|15| I've Got A Crush On Who?

This chapter is dedicated to my beautiful best friend in the whole entire universe and my lovely cousin who is like a sister to me, I love you both and Happy Birthday <3

|Story Start|


|Shaylee Love|

“…finally it’s finished!”

I pumped my fist in the air before flopping onto my bed. Today was Saturday, the day of Michael Forbes’s party because of that I decided to sacrifice my precious sleep and wake up early so I could finish my homework so I would have more time getting ready with Avery for the party. The party started at like 8 or 9 and Avery was coming over at 6 or 7. I sighed and clutched Teddibea to my chest. I wasn’t exactly keen to be going to this party, I just wasn’t the partying type. I mean I occasionally go but… eh I don’t know tonight I felt like wearing my sweats and a camisole while curling up on the couch watching movies next Xavier.

Yes I did just say or rather think that. I’ve come to realize something about myself that I didn’t think was possible.

I flipped onto my other side so I could look into Xavier’s room. My mouth formed a disappointed pout when I saw his curtains were closed. I sighed and turned onto my back to stare at the canopy over my bed. I snuggled deeper into the covers and continued to hug my bear, last night… something changed with me as I snuggled into the side of Xavier’s warm and inviting body. I remember thinking about Xavier doing that with someone that wasn’t me and found my heart had clenched painfully at the thought. I don’t know why but it did and I suppose I shouldn’t really be surprised, this was going to happen sooner or later. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I remembered the memories from last night.


It was a regular Friday night, Xavier and I were sitting together on my bed watching T.V. I don’t really know what was on since I wasn’t really paying attention to what was on. I couldn’t concentrate, Xavier was leaning against the headboard and I was curled up into his side, using his shoulder/ arm as a pillow while his arm wrapped around my waist and his hand rested on my hip. Xavier was lightly caressing the exposed skin from where my shirt had ridden up. Sparks and pleasant tingles were shooting across my skin, while butterflies flew around furiously in my stomach. I felt like I fit perfectly into his side. Like two perfect puzzle pieces.

Clearly it was impossible for me to focus on the show no matter how hard I tried.

My eyes trailed towards his face and I found myself studying his features. Xavier’s expression was calm and relaxed as he watched whatever was playing on the screen. I stared at his shining emerald orbs to his perfectly chiseled features. There was no denying how attractive he was, I always felt so… plain next to him. I vaguely wondered why he hung out with me when he could have been out with friends. I smiled lightly, even though he had grown there were still traces of the boy I had grown up with. 

His eyes still held that playful, loving, mischievous, mesmerizing feel to them and I always found myself becoming lost in those emerald pools.

He still had that breathtaking smile that seemed to make me weak in the knees every time he showed his pearly whites.

His attitude was still conceited, cocky, and mysterious but he did have a sweet and loving side that had a hint of that bad boy persona.

I sighed and engulfed his spicy, masculine smell. Why did he have to be so goddamn sexy? My eyes flickered towards his slightly parted lips; they looked so soft, smooth and very kissable. I briefly wondered what they felt like… unconsciously I licked my own dry ones. I looked up and immediately blushed when I saw Xavier was staring at me with an amused glimmer in his eyes. “Are you even paying attention” he teased. I blushed harder “Of course!” I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest. Xavier chuckled but didn’t say anything and I shivered when I felt his thumb graze across my skin.

“Of course, that’s why you’re staring at me” he replied smugly. “Am not!” I protested, avoiding his gaze.  Xavier chuckled and tapped my nose with his finger which made my nose scrunch up. I froze when I felt his hot breath at my ear. I sucked in a sharp breath, I swear I felt his teeth lightly graze my ear. “It’s okay” he breathed, causing goose bumps to form across my skin. “I like staring at you too” he whispered. My breath caught in my throat as my heart beat erratically, I whipped my head to the side but saw that Xavier was already casually watching the T.V screen again. I let out a shaky breath as his arm tightened around me and I watched his lips curve up into a satisfied smirk.

Ho-ly shit.

At this exact moment I realized that I liked Xavier East and was instantaneously falling in love with him.

