chapter 1

"I promise to live forever by your side" Theo dreamt about his friend Fred. He promised Fred, and never wants to break the promise. It was made when they were 6 and he loves his friend Fred. So the promise will live forever

Theo is a tan black-haired boy with a few freckles on his cheeks and nose he has dark brown eyes and he's lower class but his best friend is higher class he is just a human but his fighting skills are amazing he has senses better than any human.

As  he rose from his slumber he rubbed his eyes "fuck I feel like I was hit by a brick" he said as he stretched and got out of bed. Quickly going to his kitchen and grabbing an apple "that'll do" he said as he went back to his room to change into clean clothes humming as he got dressed and went into a wooden chest that sat at the end of his bed he opened the chest slowly and took out a leather shoulder piece and wrist braces he quickly put them on and finished his apple "today maybe just maybe I can see Fred with no trouble" he said before he left.

Theos parents were sent to help in war it's been 2 months now he's a little worried but he can't give up yet

Theo ran through the town and into some woods to the back of his friend's house. He can't go the normal way because his friend's way higher class than him. So they snuck through the back garden and used the decorative tree near his friend's window to climb up. He tapped the window a few times "open the window before I fall" no one answered usually Fred answers then quickly opens the window.

Fred is a lanky boy with light silver hair and red eyes skin as white as snow he has a small scar on the left half of his face right on his jaw line he was born into a high class family and he loves hanging out with his Friends Theo and Luke.

Theo waited a moment then opened the window and climbed inside "Fred?" He searched everywhere without being seen or so he thought when he went into Freds bed chambers again and hid a little scared of where Fred was. 

Before he could react a guard entered and theo wasn't hidden at all he felt hidden even if he wasn't.

He was sitting on freds bed. He saw the guard and froze.

 "i-i-i can explain!!!" theo spoke in a quiet voice but the guard didn't listen, he just dragged theo to Fred and his father. 

The moment theo saw Fred his eyes lit up and he had a cheesy smile Fred saw him being dragged by a guard and was enraged "LET GO OF HIM THIS INSTANT!!!!!!" He yelled out before his father could say anything.

 Theo ran and hid behind Fred "best friend save?" Theo said well, nervous Fred smiled and nodded not caring what people thought he hugged theo and laughed with childish joy. 

"Lord ward your son he-" sir Philip tried to comment on them but fred's father stopped him "DON'T MENTION MY SON OR HIS FRIENDS" lord ward spoke deeply with a glimpse of anger in his eyes theo tried to not laugh but couldn't help it he laughed to the point he fell over.

Fred ended up laughing at the both of them trying to catch their breath but failing. 

Lord ward looked over at his son and smiled "sir Philip you may leave" he said not even looking at sir Philip "YOU CAN NOT DO THIS" sir Philip chimed in his face started to get red with anger Theo looked at him and pointed it out to the "you look like a freshly picked tomato" the said well laughing "or autumn leaves" Fred said "leave sir Philip we will talk another time" lord ward spoke in a tone of anger.

 Fred looked at him and saw a man worthy of power Fred saw and flicked theo "sir Philip I humbly want you to leave" Fred said with a stupidly big smile.

Theo messed up his friend's hair and laughed a little "if it wasn't for your clothes you'd look as the low class as me" they said as he laughed "spooky low-class oooooh" Fred replied before laughing his head off sir Philip left and theo took Fred on an 'adventure' to the woods behind the village that theo lives in

All the kids are told never to go into the woods but they never understood why it was just some woods "this way" theo gleamed as he spoke Fred followed confused they trailed him along to a large tree.

"THE BIGGEST TREE IN THIS ENTIRE FOREST!!" Theo yelled with joy Fred loved seeing him happy "maybe a monster made it this big with magic" Fred joked and laughed a little "Nah monsters aren't real but if they were I'd fight them and be a monster hunter" they said with a smile "your seeping confidence at this point" Fred said making fun of them in a friendly manner.

