chapter 2
Early morning dew dropped from a leaf onto Theos face he woke up from it with a jolt as he sat up shocked "Jesus that shits cold!" He spoke loudly as he shook his head to get the droplets off "shut up" Fred spoke still half asleep.
Theo looked down and saw their fire went out and only Luke and him were awake.
He got up and looked around for him "Luke!" Theo called out as he searched for luke.
As he looked thru the trees he noticed Luke sitting near a lake he ran over full speed "you found a river!!" He yelled out in joy "ya we can refill our water rations" luke replied to his yell with a smile and laugh Theo looked at Luke and he smiled like an idiot.
Thorn woke up shortly after Theo yelled and he went on a small hunt for Luke and Theo once he saw them and he ran over "hello theo hello luke" the small boy spoke with confidence of a cat on a higher shelf then a human "why are you by a river?" The boy asked with a bright smile as he tilted his head sideways slightly. Slowly they walked back to camp Thorn saw Nedel awake and ran to her "there's a river nearby Nedel!" He spoke loudly and it shocked everyone.
Their faces went from shock to smiles as they laughed "that's amazing" she replied they all sat and chatted for a bit eating some bread and berries for breakfast.
Suddenly from behind a tree theo heard a growl Theo jumped up and grabbed his sword "what the fuck was that!" He belted out as he stood ready for anything to come from behind the tree another growl was sent out from the tree Fred and Luke got up and grabbed their weapons ready to protect their friends "ok what is that!!" Luke yelled out as they stood a creature walked out from behind the tree "BEELZEBUB!!" Thorn yelled out "thats beelzebub my vulpes" he spoke as he ran to beelzebub. Everyone looked stunned silence as thorn hugged the creature "Luke, Theo, Fred this is beelzebub hes a vulpes and my best friend" thorn stated with a smile.
A growl flowed from beelzebub like a song from a bird.
Thorn placed his hand on beelzebub "my dear friend" the small child stated as theo looked at thorn and beelzebub he heard a voice scream his name he looked around. "Did you guys hear that?" He asked as he turned around repeatedly "hear what" Luke asked "A voice yell my name" Theo replied sounding more panicked now "maybe you imagined it" thorn told him "ig.. Ya" theo spoke as he grabbed his pack and handed everyone their weapons "ready to keep going on our journey" he asked everyone nodded in reply.
They all headed off now with beelzebub as they kept going Theo questioned the voice but as he noticed the village in the distance He went running ahead but unfortunately he fell and ended tumbling down a hill "FUCK!!" He screamed out as he hit a small rock luke laughed "you ok?" Nedel asked Theo replied with a thumbs up "I SEE A VILLAGE IN CLOSE COME ON!!" Theo jumped up as everyone ran over to him he ran off again laughing almost falling.
Fred watched him run and he zoned out looking at theo with a smile.
Theo made it to the village first a he was panting "i am speed" he blurted out once everyone caught up Fred and Luke grabbed both of Theos hands to keep him from running of "lets see if theres a shop here we can get more rations then head out again for another god" Luke stated "ill ask around see if they have any issues with the celestial kings" Nedel said and thus she did as everyone else bought more food and she went around asking if they have any issues with the celestial kings most people ignored her 1 lady replied "the celestial kings… there's one thats been ruining our village for months now it lives in the woods and comes out every morning to eat our crops and raid our houses" she spoke with a shaky voice.
"Me and my friends will get that creature for you all ma'am" she replied before running back to her friends "i got info" she picked up thorn as she spoke "a god is tormenting them it lives in the woods" she stated and looked at everyone "well lets fight another god" Theo blurted out without thinking "ya lets do it" Fred replied as they packed the new food and went off to hunt the creature. The sun slowly set as they were searching suddenly a purple fogg ran thru the forest "whats happening!?" Theo uttered out with a shaky voice. He suddenly heard Luke scream when hecran over he saw the creature fighting luke. And luke was winning alone Luke killed the creature a three headed dog "i wonder what that things about" Theo asked Fred and thorn ran over "you two ok?" They said insink Nedel jumped from a tree and she watched the whole thing "a dog with three heads.
That sounds like-" Nedel was cut off by a voice in the tree from every direction "my name's Liam ward" the voice spoke.
The group panicked "w-what.." Fred spoke trying to hide how scared he was but failing, a figure appeared in front of Fred quickly "hello" the figure spoke "wha- Dad.." Fred started crying but stayed with his guard up.
Theo ran over and tried to attack the figure but it whipped around and grabbed Theos throat.
