March 14, 2018

This was it. It was the last day of Jordan's stay in New York, and the day that he had decided he was going to finally confess his feelings to his best friend. His original idea was to do it last moment, at the airport. That way, it was going to go one of two ways: he would stay if everything went well, or leave for Ohio if it didn't. Considering everything that's happened since he arrived though, especially last night's events, the scale might be leaning towards the former, and he wouldn't complain if that was the case.

Everything seemed to fall into place once Aaron had admitted his jealousy last night, and since he couldn't find a single bit of doubt in his friend's face after searching all over it, you could say everything was coming up his way.

Jordan was slowly regaining consciousness after basically passing out last night. He didn't want to wake up just yet. It was like one of those days when you're having an amazing dream but suddenly realize you're awake so you keep your eyes closed harshly and pray for the dream to not go away. It was like that, but Jordan hadn't been dreaming. He just didn't want the moment to end. He didn't want to wake up and have to face the conversation that would inevitably take place. Yeah, the future was looking up for him, but anxiety always plays the "what if" card on you. What if he had misread Aaron's intentions last night?

As Jordan's sleep kept crawling off him, he was gradually becoming aware of different things that were going on around him. He could hear the birds singing outside, the cars passing by, even the faint far voices of Aaron's neighbors around the building. What surprised him the most though, was the repetitive beating sound he could hear specifically on his right ear, the one he was laying on, and the slow soothing circles on the back of his head. He soon also became aware of the warm coming from what felt like an arm around him that attached to what could only be a hand providing that gentle massage on his scalp.

He slowly opened his eyes, trying to make his awaken state go perfectly unnoticed. The scene he encountered was one he had dreamed about dozens of times in the past six months.

Jordan was laying on his right side, his head on Aaron's chest and his left arm across the older boy's tummy. Their legs were intertwined and by what he could feel, at some point during the night they had both gotten rid of their sweatpants, probably just kicking them off of the way. Aaron's right hand was softly and barely touching Jordan's left hand, playing with his fingers, whilst his left hand was mindlessly playing with his curls. For the first time since he had arrived at New York, Jordan felt completely at peace. Not a single thought of anxiety crossed his mind as he basked in his surroundings.

The boy slowly looked up, only to find Aaron looking out the window with what could only be described as the most peaceful look he had ever seen adorning his face. Jordan had never been more certain that he was deeply in love with this man and wanted to treasure this moment for ever. The morning sun made Aaron's features stand out, he was glowing. Jordan was collecting, and it seemed like Aaron was using this moment for collecting too.

Aaron heard Jordan sigh, and looked down to meet the boy's eyes.

"Hey there," the blonde said with an adoring smile.

"Hi," the boy responded with warm cheeks, before nuzzling Aaron's chest and looking back up at him.

"How are you feeling?" the blonde boy asked, bringing his right hand up to caress the younger's cheek.

"Confused. Warm," his lips curving upwards when he made Aaron smile, "But overall okay, that aspirin worked wonders."

Aaron chuckled at that, "Silly," he said, thumb going over the boy's cheekbone over and over again.

"Tickles," the boy giggled. Making Aaron heart flutter in his chest. He got an idea then, his left hand quickly leaving the boy's curls to go right into the boy's ticklish ribs.

A loud gasp was followed by a burst of laughter, as Jordan struggled to breathe properly and to stop the older one from tickling him.

"Mercy! Mercy!" he pleaded between giggles, until Aaron, who was now straddling the boy, stopped.

Breathless, they took a moment to bask in the scene. They were both in front of the most beautiful boy, sharing shy smiles and complicit eyes.

Aaron sat back on the boy's thighs, eyes never leaving those of the younger. They stayed like that for a moment, before Aaron laid down on top of the boy, his head now resting a little above the his tummy. He deeply sighed when the boy carded his fingers through his golden locks.

"I'm so sorry," the older of the two said after a couple of minutes. He then placed his chin atop the boy's sternum to look up at him. Jordan looked down at his best friend.

"I know, me too." he responded.

Words were superfluous; silence was giving them the opportunity for deeper communication. Their gazes were locked, eyes revealing what they both knew but didn't want to admit. The secret in their eyes was fighting to be freed.