Theo looked at him and spoke in a giddy tone "you're my best friend" Fred looked at him laughing "I'm your only friend theo" Fred gave them a cheesy smile "hey I have friends" they said acting all defended "sure thing.

What're their names" Fred replied, trying to hold a straight face.'' 

"Toby is his name" they exclaimed joyfully "wait the boy who is like a crow always picking up shiny items?" Fred said mystified "well yes but he's so cool to hang out with" the stated as he climbed up the tree "Fred climb up" theo spoke in a song like a tune a tone that made Fred feel like he was floating thru clouds or wrapped in warm blankets on a cold winter evening theos voice gave him comfort. 

"I'm coming" Fred yelled as he climbed the tree. 

Fred suddenly fell he hit the ground hard a thud noise was heard and no noise from him theo got worried and quickly went down but the sight he saw when he got down and looked at Fred will never leave his mind, he saw his friend bleeding out he quickly ran to Fred's side and picked him up "please be ok Fred please" they spoke frantically on the verge of tears.

When he made it to his friend's house blood was all over Fred and him. 

Lord ward saw Fred and got worried he ordered a servant to take Fred to his room and call the doctor.

Theo was crying and looking at the blood on his hands "f-Fred I'm s-sorry" they managed to get out only those few words before he broke down in tears lord ward patted theos back "it's an okay kid but I need to know what happened" lord ward was speaking in a calm comforting tone, it made them think of a friends voice "well were climbing a tree and Fred lost his grip and hit his head on a rock" Theo managed to speak without crying but he felt like he hurt Fred "you look exhausted you should rest you can in the guest room please follow millie she will show you the way" lord ward spoke as he watched millie trail Theo who is still carrying Fred he won't let him go as they went into the room Theo looked around then he spotted a bed "sleep here when fred rises a maiden will come to get you" Millie spoke as she gestured to the bed then she turned on her heel and left.

Theo didn't even look around he went out to Freds bed chamber and saw him wrapped in bandage asleep theo went straight to the bed and went to Fred.

He laid next to him then slid under the covers he cuddled into a Fred still worried that he hurt him then he slowly drifted off to sleep.

When Theo woke 3 hours later he saw fred wasn't there he was scared but didn't wanna leave bed he hid under the covers and fell asleep again then later he woke up to see

Fred sitting next to him "FRED!" Theo spoke in a tone of joy and love Fred smiled "your words are like music" Fred hugged them as he spoke.

Theos face had a light pink blush powdered on from cheekbone to cheekbone across the nose a thin line of blush powdered on got slightly stronger.

"At least you didn't die," theo said well, laughing "maybe I just wanted to die in my home" fred spoke before falling backwards and laughing pretending to die.

"Oh not fred not my fred he's dead oh no" theo made a noise like a spray bottle that was almost empty it was him laughing at Fred. 

Fred has a thin light pink dusting across his nose and under his eyes "maybe I'll just die right now," Fred said then made a noise sorta like 'blah' they chuckled "you're gonna one day be a king ruling over the entire kingdom!" Theo said with amazement "ya but you'll be ruling it right by my side" fred smiled innocently as he uttered those words "you asking me to be your queen?" Theo laughed out "ya you wanna be my queen?" Fred proposed, theo was baffled by that "the male queen is that even allowed?" Theo said almost silently "well when I'm king" Fred spoke joyfully. 

Theo looked at Fred with a smile as he laid on the bed and clung to fred "are you tired?" Fred said with a look of a caring mother theo cringed at it and wanted to speak but nothing came out. 

Fred smiled and lay next to the one who was half asleep.

 twenty minutes go by and they were both asleep as they slept theo cuddled into fred holding onto him

4 hours later

Fred woke up to see a guard watching over him and theo

The guard spoke in a rough tone "young master why is this person asleep holding you?" Theo woke up from his speaking and he looks at the guard "hello sir" theo spoke in a tired tone still half asleep.

