warned me to stay away from him and I was going to do just that, Jace sort of creeped me out. Even though he hadn’t done anything horrible to me directly I was still pretty wary of him, I couldn’t get that conversation I heard between Xavier and him out of my head. Nervously I closed my locker and out of habit began biting my lip. Where was Xavier? He was supposed to meet me here so we could go to math together, hopefully Avery would come since I had that class with her as well.
I still hadn’t told her about Xavier and I, but I was more than 100% sure one of the boys would have already told her. There weren’t many secrets between us, but this was one secret I wanted to tell her myself. She was going to kill me since she wasn’t the first one to know. “Shaylee? Did you hear what I said?” Jace asked, snapping me from my thoughts. I blushed feeling slightly embarrassed, I was so consumed in my thoughts I had forgotten Jace was standing in front of me. “Err… sorry I was lost in thought” I apologized. Jace gave me a smile “No worries, you look pretty cute when you think” he said, adding a small wink at the end. I blushed and awkwardly cleared my throat “Um… Thanks… I think” I said, quite awkwardly if you ask me.
God, I was the Queen of Awkwardness today.
Seeming to be completely unaware of the awkward atmosphere, Jace chuckled. Slowly his hand reached up and his fingers lightly brushed my cheek. “You’ve got a scratch on your face, how did that happen?” he asked, running his thumb over the cut that Jack had given me. I winced and pulled away from his touch, the way he was looking at me with a knowing glint in his eyes… like he already knew how I had gotten the scratch, made me want to run away from here. I placed my hand on the cut and gave him a small, barely there smile, “Um… I was scratching my cheek and I guess my nails are sharper than I thought and I accidentally cut myself” I said, hoping he would believe the poor lie. Jace gave me a thoughtful look “It doesn’t look like your nail scratched your cheek…” he mused, seeming to find my nervous state amusing.
“So… um… what were you saying before?” I asked, hugging my math binder and textbook to my chest as I attempted to change the subject. Jace shook himself from his stupor and scratched the back of his neck as he gave me a sheepish smile “Well… actually I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?” He asked, giving me a hopeful look. I sighed and gave him an apologetic look “I’m sorry Jace but I can’t, I um… already have a… um boyfriend” I said, awkwardly, and blushing at the end. Jace’s smile slipped off of his face for a minute and I saw his eyes darken as an angry expression came over his face, I was surprised at how… sinister the look was and I had to admit that it was a bit frightening. Jace seemed to see my scared expression and an easy smile came over his face once more “So it’s true? You’re really with East?” he asked. I gave him a curious look, and I thought we were doing so well in keeping it on the secretive side.
“Yeah, but how did you know that?” I asked. Jace frowned “Well he pretty much…” he stopped mid-sentence and I saw the ‘look’ come back but this time there was a hint of amusement evident. “Never mind, I’ve got to get going. I’ll see you at the yearbook meeting tomorrow, later” he said before walking down the hallway. I made a move to stop him but I decided to let him go, there really wasn’t much I could say but I really wanted to know how he knew.
“Why was he here?” the annoyed voice of my boyfriend exclaimed. I turned around and saw Xavier was glaring daggers at Jace’s back. I sighed and gave him a small, nervous, smile “Err… nothing” I muttered. Xavier raised a brow at me “Really?” he asked, pursing his lips and giving me that ‘look’ telling me he knew I was lying. I groaned “He just… ah came over to… um ask me out” I said, rushing my words at the end. Xavier’s eyes flashed for a moment and I panicked for a second “But I told him that you and I were together and he said that he didn’t think it was true, but I want to know how he knew” I told him quickly. A smirk came over Xavier’s face and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders before plucking my books out of my hands as he began to lead me towards our classroom.
I was surprised, I was expecting more of a freak out, well Xavier doesn’t freak out per say but… I think you get what I mean.