Jordan's hands left Aaron's golden fluff in favor of posing on the older boy's cheeks, thumbs gently removing the small tears that had started to fall.

"Why are you crying?" he whispered sadly.

"I don't know," replied the blonde with wavering voice. "You are my best friend and I almost lost you. I've hurt you, Jordan. I can't believe I did that to you." He looked absolutely destroyed; realization had hit him like a double decker bus.

That was the thing with Aaron: he had this big, serious, dominant energy about him. He was always in charge of every situation and always took care of everyone around him, but in reality he was just a big menacing looking puppy.6'3" might sound intimidating, but not so much when it's just full of soft love and affection.

Jordan pushed himself to sit up in bed, bringing the older one closer now to straddle his hips. Jordan's hands were still on each side of the other's head, but his fingers were now gently carding through the strands at the nape of his neck. He pressed a soft kiss between Aaron's eyebrows then, before pressing his own forehead against his friend's before replying.

"We both fucked up last night," he said looking fondly into those beautiful grayish blue eyes. "And you know this is serious because I never say fuck," the boy said making Aaron chuckle.

"Oh my God!! I can't believe innocent little Jordan just said a big bad boy word!," he jokingly said, "it's pretty hot though, not gonna lie" he added with a smirk when he saw the boy blush.

Jordan groaned loudly, hiding his head under the Aaron's jaw.

"You cannot say something like that when you are sitting in my lap!! And especially not we're only in our underwear!!" said the boy exasperatedly, voice muffled by Aaron's neck but still perfectly clear for him to hear. He couldn't help but laugh at the boy's sudden shyness.

"Gosh, you're so adorable," Aaron said, prying the boy's head out of hiding to face him again.

He lifted his hand and started going as soft as a feather over the younger's features with his thumb, following his own movements with his eyes. He started on Jordan's soft chin and jaw; then went over his bushy eyebrows; passed lightly over his cheekbones and made the boy giggle a little when he caressed softly the slop of his nose; all of this to conclude on the boys lips. He ran the pad of his thumb torturously slow over the boy's plump lower lip, before pressing lightly and dragging it downwards, only to see it spring back up. The boy couldn't help but shiver at the feeling; taking Aaron out of his trance and making him finally meet his eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" Aaron whispered, eyes pleading for the boy's approval.

"Please," he replied nodding, immediately and almost desperately leaning forwards to meet Aaron's lips halfway.

It was sweet, soft, warm, innocent and slow; but absolutely full of love. Loving. That was the word to describe their first real kiss. That one drunken peck from many moons ago was absolutely meaningless next to this.

Their lips danced slowly to the beat of their racing hearts, nothing but pure love running through their veins. Aaron was holding Jordan tightly by the sides of his neck, while Jordan held him just as tight by his hips. Both boys tried to keep breathing through their nose, reluctant to let go just yet.

It was Aaron's turn to show a little of that dominance Jordan loved so much, so slowly but surely, one of his hands slid up to the boy's curls, threading his fingers there and softly pulling on the strands. Jordan immediately moaned at the feeling, giving the older the opportunity to carefully glide his tongue across the younger boy's lower lip while his mouth was agape. Overwhelmed, Jordan's eyes shot open only to meet Aaron's looking at him lovingly, silently asking for consent, and full of desire and want.

Jordan hot breathe tickled the blonde's lips when he nodded, granting his permission to taste him fully. Morning breath is not a concern when love, lust, and need assemble.

Their tongues met for the first time and both boys were ecstatic. It was smooth and velvety. Electricity was running through their nerves. Their hands took advantage of the moment to explore every bit of the other they could. Their backs, arms, thighs and necks, were all receiving the same amount of attention. Their skin was a bit chilly because of the morning air, but it was gradually acquiring temperature as the kiss grew heated.

Soft small whimpers escaped Jordan's throat, whilst Aaron wasn't so hesitant to set his low grunts and moans free. The younger's little sounds were driving him insane though; the boy was absolutely delightful, tiny, irresistible, pulchritudinous.

Aaron couldn't take it anymore; his place wasn't on Jordan's lap, so he decided to gently push the boy back so he could be atop of him as he really wanted to. And as Jordan seemed to enjoy the most too.