Flashback Over.

There you have it.

I, Shaylee Love was falling for Xavier East.

The same boy I had grown up with.

The same boy who threw mud in my hair.

The same boy who put bugs in my food.

The same boy who enjoyed teasing and making me mad.

The same boy who grew up incredibly attractive and had a bit of a personality change.

The same boy who I had my first kiss with.

And the same boy I got married to when we were little.

That boy was slowly capturing my heart.

I can’t explain to you how it happened or why it did but I can tell you that I am terrified albeit excited by concept of it.

My phone vibrated and I reached a hand out to grab it from my side table. I felt my stomach flutter when I saw it was Xavier.

I’ll be over in 10.

I smiled lightly and looked over to his window. There he was, the boy who seemed to consume all of my thoughts, Xavier. He was lying sexily in his bed, with his disheveled hair and bare toned chest. I nodded my head at him and he winked before standing up. I couldn’t help but ogle at his form as he stretched. His muscles rippled and my eyes traveled lower towards the V that vanished behind his boxers which were riding dangerously low on his hips. I slowly licked my lips as I trailed my eyes all over his form. Gah… I needed to stop with these thoughts, my eyes flickered back over to Xavier’s eyes and blushed at the amused smirk on his face. He had caught me checking him out! Well… I wasn’t exactly being discreet about it, I brought my phone to my face and texted back telling him that it was fine. I sat up from my bed and made my way towards the bathroom. I suppose I should go and shower before Xavier comes over. I glanced at his window one more time and pouted when I saw he had put on a shirt.

Ah well, there will be time to ogle again tomorrow.

And with that thought I quickly rushed towards my bathroom trying to keep my blush down.

When did I start to have such… perverse thoughts?!

* * * * * *

“Shay get your ass down here! You’re boyfriend and the three musketeers are here!” Trevor yelled from down the stairs. I blushed when he called Xavier my boyfriend and I was a bit confused as to why Ryder, Dominic and Sam were here. Trevor called them the three musketeers since the boys were never seen without one another. If Ryder came over you can be sure Dom and Sam would be coming over sooner or later. If I didn’t know any better I would say the three of them had some sort of bromance between each other. “ALRIGHT! JUST LET ME PUT MY TOP ON, I’LL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE!” I yelled back “OH AND HE’S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!” I shouted for good measure, didn’t need those boys getting any ideas. I just got out of the shower and I already put on my high waisted denim studded shorts all I needed was to put my black bralet top and I was ready for the day. I didn’t bother with make up and just quickly ran a brush through my damp hair when I was finished I slipped my phone into my back pocket and began to go down the stairs.

I walked into the living room and saw that all the boys were lazing on the couch, looking completely bored. When I walked in their gazes snapped over to me and a grin lit up on each of their faces. I felt my heart beat a little bit faster when I looked over at Xavier, locking eyes with him for a moment. Xavier smirked and of course heat rose into my cheeks, I bit my lip nervously. Now that I knew I liked Xavier I had no idea how to act around him. I felt so nervous but I kept my cool, or well at least I tried to and went to sit next to him on the loveseat. Sam was on the single couch while Dominic and Ryder were sprawled across the long couch. I tried to fight down my blush when Xavier put his arm across my shoulders.

“Not to sound rude or anything but um… why are all of you here?” I asked. Dominic smirked “Oh are we intruding on your alone time with East squirt?” he teased. I flushed and glared at him “No!” I exclaimed loudly, trying to hide my blush with my hands. “I was just wondering why all of you were in my house is all” I grumbled. The boys laughed and while I glared. “We’re kidding Shay but Ryder and I have to take Xavier out for a bit and Sam here is going to be your entertainment today” Dominic explained. I turned towards Xavier and cocked my head to the side lightly in confusion. Xavier chuckled “Sorry princess but there’s something I’ve got to do today” he murmured. I frowned and felt disappoint surge through me. I was really looking forward to spending the day with him before the party. Xavier’s hand went to my face and smoothed out my scrunched brows “Don’t worry I’ll be back in time to take you to the party tonight” he told me.