"i should introduce myself im Freds Father and you killed my dog" liam stated before he threw Theo off a cliff Fred ran to the cliff screaming for Theo and reaching out for him Fred stood frozen in shock Fred pulled theo up "thank fucking god your ok" Fred stated and held Theo close well crying Luke went for a full attack on Liam "YOU BITCH!" He screamed out as he tried to kill Liam Nedel was using her scythe and thorn used static spell to summon lightning they were fighting lucifer together Theo felt weak but want giving up till he was thrown off the cliff again
The world suddenly went black.
His body felt cold like he was in a frozen lake he saw Fred reaching for him as he fell off a cliff he heard his friend scream him name but his ears were ringing it sounded so far af he fell thru the air he exhaled and cried with a smile "i'm sorry i broke my promise Fred" theo said before he hit the ground with a hard thud his head bashing into a rock he died the moment he hit the rock blood pooling around him Fred ran to him quickly "no no no this cant end. You cant be gone, come on it was meant to be us 3 forever" he cried as he witnessed his friends soul leave Luke ran to them "in another life, in another world, in another time we'll see eachother again" luke spoke with his head low Fred put theos soul gem necklace on.
He sat clinging to Theo "in another life Theo" fred spoke Liam left as quickly as he appeared leaving all of them with a dead body of their friend "this cant be the end… come on Theo we were meant to live forever and always be together come on please… come back" Fred spoke shakily Luke dug a small hole with his daggers its gonna be his friends grave "good bye my friend" Luke spoke as he saluted to his friends corps. Fred put his friends body into the makeshift grave "you will be my sweet friend. We'll find a way to bring you back… pinky promise" Fred spoke as he watched his friends corpse before Luke could bury his friend Fred took Theos soul gem after he grabbed it Luke buried Theo. Fred stood up and walked away down the path in the direction of the village "a kids story or reality ill find it out" he spoke out loud to himself Luke walked over "find what out?" He asked "when you were little did you hear the story of the ocean of life" he asked Luke "well ya but isn't it just a kid story" luke questioned his friend "if its real we can get Theo back" Fred spoke with a few sniffles between his words. "We'll bring him back somehow" Luke told him.
They all walked away on a new mission to bring back their friend. Back on the trail they finally left the forest it was open land with giant flowers "my father killed my friend. My father killed my.. Friend the person i love-" Fred spoke quietly well holding Lukes hand "hey. Fred, Luke we're at a off field what are those flowers" Nedel spoke as thorn looked around with beelzebub next to him they walked into the field but the scent the flowers gave out was odd it made Freds head hurt he looked at his friends everyone except Luke was almost unconscious "luk-" he spoke before he collapsed.
Luke carried all of them thru the field to a safe area. It was sandy with the sun beading down with the anger of the gods. Thorn woke up first and looked around confused "Nedel?" He asked as he looked at his sleeping sister "Luke…. are we dead?" Thorn asked the dragon in a timid tone. "No no no, we're ok the flowers just made you guys pass out" Luke told Thorn they looked at the other sleeping group members slowly Fred stirred awake "luke am i dead" he asked with his eyes closed "no your not idiot" luke replied.
Nedel woke up and looked at everyone she hugged thorn happily "so someone explain what happened" Nedel asked "well the flowers made you guys pass out it didn't work on me so i took you all thru it" Luke answered Nedel.
"At least we lived and are unharmed" Nedel replied with a smile luke couldn't help but laugh a little.
"You're both idiots" Fred stated bluntly "oi! We aren't idiots!" Luke barked back as he hit Fred playfully they both laughed. Thorn stood up and walked towards a small cliff its not high but would be a painful fall. Nedel saw him walk and ran over picking him up "what were you thinking!" She yelled at him "but i saw a light" he quietly replied pointing to the ground below the cliff where a bright light glowed above the ground it looked like blob of pure energy it was brighter than anything Nedel has ever seen "guys come here" Nedel called out.
As she yelled for her friends they ran over confused "whats wrong Nedel?" Fred asked as he walked up beside her "look down there" Nedel stated pointing off the cliff making sure thorn is safe "is that a light? Wtf. Is that thing" Luke asked well looking at it. The light slowly moved up towards them as they tried to run but Thorn was caught by the creature before anyone could help him.
Thorn started glowing; he died as fast as his sister could blink.
Nedel started to cry as she dropped to her knees repeating "my brother…. My baby brother" Nedel grabbed her cyth and swung at the light holding on back tears as she swung again and again as she swung at the light it dropped the corpse of thorn and fled into the shadows under small rocks Nedel ran and held her brother "n-no… please stay with me please-" she cried out her words pleading with her brothers dead body.
