Masters of elements

We see the omni squad as they were seen at the Rock Porium playing on the instruments Ashton grabs a mic and brings it up to his mouth.

Ashton: Ooh oh oh oh, ooh oh oh oh Be careful making wishes in the dark Can't be sure when they've hit their mark And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart I'm in the de-details with the devil So now the world can never get me on my level I just got to get you out of the cage I'm a young lovers rage Gonna need a spark to ignite My songs know what you did in the dark So light em up up up, light em up up up Light em up up up, I'm on fire

So light em up up up, light em up up up Light em up up up, I'm on fire Ooh oh oh oh (in the dark-dark) Ooh oh oh oh (in the dark-dark) All the writers keep writing what they write Somewhere another pretty vein just dies I've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see That you're the antidote to everything, except for me A constellation of tears on your lashes

Burn everything you love Then burn the ashes, In the end, everything collides My childhood spat back out the monster that you see My songs know what you did in the dark So light em up up up, light em up up up Light em up up up, I'm on fire So light em up up up, light em up up up

Light em up up up, I'm on fire Ooh oh oh oh (In the dark-dark) Ooh oh oh oh (In the dark-dark)

My songs know what you did in the dark My songs know what you did in the dark So light em up up up, light em up up up Light em up up up, I'm on fire So light em up up up, light em up up up

Light em up up up, I'm on fire Ooh oh oh oh (In the dark-dark) Ooh oh oh oh (In the dark-dark) Ooh oh oh

He then placed the mic down as the others looked at him.

Dimitri: Nice one Ash.

Alex: That was amazing.

Ashton: Thanks.

Ashton's ears then perked as he then looked in a direction.

Ashton: Guys, I think I may have heard something out in the sea. We better check it out.

We see the others leave and we later see them all on the Thousand Sunny as they were seen sailing through the sea as we see Ashton looking around the horizon.

Ashton: The sound came from this area and if I am correct we should head to it just about now.

The others all looked and saw an enormous iceberg floating in the water.

Ruby: Cool.

Dimitri: Literally.

We see the ship coming closer to the iceberg as Ashton looked to see there was a group of people inside it

Ashton: Zoro, give me your swords.

Zoro: Alright.

Zoro handed Ashton his swords and we see Ashton leap to the iceberg as he puts Wado Ichimonji in his mouth

Ashton: ONIGIRI!

Ashton then slashed the iceberg so deeply it exploded to reveal it was hollow the others came and then noticed that a girl with tanned skin was on the ground they came to her as Dimitri placed his fingers on her neck.

Ruby: Is she...

Dimitri: No, she's still alive.

Ashton: They all are. Chopper?

Chopper: Yes?

Ashton: Your opinion?

Chopper: Well by the looks of this they were in some kind of sleep in that iceberg.

We then see the girl as she starts to open her eyes and sees the others and proceeds to punch Dimitri in the face

Dimitri: Gah! (Clutches his face) I think she broke my nose! And teeth!

Korra: Who are you, people?

Dimitri: (While rubbing his nose) None of us mean you no harm. We're friends.

Korra: (Gasps) Naga!

Nami: Naga?

They then see Korra as she ran to a part of the iceberg the others followed her as they see her going to what looked like a dog but is about the size of a polar bear.

Korra: There you are, girl.

Naga then nuzzled against Korra as the others looked at her.

Clover: What is that?

Korra: Naga, she's a polar bear dog.

Vida: A polar bear dog?

Ashton: Fluffy!

Dimitri: Well I don't think you got our names, but I'm Dimitri and you have already met Ashton.

Korra: Korra. (Points at the others) That's Asami, Kuvira, and Lin Beifong.

Dimitri: Well I think we need to tell you some things but not here.

We later see the others in Omni Academy as we see everyone in Ashton's dorm room.

Korra: So what are you trying to tell us?

Ashton: This may come as a shock but you along with your friends were frozen for thousands of


Korra along with Asami, Kuvira, and Lin were all left in shock to hear that news.

Korra: Are you serious?

Dimitri: I hate to say this but he's telling the truth.

Ashton: And we can tell you all have some questions.

Korra: What about the masters of bending fire, earth, water, and air?