Wait… I don’t remember agreeing to go with him… I shrugged it off, I wasn’t complaining at least I knew he wouldn’t be going with anyone else. I sighed and nodded my head “What do you have to do?” I asked curiously. A flash of pain crossed over his face before a smile quickly replaced it. “It’s nothing you have to worry about” he told me, I frowned and opened my mouth to question him further but Dominic quickly intervened. Well, they are definitely hiding something from me. But what? Did it have anything to do with what I overheard between Jace and Xavier? So many questions, so little answers and no one to answer them for me. I couldn’t ask Xavier, I don’t think he would be very happy about it especially since I was mentioned.

“Don’t worry squirt, we’ll take good care of your boyfriend.” Ryder snickered at my blush “He’s not my boyfriend” I grumbled. Sam grinned slyly “Oh right, we forgot. He’s your husband” he teased. The boys burst out laughing and I hid my face in Xavier’s chest. “Shut up” I groaned, “We were six! It hardly counts!” I exclaimed. Xavier laughed “You still have the ring?” he asked. “Maybe” I replied, he smirked “Then it counts” he concluded. I opened my mouth to retaliate but he quickly placed his big hand over my mouth. I glared and the boys laughed. So I licked his hand in an attempt to get it off, but Xavier didn’t move his hand and just cocked an eyebrow at me. “That’s the best you can do?” he grinned. I rolled my eyes and pried o his hand off of my mouth. “Shut up” I grumbled as he wiped his hand on his jeans.

Ryder, Dominic, Xavier and Sam all shared a look and I scrunched my face in confusion but before I could ask anything all four boys stood up, Xavier bringing me up with him. “It’s time for us to go sweetheart” Xavier said. I nodded my head as we started to file out of the room. “Shay hold on a second” I turned and saw that Xavier was standing by the couch still, beckoning me over. I turned around and saw the other boys had left the room to give us some privacy. I looked back at Xavier and I saw he was rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I walked over to him and he instantly wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me forwards, making me gasp as I fell into him. “I am sorry about leaving you today” he said. I smiled and fake laughed “It’s okay, I really don’t mind. It’s not like we’re dating or anything. You can go and do whatever whenever” I told him.

Xavier frowned for a moment before giving me a small smile, if I wasn’t paying attention I would have missed it. “Promise me you’ll stay close to Sam?” he asked. I rolled my eyes “I’ll be fine, don’t worry” I said. Xavier cupped my cheek with his hand and I found myself leaning into his touch. “I’m serious Shay, promise me you’ll stay by him at all times” he told me, his expression missing his usual playfulness. I frowned but nodded my head “Okay…” I murmured. Xavier smiled before kissing my forehead. “Good” he murmured. We stood there for a moment just standing in each other’s arms, enjoying the comfort. I wondered why he was being so serious, I mean I was just hanging out with Sam not joining a gang or something…

“You lovebirds done yet? We really need to get going!”

At the sound of Ryder’s smug voice I instantly jumped away from Xavier’s hold and felt another blush heat up my cheeks. I turned towards the door and saw Ryder giving us a smirk. I glanced at Xavier and saw he was smirking at me, my cheeks flushed darker and I quickly shuffled out of the room. I lightly smacked Ryder on his arm when he waggled his eyebrows at me as I passed. “Shut up” I muttered. Ryder chuckled as he and Xavier followed me out of the room. “I wasn’t going to squirt” he teased. I rolled my eyes and joined Dominic and Sam at the door “Sure you weren’t” I grumbled, I glanced in the mirror and saw my cheeks were still a dusty rose colour. I pressed my palms onto them to try and lessen the colour.

“We’ll be back around five, see you at the party squirt” Dominic said, giving me a small hug before walking out the door. Ryder did the same except he messed my hair up in the process, I glared at him while he laughed and walked out of the house following after Dominic. Xavier came up to me and kissed my forehead lightly before staring into my eyes, reminding me to stay close to Sam before he followed after the other two boys. I closed the door behind him before turning around and looking at Sam. Sam smirked at me and I knew exactly what his look was insinuating. “So Sammie what are we going to do today?” I asked before he could say anything. Sam chuckled before taking out his car keys. “Fancy a bowling match?” he asked. I grinned and nodded my head “Prepare to loose Greene!” I exclaimed as I slipped on a pair of toms.