Luke dug a small but deep grave for the boy "take his soul gem maybe we can bring him back" Luke stated.
Luke took the small boy from Nedel and buried his body in the hole "maybe… hopefully we can" Nedel spoke as she took thorns soul gem putting it with hers in a small bag tied to her belt.
Once thorn was buried they all got up and started walking with Nedel in tears still.
Luke went running forwards "I SEE SMOKE?!" He screamed in excitement grabbing Fred's hand and picking up Nedel he ran towards the smoke which as he got closer turns out was coming from a house "shelter.." Fred spoke with a smile Nedel was smiling a bit too.
Fred hugged Nedel "we'll bring him back" Fred told Nedel Fred smiled as they walked to the house they all noticed a elf with a female stature was cutting wood outside as another female elf like figure was building a bit for what Luke presumed for roasting a wild boar.
"H-hello?" Fred said even if he was scared and Luke caught on, he grabbed onto Fred's hand holding me close "Uhh-.. Hello. Im Luke" he stated to the elfs as they stopped what they were doing and stared at the dragon hybrid next to the celestial blood "i-..." Fred stopped, he didn't like people looking at him "this is Fred" luke spoke as he picked up Fred "a dragon? Out here look usually we don't bother with others but why are you here it's colder up here and most dragons stay near heat" the elf making the fire pit spoke she had a calm sweet voice it made Luke wanna laugh.
They all looked at each other for a moment as Luke laughed his head off "ok. Obviously i'm a hybrid" Luke replied still laughing "oh sorry for my rudeness, im indigo and that's
Lilly" the elven cutting the wood spoke with chukling "Please come inside all of you" lilly stated as she walked to the house door, opening it with a smile. Nedel walked towards the door with Luke who's still carrying Fred.
As they sit inside with Lilly and indigo.
Fred looks at them and tries speak again but when he opens his mouth all that comes out is a almost silent squeak Luke looks at him rubbing his back "we're gonna defeat the celestial kings or die trying" luke spoke as i looked at the elves "i-... we-...will get out of your hair as soon as we can..' Fred stated as he kept his face hidden "look if you're gonna kill anything you need energy. Stay the night have a nice meal" lilly offered with a smile as indigo handed Nedel, Luke, and Fred a cookie "here kid" she stated as she handed the cookie to Fred.
Nedel smiled as she took the cookie "thank you" she spoke happily, Luke took the cookies for him and Fred "thank you ma'am. Fred, you wanna eat this?" Luke rubbed Freds back holding a cookie near his face
Fred grabbed the cookie and ate it quietly "Luke… people" Fred spoke and hugged Luke.
-they all ate a nice warm stew for dinner and slept well. Later at 5 am-
Fred rose and looked around holding Theos soul gem.
Once he spotted Luke he ran to his friend Fred climbed into the small bed Luke was asleep in and clung to him "to early go to sleep" Luke mumbled out before dragging Fred under the covers and driftin off again
-a few hours past and the sun shone thru the window onto Luke and fred-
Luke sat up rubbing his eyes processing everything around him.
He looked around and saw Fred still asleep beside him "fucking idiot" he quietly mumbled
"Stop moving" Fred mumbled as he tried to pull Luke back down.
Luke laughed and patted Fred's head ruffling his hair a bit "wake up Fred" Luke spoke quietly "l don't wanna tho" Fred mumbled well hitting Luke.
Luke scooped Fred into his arms holding him like a child "PUT ME DOWN LUKE!" Fred belted out as he flailed trying to escape Lukes grasp, luke laughed as he watched his friend flail and his him "you're like a fish out if water" Luke laughed out and carried Fred out the room to a kitchen where Lilly and Indigo were making some eggs and bacons.
Nedel helped them with the eggs "you guys are so sweet letting us stay here. Even if we're complete strangers" Nedel spoke as she cracked a egg and poring the content inside the egg into a frying pan.
"Be happy we arent near the east mountin tops or you'd need to deal with warlocks. A town for theme resides up at those mountines" lilly stated with a soft smile
Indigo grabbed some platescand dished out the bacon and once Nedel was done with the egg she also dished out the eggs lilly counted as she placed the plates at a old but sturdy table once all the plates were placed Indigo grabbed some cups placing all of them and lilly placed a juice jug and a water jug on the table "please help yourself to the juice and water now lets eat" lilly said as she jestrued for everyone to sit and eat Luke walked over and put Fred on a chair before he sat next to Fred on the chair to the left of his and Nedel sat to the right of Fred.
