Out back to the outback

We look to see Vampire Rock, we see a man with blonde hair and a middle-aged obese man on stage.

Russell: The rules of the contest are very simple. It's for unsigned bands, no one can enter more than once. And as I've told you again and again, each contestant only gets three minutes.

Jasper: But the Bad Omens' best song lasts five.

Russell: Daniel and I have set the rules, and rules are rules, Jasper.

Jasper: Can't you bend the rules a little? Especially for such an upstanding group of young people?

He pointed at the stage as the bad omens were there.

He pointed at the stage as we saw two men and a girl as their band called the Bad Omens were there.

King: This better be important. I've got things to pierce.

Jack: I'm trying to find a new shade of eyeliner.

He started to put on eyeliner under his right eyebrow while Queen was seen blowing a bubble from bubble gum which pops on her face.

Russell: You were saying?

Jasper: Come on, Russell, now that Matt Marvelous is gone... It's obvious the Bad Omens are the best in the contest. Why not just declare us the winner now?

King: Yeah, obviously.

Russell: Jasper, get out of my face or the Bad Omens won't perform at all.

Jasper: You're making a big mistake, Russell. I didn't have to come back here. Especially after what happened to Wildwind last year. (Puts up a poster) But I am back. And I intend to have my group win this time.

Russell: I'm warning you.

Jasper: (scoffs) Let's get out of here.

Then Jasper and the bad omens got on a golf cart as they drove off as Russell turned to see Daniel.

Russell: How much of that did you hear, partner?

Daniel: Enough. Jasper's never going to get over what happened to Wildwind.

They turned to see a wildwind poster which consists of three people named Dark Skull, Stormy Weathers and Lightning Strikes.

Daniel: I can't believe it's been almost a year since they disappeared.

Russell: From what you said about last night, it sounds like they're making a comeback. Maybe it's true what they say.

Daniel: About Wildwind being turned into vampires? Come on, that's just a local myth.

Russell: What do you think happened to Matt Marvelous then? You saw the vampires with your own two eyes.

Daniel: I don't know what I saw, Russell.

Russell: Well, the crew looked all over Vampire Rock. There's no sign of Matt or your vampires.

Daniel: Maybe my grandfather was right. Maybe we should postpone the festival.

Russell: No way. We've both worked too hard to quit now, Daniel.

Daniel: You're right. And the show must go on. (He puts his hand on Russell's shoulder and up at Vampire Rock) This kidnapping makes me nervous, Russell. Very nervous.

Back with the Omni Squad we see them in the Mystery Machine as they were driving through the road as we see Ashton tuning his new guitar and started strumming a tune

Ashton: Ok let's see if I can remember how to do this.

Ashton then started to play his guitar as he began to play a tune as the others looked to see Ashton playing the guitar as he was playing the guitar very well.


Daphne: Ashton's pretty good.

Dimitri: Yeah, especially playing Big Green's main theme song.

Urbosa: Who is this Big Green?

Dimitri: The Incredible Hulk, he's a superhero that people in the modern world know.

Urbosa: What are his abilities?

Dimitri: Well before he was Hulk, he was a man named Bruce Banner who happened to be a scientist but, in an accident, he got dosed with a large amount of lethal radiation, but he survived though whenever Bruce gets angry a part of his mind takes over and his body changes into a gigantic, muscled monster with strength incalculable and fury unmatched.

Urbosa: What do you mean by part of him?

Dimitri: When he was a kid his father saw him as some kind of monster, due to having an abusive father he had developed a secondary personality to cope and that personality later became the Hulk.

Urbosa: I see, that had to have been a very tragic past for him.

Dimitri: It was, despite Hulk's fury and rage he is a member of the avengers, a team of superheroes who protect people around the world.

Urbosa: So, the modern world does have protectors.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Ashton: The Avengers aren't the only heroes. There's also the fantastic four and the x-men.

Dimitri: As well as other kinds of heroes like the Justice League.

Ashton: Yeah. But I think we should check out the outback to see what's out there.