Sam laughed and put on his shoes as well. “In your dreams squirt, we both know that I am the champion when it comes to bowling.” I rolled my eyes and followed him to where he parked his car. Sam used to take me bowling all the time, it was one of those things he did when he wanted to distract me from something. Like for my fourteenth birthday he took me here so that Avery and the others could set up my surprise birthday party. I wondered what he was trying to distract me from this time? Did it have something to do with what the other’s were doing? I sighed and slumped in my seat. Why did people hide things from me?

The rest of the ride was mostly silent, that’s how it was between Sam and I. He was like my older brother, the one who didn’t tease me as much and was always looking over my well being.

“Hey Sammie, how’s Riley doing?” I asked after a while. Riley was his five year old sister. She was absolutely adorable! I’ve babysat for her quite a few times and I knew she loved me just as much. Sam smiled “She’s great but she misses you a lot, you’ll have to come over sometime” he replied. I grinned “What can I say? Kids love me” I stated, giving him a grin. Sam rolled his eyes “You can say that again, I swear she likes you more than she likes me. She hasn’t put down that Barbie you gave her last month! She takes the stupid thing everywhere!” he grumbled. I laughed and lightly poked his cheek. “Shut up, you think it’s cute” I teased, Sam rolled his eyes but there was a light smile on his face. You could tell that he really loved his sister, Sam practically raised her. His parents were workaholics and barely ever came home. The Greene’s were well off but Sam and Riley did miss their parents, even if Sam never showed it.

“Come on Love, get ready to get your ass kicked!”

“Game on Sammie”

* * * * * *

“You like East don’t you”

And my ball went into the gutter… again.

“Hey! You did that on purpose!” I whined, collapsing in the chair. Sam smirked “Maybe, but it’s also true” he said as he got up for his turn. I pouted and crossed my arms “Is not” I replied, but by the way my cheeks were warming up I knew that Sam would see right through me. Sam chuckled and held up a finger at me before turning towards the lane. He swung his hand back before thrusting it forwards and letting the blue ball slip through his fingers.

And he get’s another strike.

I groaned “There you win. Happy?” I grumbled as I sat up from my chair. Sam grinned and began to walk over to the front desk so we could give back our rented shoes. “Don’t be so down squirt, you know it was going to happen. You’re crap at bowling” Sam teased, flicking my nose. I glared “Well if you hadn’t distracted me…” I said, trailing off. Sam shook his head and grinned “I still would have won” he stated. I rolled my eyes and put my toms back on “Whatever” I grumbled. Sam and I walked out of the bowling place and back over to his car “Come on, let’s get some ice cream. My treat?” he suggested. Instantly I beamed and nodded my head “Let’s go!” I shouted pulling him towards the car. Once we were sitting I felt my phone vibrate and smiled when I saw it was a text from Xavier.

To: Shaylee

From: Xavier

Hey baby girl, what are you and Greene doing?

I smiled, that was his way in asking if I was okay. I heard Sam chuckle from beside me and I looked at him and saw he was grinning “I can tell by your smile that it’s East. Tell him not to worry, it’s all taken care of” he said. I raised a brow and gave him a curious look “What do you mean ‘it’s all taken care of’” I asked. Sam grinned and shook his head “Don’t worry about it, just tell him. He’ll know” he replied. I shrugged and returned to my phone, hoping that I looked nonchalant but really I was pondering his words. I don’t know but to me that sounded pretty suspicious…. 

To: Xavier

From: Shaylee

Sammie’s buying me ice cream! Yay! :D  And he told me to tell you that ‘don’t worry, everything’s taken care of’ whatever that means

“Did you send it?” Sam asked. I nodded my head “Yup” I responded, popping the ‘p’. Sam grinned and nodded his head “Good.” “Hey Sammie…” I started but I cut myself off when I felt my phone vibrate.