Xavier chuckled “What’s with that look?” he asked, I blinked and realized I had been gaping at him because of his calm reaction. Blushing I shook my head “Nothing, never mind” I said and instead changed the subject, “I can hold my own books you know” I pointed out. Xavier grinned and gave me a small peck “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t carry them for you?” he teased, winking. I rolled my eyes but let a smile come onto my face, Xavier could be really cute when he wanted to be. We walked into the class and I was happy to see Avery there, I smiled at her but my smile slipped off my face when I saw the disapproving look she was giving me. I groaned quietly and Xavier chuckled from beside me, “This is your fault” I accused as we made our way to the back of the class. Xavier chuckled and squeezed my shoulder “How is it my fault? You’re the one who didn’t tell her” he said, grinning.
I opened my mouth to retort but closed it when I realized I had nothing to say to that. Xavier chuckled and I gave him a small glare “Shut up” I muttered as I took my books and walked to our seat, Xavier grinned before he went over to talk to some of his friends before class started. I sat down and placed my books on the desk before I turned around to talk to Avery since her desk was right behind mine but the words seemed to vanish when I saw she was laughing. I gave her a curious look “No wonder I was the last to find out!” she said before bursting into more giggles. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. “What?” I asked, very, very confused ‘No wonder I was the last to find out?’ what the hell did that mean?
“Uh… ahaha, Shay… did you look in the, oh god this is too funny, mirror today?”
“Of course I did, why?”
“Well… ahaha maybe I should… ahaha show you”
Avery took her phone out and told me to turn around so she could take a picture of my neck.
“I… WHAT? When the heck did he have time to do that? …XAVIER!!!”
At the sound of his name Xavier looked up and I gave him a glare, he grinned and said goodbye to his friends before coming over to me. I stared at the picture Avery had taken, baffled at the sight. Somehow, Xavier had managed to write Property of Xavier East in what I would assume was black sharpie on my neck. A bright blush came over my face as memories of the first time he did that came flooding back but at least my shirt was able to cover it up last time. Unlike today, of course I had to wear my hair up today of all days, so everyone had a clear view of what was written. No wonder it wasn’t that much of a secret that we were finally together. I sighed and punched Xavier in the arm when he came over “What the hell?” I hissed as he sat down. From behind me Avery laughed “Don’t worry Shay you are totally forgiven, give him hell” she said, winking, I gave her a tight lipped smile before turning back around to glare at my boyfriend.
“What?” he asked in an ‘innocent tone’ but the smirk on his face gave him away. I opened my mouth to chew him out but of course at that moment class started. I sighed and gave Xavier a glare and he grinned back at me, quite cheekily. I couldn’t help but fight down the smile that threatened to break free. I sighed and shook my head, Xavier was one possessive boy and while some people probably would get angry and exclaim that they weren’t a possession that could be owned, I on the other hand found it quite flattering. It just showed how much he actually did like me, Xavier didn’t want someone to come and try to win me over, not that they could, but you get what I mean. I liked the feeling it gave me, it made me feel wanted, safe and… well loved. I took my textbook out and began to slowly do the questions the teachers assigned.
But that didn’t mean I couldn’t pretend to be angry with him.
* * * * * *
|End of School|
“I’ll meet you at your locker alright?” Xavier said as we exited the class.
I snuck a look at him and saw he was frowning at something on his phone. I gave him a glare “Where are you going?” I asked, in a deadpanned voice. Xavier smiled and gave me a small peck on the lips “Come on Shaybear don’t be mad” he said, wrapping his arms around me. I almost caved right there but I was able to keep it together “You let me walk around like that for the whole day” I reminded him. Xavier sighed and frowned for a minute before he began grinning “I’ll see you later princess” he said before kissing my forehead and letting me go. I watched as he began to make his way down the hallway, before he turned the corner he turned back around and winked at me before he vanished behind the wall. A blush came onto my face before I turned around and quickly made my way to my locker.
Liam came to get Avery so it was just me walking alone to my locker. I left my hair in its bun, I mean it was the end of the day and the whole school probably already saw Xavier’s mark so there really was no point in putting it down. The hallways were eerily silent as I walked to my locker, why is it that every time I go to my locker I’m by myself and the hallways are empty? I sighed and did my combination before grabbing my backpack and placing my math and anthropology binders inside. When I was finished I closed my locker, letting out a yelp when I saw Ryder leaning against the locker next to me, arms crossed with a smirk on his face.