Here we see the others as they were all having a picnic as they got ready to eat as Scooby wanted Daphne to give him some Scooby snacks as she threw them as he had his mouth opened and then a bird came and caught them and flew away with them as everyone all laughed at that and Scooby looked to see the bird eat the Scooby snacks as Scooby looked upset that it ate his snacks. Next we see next we see a kangaroo as Shaggy was riding it as Velma took a picture of it as we see Scooby in a kangaroo's pouch as he was riding it and then he was thrown out of the pouch as a joey came out and look to see Scooby was holding on to shaggy as he was covering Shaggy's eyes as the joey laughed at that and then we see the Omni Squad playing football as fred gave Velma the ball and then passed it to Daphne and then to Ashton and then he threw it to Shaggy as he caught it and threw it to Scooby as he tried to catch it but didn't as he went to get it as he saw it was on a snake as it came to him and then used its tail and threw the ball at Scooby as it sent him to two trees. Next we see two lynxes drinking water from a pond and then all the water was gone as we see Scooby had drank it all with a straw as the lynxes got angry and then chased Scooby as he ran from them but they stopped as Velma took a picture of them. Then the lynxes started to chase Scooby again. Next we see the group at a gas station we see shaggy was looking at a lizard as it stick it's tongue out as Shaggy stuck his tongue out and then the lizard got out it's frill scaring shaggy as he was in Scooby's arms as the others laughed at that. Next we see shaggy and Scooby as they were in Australian clothes as they looked through binoculars as they saw a bird coming to them as it looked mad as it chased Scooby and Shaggy and then the bird looked around confused of where'd Scooby and Shaggy went and left as it revealed that they stuck their heads in the ground like ostriches as they got their heads out and saw the bird was gone and they shook hands as you and the others laughed at them. Then we see the mystery machine continue to drive through the road as they see a sign reading "Vampire Rock 20 KM"

Fred: Just a few more miles, I mean kilometers. Anyway, we're almost there.

Ashton: You guys smell that? It's the smell of opportunity and adventure!

Dimitri: Yeah.

Urbosa: But what about Vampire Rock?

Dimitri: The locals call it that because they believe the Yowie Yahoo lives there.

Zelda: The Yowie Yahoo?

Ashton: An ancient Australian vampire.

Shaggy: Zoinks! There are Australian vampires too?!

Ashton: Maybe. Who knows. Anyway, it says here the Yowie Yahoo can make humans into vampires and get this the more victims he commands the greater his power becomes.

Dimitri then showed his phone to the others as it had a photo of a large white vampire coming out a cloud of white smoke.

Shaggy: Like, next time I agree to go to a place that's named after a vampire, I want you to do me a favor Scoob.

Scooby: What?

Shaggy: Like, Talk me out of it!

Dimitri: It's only a legend guys. We don't know if there are really any vampires.

We then see the mystery machine as it stopped in front of Vampire Rock

Ashton: It even looks like a vampire. (Chuckles to himself)

Daphne: Wow.

Hana: It's spectacular.

Dimitri: We should head to the music festival.

Ashton: Just need to get my guitar and-

Then strumming was heard as they all hear it and find it coming from the back of the mystery machine as they walked to it and see it open as they looked to see Link holding Ashton's guitar as he was seen strumming a tune as Dimitri heard it as Link finished and sees the others looking at him.


Dimitri: Wow, he's a fast learner.

Ashton: Hey Link, think you can put my guitar down gently please.

Link nodded at Ashton as he placed the guitar down as Ashton picked it up.

Dimitri: Hey Ash, there was something about that tune Link just played.

Ashton: What's that?

Dimitri: Sounded like my brother's theme from the first movie they made about him.

Ashton: Still a bop to this day.

Urbosa: Bop?

Dimitri: It means a song that stands the test of time and is still fantastic.

Ashton: Anyway, let's find the festival and check out what it has to offer.

Dimitri: Right.

We see the others walking through a path as Scooby heard a noise and turned to see in the bushes were a pair of large red eyes

Ashton: You heard that too Scooby?

Scooby: Uh huh.

Dimitri: Hear what?

Scooby pointed at the bushes but they looked to see that the red eyes were gone.

Ashton: The eyes are gone.

Dimitri: Nice try guys you really had me going there.

Ashton and Scooby looked again and saw smoke coming and the eyes reappearing as they tapped both Shaggy and Dimitri.

Shaggy: What is it now?