The kiss broke once the curly haired boy was laying back, chest raising and falling rapidly to catch his breathe. Aaron took that moment to sit back and observe his boy. Jordan looked wrecked, face red and chest splotched with the same shade. Lips swollen and eyes hooded, Jordan made grabby hands to Aaron, suddenly missing the warm of the other's body. Aaron's heart halted at the sight.

"Gosh, you're beautiful," he admitted, not being able to stop his words.

Jordan blushed harder if even possible, needy sound escaping his lips as he reached for his man again, followed by a loud moan when his hips raised to meet Aaron's unintentionally.

"Fuck," Aaron breathed before giving in and crashing his lips against the boy again. This kiss didn't last long though; it was falling short for how much both boys wanted each other right now. The blonde's lips diving lower to his boy's jaw and neck. He couldn't help it when he started to slowly suck on the boy's collar bone gaining himself an approval moan.

The boy's hands were submissively resting on the pillow at each side of his head. He was shaking so much at the overwhelming sensations, old and new, that were coursing through his body. Aaron seemed to caught on it, so he slid his own hands on the boy's, intertwining their fingers and pinning him down completely, providing him with the feeling of foundation he needed to not float away.

Jordan was so overstimulated that he didn't realized he was grinding his hips against Aaron's until he felt heat pooling on his lower stomach. He wasn't aware he wasn't controlling his volume anymore either, loud moans and gasps and grunts falling from his lips as Aaron's lips teased one of his nipples before returning to his neck. He did become aware of his need for release though when he realized Aaron was just as affected as he was by all of this.

"P-Please," he breathed out, pleading his man "I-I need-"

"I know baby, c'mon, you can cum for me" Aaron whispered in his ear while gently nibbling on his earlobe.

Jordan's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he let his body convulse with overwhelming pleasure. He came so hard his mind went blank for at least a minute, before being brought back to reality by Aaron's moans as he also came rutting his hips against the boy's. Seeing and hearing and feeling Jordan cumming had tipped him over the edge.

Both boys stayed silent for a couple of minutes, breathing normalizing as they came down from their highs. Aaron was still atop of the boy, gently playing with the fingers of one of the hands he was still holding. Jordan's other hand had found its way to Aaron's back, gently caressing the skin and living goosebumps along the way. Bliss, euphoria, joy and happiness washing over them.

"Wow," the older said, making the younger chuckle.

"Wow," he replied back with a smile.

Aaron went to lie on his side next to his boy, manhandling him too so they would be facing each other.

"Hi baby," he whispered with a smile, making Jordan hide his face against the pillow before shyly peaking up at him again.

"Hi," he whispered back.

"Please don't go," Aaron found himself saying, suddenly scared of the boy leaving. "Stay with me," said the blonde with a pleading tone.

That was a no brainer for Jordan. There was absolutely no other place in the world he would rather be.

"Okay," he replied, lower lip captured between his teeth to keep from grinning too much.

"Wait, really?" Aaron asked excited, sitting up in the bed, eyebrows high and eyes wide.

Jordan nodded blushing, sweet small "mhm" escaping his lips.

"Oh my God, I love you" Aaron said gleaming at him, like he had said hundreds of times before, but this one hit completely different. "Oh my God, I do love you" he said laughing with happiness.

"I love you too," Jordan replied, softly and quickly pecking Aaron's smile trying to not scream of happiness right then and there. "I do love you too," he said gleaming back.

"Gosh, I'm gonna cuddle the shit out of you, let me go get something to get us cleaned," he said quickly getting up from the bed.

"Wait!" Jordan stopped him, "Kissie," he said puckering his lips for his man.

Aaron laughed before pecking the boy's lips and running to the bathroom.

Jordan took this time to grab his phone from the nightstand, to quickly send some texts out:

Jordun: Hey. I guess I won't be coming back to Ohio today. ✓✓

He smiled when he saw the three dots immediately jumping on the screen, meaning he was being answered.

Joshua: DUDE! I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do this. I want all the deets later! Go get you man now. I love you ✓✓

Jordan was smiling so hard his cheeks were hurting. He will tell his brother later about everything that went on the last couple of days. Well, not everything. He'll leave out some details; those were only for him and Aaron to know. 

The End.

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