Fred looked at the guard "ill guess my father wants me to see him?" Fred laughed "no the young master wants you" the guard replied "ok ill go to the matcha gremlin" fred laughed out as a got up helping them up as well. 

Theo laughed "the matcha gremlin? You mean you little brother" theo chuckled as he spoke 

They left Freds bed chambers and went to his brother 

"so you called for me?" Fred spoke in a questioning yet calming tone but as theo listened he felt his heart flutter "dad went to see Liam again so can you play with me" colt said with an innocent gleam in his eyes and a dorky big smile.

"All right cole," fred said with a chuckle and played hide and seek with his brother; they also joined in laughing and having fun genuine child-like fun the kind of fun that made you smile for hours as a kid and made you want the day to never end and made you want to keep playing forever and ever. 

A week passed and they kept watching cole as the war kept getting worse the celestial kings were relentless

"Hey fred. Remember when we were kids and I snuck you into the village" theo chimed

"How can I forget my dad was so mad" fred was laughing thru his words

"You also were scared of fake dragons" they laughed hard enough he was wheezing fred looked at them and laughed at his laugh "hey what if dragons do exist you have no proof they don't" 

"I they don't cause magic and stuff isn't real" theo spoke loudly accidentally 

"BUT IT IS REAL I- I've seen a dragon!!" Fred laughed as he spoke and smiled 

"Show me proof then" theo laughed thinking he won

"Ok. Follow me theo" fred spit out as he grabbed the hand and then ran into the woods.

Theo looked around confused then stopped shocked "W-WHAT IS THAT FRED!!" Theo yelled he was scared and is shaking 

"Calm down Theo, thats a dragon told you they're real OH! And his name is luke" 

Fred spoke like a happy child

"FRED!!" Luke tackled Fred down with a hug

"Luke!?" Fred spoke shocked that he was.

Luke has a dirty blond hair and dark skin with sea-foam green eyes and shark fangs he has small wings with soft feather he has a fluffy tail that is a darker colour then his eyes and a light blue the same as his wings he has small horns poking past his fully messy hair and pointy elf like ears he's taller then Theo but not Fred

 Tackled as his brain took a moment to understand what happened Luke eagerly hugged Fred with a dumb smile that made him look like a toddler on their first halloween or a kid who got the toy they wanted for their birthday.

"It's been so long" Luke spoke with a jokingly annoyed tone he could never be mad at Fred he took a liking to him "hey i have training and all i wanna do is venture out and find more creatures like you"

Fred never seemed to be afraid of Luke Theo thought quietly as he watched them laugh and talk he was scared tho it was a dragon he wanted to hide in Fred's arms like a toddler who had a bad dream he looked down at his hands he was shaking and started to cry slightly Fred looked over at him and chuckled slightly he moved Luke and got up then hugged Theo "Theo what's wrong??" Fred spoke in a calm tone, a tone that a mother would speak in "i-i- scary-.... Dragon..." Theo was sniffling through his words as tears beaded up under his eyes then streamed down his cheeks to his chin and dripped down to the ground "hey it's ok you're safe. Theo i promise '' Fred kept the soft tune and hugged Theo he rubbed his back to help calm him down.

Theo hugged Fred he didn't let go when Fred and Luke started talking Fred picked Theo up and held him as he and Luke walked through the woods "Theo you feel better?" Luke spoke with a tune sweet enough it can make your teeth hurt

Theo replied with the sound of a cat he didn't know how he did "what was that?" Fred laughed out "i think he's ok" Luke laughed out "no laughing" Theo spoke like a angry toddler Luke chuckled as Theo spoke he walked with Fred to his house Luke has been to his house a lot he thinks Fred's house has a warm feeling it makes him feel safe but he always feels safe around Fred ''Fred is he a real dragon?" Theo spoke still scared and clinging to Fred ''yes, he's a real dragon but he's really sweet" Fred said in a calm voice to keep Theo from crying as he was falling asleep in Fred's arms

Later at 6 pm 

Theo woke in Fred's bed he was confused and looked around but got scared once he noticed he couldn't see Fred or Luke Theo slowly crawled off the but when his toes touched the cold floor he jumped back onto the bed for a moment but his fear of being alone was stronger so he quickly hopped off the bed and sprinted thru the door but then he realised he has no idea where Fred would be "Fred!...." Theo called out as he walked down a hall looking into each room "FRED!!!" He started to yell out when he couldn't find Fred and searched the entire second floor.