They turned and out of the trees burst the Yowie Yahoo as they then freaked out seeing it and ran past the others.

Dimitri: It's the Yowie Yahoo!

Ashton: Run for your lives!

The others looked into the trees and saw only nothing.

Daphne: Come on you guys.

Urbosa: We are not in the mood for games.

Ashton: But we really saw it! Show them Scooby!

Scooby: Rhea.

Dimitri: It was in the trees.

Velma: I already told you guys there's no such thing as a vampire.

Then a noise was heard.

Shaggy: Then what's making all that noise?

Fred: Whatever it is, it's moving closer.

Then the noise started to get louder and louder.

Daphne: Well, do something, Freddie.

Fred shined a light at the bushes as they all looked to see red eyes as we see dingo dogs come as they howl at the vampire, The dingos kept on howling and growl at the red eyes until they're gone, and the dingos left, then Daphne heard music.

Daphne: Hey, do you guys hear that?

Fred: Come on, gang. There must be somebody else around here.

We see them going to where the music came from as they see a stage.

Fred: This way.

They then went to the stage and saw Then we see three girls playing music as it was the Hex Girls playing "I'm a Hex Girl"

Daphne: Hey, it's the Hex Girls!

She started to groove along to the music.

Shaggy: I knew those tunes sound so familiar.

The Hex Girls stopped playing as the sound went off and saw the group as they came to them

Thorn: It is you. (Shakes Fred's hand)

Fred: Boy are we glad to see you

Ashton: Dimitri hold my guitar please. (Hands Dimitri his guitar)

Dimitri: Ok.

Ashton then proceeds to faint as he falls back.

Dimitri: And he's out.

Luna: Is he ok?

Dimitri: Oh yeah, he's fine. Just a huge fan. My name's Dimitri and you just met Ashton. We happen to be classmates with the Scooby gang. And we all thought we came to see the festival.

Luna: Cool, we're opening the festival.

Velma: How long have you girls been here?

Luna: A couple of days, why?

Velma: Have you seen anything strange when you arrived?

Luna: Strange?

Thorn: Like what?

Shaggy: Like what? Like, how about big, creepy and like, scary?

We look to see Daniel and Russell walking to the stage.

Daniel: I was wondering why the music stopped.

Russell: We came to make sure you're alright.

Luna: Of course, we're all right.

Dusk: Why wouldn't we be?

Russell: Just checking. Aren't you going to introduce us to your friends?

Thorn: Yeah. Daniel and Russell, these are our friends from America, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy...

Scooby-Doo: And Scooby-Doo.

Daniel: Sorry to interrupt. We're trying to clear up some trouble before the festival starts.

Luna: What's going on?

Russell: The finalists from our unsigned band contest are disappearing.

Daphne: Well, that's not good.

Shaggy and Scooby hide behind the girls.

Shaggy: Like did you say... (Laughs nervously) "disappeared"?

Revali: How?

Daniel : The groups are bailing as quickly as they arrived. They hear that Matt Marvelous has been kidnapped and go from "g'day" to "goodbye".

Fred: Kidnapped? By who?

Shaggy: Like, by maybe, big, creepy, and like, scary.

Malcolm: Vampire.

They all looked to see Malcolm in a jeep.

Malcolm: Daniel I warned you terrible things would happen

He then drove off as Ashton looked at him.

Ashton: Who was that creepy and spooky old man?

Daniel: That was my grandfather, Malcolm Iliwara.

Ashton: Oh, I meant creepy and spooky in a good way.

Daniel: You'll have to forgive him, he's very upset.

Shaggy: Like, I understand. I'm pretty upset myself right now.

Velma: What did your grandfather mean by "terrible things"?

Daniel: The Yowie Yahoo.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Like, you mean the vampire who lives in there? (Points at Vampire Rock)

Daniel: Yeah he and his vampire minions.

Fred: Minions? You mean he has help?

Daniel: Well, so they say. But there's no such thing as vampires.

Russell: Don't you mean rock star vampires? That's Wildwind.

He points at the poster of wild wind.

Luna: I've seen groups like Wildwind in my parents' record collection.

Thorn: Yeah. Check out the makeup and costumes. This poster must be from a long time ago.