How did I not notice him?
“God Ryder! You almost gave me a heart attack!” I exclaimed. Ryder laughed loudly “You should’ve seen your face!” he exclaimed, I sent him an annoyed look to which he grinned at before pushing off the locker and throwing his arm around my shoulder “Nice to see you too Squirt” he teased as he lead me out of the school. “So where have you and the boys been all day?” I questioned as we walked out of the school together. Ryder shrugged his shoulders “You know here and there” he said offhandedly, I rolled my eyes “Meaning, I can’t tell you” I muttered. Ryder laughed before ruffling my hair, making me let out an annoyed sound. I straightened the pieces back out so my bun didn’t look as stupid. “Why do you guys always do that?” I exclaimed, Ryder grinned “Because you look so cute when you get annoyed” he teased. I blushed and rolled my eyes “Shut up” I muttered as we walked out of the school together. “Where’s Xavier?” I asked, I was supposed to meet him by my locker…
Instead of answering my question, Ryder gave me a grin “Sorry squirt but there’s been a change of plans” he said. I gave him a questioning look, “What do you mean?” I asked. A mischievous glint passed through Ryder’s eyes and the next thing I know I’m thrown over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, looking at the paved ground. “RYDER!” I exclaimed, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?” I yelled as he let out a loud laugh. “Sorry squirt, but blame your boyfriend” he answered as I continued to pound on his back. What the hell was going on? What did they have planned? I groaned and continued to hit Ryder’s muscular back I heard Ryder laugh and I felt the sound resonate through his body “Is that supposed to hurt?” he teased. I sighed in defeat, I was more than likely hurting myself more than I was hurting him.
I propped my elbow against his back and laid my chin on his palm, thankfully Ryder made sure my waist wasn’t being pressed against him so my side wasn’t hurting. “So what exactly is the purpose of kidnapping me?” I questioned. I couldn’t see his face but I knew a grin was etched on his lips “Well… you’ve been so caught up with East, the boys and I decided that we needed to spend some time with our squirt.” He told me. I rolled my eyes but a smile came over my face “You could have just asked me!” I exclaimed hotly. Ryder laughed “Yeah… but this way is a lot more fun” he teased, I couldn’t help but laugh. “So where are the other two?” I questioned, referring to Dominic and Sam. “Right here Shay” the pleasant voice of Sam chirped. I craned my neck to the side and saw Sam standing next to Ryder’s truck with a smile.
“Hey Sammie” I greeted, waving at the smiling boy. I noticed Sam was looking at my neck with amusement, I blushed and shook my head “Not a word Sammie!” I exclaimed as I wriggled down from Ryder’s shoulder. I crinkled my eyes in confusion “Where’s Dominic?” I asked, noticing my stoic friend was missing. Ryder and Sam shared a look and I sighed “He’s with Xavier, isn’t he?” I guessed, by the looks on their faces I knew I was right. I sighed and got into the back of Ryder’s truck. I saw the two of them exchange a couple words before Sam took shotgun and Ryder walked towards the driver’s side. I put my bag beside me and strapped on my seatbelt, I could tell there was a slight pout on my lips as I crossed my arms. I had to admit that I was a little bit disappointed; didn’t I deserve to know where they were at least? I mean I know that they were keeping secrets from me but… I sighed and slumped back against the seat.
Being out of the loop really sucks.
“We’re sorry Shay” Sam said, turning so he could look at me. Ryder backed out of the parking lot and began to drive us to who knows where. “I know Sammie, but it really sucks when you guys can’t tell me things, it makes me feel like you can’t trust me.” I confessed, looking into Sam’s eyes for a moment before dragging them over to meet Ryder’s briefly. “We know Squirt, just some things are better left unsaid, especially to someone as innocent and pure as you.” Ryder told me. I cocked my head to the side “What do you mean?” I asked, innocent and pure? What did that have to do with anything? Ryder and Sam chuckled “Never mind, but just know that I speak for all of us here, we would trust you with our lives. You are one of our closet friends and we would trust you with everything, your like our little sister.” Sam told me. “Except for East, you’re more like his lover.” Ryder teased, successfully making me blush.