Theo ran down the stairs tripping a lot as he ran around the main floor "FRED!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!!" Theo cried out well.

 He ran from room to room before he went into the living room and laid behind a chair curled in a ball well crying "Fred please come back...." Theo cried before he fell asleep again.

When he woke up Fred was next to him looking worried and he was in the bedroom "hey, Theo you ok you were crying in your sleep" Fred spoke in a very worried voice "i- you.. Missing gone no one...." In a quiet voice Theo spoke as he played with Fred's hand bending his fingers one by one making a fist then making Fred's finger release from a fist and go flat " bad dream?" Luke asked, then Theo looked at him and nodded. Luke chuckled slightly "you're like a child" he exclaimed "I AM NOT!!!" Theo spoke with an angry tone he was shocked and annoyed that Luke said he was like a child he couldn't believe it he kept thinking to himself of how he isn't a child.

Theo looked at Luke and laughed "you're a dork" he said to Luke as he punches Luke's arm lightly look laughed at Theo "if im a dork then you're a child" Luke exclaimed with a stupid grin.

Theo hit Luke's arm lightly "you're s..o stupid" Theo yawned Fred looked at Theo and laughed "how are you always tired" he laughed out "shut up im not always tired i just very much like sleep"  Theo spoke in a child type voice as a joke "well we're in Freds room well bed to be exact so sleep if you're tired" Luke spoke in a sweet tune Theo looked at Luke with a tired look that makes it seem like he hasn't slept in weeks or months "have you stayed up late reading again?" Fred asked "what!?!  I would never! Nope not me" Theo replied he was such a bad lier he and he knew it yet still tried to lie about it Luke laughed "both of you are so stupid.

 Now Theo, Fred both of you sleep you guys seem exhausted '' Luke made Fred and Theo lay down as he spoke and he laid next to them "you're stupid" Fred spoke as he started to fall asleep. 

Later that day Fred woke up to see Luke and Theo talking "what you guys chatting about?" He asked "oh if the war gets worse we're gonna fight and kill all the celestial kings to stop it" Theo replied "well count me in to stop them"

-4 Months passed by without any problem until one day the village was attacked, fire spread through the trees and from house to house. shops were burnt and robbed-

Fred packed a bag with food, water and a small blanket he packed enough food and water to feed an entire family he wanted to make sure Luke, Theo and himself were not gonna die. 

Luke grabbed a few daggers and gave a bow to Fred and a sword to Theo "Will we be ok? I know we're gonna go through the woods to another village and keep going to see what we find but will we be ok?" Theo spoke timidly "we'll be ok" Fred spoke happily as he slipped the bag onto his back and picked up the sword "let's head out then" Luke spoke happily the three of them walked out the door and started running to the woods as fast as they can Luke being the fastest as he's a dragon then barely a inch behind him was Fred he was running far to fast for a human Theo was quite a bit behind them but he kept running once they all made it a little into the woods they stopped running then Luke looked over at Fred "how did you run so fast that was inhumanly quick" Luke spoke with a smile and laughter "Hey! I'm fast to we're all fast!" Theo yelled out he was fast for a human "lets just keep going and Theo you are fast" Fred spoke in a calm tune kinda in a singing tone but slightly calmer "LETS GOO" Theo and Luke yelled out as they ran deeper into the woods "BE CAREFUL" Fred yelled at them "WE WI-.. OW!!" Theo started to yell back but ended up falling into a small dried up river bed "LUKE FRED HELP PLEASE!" Theo called out even if it was a small river bed he still wasn't able to climb out the sides were too steep Luke walked over and looked down at Theo "and how exactly did this happen?" Luke raised an eyebrow as he spoke.