Fred looked at everyone "th-ank y-ou so.. m-uch ma'ams" Fred quietly spoke it was almost a whisper barely audible for lilly to hear as she poured indigo some juice and offered Nedel some which Nedel excepted when lilly heard Fred she smiled "its really no problem kid" lilly said with a smile "come on eat. Its nice and warm" indigo gestrued to the plates of food before sitting at the head of the table and eats some of her egg shortly after Lilly follow suit eating her portion to Nedel also ate a bit then tapped Luke "its really good try it" Nedel quietly spoke to Luke.
Luke took a bite of the egg and smiled it did taste nice he saw Fred who was looking at the dish slowly eating with a shy smile "you are correct its very tasty" Fred mumbled
He wanted to show his apperciation but hes afraid to speak up.
-after they ate and got their gear the trio headed out ever bit seeing beelzebub peak his head into a path and disapear before running behind them and follow happily-
As the trio walked on a mountain slowly appeared in the horizon "guys look" Luke pointed to the mountain "wait where's the map Indigo gave us?" Luke asked.
Fred quickly gave Luke the map "here" Fred spoke with a smile "ok so we're here and uhhh…. The soul mountain is RIGHT UP AHEAD! We're so close!" Luke yelled out ecstatic.
Fred grabbed Nedel and Luke's hands quickly running with them "WE CAN BRING THEM BACK!" He yelled making it to the base of the mountain Fred looked at his Friends "do we need to climb it?" He questioned it.
Luke nodded "I think so" Luke replied nedel snapped her fingers "wait! We don't beelzebub can help us! Hes been following from afar" she stated with an ecstatic tone.
Almost like clock work a fluffy tail and set of ears popped out of a bush before Beelzebub
Jumped out "ok.
Beelzebub can you help us get to the top of the mountain?" Nedel asked it seemed like he understood her he nodded and backed up before electricity covered his body with bolts of it flicking off.
Beelzebub turned into his larger form giving him two heads and three tails once he was fully in the form the electricity dissipated and he got down to let Nedel, Fred, and Luke on his back "hold on guys" Nedel said before Beelzebub started to climb the mountain digging his claws into it and jumping from ledge to ledge.
When they reached the peak he let the trio down and they watched him slowly shrink losing two of the tails and one of the heads the trio looked around and it.. The lake of souls "lets go!" Fred spoke as he ran to the lake making it there but before he could bring his friend back he saw the mind behind it.
Behind the pain and death his own family the person he saw was his mother "m-mom…" Fred spoke he wanted to cry but couldnt.
"Fred- i never thought you'd make it" she stated "I'm gonna revive Theo" Fred stated well taking out Theos soul gem he went to the edge of the lake "my friend.." Fred whispered to himself as Luke walked over and helped him lower the soul gem but before they could fully lower the gem Fred felt a cold metel blade stab thru his back.
Through coughs and gasps for air he let out one last cry blood dripped out of his body as he slumped over onto Luke covering his friends torso and hands "im sorry…" Fred let out as his body slowly went limp his breath weakened.
Luke stay holding his friend in shock "y-you killed your son…" Luke said looking at Liam
"Its for his own good if you all understood how dangerous this world is if i only knew how to explain" liam stated with a almosted paniced voice nedel looked at him "tell us. Try to explain" nedel spoke with a smile and obvious tears.
Before liam could explain a figure apeared with a claok covering its body and a hoof to hide its face "you rat! Saving this children you know to become apart of the celestial empire you cant have conections" the figure spoke as it picked up liam by his wrist
"I-im sorry but its my son and his friends let them be free" liam cried as he spoke "y-your son..?" The figure dropped liam and starred at the group who were on the ground in shock.
the figure quickly removed its cloak and it showed it was just a person well sorta a person Luke couldnt understand why something was off "my names void. Im one of the deitys of this world. To be exact im the god of the water, this is my very dear friend Liam ward the god of air and wind" void spoke to the group with a smile.
Luke threw a stone at void "explain why you killed my friend!" Luke yelled.
"Your own good im so sorry" void spoke before summoning a sword and he hit nedel pushing her back with a hard thud
Nedel watched as beelzebub leaped infront of her as she tried her best to get up but was unable to get the strength.
Beelzebub turned into his larger form giving him 2 heads and 3 tails shes witnessed it many times before but this time somethings different she saw the anger on Beelzebubs eyes his teeth beared she wasnt gonna be able to calm him this time "what are people gonna do when a god dies" Nedel aske. Before anyone could react beelzebub hit void with his claws
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