Good, I’ll see you soon sweetheart. :)

I grinned and closed my phone. “Well are you going to tell me what he said?” Sam asked as he pulled into Harry’s Ice Cream. I shrugged “All he said was good” I told him. “Hey Sammie…” I started once again. He quirked a brow at me while I smiled innocently at him, Sam groaned as he parked the car. “What do you want?” he asked immediately. I grinned “I want Harry’s special please! With extra chocolate chips and gummy bears” I pleaded. Sam gave me a flat look “Do we have to have the gummy bears” he whined. I grinned and nodded my head “Of course” I said. He groaned and rolled his eyes at me. Whenever Sam and I came here we always split Harry’s special which was a giant hot fudge sundae with a scoop of one chocolate and one vanilla ice cream. It had a tower of whipped cream on the top with yummy chocolate chips and my person favourite, gummy bears.

We walked in and I grinned when the tiny bell tinkled. I saw Harry was working today instead of his wife. “Hi Harry!” I chirped as we walked over, Harry smiled and waved us over. “Sam and Shaylee! I haven’t seen you two here in a while” he greeted happily. I nodded my head “It’s been a while, last time I was here with Xavier” I said. Harry gave me a sly grin “Ah yes, that East boy. I remember him. Mabel told me she was back and she seemed to think you two were dating, although I’m not so sure about that now…” he teased, looking between Sam and I. I blushed and rolled my eyes while Sam chuckled. “Nope I’m just the babysitter. East doesn’t want his girl unsupervised. Who knows what kind of trouble she’ll get it?” Sam teased.

I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder. “I can very well take care of myself!” I huffed. Sam laughed and ruffled my hair “Of course you can” he said, sounding like he was talking to a five year old. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out while Sam and Harry laughed at me. Sam then ordered our sundae and Harry walked off to make the heavenly treat. When he came back Sam and I split the price before walking off to a table. I grinned in anticipation as Sam handed me a spoon. “On the count of three…”




Once we shouted three Sam and I stuck our spoons into the bowl and took a giant bite at the same time. We grinned at each other before beginning to eat like normal people, with smaller bites. It was like heaven in my mouth, the chocolate syrup melted on my mouth while the ice cream sent little bursts of flavour all over my tongue, the chocolate chips were crunchy and chocolately. The gummy bears were so chewy and delicious. I couldn’t help but scoop more and more into my mouth. I knew I would be getting a brain freeze sooner or later.  After half the bowl was cleared Sam put his spoon down and stared at me.

“Now I want you to tell me the truth squirt” he started.

I raised a brow and swallowed a mouthful of ice cream. “About what?” I questioned curiously, Sam grinned devilishly. “About you and East” he told me. I blushed and rolled my eyes “There’s nothing to tell” I shrugged. Sam rolled his eyes and took another bite of the sundae. “Now don’t lie to me Shaylee, I know you like him” he stated. Challenging me with his eyes, I blushed darker and folded my arms across my chest. “I do not!” I exclaimed.


“Liar” Sam smirked. I groaned and pressed my head into the table. “You suck Sammie” I muttered. I heard Sam snicker as he reached over and ruffled my hair. “So…” he started, I raised a brow “So what?” I asked. Sam smirked, “Well am I right?” he asked. I narrowed my eyes at his smirk, he just wanted me to say it out loud. “You already know that you are” I dismissed. Sam rolled his eyes and quickly grabbed the sundae, clutching it to his chest. I glared at him while he grinned cheekily at me “Come on squirt, just admit it please?” he asked. I groaned “IlikeXavier” I muttered quietly. Sam smirked and cupped a hand over his ear. “What’s that? I didn’t hear you. Say it louder” he teased. I groaned and glared harder at him. “I said I like Xavier” I said mumbling the last part.

Sam smirked and took a bite of ice cream, “Come on Shay don’t you want some of this?” he asked, gesturing to the sundae. I groaned and weighed my options… Sam already knew and as long as he doesn’t tell anyone… that ice cream is way too good to pass up. “Fine” I grumbled. “I like Xavier East okay! Happy now?” I groaned. Sam smirked and nodded his head “Very” he replied before putting the bowl back on the table. I grinned and began to eat the ice cream again.