Fred ran over as fast as he could "Theo you ok?" He was worried that Theo got badly injured or was bleeding "im fine just can't climb out the sides are to steep" Theo was looking around for anything to help himself climb out "i have a idea" Luke spoke excitedly he ran into the forest and returned with a long stick that wasn't that sturdy but he was hoping it would work to get Theo out "ok Theo when i lower this grab it me and Fred will pull you up" Luke spoke quickly then lowered the branch 

Fred held the branch with Luke when Theo grabbed onto it Fred got worried he noticed the branch was splintering slightly "ok Luke quickly pulled him up" Fred spoke in a scared and worried voice as Luke started to pull Theo up he heard a crack from the branch and got scared cause the branch snapped.

Luckily Fred grabbed Theos hand and pulled him up "thank you so much Fred'' Theo smile was so big he has never been that happy "lets keep going guys" Luke spoke as he walked over the dried up river on a fallen log Theo laughed cause Luke looked like he was gonna fall "you heard him Theo let's keep moving" Fred said before he ran across the log as Theo was in tow quickly following "maybe we can make it to the new village by sunset" Luke spoke gleefully "we probably won't but at most it will take 2 moons" Fred spoke with a voice that made him sound like a adult Theo laughed as he thought on how Fred would look as a adult "Fred would probably have longer hair and be really pretty" He thought out loud in the distance Fred saw a figure it looked human ish but he could tell something was off "Luke is that guy over there weird?" Fred spoke as he pointed at the figure.

Luke looked over and was stunned to see a figure unsteadily walking towards them "Theo Fred i don't have a good feeling about that guy" he spoke in a worried tone "what do we do" Theo said and took a few steps towards the figure who started to speed up in its movements "should we run?" Fred asked Luke opened his mouth to answer but before anything could come out Theo took out a sword and stood in front of Fred and Luke as the figure ran towards the three of them Theo pushed Luke unto a small cave made from fallen logs and handed Fred his bag and shoved him in then ran to the figure the figure grabbed him and spoke in a sweet voice but also deep and rough "i am Krone one of the many demon kings" Theo thought he was gonna die but Luke ran over with two dagger made from a giant geckos teeth Luke cut off the arm that was holding  Theo Krone yelled in pain as his blood was flowing from his arm "i'm a celestial being kid" Suddenly an arrow came flaring through the air and hit directly in Krones right eye.

Fred ran to another spot hoping to stay hidden but Krone had them other demons working for him and they grabbed Fred taking him to Krone who then left a 'X' on Freds back with cuts as Fred screamed in-pain Krone swiped a bit if the blood Fred was dripping and Krone tasted his blood then reacted with a off face of joy and annoyance "your blood taste of a demon its nasty" Fred coughed up blood then he blacked out Theo saw Fred black out and he started to fight again "FRED WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" Theo cut Krones other arm off then stabbed his right lung Krone gave this weak stare at Theo as he fought to breath with blood flowing from his mouth as he coughed from the pool of blood in his lungs making him unable to breath with his last bit of strength he threw Fred at a tree "FRED!!" Luke screamed as he hurried towards Fred who was slumped in on himself against a tree blood now trailing his face from a large cut on his forehead. 