“Shut up” I muttered, but I couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks guys, I trust you too.” I murmured, “But you will tell me one day won’t you?” I added on. The boys sighed but nodded their heads “As much as we don’t want to, yes we will. Whether we like it or not you are involved in this… what should I call it? This… situation.” Ryder told me. Sam nodded “Just for now we don’t need to tell you and I’d rather keep you out of this.” I heard Sam mutter. I was going to ask what he meant but thought better of it when I saw his unhappy expression. I guess they really didn’t want to talk about this, “So where are you taking me?” I asked, hoping it would divert the conversation. Ryder looked at me through the rearview mirror. “Glad you asked Squirt, since we have just arrived.” He said as he pulled into the parking lot.
I grinned and leaned forward in my seat to get a better look “You brought me here?” I asked with amusement. I haven’t been here in so long, this used to be our favourite place to hang out when we all were just becoming friends. “You guys took me to the library?” I said, amusement lacing my voice. Ryder and Liam gave me sheepish smiles “We may need to borrow your brain for a while.” Sam told me. I chuckled and nodded my head “You could’ve asked me instead of kidnapping me!” I told them as I gave Ryder a mock glare. He gave me an innocent smile “But it was so much fun.” He protested as he parked his truck. I rolled my eyes and unbuckled my seatbelt before I grabbed my bag and walked out of the truck.
Sam and Ryder walked next to me and together the three of us walked into the library. This was the last place I thought they would bring me, although I’m not surprised. At least once a month the two come to me for help with school, not that I minded the two were adorable when they got frustrated and it was my turn to do the teasing.
We walked into the large library and Sam led us to a table in the back of the library. I sat down with the two boys beside me and began to take my binders out. I decided to start with my math homework since that was the hardest. Sam and Ryder groaned before taking out their stuff as well “Don’t complain! You two are the ones who brought me here!” I exclaimed. Ryder sighed and placed his head on the desk “And I’m beginning to regret it.” He mumbled, from beside me Sam brought out his history homework and began to work. Sam was actually pretty smart, he just needed help in understanding some of the concepts. Ryder was smart as well, mostly in math so that’s what he helped me in while I helped him in basically everything else. I smiled at Ryder “How about after we do at least an hour and a half of work we go to Harry’s for some ice cream? My treat.” I bargained.
“…Deal. So how the hell am I supposed to write this damn essay?”
* * * * * *
I sighed and stood up “I’ll be right back” I mumbled as I walked away from the table. To be quite honest I was feeling a little bit claustrophobic around the two. For some reason it felt like they were hovering over me like bodyguards and it was slightly unnerving. I noticed the way their eyes would dart from exit and over the bookcases like they were expecting an attack or something. I shook my head and walked into the bathroom. Maybe this study session had something to do with whatever Xavier and Dominic were doing right now. All this was too confusing, but a part of me did think that Jace had something to do with this. I don’t know why but I feel like Jace is the problem that keeps on popping up.
I entered the stall and quickly did my business, once I flushed the toilet I walked over to the sink to wash my hands. I tried craning my neck to see Xavier’s mark but I could only see part of the words written. After drying my hands I slowly made my way back to the table, I purposely went the long way just so I could have some time to myself. I was walking through the non-fiction isle when I felt like someone was following me, I glanced around and saw no one. Maybe I’m just being a little too paranoid…
I walked into the fiction aisle, which was on the opposite side of where Ryder and Sam were sitting in this large library. Soon I found an interesting book by James Patterson, I began to read the back of the book and became quite engrossed with the storyline, it was one of the Alex Cross books in case you were wondering. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me and sighed, thinking it was either Ryder or Sam. His hand grasped my wrist and a shiver passed through me, my eyes widened and I froze in the spot as my book fell from my hands. “Ryder?” I asked hesitantly, even though I knew I was wrong.
“Guess again baby doll” his cool voice answered.