Ashton: They're gone I'm afraid. You along with Kuvira and Lin are the last remaining ones.

Korra then looked down in sadness

Ashton: But hey, who knows maybe there are some left out there somewhere in the world.

Dimitri: He's right, and besides you aren't the only ones to be pulled out of your own time.

Ashton: He's right, there's Zelda and the champions and sages.

Dimitri: But we can help you understand the modern world.

Korra looked at them and then smiled.

Korra: Alright. Show us.

Ashton: Gladly.

The group was later seen in town, going to a restaurant. They sat down at a table with a variety of food on it.

Ashton: We figured you would need something to eat after being frozen for years.

Korra looked at the food on the table as she picked up a slice of pizza as she brought it to her mouth and took a bite, she tasted the pizza then her eyes widened.

Korra: This is amazing!

Dimitri: Yeah, we call that pizza. It's one of the foods that people eat at this time.

Korra looked to see Dimitri as he was playing with a handheld device.

Korra: What's that?

Dimitri: It's a Nintendo Switch. Most people use them to play video games which is something we use for fun.

Korra: Oh, well there are some things I want to know about these people you know.

Ashton: What's that?

Korra: Who's the skeleton? (Points at Brook)

Dimitri: That's Brook, he's a member of Luffy's crew who is a musician but has one habit that most girls are very irritated at.

Dimitri: That's Brook, a musician and one of Luffy's crewmates. Most girls find this one habit of his irritating.

Asami: What is it?

Ashton: He asks if they could show him their panties.

Dimitri: It's really getting on my nerves.

Asami: I'll make sure to steer clear of him.

Ashton: Good.

Dimitri: All we should do is try to get you guys enrolled in Omni Academy.

Korra: Omni Academy?

Ashton: It's the school we go to.

Dimitri: Hey Ash, I got something for you.

Ashton: What's that?

Dimitri: Head back to Omni Academy and I'll show you.

Ashton: Alright.

Later the group were seen at Omni Academy in the training room as the others were waiting for Ashton as they see Ashton come out as he was seen wearing an armor which was demonic in appearance and had a hood cloak and was wearing a mask which the eyes glowed green in color as it had some green in the color of the armor as Ashton looked at himself wearing the armor in his reflection.

Ashton: I'm not gonna lie to you dude, this armor is completely badass.

Dimitri: I made it special for you to have a hero look. All you need now is a hero name.

Ashton: Well I actually had something in mind.

Ashton pulls out a tablet.

Ashton: The dead hero: Shinigami.

Dimitri: Not bad, man.

Ashton: Since you decided on your hero name, I'd figure I do mine.

Dimitri: Well I think it suits you Ash.

Ashton: Thanks man.

Dimitri: Anytime man.

Chip: So what is bending?

Ashton: It's a type of ability Korra along with Lin and Kuvira can use. Benders can usually use one of the four elements like earth or water. With the exception of a single person.

Ashton points at Korra

Ashton: That one person is called the Avatar. And the avatar can bend all four elements to their hearts desire. Right now Korra is the only one. In other words it means Korra can control water, earth, fire and air.

Korra: He's right. So what can any of you guys do?

Dimitri: Well I basically have the omnitrix, a powerful device that can let me turn into aliens.

Kuvira: Aliens?

Dimitri: They're creatures that live far beyond planet Earth and each have their own unique strengths and abilities. Some can be very strong, some can be smart, some can be fast and have powers.

Dimitri then used his watch as he transformed into Shinaqua.

Dimitri: See?

Korra: So one of his aliens is a frog?

Robin: More of an extraterrestrial that resembles one, the species for this alien Dimitri became is called an Akuakaerut. I went through research on the ALDB.

Korra: Huh?

Robin: Alien Lifeform Database.

Ashton: Akuakaeruts are from a planet called Mitsurnos and it also says that they have the ability to control and generate water.

Korra: So this kind of aliens are like water benders?

Ashton: If that helps you yeah

Korra: Well I want to see how this guy does in a fight.

Dimitri: Alright, if that's what you want. But for this fight, the gloves are coming off.

Dimitri then turned the badge a bit and then pressed it down as we see the badge produce four spikes and beeps as we then see Shinaqua was engulfed in green light as he became Ultimate Shinaqua while wielding his staff.