"KEEP HIM SAFE!!" Theo ordered Luke as he stabbed Krones heart he watched the life leave his eyes Theo grabbed a necklace Krone was wearing it held a small gem as red at a freshly picked rose he ran to Fred "i'm so sorry you guys got hurt" Theo spoke softly as he pocketed the necklace and pick up Fred "hey its not your fault now let's find a village or a place to camp out to help Fred heal" as Luke spoke Theo felt his guard lower they walked thru the forest again every once in awhile switch who's carrying Fred "ok so Luke you're a dragon?" Theo had a curious look as he looked up at Luke and asked "well ya- HEY LOOK A VILLAGE!!" Luke yelled loudly his eyes shined as bright as a lantern that stands outside a village walls "come on maybe there's a doctor or anyplace we can stay" Theo spoke in such a happy voice he was thinking that they could get Fred help Luke ran towards the village with Fred in his arms Theo ran after Luke with a stupid grin "HE CAN GET HIM HELP!" Theo yelled out with joy when they got to the village border Luke stopped quickly staying steady so he doesn't drop Fred but Theo on the other hand couldn't stop and fell it hurt but who cares as he look at the large wall sounding the village he got up and took Fred "let's find the doctor" Luke nodded as Theo spoke then they walked into the village a school was immediately on their right with children on a playground outside it some boys were on a skip rope and some girls on the monkey bars children played tag a bunch had dirt on them Theo looked at them before snapping out of his thoughts when he saw a woman he ran over "ma'am sorry to bother you but do you know where the doctor is'' Theo spoke with a song like tune "oh uh- hi i can show you. oh! And my name's Nedel" she spoke sweetly before turning and taking them to the doctor when they arrived Luke ran into the building "please help my friend" before he even finished speaking a man took Fred to another room. Theo talked to Nedel on how Fred was injured "the celestial kings are such horrid things they destroyed my home town and most of my family farm was destroyed" Nedel spoke Theo chuckled "sorry! I sometimes speak too much.'' Nedel spoke fast but Theo didn't care, "Are you any good with weapons?" He asked as she looked him in the eyes and smiled "I can use a scythe" when she said that Theos eyes light up "wanna help me and my friends the celestial kings?" His eyes shined

 bright as he spoke 

Nedel is a strong girl with long green hair and pale skin with golden eyes and a small scar over her nose 

"Oh- uhh.. Well i would love to but you see my younger brother i need to keep him safe" Nedel spoke with a timid voice

"Oh that's understandable well if you wanna join tell us" as theo spoke a small boy came running up and he hugged Nedel "oh hey thorn" Nedel signed to the small boy "Nedel i did it i hit all the targets with my flame spell" he spoke with a giant smile full of pride and innocence.

Thorn is a small boy with messy green hair and yellow stripes scattered around his hair he has golden eyes like his sister he has lighter spects on his fair yet slightly tan skin

"Good job. maybe you can help me hunt sometime" Nedel replied with a smile thorn turned around and looked at Theo "who are you?" The kid spoke with a soft but a little squeaky voice obviously trying to sound scary.

"My names Theo me and my two friends are gonna kill the celestial kings" when theo spoke thorns eyes widened "sis can we help them we have a magical pet come on pleaseee" thorn begged his sister she looked down at him with a smile and laughed then she looked at theo "well Thorn you can't hear how will we fight" Nedel sighed as she spoke to the determined boy

"I can hear i just cant process sound but i can sense people around me since sis if you forgot we aren't human" thorn spoke in a stubborn tone Nedel look at him and sighed "theo still want me and my brother to fight by your side" Nedel asked with a smile and theo was over joy "ok well both of you what weapons do you use?" He asked looking at the small boy "i use magic and i have beelzebub my pet he's a vulpes'' the boy spoke with a giant grin Theo went to say something else but Luke walked to him "Freds awake" he spoke to Theo with tears flowing down his cheeks to his chin and bead up till it drips to the ground "i'll be back Nedel and Thorn" Theo spoke quickly as he ran inside the hospital and went to a person at a desk "do you know what room Fred ward is in" he asked sounding out of breath as he holds back tears the women at the desk spoke to him in a nice tone "room 105" she responded and Theo ran straight to Fred's room he opened the door not bothering to knock "Fred!" He said tears started to fall down his face "im aliiiiiivveeeee" Fred laughed "SHUT UP YOU COULD HAVE DIED I WAS WORRIED YOU IDIOT!!!" Theo sounded like he was mad at Fred but he wasnt not even close he was scared terrified even "hey no one can kill me i need to outlive the guards back home"  Fred spoke with a stupid smile as he spoke Luke walked im with Nedel and thorn "so from what i understand Theo these two our joining us?" He spoke with a chuckle "yep" theo replied "ok well if your joining us tell me more about yourself" fred said to Thorn as fred spoke word for word what he said "im thorn. Oh! And I use magic and have vulpes as a pet" thorn spoke with so much energy and joy "my name is Nedel. This is my younger brother i helped your friends get you to the hospital and me and my brother are bone eaters" she spoke with a smile and joy in her eyes. "hello. Thorn im Fred" Fred spoke to the small boy "your names cool" Thorn replied "thanks kiddo. 