Russell: Nope. The members of Wildwind are only a couple of years older than you. Wildwind wanted to bring glam rock back. They did an amazing song at last year's unsigned-band contest. Dark Skull played guitar, Stormy Weathers played bass, and Lightning Strikes was on drums.

Daphne: Wow! So, you saw them perform?

Russell: I sure did. They deserved better than third place.

Ashton: So, what happened to Wildwind?

Russell: After they lost the contest, they went up to Vampire Rock to camp. They were never heard from again.

Dimitri: You mean they disappeared?

Daniel: The locals believe the Yowie Yahoo turned them into vampires.

Zelda: Oh dear.

Shaggy: I'm with the locals, that explains the big, creepy, like, scary......

Jessica: Alright, we get it.

Velma: There's no such thing as vampires, you said it yourself, Daniel.

Russell: Well, maybe not. But Daniel says he saw Matt Marvelous get kidnapped by three vampires who looked like Wildwind.

Daniel: I never actually said, "vampires".

Russell: Do you have a better explanation?

Daniel: Whoever or whatever they were, they were pretty convincing. Now I don't know what to think.

Dimitri: So, when did all this start Daniel?

Daniel: Ever since I was a boy, my grandfather told me the Yowie Yahoo Iived in Vampire Rock. I never believed him. But in the past few months there have been a lot of strange lights and sounds coming from up there. I'd love to find out what's really going on.

Fred: Well, gang, it looks like we have another mystery on our hands.

Shaggy and Scooby started to tip-toed backwards, after they heard Fred.

Russell: A mystery?

Velma: We'll need to investigate this from the inside.

Fred: And the best way to do that is to go undercover as a rock band. If we're lucky, the Wildwind vampires will try to kidnap us next.

Shaggy: I don't want to be that lucky.

Daphne: That's a great idea, Freddie.

Russell: I'm not so sure about this.

Daniel: They may be our only hope.

Russell: I guess it could work. Especially if it keeps my pick to win the contest from getting kidnapped.

Daniel: And who's that?

Russell: Two Skinny Dudes. They haven't shown up yet. I know you've never seen them perform, but trust me, they're the real deal.

Fred: So, what do you say?

Russell: Well, okay. But don't say I didn't warn you.

Shaggy: Scoob and I wouldn't mind sitting this one out.

Scooby: Uh-huh.

Shaggy: Maybe the group should be a trio.

They tried to chicken out, but the Hex Girls pushed them back

Thorn: Come on, you chickens. Luna, Dusk and I will help you look the part.

Luna: Yeah, there's a wardrobe room backstage.

Dusk: This is going to be fun.

Shaggy: I knew coming to a place called Vampire Rock was a bad idea.

Ashton: Hey Daniel how about a bargain?

Daniel: What's that?

Ashton: How about a performance to give you a taste of our talents.

Daniel: I guess I can go for that.

Ashton: Good, come on D, we got to get into costume.

Dimitri: Alright.

Ashton: It'll take a bit of time so sit tight. But trust me it's worth the wait.


We see them leaving as we later see the stage as we see the group on stage as we see them with instruments and begin to play music as we see Ashton and Dimitri as they were dressed in nordic attire as Ashton's outfit resembles Kratos.

Ashton: I feel the aura on the breath of man With time let the fear sink in With no sacrifice what's for your kin? Mercy is a-coming but I'm not your friend Do you know who I am? I'm the god of war Destined blood filling my veins Commanding my power, annihilating the pain I'm the god of war I'm the god of war Horns full of mead As I drink from your bones at best I'm the god of war I'm the god of war Finger on the string and my heart on the bow One by one falling down like snow Armor on the flesh but my blade's in the wound You mock my deity, who says who Do you know who I am? I'm the god of war Destined blood filling my veins Commanding my power, annihilating the pain I'm the god of war I'm the god of war Horns full of mead As I drink from your bones at best I'm the god of war I'm the god of war

We see Ashton as he raises Brokkr in the air as Dimitri raises an arm holding a bow as the others raise their arms up.

Daniel I got to admit that was amazing.

Ashton: Well glad you like it.

Dimitri: And I think we should also try to get into character for a rock band for the plan.

Ashton: See you around.

We see them leave so the others could get into better outfits.


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