Fear began to rush through me and I gulped as the hand tightened its grip around my wrist.
“Chris” I breathed, barely above a whisper. His masculine chuckle echoed through the library and I shivered in fear, my side beginning to throb as the memories came back of when I last saw this man. I felt his finger graze my neck and trace Xavier’s letting, I shivered at his cold touch. I was too frightened and shocked to turn around but I could tell he was smirking at me. “Well would you look at that, looks like East has finally gotten his little Shaybear” he mocked. “It’s nice to see you again Shaylee” a second voice chimed and I internally groaned. “Jack” I murmured, “You got that right babe.” He said, Chris began to tug on my wrist and suddenly I was face to face with the two bastards, looking into their familiar blue and green eyes.
“I wish I could say the same” I said coolly, trying not to lose my composure but I could feel my fear and anxiety coming through. Where were Ryder and Sam? Oh right I left them on the other side of the library! “How’s that mark of yours? Does it still hurt?” Chris asked as his other hand moved to my waist to squeeze the mark they left on me last time. A hiss escaped my mouth and tears burned at the back of my eyes, but I refused to let them through. I would not show them how scared I was, I needed to be strong. Jack chuckled “Careful Chris, she’s still tender.” He said as he gave me a cruel, mocking grin.
I tried to tug out of Chris’ hold but he just tightened his grip on me, thankfully his arm moved away from my waist and towards my stomach, although it wasn’t that much of an improvement since I didn’t like the way he was looking at me. I averted my gaze and moved it towards my fallen book, my heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to think of a way to get out of this. Screaming was out of the question since that would not only alert the librarian but it could cause an unwanted panic to everyone who was in the library. Fighting also wasn’t a great idea since I had absolutely no muscles at all. My eyes flickered around the room and I saw the bookshelves, maybe I could force one of them into it and make a run for it…
Suddenly I was yanked back until I hit the wall near the fiction bookcase. The back of my head hit the wall and my eyes shut as a hiss escaped my mouth, clearly they didn’t know how to treat a person with care. I opened my eyes and Jack was smiling cruelly, “Oh did that hurt? Sorry.” He mocked as he walked over to where Chris was pining me. “How’ve you been Shaylee? Xavier keeping you busy?” Jack asked as he stared at me, I couldn’t help but blush at the double meaning to that sentence and it didn’t help that Chris gave me a little wink. I decided to stay silent and not answer the question “Not going to talk huh?” he asked and I just stared defiantly into his cold blue eyes. Chris chuckled “Aw come on baby doll, don’t be like that. We just came for a nice… friendly chat” he said, his amusement seeping through his words.
I glared “Then why don’t you let me go and we can talk like normal people” I spat, trying to wiggle out of his grip. Chris chuckled and tightened his grip, I winced as he pressed hard on the bruises he left last time. “No need to be so hostile” Chris chastised, I just continued to glare. “You know, the more you do that the more turned on I get” he pointed out. My eyes widened and disgust filled me, “Oh come on baby doll, you know you like it. I bet you’ve probably already fucked East, along with Hastings, Santiago and Greene. Haven’t you, you little whore” he said, removing one hand to cup my cheek. I jerked my head from his grasp and Chris frowned, seemingly unhappy with my actions.
I noticed one of my hands was free and I began to raise it in an attempt to punch Chris. Sadly, before my fist could meet its mark Jack interfered and grasped my wrist in a tight hold. He gave me a disapproving look “No need to get violent Shaylee, you wouldn’t want us to punish you… would you?” he asked. I slowly shook my head and uncurled my fist, letting it hang limply in Jack’s hand. “What do you want?” I asked quietly. Jack let me go and I was immediately tossed into a bear hug by Chris so I wouldn’t be able to attempt to leave. “To be quite honest, we were sent here to kidnap you.” he said casually. My mouth popped open and panic began to rise within me, they were sent to kidnap me?