Well you're so talented you can use magic with almost no hearing" Fred told thorn.

Nedel smiled as a silence flowed thru the room then Luke sneezed and a small flame came from his mouth "fuck." he laughing "that's a way to break silence" Theo spoke "btw the doctor said i can leave at anytime since the injuries weren't too severe so we can head out and find more celestial kings" Fred spoke Theo smiled at Fred speaking "your such a idiot Fred.

 Luke keep an eye on him" Theo spoke in a soft voice with a laugh the doctor walked in and after an hour Fred was discharged he grabbed his bow with a laugh "let's get to killing celestial kings" he looked at Nedel and thorn "let's fight em" thorn spoke with a voice sweet enough to rot your teeth. 

They left for their adventure before the sun lowered and the moon started to rise. They set up camp under a large tree with pink leaves and the bark felt as smooth and silk the scent the sap had was crisper than a cold winter night. 

Theo looked at his new friends and his old ones then at the fire sitting around he talked in a confident voice "dandelion deaths day by day as our group makes its way to kill the celestial gods" he looked at their small fire as he spoke. Luke laughed out "did you just steal part of a line from a children's book" he asked in a mocking way "you guys also know the dandelions sky?" Nedel asked "ya i loved it when i was little" theo replied.

"A dandelion growing from the ground hoping to fly as night comes close its sure to die.

It fell asleep but when it roused it saw the ground growing small as it flew to the sky a castle appeared.

 The celestial god to flowers took it away to let it fly all day and night. A dandelion deaths by day as the kings help you survive and thrive" Fred said when he finished saying the entire story he looked and saw everyone looking at him in shock "what?" He asked calmly almost innocently theo and Luke asked him in unisen "you memorized it?!?!" Fred covered his ears quickly as they did speak a little to loud for him being right next to them Theo noticed and spoke quietly then hugged Fred "how and why did you memorized that kids story?" Luke asked before he put his arm around Fred holding him close. 

Fred looked between them a few times before he spoke "well- it was Theos favorite story when we were little" Theo looked at him shocked then smiled and hugged Fred again. Fred liked the hug he buried his face in Theos shoulder he was comfy and felt safe "hey Fred if you dont mind me asking where are your parents" Nedel asked as she put small blanket on Thorn who fell asleep. Fred looked up at her and froze for a moment "well a war broke out my mom and dad went to fight in it. My little brother is hidden in a bunker with my aunt, uncle, and cousins" he replied before he yawned and laid his head on Theos shoulder again. "We all should rest" Luke stated and Nedel nodded in agreement as theo gave a thumbs up Nedel layed next to the fire holding thorn as she was slowly drifting off she stared into the fire as her eyelids got heavy and her mind went blank as she felt herself falling asleep. Luke watched her sleep for a second before putting more wood in the fire. He looked at Theo and Fred as he spoke "you two need to sleep" he laughed quietly "fine. Dork" Fred replied "i don't wanna" theo replied "sleep come on we have to keep going at sunrise" Luke told him as he held Fred who is falling asleep "fine i'll sleep" Theo spoke well looking down like a upset child Luke held both of them watching them fall asleep then feeling their heartbeats and chest raising and lowering as they peacefully drifted to sleep as he laid there he felt his eyes grow heavy and it being almost impossible to keep his eyes open as he fell asleep his bind went blank he felt like he was floating thru space and time in a void of nothing and everything.

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