“I knew it!” A smug voice whispered from beside me.

My eyes widened and I let out a surprised scream. Thankfully I had swallowed my ice cream or else I would have chocked. I turned and glared at the person who scared the shit out of me.

“RYDER SANTIAGO!!” I screeched, that only caused Sam and him to laugh even harder. My eyes widened when I figured out what he had heard. “Oh my god” I moaned, covering my mouth with my hands. Ryder smirked and slid into the seat beside me, my eyes frantically flickered around the shop. Oh my god, what if Xavier was here? He was with Ryder earlier! Oh my god if he heard me I think I would die of embarrassment. Ryder grinned and threw his arm around my shoulders “Don’t worry Squirt, Dominic and East are still out. It’s just me” he said. I let out a breath of relief before shrugging off his shoulder. I gave Sam a sour look while he grinned innocently at me “You did that on purpose” I accused. Sam smirked and leaned back against the booth, his smirk telling me everything.

“You guys suck” I moaned, taking the last bite from my sundae.

Ryder snickered and Sam rolled his eyes “Don’t worry squirt we won’t tell anybody, especially East.” Ryder teased. I moaned and pressed my head against the table, the blush on my face was finally fading away. I glanced at my friends from the side and found they were smirking at me “I seriously want to kill you guys right now” I grumbled. Sam and Ryder laughed before tugging me up from the booth. “Come on squirt don’t be so dramatic. We already knew that you liked him” Sam teased. I blushed and smacked his head “Shut up!” I ordered, you never know who might be listening.

I grumbled something unintelligent before sliding into the backseat.

I groaned when I realized something.

Avery was going to kill me, she hates not being the first to know things.

* * * * * *

“Xavier!!!” I cried when he walked into the house with Dominic. I ran towards him and tackled him into a hug… well more like ran into him. Instead of falling he only stumbled back a few steps. Ryder and Sam snickered and I turned to glare at them. “Save me!” I cried dramatically, burying my face into his chest. Xavier chuckled and wrapped his arms around me “Not that I didn’t love it or anything but what’s with the touchy feely greeting?” he asked. I turned and pointed towards Sam and Ryder who were giving me knowing looks. I blushed and turned to Dominic who was smirking… that little… he knew as well!

I stepped out from Xavier’s arms and put a bit of space between the two of us. “Well we’ll leave you two to yourselves, see you at the party” Dominic winked before walking out the door. Ryder smirked and gave me a hug “Aves will be here soon, you better take advantage of that alone time” Ryder whispered. I gasped and flushed a dark red “Shut up!” I hissed, shooing him from the house as he laughed at me. I looked up at Xavier and saw he was giving me a questioning look, I blushed darker and turned to Sam who gave me a smile “Have fun” he winked before following the other two out of the door.

I groaned and flopped down onto the couch. Xavier chuckled and I felt the couch dip from beside me, my legs were lifted up and fell onto Xavier’s lap. I blushed darker when my eyes met his, “So what was all that about?” He asked. I shook my head “You don’t even want to know” I muttered. When we got back to my house Sam and Ryder wouldn’t stop teasing me about Xavier, it was so embarrassing! There was no way in hell that I was going to tell Xavier about that!

I opened my mouth to make up some random lie but the door opened at that moment and my best friend burst into the room.


I groaned, this was going to be a long night…

* * * * * *

Bonjour! I know, I know! I am so late with this but May is a really busy month for me! I’m so sorry guys! But I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wanted to get it out before I leave on Saturday for Ottawa with my family.


You guys are seriously amazing and I couldn’t do any of this without you! Thank you so much for being there! Especially when I am slow at updates!

I was wondering if you would follow me on twitter? It’s https://twitter.com/SharlynnBonham, you can yell at me (or remind me nicely ;P) to update or get a sneak peek of what’s coming up next in any of my stories =D If you follow me, tell me and I will definitely dedicate the next update to you! Can we get 30 votes and 25 comments please! <3 So Vote? Comment? Fan/ Follow? Please :D Have a great month! <3 Xoxo- Shar

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