“I… what?” I stuttered, my words seemed to escape me. Jack and Chris chuckled at my reaction “You heard him baby doll, we were sent to come and retrieve you.” Chris told me, I glared at the two of them. “Retrieve me?” I asked in disbelief, retrieve me for what exactly. “Sorry girly but we can’t tell you why we were sent to kidnap you.” Jack said, clearly reading the question on my facial features. “I don’t think so!” I exclaimed, there was no way I was going to be taken by these two crazy bastards. I began to thrash around in Chris’ grip but it didn’t help much, my tiny body compared to his… yeah I didn’t have much of a chance. Nevertheless I continued to fight my way out, I wasn’t going down without a fight.
By some miracle I was able to kick my leg up and hit Chris in his family jewels. Immediately his arms released me and I ran from his grip, narrowly dodging Jack’s arms. Quickly I rushed away from the two of them and back towards where Ryder and Sam were. I looked back and let out a small squeak when I saw they were catching up with me, Chris looked absolutely livid and was a couple paces behind Jack. I winced, feeling slightly bad for kicking him but that guilt went away as I remembered what they did to me. I weaved through the bookcases in hopes that I would lose them, I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I ran.
Finally I made it back to the table, but I almost cried when I saw that they were gone along with my bag. Where did they–
A hand wrapped itself around my mouth and I was tugged behind a wall, I began to thrash around until the person spun me around and to my relief it was Ryder with Sam next to him. Sam put his finger to hips lips and I nodded, keeping quiet. “Let’s go” Ryder muttered as the footsteps began to get closer. Ryder let me go and I latched myself onto Sam, he gave me an apologetic look as we followed Ryder out of the library. Sam gave me a smile “There’s some one waiting for you out there” he told me. I gave him a questioning look as we exited the library, Ryder led us towards the parking lot before stopping. He turned around and motioned for me to go in front of him, slowly I let go of Sam and looked at who was waiting for me.
His green eyes looked absolutely livid as he leaned against his car with his arms crossed over his chest. He was sending a cold glare towards the library and I couldn’t help it as relief washed over me. A smile broke onto my face and I quickly ran towards the person, jumping up to grasp him in a giant hug. My legs wrapped around his waist and I buried my face in his chest as his familiar spicy scent filled my senses. His arms wrapped around me, returning the hug just as fierce and supporting me so I didn’t fall down.
“Xavier…” I murmured happily.
“You’re safe now sweetheart” he murmured as he kissed my head. My arms tightened around him and I looked up into his emerald green eyes, I couldn’t help it as I grasped his face and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Xavier kissed me back with an equal amount of passion and that’s when I truly began to feel safe. When we broke away for air I smiled at Xavier and buried face in his neck as I heard chuckles and wolf whistles echo from around me. I had totally forgot that we had an audience, Xavier was like my very own super hero. I knew he would always protect me and I always felt safest when I was with him.
“Well would you look at that, it looks like little East has finally gotten his girl. Wow East, she really is something isn’t she? You are one lucky bastard.”
I felt Xaiver tense up and his grip tightened around me, I watched as his scattered emotions swirled around in his eyes. I turned my head slightly and saw a man standing across from us with a couple of other guys, including Jack and Chris. The man’s smile turned into a cruel one as his eyes locked on Xavier and I.
“It’s too bad she’s going to die.”
* * * * * *
It’s finally done! Ten pages later and at… 2:00 o’clock in the morning! Since it’s so late and I’ve got school tomorrow or well in few hours I will make this A/N very brief.
First, thank you all for the amazing support you have given me. As some of you know I was having personal issues and that’s why I was unable to update when I said I would. But thank you to everyone who supported me during that, you are all wonderful and I wouldn’t have written this if it wasn’t for you.
Second, I’m sorry this took so long to update but you guys have to understand that I do have a life. Sorry if that sounded mean but school has just started and this year is one of the most important ones in my high school career.
Finally, thank you all so much for voting, following, and commenting! You have no idea how much that means to me, because of your constant love of the story it gave me the inspiration I needed to finish this chapter. Thank you all so much, you are all amazing! <3
Vote? Follow? Comment? Please!
Can we get 100 votes and… 80 comments please? :D
Goodnight and Stay Beautiful! <3
xoxo- a very exhausted Sharlynn
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