Dimitri: Ultimate Shinaqua! (Twirls the staff) Ready?

Korra: (cracks her knuckles) Ready.

We then see Dimitri come at Korra as he swung his staff at her as we see a stone sword clash with it

Kuvira: I would've used a metal one

We then see Korra slash at Dimitri as he dissipated into steam as he appeared behind Korra as he was seen on a nimbus and jabs Korra with his staff at the gut sending her to the wall of the training area as she then got up and came at him doing a drop kick at him sending him to a wall as she leaped at Dimitri to slash him with her stone sword but he then vanished and was heard laughing as Korra turned to see him as he struck her with his staff knocking her down as Dimitri extended his staff to strike Korra with as she used her stone sword to block it but was shattered at impact by the staff Korra then grabbed the staff.

Korra: I am the Avatar!

She then pulled Dimitri towards her as she uppercuts him in the jaw sending him up into the sky as he was then on a cloud as a fireball was seen flying by as Dimitri dodged it and sees Korra throwing fireballs at Dimitri as he then started to jump from cloud to cloud avoiding the balls of fire as he then landed on a nimbus and started to fly around on it as he then started to pull off a few scales and tossed them as they transformed into many clones of Dimitri

Ashton: This is gonna be good

Korra was seen firing fireballs at the many clones coming at her as each clone vanished as it was hit as we see Dimitri flying on his nimbus while a clone was holding onto it as the clone grabbed Dimitir by his tail and then spun him as they launch themselves at Korra transforming into hawks as swooped down at Korra and transformed into snakes constricting her arms as she then broke free from Dimitri and his clone's grip.

Korra: Enough!

Korra then made giant stones and brought them together as she amplified the sound with her air bending creating an extremely loud sound as it made all the clones dissipate as Dimitri was seen coming down while covering his ears.

Dimitring: Agony! Agony!

We then see Dimitri fall down to the ground as he was seen lying down on the ground and then start to laugh in joy as we see Korra coming down and crushing Dimitri's head with a stone club as her eyes then widened to see Dimitri standing up while his head was gone.

Dimitri: I haven't had such fun since I fought almost every villain. Change!

We then see Dimitri surrounded in steam and appeared as a taller version of Ultimate Shinaqua with three heads and six arms as each pair of arms wielded a staff.

Dimitri: Behold me, The Immortal Frog King!

Korra looked at Dimitri in shock seeing him become that form.

Korra: That's new.

Dimitri then started to come at Korra while his extra heads controlled each pair of arms and started to throw swings at Korra with their individual staff as Korra was dodging each swing but started to get overwhelmed as the hits got faster and hit her sending her a few feet as she then made a fireball and threw it at Dimitri hitting him as he changed back as Dimitri leaped into the air as he then brings his staff down towards Korra as we then see it stop for a minute before it grew into gigantic size as Korra was seen crushed underneath the staff as Dimitri was seen at the top sitting down while laughing to himself but then felt his staff began to move as we see underneath Korra was seen making stone pillars to lift the staff.

Korra: Ok, you had your fun, but I had enough!

She then made the pillars rise making the staff go up as Dimitri came down as the staff return to normal size and was seen coming down towards Korra as she and Dimitri came to bring down their weapon/fists closer together only to smash into Ashton's head

Ashton: Ow.

They looked to see the crater Ashton was in as Dimitri changed back and Ashton's hands came out and grabbed both Korra and Dimitri as he stood up.

Ashton: I won't lie guys, that hurt.

Korra: Uh, sorry?

Ashton then brough his arms together and bashed both Dimitri and Korra in the head knocking them out as they fell to the ground, Ashton then dusted his hands off.

Ashton: Sorry about that. So how about we take you to the dorms.

We later see them at the dorms as Korra, Asami, and Lin were seen looking around Ashton's dorm.

Korra: Nice place you got here.

Ashton: Thanks, and you know I can help you along with the others understand this world.

Korra: Really?

Ashton: Yeah, we want you to be a part of it.

Korra: Well thanks, I appreciate it.

The others smiled at her seeing they accepted her as part of their group.


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